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I gasped softly stopping dead in my tracks. The name kept playing through my head like a broken record.

Ryan Dawson, Ryan Dawson, Ryan Dawson, Ryan Dawson, Ryan Daw-

I shook the thoughts away quickly, but they came flooding back as quickly as it left.

Why would he date her?
I thought he was better than that. I need to post on the school blog. This was supposed to be my first one, but I don't want to ruin my own-

"Have a good night Miss," a voice snapped me back into reality.

I looked up to see a man standing there. I looked around to gain awareness of my surroundings.

I had just stepped of the yacht.

"Um, thank you! Have a good night sir!" I responded quickly.

I kept walking thinking about how I would write my post. How to have Ryan remain anonymous. But someone would figure it out. I called a cab and settled down in the back seat.


I stared at the screen typing one word after another than deleting it. It wasn't exactly writers block, but more of an... identity crisis?

See, I can't even find the right words for it!

I banged my head against the table.

It made a loud crash as I struggled trying to muffle the noise.

I looked at the clock.

4:37 a.m.

Then I just started typing.

Gossip Queen

Who's ready for some hot goss!

Here are some juicy facts that teenagers will lap up in seconds!

Who knows the popular of populars? The Queen Bee? The Golden Girl?

Well, the Perfect Girl has a love crisis! Not so perfect anymore, is she?
Stacey Lansid found having a make out sesh with Ryan Dawson. Stacey is a bit hesitant about their relationship, but then again she is definitely committed. Many of her friends have been bothering her about her relationship with him. Is what they have real? Stacey is definitely in control of this relationship. She shoved her own boyfriend off the bench at her brother's graduation! Talk about salty!
Will this relationship last?


Until later,
Gossip Queen

I added the photo, and the audio I collected from the bathroom.

I knew people would be drooling for this information, but... I wanted to make Ryan anonymous. I knew people would quickly find out who he is.

No, no. I shook all the guilty thoughts out of my head and became emotionless.

I said I would bring Stacey to her downfall, and that is exactly what I did. I didn't care who got in the way. They will go down with her.


My cousin got in the way- no

Ryan Dawson got in the way. He's going down too.

I clicked post.

Sooooooo, how was that? Thought I should add a plot twist there!

Please let me know how I'm doing, and if you enjoyed this chapter, please click the little star down there!



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