14. wings

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Dipper fell down in his knees, his kneecaps hitting the floor rather hard, but that wasn't the worst pain he was feeling, the worst pain he was feeling was the feeling of sharp needles being stabbed into his back one by one for no reason at all.

He winced in pain and slammed his eyes shut, letting the warm tears that came from his eyes slide down his cheeks as he slammed his hands down on the floor, letting out a scream as something felt like it was tearing through his back. He took shaky breathes as he dared not to look what was behind him...but he did it anyways.

The 12-year-old looked behind him to find a pair of ratty wings with red liquid dripping off the tips of them. He let out a sharp gasp and shook slightly, biting his lip hard to stop it from quivering.

More tears slid down his cheeks as he silently cried. Then, he heard footsteps coming up, then people calling his name.


Dipper let out a sharp gasp then backed up until he hit the wall, hissing in pain as the wings got in the way. The footsteps kept getting closer then the doorknob juggled. He yelped quietly and looked around fast before shoving the window open and jumping out of it, slamming his eyes shut.

He slowly opened his eyes to find out the wings were working, and bringing him upwards, just like he wanted to. The preteen let out a shaky sigh of relief as the wings brought him up the roof. He landed quietly on the roof and sat down, letting his legs dangle over the edge.

Dipper looked up into the night sky, watching the various colors of blue collide with the white, shining stars in the atmosphere, seeing the very familiar constellation in the sky shining bright. The boy was silent as he stared up at it, pushing his hair down to cover the mark on his forehead.

He slammed his eyes shut once more and sniffled, then sobbed one more time, now letting out it all rather than holding it in, much like earlier. His nails dug into the roof as he opened up his eyes and stared at the sky once more.

He couldn't believe that his sister had a monster for a brother now.

He was just a big waste of space; an unwanted problem nobody even asked for.

Hearing all these thoughts in his head made him just realize how useless he really was. The 12-year-old looked behind himself at his wings then tugged on them, making a face...because some part of him told him that maybe if he tried, he could yank them off.

It hurt.

Really bad.

Dipper hissed in pain and let go, leaving the wings there. They taunted him. He grimaced and gripped his hands onto the wings once more then tugged. Searing pain went through every part of him and he screamed, hands shaking and blood sliding down just slightly from his back.

The boy screamed as he kept yanking on the wings, tearing sounds heard as he kept yanking. Blood started pouring down his back as the wings started slowly and painfully coming off.

His screams started to make his throat sore and his eyes started to spill out tears as they stung. The wings could still be heard ripping off and it stung and hurt like hell. Blood soaked the back of Dipper's shirt.

With one last final and hard yank, the wings tore off and fell to the roof's surface. Dipper was silent for a moment, almost in shock but then all the pain came at once and he screamed loudly, tears rushing down his face as blood kept on coming down his back.

The window from the attic bedroom slammed open and he could hear someone calling his name, but everything was getting dizzy. The preteen's head swayed back and forth before he leaned so far that he fell on his side.

The kid slowly blinked, hearing muffled screaming as someone was seen looking at him from the corner of his eye. He gave a weak smile as crimson liquid started to leak out the side of his mouth.

He coughed up more of it and slowly blinked once more as faint sobbing was heard by the figure who was looking at him.

His eyes shut...

Then it went black.


October 14: 745 Words

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