RSVP? Of Course!

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I plopped my backpack on the ground and myself on the bed.

Time to the a closer look at the invitation.

"You are invited to Brutus' Graduation," I read aloud, "Awww thanks! Sunday June fourth... Midnight?!  Whatever... I have to go."

I stepped outside my room.

"Hey Mom, Dad."

They smiled at me. "So, my friend invited me to go to her brother's graduation. We are just going to hang out. Can I go?"

"Of course sweetie!" My mom said. They didn't even bother to ask for the details of when or where. Probably because I don't get out much.

"Thanks!" I chirped.

I got on my Facebook.

MAYU: Hey Mel! I'm going to the graduation! BTW where do you live?

MELISSA: I'm gonna pretend that was not a creepy question. I go to Columbian School District.

Okay, she's not that far away.

MAYU: wanna go dress shopping for the graduation?


We agreed on going dress shopping on May 27.

I gotta get in good with Stacey's friends, right?


May 27th didn't come soon enough!

It was the first day of break. Our school was an all year school with breaks once in a while.

We had two weeks off which covered the graduation day.


"Hey Dad," I'm gonna go dress shopping with a friend!" I called grabbing my keys.

"Woah, woah, woah," my dad rushed into the room wearing his robe, "This early?"

I rolled my eyes. Of course he slept in, "Dad it's 11:00 am."

"Oh yes," he said groggily, "With who?"

"Melissa, you don't know her."

"Of course I don't. Just grab my credit card. I know you won't spend too much."


"Hey babe!!!" I heard someone scream.

People these days, so embarrassing. Poor person. I would not want to be called-

A girl crashed into me. "BABE!!!" she shrieked. Why me?

I was embarrassed.

No, that's an understatement, humiliated. 


"Omg, try this one on! You'll look darling!!!"

I groaned, "That's the fifth time you said that. None of them looked darling on me."

"Whatevs, just hurry up cause my feet are hurting," she stated looking at her heels, "I already found my dress." She held up her shopping bag.

"UGH, FINE!"  I grabbed the dress and got into a changing room. The blue dress actually fit me nicely. It wasn't too short or too long, and I didn't want to show up too formal either. 

And I didn't want to keep shopping.

I handed the dress to the cashier, "$127."

I gaped at her. Time to bargain, "$50 and a $25 Starbucks gift card. Just. For. You."

Her eyes lit up when she heard, "Starbucks."

Not trying to be stereotypical or anything, but she lapped it right up. She didn't even think about paying the rest of the price. She handed me the bag and I dashed out before she could change her mind.

The alarm started beeping. Who cares? It's not like it was beeping because of me.

As the mall police started swarming, I did a quick check for all my stuff.

Keys, check. Phone, check. Dress, check. Melissa, ohhhh no.

I ran back into the store. "Melissa? MELISSA?!" I yelled frantically.

I grabbed my phone.

MAYU: Where are you???!!!!

MELISSA: Mall jail, can u bail me out?

You have got to be kidding me.

MAYU: Be right there


"What did you do?" I asked not wanting to know.

She gave me a sheepish grin, "Well, I took some nail polish."

I smacked my forehead. The stupidity.

"It was shiny!!!" she argued. 


"I'm a kleptomaniac. I can't help it."

"Oh," I replied. I mean, how should I reply. Way to make things awkward!

"Anyway, I had fun shopping with you! See you at the party!!!" Melissa grinned, and she disappeared. Just as fast as she appeared, she left.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laugh like a maniac (like the maniac I am). I didn't think I would get an update in today, but my life likes to prove me wrong!!!

I am sorry if I did not use "kleptomaniac" correctly.

Enjoy and please let me know how I'm doing!!!





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