12. gut spill

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"COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU AREEEE..." Bill's voice echoed creepily through the halls...but it wasn't exactly him...it was more like Bipper.

Dipper didn't know HOW he did it, and quite frankly...he wasn't sure if he wanted to know either. Questions usually got him drowning in more than he asked for, so sometimes in situations where a possessed body with a knife is trying to kill you...it's best to keep quiet.

He didn't know WHY he was trying to kill him either...besides the fact Bill likes pain and he's Dipper's enemy, and enemies hate one-another. Back to the "how" situation...he still didn't get it. He wasn't a paper copy from the copy machine..he was a physical being of Bipper but with Dipper still being alive and in his own body.

He just didn't get it...

But then again, he wasn't gonna go and swarm him with questions that he wouldn't get answered without a deal, and OF COURSE he's not gonna make an agreement with the devil; that's pretty much asking for death.

He didn't know what he wanted either...was it just to kill him? To destroy the journal? What did he WANT?

Speaking of the devil...he could hear footsteps come closer. Closer and closer and closer...closer to the boy's hiding spot under the bed where he lay down on the ground low and stealthy in the corner, staring at the little bit of scene he had of his room.

He saw the fancy shoes and the long black pants that was the reverend outfit. The shoes clacked on the wooden floor with each step. Bipper hummed a creepy tune that could be imagined of something that would be played in a circus.

The 12-year-old stayed completely still and his heart beat off the charts as he saw his evil clone stop dead in their tracks in front of the bed. The swore he felt the grin from all the way down there and it didn't take long for the demonic boy to peek under the bed to see a terrified clone of "himself".

"PEEK-A-BOO!" Bipper shouted before quickly reaching out his arm and grabbing the collar of the boy's shirt, earning a yelp as he got dragged out.

Somehow even in Dipper's Body, Bill still had his normal strength, so he was able to lift him up off the ground then toss him onto the wooden floor back-first. The kid screamed and tears slipped down his face rapidly and hit the wood floor.

The possessed body got up and pinned Dipper down then yanked out his knife and twirled it before letting out an insane grin that went ear-to-ear as he jabbed down the knife into the boy's stomach, tearing it down all the way. Dipper screamed at the top of his lungs as blood spilled onto the floor and his guts were now showing.

A maniacal and echoey laughter came out of Bill-Dipper's mouth as they grinned once more as he dug his hand into the victim's stomach, covering it with blood and nasty, sticky, insides. Screams collided with laughter as Bill started to tear out every gut he could see, tossing it onto the ground.

Dipper begged and cried and gagged and kept longing to live, but except, it was kind of hard to live without a heart, which was one of the things Bill threw out like some sort of piece of trash.

When Bipper was done, he not only picked up the remaining pieces of his insides, but he bit into it, pulling back and taking a bite of the insides.

The victim of the demon slowly blinked and watched his evil clone of himself feast on how bowels with nothing he could possibly do. The taste of metallic blood filled his mouth as he started to give out.

The last thing he saw was that maniac grin and Bill waving farewell as the Pine Tree had taken it's fall.


October 12: 675 Words

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