Tours and Tolerating

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Aieeeeee is everyone having a nice day?

This is my second chapter for the story, enjoy! 

(Once again, I do not own PJO HOO TOA and all of the Riordanverse stuff.)

Principal Thompson

 "Ah, the new students!" exclaimed Principal Thompson (he would never get used to welcoming new students), "Welcome to your first day of Goode High School!" 

 "Hello!" smiled Piper. (Gosh he had spent three minutes of his precious life memorizing the six names of the new kids like what the-) 

 Leo gave a two finger salute. 

 "So, I think I gave you an overall info about our school, last Saturday. Now it's time to see for yourselves." (thank god he didn't have to give the whole speech all over again) "I have a special someone to do that-Bradley?" he called. 

 Bradley, who had been waiting in front of his office, stepped inside. ('Nice boy,' Principal Thompson thought approvingly)

 "Your the new guys," Bradley grinned, "C'mon, I'll show you around." 

 "Have a great time," Principal Thompson said. 

 Good. Now he could finally get back to playing chess all by himself. 

 And winning. 


 "So those are those are the lockers," Bradley pointed at the -er, lockers (as smart as Jason was, he'd never known the actual definition of lockers; in his defense, they were lockers!) 

 Bradley was a boy with sandy brown hair, freckles, and glasses. He was at least an inch smaller than Jason, his blue eyes not quite matching the rest of his appearance. He looked like a nerd, but the way he stood, confident and all, made him seem like an extrovert; maybe even a jock. 

 Annabeth folded her arms and frowned, "Where's the library?" 

 Bradley ignored her and went on, "That's the water fountain. That's Classroom 205. That's the Girl's bathroom-" 

 "We can see that, thank you very much-"

 "-and that's the Boy's bathroom." 

 Right. Those two had a rough start. The moment the seven of them had stepped out of the Principal's Office, Bradley had made a dumb blonde joke. Annabeth had been (and still was) highly offended by his comment. 

 Ever since then, they were trying to bite each other's head off. 

 "Dude, when are you going to actually show us stuff?" Piper asked, "Like, instead of just standing here and pointing at anything and everything?" 

 Bradley's face reddened, "I was going to. Now." He started to walk away and the six demigods followed him. 

 Hazel murmured something to Frank, who passed it on to Leo, who asked, "Where's the Art Room?" 

 "We're getting to that part," Bradley grumbled. 

 Apparently, the kid didn't like to be bossed around. 

 Jason could practically feel Annabeth's annoyance growing every second. 

 Bradley stopped in front of a door and opened it, "So this is the Art Room." 

 When Frank went in and turned on the lights, Jason was amazed. 

 There were drawings, probably painted by students their age, hanging on the walls. Paint was splattered here and there, as if the room itself was a piece of art. 

Were all Art Classes like this? 

 "This is beautiful," Piper said, and Jason agreed with her. 

 "If I'd been taught art in a room like this, I'd be Leonardo da Vinci," he said. 

 "Ha ha," Piper said with sarcasm, but she intertwined her hands with his nonetheless. 

 "Oh gods," Jason heard Hazel whispering happily from behind him. 

 "Uh, why is there paint all over the place?" Annabeth asked aloud, as if the fact bothered her. ('We have a very different way of thinking,' Jason thought)

 Bradley looked up from his phone, which he had been doing ever since they had gotten to the Art Room, "You'll find out soon enough." 

 That got Jason curious. He opened his mouth, planning to ask Bradley to elaborate, but quickly shut it after glancing at his impatient face. 

 "So is everyone done with looking at the room?" Bradley asked, and started to walk away once again. 

 For about five more minutes, it was like a normal school tour, with Bradley taking them to wherever they wanted to go. 

 Frank had asked about the auditorium, and Bradley had taken them there while happily bragging about the time he played Romeo in school play last year. 

 Leo had asked where the karaoke was; Bradley had answered that there was no such thing in Goode. ("There's a place for that dude to play Romeo, but there isn't a place for me to sing?" Leo had said to Jason, "What the fuck?") 

 Finally, Annabeth asked, "Where's the library?" 

 "On the third floor, next to the Band Room," Bradley answered. He looked like he had no intention of showing her the way. 

 Annabeth rolled her eyes, "That's stupid, you can't put a Band Room next to the Library, like, what about the noise?" 

 Bradley clenched his teeth, "Then maybe it's the fourth floor, I don't know! I've never been to the goddamn library, okay?"

 "Why the hell is he the tour guide?" Annabeth asked aloud, and Bradley's face reddened once again. 

 At this point, Jason had enough. 

 "We'll be back in a minute," he grabbed Annabeth by the arm and dragged her to the corner. 

 "Annabeth, we talked about this-"Jason started. 

 "I know I know, be nice to everyone and don't correct everything, " Annabeth said back incredulously, crossing her arms, "But how can I not, Jason? He's stupid, he's a smartphone addict, he's unorganized, and he does't even know where the library is!" 

 Jason blinked, "Um-"

 "What are you guys doing there?" Bradley asked, "C'mere, we're going to the Gym!" 

 Annabeth was glaring daggers at him, but Jason just took Annabeth back to the group before she could say anything. 

 Just when the two had reached Bradley, however, a familiar voice yelled from behind, "Hey, Bradley!" 

 The seven teenagers all turned to look at Percy Jackson running towards them. 

 "Percy?" Frank called, happily. 

 "Jackson?" Bradley demanded at the same time, "What are you doing this early in school?" 

 Percy shrugged, "I heard these guys were coming here today. I wanted to give them a proper tour." 

 "That's my job," snapped Bradley. 

 "Someone has an attitude," Leo said to Jason. 

 "C'mon, Bradley," said Percy, "I know you don't want to be here." 

 Jason could see Bradley hesitating, "But Principal Johnson told me he'd put me in the candidates of 'Most Kind' in the Yearbook if I did this." 

 "Aha! That's why he did this!" Leo whispered. 

 Annabeth shook her head furiously, "No. Just no." 

 "You can tell Principal Johnson that you did the tour," Percy promised, "The dude's as thick as  a brick, he won't notice anything." 

 Jason felt sorry for the brick. 

 Bradley sighed, but anyone could tell he was happy with the suggestion, "Fine." With that, he walked away. 

 "He didn't even bother to say 'Bye'!"  Annabeth exclaimed indignantly. 

 "You weren't going to, either," Jason told her. 

 "I wasn't," Annabeth agreed, "But that doesn't mean he doesn't have to." 

 Honestly, the girl made him speechless sometimes. 

 Annabeth turned to Percy and smiled in a way that made Jason ask himself if she was really the girl that had just annoyed Bradley to death. 

 "I didn't know you were coming, Seaweed Brain," she said.

 Percy gave her a quick kiss and smiled at the six demigods, "So, whose ready to see the Swimming Pool?" 

How was it? 

The school descriptions and stuff are actually kinda based on my school so unfortunately, the library stuff is kinda true (like, it isn't on the same floor but the band room is right below the library so yeah... it's really noisy) :(((((((

But STILL, tysm for reading this fanfic despite my amateuric writing skills:))))))))

Also special thanks to @Seaweed_Brain26 for the cover (I know I already said this in the summary but still lol)

Have a nice day/night!!

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