Chapter 37 || Leo's Epic Takedown

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happy new year everyone -- this is a present from me to you :) - author <3 sorry for not updating

Leo Valdez, November 20, 10:00 AM

So, Annabeth didn't want to come talk to the principals and counselors at Goode about her situation, even if both Percy and I had insisted she went, but she just kept insisting they wouldn't help because "it's happened before." I had no idea what she meant by that, but Percy had practice after school, which meant Principal Sassan just let the two of us skip class to come talk to him during period 2. 

But Percy still hadn't showed up, so I was just sitting in a huge chair in front of Principal Sassan, who was sipping a cherry Coke and watching funny cat videos on TikTok. He glanced over at me. "Do you want a drink?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

Principal Sassan got up from his seat and tossed me a can of Coke, which I gratefully accepted. "What's this about again?" he asked, plopping back down in his chair.

"About Annabeth and Percy, who should've been here five minutes ago," I said, glancing at the clock. "And Matilda."

"Oh," Principal Sassan chuckled. "The Instagram post. Right... It's always those two, huh? I mean, personally speaking I think them dating was perfectly reasonable. The way the Instagram post you screenshotted framed it... probably not the best, but if those two dated, my career would feel complete."

"Your career--" I paused. "You're a principal."

Principal Sassan coughed slightly and continued drinking his Coke. "And it's boring as hell watching all these preppy school kids try to destroy each other over grades and sports and stuff. Honestly, those six new kids are the most interesting things I've seen my entire life. I'm considering switching my career to matchmaking."

I blinked a couple times. "I don't think that's a job."

Principal Sassan shrugged. "So what's your opinion on Percabeth?"

I gasped. "Finally someone who uses the ship name! Yes! I'm so sick of the 'Annercy's and the 'Perbeth's. What the fuck is that, am I right?"

"Kids are so stupid!" Principal Sassan agreed. "Honestly, the two of them should just get together at this point. Also, stop gaming in class with Island Girl or whatever online girlfriend you have. You're ass at the game."

I paused. "How do you know I play games in class?"

Principal Sassan froze. "No reason, LeoFireMcShizzle07."

"YOU PLAY?!" I screamed.

"Shush!" Principal Sassan hissed. "Jesus, man, can you please be quiet? Now, where is Percy?"

I sighed, pulling out my laptop and evidence folder. "No idea, but he was just a witness. I've got all the proof right here."

Principal Sassan stared at the piles of stalker screenshots, interviews, maps of hacking. If you couldn't tell, I had definitely done my research. And I was so fucking proud of it. If I had wanted to look like I was a really nerdy kid off Nickelodeon, I could've brought my fake glasses, but I had decided against it because usually nerds who look like they're from Nickelodeon usually end up being pervs too.

"Wow," he said. "Well, I didn't need all of that to know that it was Matilda because that girl has been drooling after Percy like a wet puppy, but that's impressive." He paused. "Just promise me that you won't hack my computer and I'll keep your video game girlfriend a secret."

"Deal," I said, smiling.

Percy burst in the room, seeming to be panting. "Sorry. Annabeth judo-flipped me and wrestled me for a good few minutes on my way here. She doesn't really want me to be here."

An annoyed blonde girl entered the room a few seconds after, looking pissed at Percy while sitting down. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Jackson," she grumbled.

Principal Sassan cleared his throat and smiled. "Well, the good news is, we have the solution. Incarceration."

Percy's eyes widened. "Principal Sassan, respectfully, what the fuck--"

"KIDDING!" Principal Sassan burst out cackling. "You should've seen your faces! No, I'm thinking suspension or expulsion something along those lines. Or maybe detention. I'd like to see that girl scrub a toilet."

Piper McLean, November 20, 5:30 PM

I sat on the couch next to Jason, who was eating our bowl of popcorn like a ravaging bull, and watching Modern Family. Percy and Annabeth had soccer practice, so they would be back soon, and Hazel was with Frank on a romantic dinner date, so I had no idea what time they would get back.

"HAHAHA!" Jason burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes. He had the humor of a five year old boy. 

Deciding that I was getting bored, I opened my messages and texted Leo.

PM: hey what's the status on matildee

LV: sassan took care of her

PM: what's he gonna do

LV: dunno -- he said smth about "suspension or expulsion"

PM: wait srsly? pls tell me hes being serious

LV: idk its p sassan what do u think

PM: idk if that man is ever serious but he doesnt rly like matilda

LV: thats ur answer right there



As soon as I finished sending that message, Annabeth walked in, looking half-relieved and half-annoyed. I itched to ask her how it went, but wasn't sure if I was ready to hear it. Percy followed behind her and glanced at her as she went up the stairs to her room. I paused, glancing at him. His eyes. They didn't lie.

I could tell he wanted her. Just the way they glistened like the sea and the way his pupils dilated every time he was near her, the way his smile would just gleam and his skin would glow a bit brighter when he was with her... They were friends but I know when there's something more when there's something more.

Of course, I didn't mention it when Percy went to sit next to Jason on the couch. I was a love queen, but if Percy and Annabeth weren't together, I was sure there was some kind of explanation or reason. I trusted them. I didn't trust them with my life, but they were old enough to sort out their own problems. And I didn't want another conflict to send them escaping school again.

"I'm gonna go upstairs," I said after a while. Jason and Percy didn't notice. They were too busy laughing their asses off when the girl, Lily or whatever her name was, said "fuck" at a wedding.

As I reached Annabeth's room, I poked my head in. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah." Annabeth stopped studying and turned around in her swivel chair. "If you're wondering how it went, Sassan will suspend Matilda once he meets with her on Monday morning. Leo pulled some pretty hard evidence."

I eyed her as she turned back around and began to fill out her stupid bubble sheets again. "And?" Something was bothering her. I could tell.

"What use is it?" Annabeth scoffed. "Everyone already sees me as some different person than who I am. I'm the slut or whore who sat on Percy's lap and I wasn't even doing anything sexual. Matilda getting suspended isn't going to change that."

"It's not," I said, slowly. "But... Annie, you know who you are. You just told me. You don't believe what others are saying about you. I don't. Percy doesn't. None of our friends do. And that's all that matters. Everything else... it's just noise."

She didn't say anything. I put my hands on her shoulders and sighed. "There are gonna be people trying to target you your entire life. Girls are intimidated by you. You're pretty, smart, athletic, talented... You've got everything. And now you have Percy?"

"He's not even my boyfriend," Annabeth scoffed. "He doesn't see me in that way. We're just really good friends."

"Please, Annabeth. Ever since he's been 'friends' with you, he's never looked at a girl. Have you seen him making out with anyone behind a dumpster these days?"

"I'm too busy moping around to notice, so no."

"He hasn't." I chuckled. "You two are so blind, I swear to God. Girl, people will try to tear you down but as long as you love yourself and you know what's true in your heart, nothing else will ever matter. Will colleges care about the fact that you were supposedly sitting on someone's lap? Who the fuck cares about that shit? It was spread on an obviously stupid Instagram account, not some official website."

"I know who I am," Annabeth repeated. "Thanks, Pipes."

I smiled. "Anytime."

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