Special Chapter: Bestest of Friends

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*Author's POV*
*Roxanne is three*
Roxanne was outside, playing with Fifi. She was throwing a green tennis ball and Fifi was fetching them with excited barks. "Alright, Fifi, this is the last one! Papa wants me inside by 10," Roxy called out to the vampire poodle.

Fifi whined, but knew she couldn't go against the Queen's orders. If he wanted Roxy inside by 10, then she has to be inside by 10.

"Alright, here comes the ball!" Roxy then swung her arm back and threw the ball as far as she could. The speed of the ball was no match for Fifi. She quickly flew after it, disappearing into the woods surrounding Horrorland. Roxy waited patently for the poodle's return.

However, Fifi didn't emerge from the woods. Roxy tilted her head. "Fifi?" She called out. No bark or yip. Roxy looked back at her castle then at the woods. It was just a few minutes before 10. Maybe if I hurry up, I'll be back before the clock strikes ten, Roxy thought.

Taking in a deep breath, Roxy rushed into the woods in search of the vampire poodle. She looked around, but only saw trees and bushes.

"Fifi! Come out, girl!" Still no bark or yip. Roxy was starting to get scared. The woods always creeped her out, even when her dad reassured her they were totally safe. "Fifi, please come out!" Roxy shouted.

Suddenly, she heard a twig snap. Roxy quickly turned around, her eyes darting to every corner. There was no one, but she could hear footsteps. "Who's there?!" No reply. Roxy hugged herself, her breathing growing rapid.

"S-show yourself!" She shouted, trying to sound brave. A hand then touched her shoulder. Roxy screamed before punching the person who touched her. She heard a boy cry out in pain before looking to see who it was. It was a young werewolf. He looked about seven.

He had brown fur and wore a blue and white striped jacket, dark blue shorts, and ripped sneakers. He was gripping his nose in pain, stumbling back a bit. His nose was starting to turn red from Roxy's powerful punch.

"Jesus, you have a hard punch," the boy groaned. He looked up at Roxy, so she could see his pale green eyes. Eyes that she recognized. Her Uncle Cody had the same eyes.

"Who are you?!" Roxy demanded. "My name is Lewis, but my friends call me Lewey," Lewey said. "You must be the princess, so..." Lewey then bowed down, still gripping his nose with his free hand. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"You can't just sneak up on a girl like that! In fact, you shouldn't sneak up on anyone like that!" "Look, I said I was sorry. Can we be cool now?" "No!" Lewey sighed in defeat.

"You're looking for your dog, right?" He asked. "Yes," Roxy said. "If I help you find her, will you forgive me?" Roxy thought about it for a moment. It was probably past 10 and she was breaking the rule of never going into the woods without someone, so no point of going back.

Besides, she needed to find Fifi. "Alright, if you can find Fifi, I'll consider forgiving you," Roxy said. Lewey smiled, showing his sharp teeth and canines. "Alright! Follow me, Princess!" He then hurried off, leaving Roxy to rush after him. The two made it out of the woods and into Horrorland's rides area.

Roxy then noticed a tuff of white fur. "That belongs to Fifi!" She said, pointing it out to Lewey. "She must be here!" At the sound of her voice, Fifi came out from behind a vender's booth and rushed after her.

However, following after her were two boys. They seemed around seven just like Lewey. One boy had snow white hair, fair skin, and bright yellow eyes. He wore a black shirt with yellow stars on it, dark blue jeans, and combat boots. The other boy had dark green hair with lime green tips, tan skin, and bright yellow eyes. He wore a black hoodie, light blue jeans, and black and white Van shoes.

Closer inspection, Roxy noticed Fifi was holding a black beanie in her mouth. The vampire poodle jumped into Roxy's arms, making the two boys stop in their tracks. "Princess Roxanne!" The white-haired boy said in shock and surprise.

He and the other boy then bowed down. "Hello and who are you two?" Roxy asked. "Oh, my name is Olive," the green-haired boy said. He then pointed at the white-haired boy. "And that's Simon."

"Hello," Simon said with a little wave. "Uh, I guess it's nice to meet you all," Roxy said. She then looked down at Fifi. She took the beanie out of Fifi's mouth and held it out to the two boys. "Does this belong to one of you?"

"Yeah, that's mine," Olive said, grabbing it. "The mutt jumped onto my head and snatched it." "We've been chasing her around the park to get it back, but she's too quick," Simon said.

"Yeah, she's a little speedster," Roxy said, gently petting Fifi's head. "Roxanne!" The four kids turned to the voice and saw Roxy's parents marching towards them. "Roxy, why weren't you inside!" Grayson said. "I specifically told you you had to be inside by 10!"

"I'm sorry, Papa, but Fifi ran into the woods. I went looking for her," Roxy said. "It's alright, Roxy, just next time, tell us. Even thought there aren't any monsters it the woods, you still could have gotten hurt," Slappy scolded.

Roxy nodded her head. The two parents then noticed the boys. "Oh, I didn't know you boys hung out here," Grayson said. Roxy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's our new hangout spot," Lewey said. "You know them?"

"Oh, right. Well, Roxy, meet Lewey, Simon, and Olive," Slappy said. "Lewey is Uncle Will and Uncle Cody's kid, Simon is Uncle Tenzin's kid, and Olive is Uncle Mantis' kid."

"But Uncle Tenzin and Uncle Mantis don't have partners," Roxy said. "We were humans that were found in the park four years before you were born. Slappy granted us powers, so we wouldn't be entirely human," Olive explained. "We've been meaning to introduce you to them, but never found the time to," Grayson said.

"Especially since they'll be your new bodyguards." "Why do I need bodyguards?" Roxy asked. "It's for your safety. If we ever get released, you'll need protection. You're only a baby," Grayson said. Roxy huffed.

She never liked to be babied. She wanted to be treated like a big girl. But her papa was set on soaking up every moment of her being small.

Grayson then held out his hand. "Come on, Roxy. It's time to go home." "Alright, well see you later," Roxy said, giving the three boys a wave. "Bye, Princess!" Simons said, waving back. "Have a nice evening, Princess," Olive said. "Are we cool now, Princess?" Lewey asked.

Roxy chuckled as she nodded her head. "Yes, we're cool, Lewey. Bye now!" "Bye, Princess." Roxy then grabbed her papa's hand and followed them back to the castle.

The three boys just stood there, unsure of what to think. "That was unexpected," Olive said, breaking the silence. "Yeah, I can't believe we met the princess!" Simon said. "Looks like we obtained a new best friend, boys!" Lewey said, a smile growing on his face.
Ever since that day, the four have been bestest of friends. Olive, Simon, and Lewey will be major characters in the upcoming chapters.

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