Chapter 21 || Spill Your Champagne, Please

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Piper McLean, October 4, 10:00 AM

I sighed, relaxing in the steam room. It was just Annabeth and I at the spa today, which was surprising, considering Saturdays were when the spa was most packed. I placed the towel over my face and let out another deep inhale and exhale.

"While I'll never admit to liking this, maybe spa days aren't so bad," Annabeth said. "Sometimes, a girl just needs to pamper herself for a bit."

I smiled. "See? That's what I'm talking about! Consider it my treat. We should come to the spa regularly. What do you say?"

"I dunno..."

"Please?" I clasped my hands together.

"Fine." Annabeth groaned. "But only because I know my muscles and tissue will benefit from a good massage now and then. I still think beauty is a little bit... blech."

"You think that now." I smirked. "Come back in a year and see what our friendship will do to you."

She grabbed my hand. "If it's for our friendship, it'll be worth it." She stiffened and released my hand. "Goddamnit, Pipes! Now you've made me all sappy!"

I chuckled. Same old Annabeth. "It's a step forward, darling. You were always so beautiful, and I to admit I was a little bit jealous of you sometimes."

Annabeth gasped. "Me? Piper, you can't be serious!"

"I am serious!" I said sadly. "You're so effortlessly pretty, Annabeth. You can just roll out of bed, put on the essentials, and just leave. The most you do is mascara and the occasional concealer when you've got a hangover. I have to spend forever getting ready."

Annabeth took the towel off her face, as did I. "But you come out much more beautiful. And beauty is subjective. There are tons of people in school who think you're pretty. And if there's people who think I'm pretty, I really don't care. Who says we can't both be pretty?"

I smiled at her. This was the best friend I loved. "No one. You're right, Annie."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Imma let that slide because we're talking emotions right now."

"Ladies, your couples massage is ready," a woman said, poking her head into the steam room. "I'll take you to the room now, if you could please step outside."

Jason Grace, October 4, 10:30 AM

A knock came at my door and I looked in surprise to see that it was Percy.

I smiled. "Hey, Perce. What's up?"

He shrugged, pulling out two tickets. "I was wondering if you were interested in having a guy's day. I don't really have many plans today, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in seeing a concert with me tonight and turning the rest of the day into one big hangout?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Who's performing?"

"Frank Ocea--"

"I'm in." I frowned. "But why are you asking me? Why not one of your friends from sports or whatever?"

"Why not you?" Percy shrugged. "We're friends, too. And it's nice to get a change of scenery. You can be awesome, too."

"Don't you wanna invite Frank?" I asked, pointing down the hall to his room.

Percy smiled smugly. "He's with Hazel."

I raised my eyebrows. "Hazel, hm? What are they doing?"

"Dunno." He shrugged. "They're in her room right now, probably doing something quiet and productive."

"Ew." I scoffed.

"I know, right?" Percy grinned. "Wanna get going soon? Honestly, I don't care where we're going, as long as it's fun."

We walked out of my bedroom and I glanced down the hall at Annabeth and Piper's open doors. "I wonder where they went."

I checked Snap Maps and raised an eyebrow. "They're together. The last time they were active was an hour ago at some stoplight."

"That's some detailed stalking of your girlfriend right there, Grace," Percy said.

My cheeks reddened. "I-I don't mean to... I mean... I don't... I do..." I groaned. "Fuck. Fine. I like Piper."

"WOOHOO!" Percy cheered. "Sorry, man, but it took you a while."

I smirked. "Oh, yeah? What about you and Annabeth?"

Percy rolled his eyes. "Never in a million years. I'd rather make out with Matilda." He gagged at the thought of it.

"It's taking you a while!" I teased and he shot me a glare.

"You're lucky we're friends, Grace," he muttered, opening the door for me as we headed to his car. "Otherwise, I would've smashed your head into a million pieces."

Hazel Levesque, October 4, 11:00 AM

I flipped over a card and groaned. "I suck at this game."

Frank chuckled. "No, you've got it. I've been playing this game for years, that's all. You've only just started."

I slapped down another card and grinned. "YES!"

Frank's jaw hung open. "You won."

"I WON!" I cheered before coming back down to the carpet. "Sorry."

Frank laughed. "No, no. It's funny to see you all excited and loud. It's like the sun coming out."

I smirked. "How poetic, Zhang."

His eyes widened. "I-I mean, I didn't mean metaphorically--wait that makes no sense. What I meant to say was... I mean... Fuck... Oh, shit... Wait, fuck--"

I pressed a finger to his lips. "I get it. Why don't we go for a nature walk?" I realized my finger was still on his lips and I hastily drew it away, a blush creeping up to my cheeks.

"A nature walk?" Frank questioned.

"I mean, unless you have other plans today," I replied sheepishly. "I usually go on nature walks every Saturday. It's my chance to go look at wildlife and hang out by the lake. It's actually quite fun, especially with you bring food for the ducks."

Frank shrugged and stood up. "I'm in. That is, if you're fine with me tagging along."

"Of course!" I smiled. "You're one of my best friends here, Frank."

He smiled back, pulling me in for a cute panda-like hug. "You, too, Hazel."

Annabeth Chase, October 4, 11:30 AM

Piper and I headed out of the massage room in our bathrobes, walking over to the facials area. We lay down on our respective beds and I sighed again.

"I feel like I've been reborn," I said to Piper. "That massage really killed any tension in my muscles and joints."

She chuckled. "I'll say. You were cracking like a firecracker! You should probably see a chiropractor once in a while, you know?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'd rather go to the spa." I slapped a hand over my mouth. "Holy fuck, did I just say that?"

One of the facialists nodded and I just put my head back down on the pillow. She began to rearrange some strange-looking concoctions on the tray.

"One Hydro-Glow Facial for you, madam?" Madam? What are we in, the 1600s?

"Uh... yes. I think." I glanced at her uncertainly. "I just want hydration. No fancy things like--"

"One Gold-Infused Skin-Repair Facial-Defining Glow-Enhancing Rejuvenator Facial for you, madam?" the other facialist asked Piper.

"Yes, indeed." Piper winked at me.

"Just not fancy like that." I chuckled nervously and let her work begin.

Leo Valdez, October 4, 12:00 PM

I sighed, wiping down yet another table. While my friends were supposedly hanging out, since none of them were responding to my texts, I was working at the restaurant. I pulled out Snapchat and checked their stories. Percy: at the beach with Jason. Hazel: on a nature walk with Frank. Piper: at the spa with--wait, was that Annabeth? I put the phone away. I wasn't even gonna ask.

The store was not busy yet. It was only just noon, which meant I had probably another hour before rush hour started and everyone wanted lunch. I tapped against the table, kinda bored.

"Ugh! Can this day get any worse?" I grumbled to myself.

"Hey, Leo." The manager walked in, waving to me briefly. "You've got someone new to train. I know it's pretty last-minute and rush-hour's around the corner, but the big boss wants his kid to work here and he demanded it now after finding out the poor kid got in some trouble after the dance or whatever."

I frowned. "The dance at Goode High?"

"You betcha." The manager chuckled. "For someone who goes to that pressuring school, I think his kid's got enough on their mind about being studious. The boss is a little bit pushy on his kid as well as his employees."

"Do I have to wear this?" a familiar voice said from the kitchen.

It was her. She walked out, her caramel hair in a braid again, a waitress uniform on, and a little notepad in hand.

"C-Calypso?" I stuttered.

She eyed me, sizing me up and down. "Uh... Who are you again?"

Shit, Leo! RUN! RUN! "Leo. Leo Valdez. You went with one of my friends to the Homecoming Dance last night. Percy Jackson?"

She squinted. "Oh! I remember you. You were Annabeth's date."

I nodded. "Uh, yeah."

"So, are you her boyfriend or something? Didn't know she dated. She doesn't seem like the dating type, you know?"

I shook my head. "Nah. We're just friends."

Calypso frowned. "Percy and Annabeth are some of the most popular people at Goode. How come I've never heard of you?"

I shrugged. "It's complicated. Anyway, you're the boss's kid?"

She groaned. "Unfortunately. He's on to me because I..." Calypso trailed off. "Were you there at the house Percy shares last night? I know Annabeth shares that house, too, so I wasn't sure if you tagged along or something."

"I was there." I winced. "Uh... don't worry. We turned the TV up so we didn't hear much."

Calypso cringed. "Yeah. I didn't do a very good job of sneaking in and apparently, my clothes were on all wrong. He blew up and... kinda punished me by making me work at his restaurant. End of story. Yay."

Dear Lord, can you make my day even better?! THANK YOU!

Piper McLean, October 4, 12:30 PM

I rose from the table, my face feeling like a baby's.

"Your mani-pedi is ready for you ladies," one of the employees said. "This way."

Annabeth and I followed her, sliding into our seats. 

I turned to her. "I haven't had this much fun with you in ages!"

"Yeah, I know, right?" Annabeth smiled, carefree. "Hate to admit it, but facials aren't the very worst thing in the world. I think coming here regularly isn't such a bad idea after all."

"Mhm." I checked my phone and began to scroll through stories. "Wow. I think every one of our friends is doing something together today."

Annabeth peered over curiously, lifting one of her feet out of the hot water as commanded. "Really?"

"Jason and Percy are having a guy's day out. They're currently at the amusement park riding rides and playing arcade games." I chuckled, a faint blush rising to my cheeks.

Annabeth smirked at me. "Blushing?"

I blushed even harder at her words. "Yes. Must be the side effects of a good facial."

"Or of a girl in love," Annabeth sang. "Who else is doing something today?"

"Hazel and Frank are on a nature walk." I shared a look with her. "They are so cute together."

"I'm not big on romance, but yeah. Total ship." Annabeth snickered. "It's really funny when they're so awkward around each other, though. Did you see them at the dance?"

I laughed at the memory. "Yes, I did. I think everyone remembers, Annie."

"And Leo..." I squinted at his story. He seemed very happy for someone just working his shift. There was someone in the background of his photo, waving to the camera. "Calypso?"

Annabeth frowned. "You have Calypso added on Snap?"

I shook my head. "No. Leo's with Calypso right now."

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