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Fifth period English:


"I know!" I smirked, "I used a perfume called 'Le Berogine'."

She gasped in anger. I also had P.E. with her, so I know what kind of perfume she uses. Call me a stalker.

"How dare you! Le Berogine is the best perfume there is!"

"Stacey, bae," I imitated her, "You just said I smelled awful! So your perfume must be bad."

She laughed, "No silly, I meant Gutter Rat as a, er, compliment."

"Oh, really?" I asked taking this one step further, "So you wouldn't mind taking another whiff?"

"Haha, not at all," she said bitterly leaning towards me. She took a quick sniff and gagged.

No, not just gagged- She spewed everywhere. And I mean everywhere!

But that's not it! The minute bell rang, so the teacher entered. She was shocked! Oh, such a beautiful sight!

"Students!" The teacher called, "The janitor needs to get this place cleaned up! We are having class outside!"

'Having class outside' translates to 'playtime'

No work gets done. And I mean zilch.

Our teacher looked at Stacey. This was the perfect time to-

I looked at Stacey pretending to be concerned. My teacher saw this and asked, "Mayu, can you take-"

"Yup!" I chirped grabbing Stacey's books, "C'mon Stace, I'll walk you to the nurse!"


While walking to the nurse, I saw something glittery in Stacey's pencil bag.

"Hi Nurse Morris, Stacey is really really sick. She threw up everywhere. I think she needs to go home!"

Nurse Morris was the gullible one. "Oh dear! You must be running a temperature!" She touched Stacey's forehead. "Oh! You're burning up!"

No she wasn't!
While Morris was doing all the drama, I grabbed the glittery sheet from Stacey's bag.

"Stacey," Nurse Morris said, "Your parents will be here to pick you up."

"Awwww," I sympathized (not really), "Here are your books Stacey. Feel better!"

"Awww, what a sweet friend you have dear!" I heard Morris tell Stacey.

I couldn't agree more!
I took out the paper to get a closer look.


Was that good? Please let me know how I am doing?

I apologize if 'Le Berogine' is a real name. Hopefully it's made up.


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