Chapter 18 || This Is Our Big Night

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Piper McLean, October 3, 5:00 PM

I hopped out of the shower and began to dry my hair. I was serious now. I turned the A/C up and let the cool air hit my steamed skin. Damn, it felt good. When it comes to dances, I never joke around. I had put my name on the ballot for Homecoming Queen and many other fashionistas did, too. So, if I was competing for beauty, it was serious business.

Once my hair was dry, I took a look at my inspirational pics. I definitely wanted to accentuate my layers, but no curls. Curls were never flattering around my face. I grabbed a boar-bristled brush and my hairdryer, beginning to start my blow-out routine. My arms were sore by the time I finished, but it was all worth it.

A few fresh fruit cubes sat on my table and I ate some, feeling the refreshing watermelon slide down my throat. Yes, I was fancy and had to have every fruit in cubes, but it did feel nice to be lavish for once. After hair, I started makeup.

"Piper?" Hazel's quiet voice called from behind the door.

I secured my bathrobe. "Come in, Hazel!"

She peeked through the door, slightly overwhelmed by all of my efforts. "Um... is now a good time?"

"Oh, yes, it is!" I dabbed the concealer under my eyes. "What is it that you needed?"

"I was just wondering if you had a straightener I could borrow?" Hazel smiled hopefully. "I know I don't usually change my hair much, but I've never--ooh!"

I dropped all my makeup and immediately raced to her hair. "Don't be ridiculous, darling. I know you love Frank and want to make a good impression. So, I will make you beautiful. I'm probably gonna have to fix Annabeth as well."

Hazel stared at me as I began to straighten her hair, piece by piece. "Oh. Thank you. Will it look good--"

"Please, Hazel. You'll look good in Frank's eyes either way." I smirked at her reddened cheeks.

"I--" Hazel started, but I silenced her.

"I understand where your heart lies." I winked and finished her hair. "Do you like it?"

She did look really good with straightened hair. She had these golden highlights that anyone would die to have naturally. And they were just that much prettier now that it was straight and you could see them.

"Oh... it looks great." Hazel bit her lip. "Very different."

"But you look stunning." I smiled. "Now, feel free to use any of my makeup. We're friends now, Hazel."

She smiled and brought her own makeup bag in. "That's okay. I've got some. But I don't suppose you'd mind if I got ready with you?"

I squealed in excitement. "Oh. Em. Gee! I'm kidnaping Annabeth!"

Annabeth Chase, October 3, 5:30 PM

See, I don't really get ready until the last moment. And I get it, looking beautiful for your Homecoming dance is great, especially when you lost a bet with your soccer team and had to put your name on the ballot for Homecoming Queen, but it was tiring. And I was a pretty lazy person.

"ANNABETH!" Piper. Oh shit.

Before I even knew it, she was dragging me out of my room with my dress and makeup in her hands.

"Piper, the fuck?" I struggled against her. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME?!"

She plopped me down on the edge of her bed and closed the door behind her. I glanced over at... Hazel? She was putting on some shimmery, pink-toned lipstick in Piper's vanity mirror, which just made her golden eyeshadow and golden eyes pop. Her skin was flawless and her hair was straight. And it looked good straight!

"Like what you see?" Piper smiled. "You'll look pretty, too, Annabeth."

My eyes widened. "Piper, nothing crazy!"

"Don't worry. I'm not going to straighten your curls. They're far too pretty for that." Piper smiled. "But I am going to do your makeup."

I sent her a dangerous look. "Piper, nothing too crazy. NOTHING TOO CRAZY!"

I could only close my eyes as she began to swipe on the makeup. I coughed as a little bit of blush made its way down my windpipe.

"Piper!" I coughed. "Isn't this a bit much for blush?"

"Never too much blush!" she sang, plopping a bit on my nose bridge.

"NO EYESHADOW! NO EYESHADOW!" I yelped, squirming away from her.

She groaned, putting the eyeshadow palette down. "Fine. No eyeshadow. But we definitely are doing a teeny weeny eyeliner flick."

There is no getting around this bitch, is there? I sighed. "Whatever. But don't. Poke out. My eyes. Got it?"

She shrugged and asked me to close my eyes. I tried not to flinch as I felt the wetness of the liquid eyeliner touch my lid.

"Just a little bit, Annabeth," Piper said to me as she continued drawing.

I felt the cool breeze of a fan being blown at my face and I tried not to open my eyes.

"Okay, open!"

I frowned as I stared at myself in the mirror. The flicks weren't that bad. Actually, not as much as I thought she'd do. I barely had time to dodge the mascara wand flying at my face.


"I'm not gonna hurt--"

"You're gonna poke out--"

"I know what I'm doing--"

"Don't you dare--"

"Yes I dare." Immediately, Piper began to swipe the mascara on my eyelashes right after she'd curled them.

After that, for a finishing touch, she grabbed a brush and began to swipe red lipstick all over my lips. After she finished my brows as well, she smiled in satisfaction.

"Are you sure this isn't much?" I asked, fearful that my red lips would stain anything.

"Oh, I'm sure." Piper smiled. "You look amazing, Annabeth."

I slowly approached her vanity mirror, which Hazel had gracefully left for me to see myself through. And I struggled to keep my jaw from dropping. I'd never loved to feel pretty before. But I felt gorgeous and for some reason, I didn't hate it. It was natural but the bold red lip pushed the look to the edge. Untrue to her word, Piper had slightly straightened my hair and applied a gentle, shimmery eyeshadow to my eyelids, but the only two stand-outs were the eyeliner wings and the red lip.

Piper sighed in satisfaction. "Everyone's done with makeup, so let's take a photo!"

For once, I smiled in the selfie, pushing my face together with Hazel and Piper's.

"Say, HOCO!" Piper cheered.

"HOCO!" We all grinned.

Percy Jackson, October 3, 6:00 PM

I straightened my blue tie just as the doorbell rang. I smiled and opened the door to see Calypso standing there, looking like a goddess.

"Hey, Percy!" she giggled excitedly.

"Hi, Calypso. Come on in." I held the door open for her and she walked inside.

Her dress was a work of art. It was white and made of a sundress-like material, but it was regal all at the same time. It snatched her waist in a tougher, bustier-style way, but flowed out at the bottom in a cute, Tinkerbell-esque skirt. Her heels were chunky and her hair was out of her braid, cascading down her back in perfect waves.

Damn, she's beautiful.

"Wow, you look hot," she whispered to me. "Will you still look hot tonight?"

I bit my lip and smirked at her. For a sophomore, she sure knows how to sweet talk. "This isn't your first rodeo, is it, Calypso?"

She shook her head. "But I haven't done more than one in the past. Odysseus. You wouldn't know him, but he's from the small town I grew up in. He was my best friend."

I smiled. "Was he hot?"

"Not as hot as you?" Calypso ran a teasing finger from my lip down my neck.

"We're done!" a voice called from the stairs.

Jason and Frank were waiting on the couches, boredly fidgeting with their ties. 

"Finally!" Jason groaned, his eyes widening when he saw Piper. "Oh my God..."

"If you want beauty, you have to wait for it." Piper smiled.

She was wearing a black, low V-neck halter dress that effortlessly captured her figure. It just made her feathers more pronounced.

"You look great!" Calypso cheered from the counter. Aw, she's so cute.

"Hazel?" Frank squinted and I even squinted myself.

Her hair was straight. Damn. And her dress was a regal purple cami-dress, tightly fit to her body. She stared nervously at Frank, who had sparkly eyes--yeah, they were definitely in love. She walked slowly down the stairs, either out of joy to see Frank in a tux, or because her heels were probably uncomfortable. As she reached the end, taking Frank's hand, she turned around and hollered up the stairs.

"Come on, Annabeth! Hurry up! Leo's not here yet, but you can still come down!"

The minute she started down the stairs, I felt Calypso's hand drop from mine. Annabeth had a cream-colored satin dress that fell to her ankles. Only the tips her heels were showing, but it wasn't hard to see the sparkling gems adorning her feet. Her neck shone with necklaces and a bracelet hung from her wrist, so dainty and perfect.

I'd never seen her look so beautiful before.

"You look beautiful!" Calypso's voice broke me from my thoughts.

Annabeth tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking slightly uncomfortable upon seeing Calypso's other hand on my chest. Though, she probably wasn't uncomfortable at that, she was probably just a disaster in heels.

"Oh. Thank you." She averted her eyes from the girl and eyed me.

This is Annabeth Chase. You aren't gonna say anything great. "You know you look like a monster."

"Percy!" Calypso scolded. "Say something nice!"

"I don't look like a monster and you know it." She grinned cheekily.

"I hope you trip on your heels." I scoffed.

"I hope you fall on your ass. Maybe you'll squish the conceitedness out of it," Annabeth retorted.

"Alright, alright!" My attention was brought to the door, as Leo walked inside. "No more arguing. Jesus, you two. You're like an old married couple--"

"Leo!" both of us yelled at once.

Calypso didn't say anything. She just stared at Leo, a glint of curiousness in her eyes. Piper quickly stood up with Jason's arm in hers. "Okay! I think the limo is waiting for us, so let's just go, okay?"

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