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Leaves fell to the ground softly, falling as the wind ruffled the trees above. The sky above was black with stars dotted all around, as clear as space itself. A full moon cast a dim light over the ground, reflecting off a group of shiny satellites. A man stood beneath them, his eyes glinting in the light as he waited. A spacecraft was due to return this week, though it wasn't certain when.

Suddenly, the windows of a nearby building lit with a bright yellow light. Another man stepped out and walked over to stand next to the first man.

"Any sign?" he asked.

"Not yet" the other answered quietly, then walked off in the direction of the building. He had been waiting for this for a long time. This was his chance to prove that there are other forms of life out there. He looked up at the stars, stopping as he reached the door. The investigation team had left months ago to find a planet he was sure existed. Yawning, he opened the door and stepped inside. He saw someone on the computer in front of him.

"What are you doing awake now, boss?" he asked, forgetting his tiredness. His boss turned his chair to face him. Nodding slightly, he answered:

"I was looking over your information," he said slowly, "and if all of this is correct-", he flicked through the sheets again, "...we could be onto something big." His eyes were wide with excitement. "Now get to sleep, I'll need you on early morning watch."

That night, he lay wide awake in his bed. What his boss said had made him feel not only excited, but proud. If the team found that planet, it would be all thanks to him. He would be the reason they all got rich. 

Eventually, sleep took over him. That night however, he had a dream. He was flying through the woods, weaving around tree after tree. He looked down to see a tiger running after him, tail swinging wildly. Where was he? They were definitely trees, but they looked different somehow. He caught a glimpse of something shiny ahead of him. Before he could do anything, he crashed into it. He struggled, struggled... he could just see the tiger beside him. But wait- it wasn't a tiger, it was a person. Then he realised something. So was he. They both had blonde curls and pale skin. Terror was flashing in the tigers –no person's unnaturally green eyes. A bright light appeared above them. It seemed to be pulling them upwards, swallowing trees like a black hole. They rose, rose... He opened his eyes. He was back in his dark room in the station. Shivering, he rolled over. What had that been? It was a dream, yet it had felt so real. Confused, he fell into an uneasy sleep.

He woke next morning to hear voices coming from the office. Had he overslept? He turned over to look at the clock. It read 4am. His shift wasn't for another two hours. Already wide awake, he put on his dressing gown and walked out into the office. It seemed that everyone was awake, talking excitedly. Looking around, he found his boss sitting in the far corner of the room, a huge smile on his face. He started making his way over to see him. If it was possible, his smile looked even bigger close up. Once he reached him, he asked:

"Boss, what's all the excitement about?" his voice was barely hearable over the loud chatter behind him. His boss spun around in his chair.

"They found it!" he cried, tipping his drink. "They've found it! We have discovered Liatera!

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