why do I have to take care of this kid?

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The sound of laughter echoed across a clearing as a teenage boy around seventeen years of age with shaggy h/c and e/c grinned cracking his knuckles eagerly staring at a group of nervous boys around his age wearing the same school uniform.

Boy1: O-Once we beat you, all the girls will want us.

Y/n: Will they now? So you're doing this to get some ass? I see how it is. In that case I'll let you get one hit in.

Y/n tapped his cheek with a finger and one brave boy approached throwing a punch that the grinning violent teen ducked under before slamming his fist under their chin hard enough to knock them on their ass.

Y/n: Did you really think I'd just let you hit me like that? You're an idiot for charging blindly like that.

He grimned at the other students who froze up in fear as a bright red aura covered him with the visage of a grinning ogre standing behind him.

All of them screamed out in fear including the one who was punched and they all ran away leaving Y/n to himself.

The sound of babbling gained the delinquents attention making him turn his head to see a naked baby with green hair and a yellow round shaped binkie in his mouth.

Y/n: A baby? Stop looking at me you brat!

He had a spooky looking purple aura around him as he glared at the infant

The baby had stars in it's eyes and started clapping it's hands together while babbling even louder.

Baby: Da bu!

Y/n: What kind of dumbass would leave an unguarded infant out here like this?

He walked up to the baby who held it's arms up in a gesture to be picked up and lifted him up.

He started to walk around looking for the babies parents but couldn't find anybody in the clearing beside him.

Y/n: I swear to God if I find who your parents are I'll beat em to a pulp for their negligence and for me Taking time out my day to look for them!

After an hour of searching he gave up and simply went home. . With the baby and there he tried to figure out what he should do.


The next day at Kuoh academy Y/n was standing at the entrance staring off at a rather large sized student who seemed way too old to even be going there as a student.

A crowd was forming around them of various students from various clubs. Standing near the front was a bunch of busty women watching curiously.

Suddenly Y/n started sweating confusing everyone it was coming down from his head and a wave of it started washing down his face.

Student1: He's sweating! Looks like the ogre of Kuoh is scared of abe!

Student2: Hey that isn't sweat! There's a baby pissing on his head!

Y/n punched abe who stood Infront of him and grabbed the baby off his head with a ticked off expression on his face and held him Infront of his face.

Y/n: Does my head look like a urinal you brat!?

The baby cooed and the student named abe grabbed him making the green haired infant blink while blue sparks of electricity crackled around his body as be reached out for Y/n.

Y/n: Huh?

A pillar of electricity shot up into the sky covering Y/n and abe who screamed out.

The onlookers had a look of shock on their faces (get it?) Especially the girl with the red hair and the other girl with a bob cut and glasses.

Student: Wh-That was electricity! That baby created electricity from thin air!

Red hair: How did the son of lord Ajuka get out here?

Bob cut: I don't know. . I'll contact him and let him know his son is here. Better yet I'll take him to the underworld after school.

Red hair: Good idea. First we should rewrite everyone's memories so that they didn't see that demonic energy from baby beel.

Meanwhile off to the side Y/n angrily flicked the baby who's name was Beelzebub on the nose while Glaring at him only for the baby in turn to giggle at him making him groan.

Y/n looked at everyone and then marched into the school building.

Later when he was walking out heading on his way home he was approached by two women.

The first was a busty lady with long red hair with a bang on her head and she wore the female student uniform and had rather large boobs and blue eyes.

The second had short black hair styled in a bob and glasses. She has a petite frame and like the first wore the school uniform.

Y/n: Rias Gremory and sona shitori, what do I owe you for your presence. . . .  that I did not ask for?

Sona: Could you kindly give us the baby you have with you. We are acquaintances with the boys parents.

Y/n: No, why should I believe you I've never even had any interactions with you. All I know about you is that you're the bitchy president of the student council and that you mess around with creepy voodoo shit.

Rias and Sono seemed surprised to what he said to them. Rias seemed irked but sona seemed calm and her eyes glowed a light red as she started to use magic to influence his thoughts and the way he acted.

Sona: I can assure you we would never do anything to harm the infant. So could you please hand him to us?

Y/n: No I already told you, I'll take care of him since his parents apparently did not want too.

He walked past the two girls who seemed stunned and they looked over their shoulders to look at him but he was already gone.

Rias: H-How did he do that? Your magic had no effect on him at all. . .

Sona: He isn't normal, I thought he was a brute that picked fights but it looks like there is more to him then that.

Meanwhile. . . .

Y/n stood at the door of one of his friends house and knocked on it loudly.

The door was opened by a boy his age with cream colored skin and white hair and he has bags under his gray eyes.

Y/n: Furuichi, how are ya buddy? Since you're sick and all I decided to pop up and check on ya.

Furuichi: . . .Why is there a baby on your head?

Y/n: Oh this lil guy? I found him yesterday after beating up a bunch of horny idiots.

Furuichi Of course you did, you might as well come in since you can't get sick for some reason.

Y/n: Jealous~

Furuichi: Shut up.

He stepped to the side allowing his peer to enter the house and the both of them went to his room.

Y/n put Beel on the floor watching as he crawler around on all fours.

Furuichi: So he can create electricity or something you said?

Y/n: Yep, everytime he has a tantrum it just happens and it hurts, A lot.

Furuichi: That sounds like a problem.

Y/n: It is, I don't know what to do with him. I have to hide him in my room from my parents so they don't ask me questions.

Furuichi: So what can you do with him?

Beel grabbed a packaged action figure from the floor and started bashing it against the floor as furuichi screamed in horror Making Y/n grab the baby.

Y/n: Hmmm he seems to like the stuff you have.. . . Hmmmmm. . . .I got it! You take him!

Furuichi: Absolutely not!  I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility!

Y/n: Ahh! Sure you are! It isn't that hard!

Furuichi: If it isn't that hard then why are you trying to get rid of him?!

Y/n: Because! Just take the damn baby!

He tried to grab furuichi who moved out the way of the hand reaching for him only for a cycle to start of him dodging Y/n's grabs.

The cycle was stopped when Beel grabbed Y/n's nose and pulled it making two E/c eyes look down at him before they turned a bright red as a demonic red aura covered him and his face was shadowed.

Y/n: You try a stunt like that again and I'll drag you down to the deepest pit of hell got that brat?!

The green haired infants eyes sparkled in joy before he ripped himself out Y/n's grasp and crawled onto his back like a monkey before rubbing his cheek against Y/n's affectionately.

Y/n: Furuichi. . . . He's attached to me.

"As if the young master would be attached to a low life like you"

The two human teenagers looked at the window still and saw a woman with blonde hair that covered the right side of her face and blue eyes, she also wore a maid dress similar to a gothic lolita.

Y/n: Who the hell are you?! To waltz into my house like this!

Furuichi: It's my house!

The woman stepped inside the room Landing rather gracefully and walked up to Y/n and the baby holding her black gloved hands out.

Woman: Now master, come here Hilda is here take you home

Furuichi: Bring home?

The baby looked at the woman known as Hilda for two seconds before looking away from her making the blonde gawk out as Y/n snorted and laughed with a smug expression on his face.

Y/n: Looks like he doesn't like you!

Furuichi: Freaky.

Hilda blinked her visible eye with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

Hilda: Come now master, it is time to go!

She grabbed beel and tried to pull him off Y/n but he had too tight of a grip on the teen's shirt and refused to let go.

Y/n watched with his hands on his hips as beel kept his grip on him as Hilda tried to pull him off.

Hilda: Let go of him master!

Y/n laughed even louder as beel kicked his legs trying to make Hilda Let go of him.

Y/n: Oh my! What am I to do?

Furuichi: Aren't you the one that was trying to get rid of him? If you give him to her maybe everything will return back to normal.

Not even a second later after furuichi said that Y/n was trying the yank the baby off him only for the infant to glare up at him as he got covered in a bright green aura.

Y/n: Let go of me! She came to pick you up you brat! Furuichi you idiot help!

Furuichi: What do you want me to do?! 

Y/n: Something! Anything! I don't care just get him off me!

Furuichi just stood there making Y/n glare at him and Hilda managed to pry the infant off Y/n only for beel to sniffle as tears pricked his eyes and before they knew it the three of them were consumed by demonic electricity.

When it died down furuichi was unconscious sprawled out on the floor while Y/n sat there covered in soot alongside Hilda.

Hilda: Huh? You're not unconscious from masters power?

Y/n: No.

Hilda's green eye flicked down to the ground before she got her knees resting her hands on her thighs.

Hilda: I apologize, I am the devil Hildagarde one of the pawns of Ajuka Beelzebub one of the four maous of the underworld. I am the maid servant of the young master.

Y/n: Uh huh.

Hilda: You are not surprised?

Y/n: Not in the slightest. It also explains a couple things of why this baby can create electricity out of thin air. Anyways what is he doing over here you think he's some sort of Prince as you say or whatever?

Hilda: The young master created a magical transporting circle and it brought him from the underworld to the mortal realm.

Y/n: Hm, maybe you guys should watch this baby more intensely eh?

Hilda: He has a name and it's kaiser de emperana Beelzebub the fourth.

Y/n: . . . . . .So what you gonna take him?

Hilda: That is not possible. Why? Because he seems to have chosen you as his father.

Y/n: Father? What the hell?!

Furuichi: Good luck.

Y/n grabbed onto furuichi who was now awake sitting up and slammed his fist onto the white haired boys dome.

Y/n: So you're just gonna run away?!

Furuichi: It's my house! Go home!

Y/n: Hell no!

The young devil prince held his arms out eagerly as the door to the room burst open as a big burly man wearing a white shirt pink trousers with brown short hair and a twirly mustache walked in.

Furuichi: Who are you?!

Hilda: This is my fellow peerage demon alaindelon.

The man named alaindelon sparked and he crouched down getting right in furuichi's face.

Alaindelon: It is a pleasure to meet you young man!

Y/n: I don't care if the kid likes me a little I ain't parenting this brat!

Hilda: So you refuse?

Y/n: Duh! Take him and leave now!

He raised beel up and offered him up to Hilda as he swung his arms rapidly.

Hilda: In that case please die.

She pulled the handle of her umbrella pulling out a sword and the next thing that could be seen is Y/n and furuichi running out the house as the side of it exploded.

Furuichi looked behind him at his house which had the roof of it caving in.

Furuichi: This is your fault! If you just raised the baby I'd still have my house! You're paying for damages!

Y/n:  Make her pay for them!

To be continued

This was just something I thought about making. I might make more maybe not.

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