Chapter 1: How It All Started

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At the Gotham Clinic, an elderly person was being checked up by Harleen Quinzel. The elderly man says "Are you sure I'm going to be alright, doctor?" Harleen nodded and says "Yes, you will be just fine, but careful walking on that leg of yours." The elder man got up from the gurney and gave Harleen a hug as he says "Thank you." Harleen gently smiled and pats his back twice and says "You're welcome. Take care, now." The old man had crutches as he hobbled away from the clinic and Harleen looks at her watch and then she looked out the window towards the city. It was dark and the city had their lights on and Harleen begins to smile. She quickly jogged to the bathroom and shuts it closed. Then she had her purse out with all of her makeup ready. Harleen removed the wig as her two colorful pigtails were in sight. She removed her costume lab coat and revealed her other outfit underneath. Harley sighed and says "Much better." She did her makeup and her phone with a diamondback case rumbled against the toilet lid. She picked it up and she received two texts that was Catwoman. Harley smiled and read her text. Catwoman texted. 'Hey, Clown Girl. We're waiting on you. Get your a** out here, so we can make some money!' Harley texted back. 'Alright, alright. Just don't get your tail caught in a knot. Lol! This is very exciting! We're all seeing each other in Gotham!' Poison Ivy then started to text. 'Are you just about done yet, my vines can't take much more of this waiting.' Harley texted. 'Hey there, Red! :) I'm glad that you came with us! Oh, it feels just like yesterday!' Poison Ivy texted. 'Hurry!' Harley texted. 'Coming!' Harley hid the bag above the ceiling and climbed out the window while no one was looking as she closed the window back with her baseball bat.

2 years earlier, a girl was spinning in the air and the rest of the girls caught her on the football field. There were cheerleaders doing rehearsal for the big game night and Harleen was one of them. The cheerleaders says "Ready? Okay!" They started chanting what team they're representing and Harleen did three backflips and then she got one knee. She shakes her pompoms in the air and the other cheerleaders lifted her up. Harleen chanted and threw her pompoms to the side, then started clapping to the music while raising her hands. The cheerleaders did the same and some were doing flips and splits. All of the cheerleaders went back in formation as they grabbed their pompoms off the ground, then Harleen was in the front of the line, lip syncing to the voice while the cheerleaders were moving their pompoms to one side to the other in great unison and shaking it. Harleen was doing two cartwheels and then did a backflip with a split at the end. The other cheerleaders did poses at the end of the song. The judges were clapping and Harleen smiled and started panting. One of the judges says "We have all that we need. Thank for cooperating with us and I'll see you all at the game tonight." The girls were happy and jumped for joy.

Gotham City University

Harleen grabbed a water bottle and begins to gulp it down, then she looked at the time. It was 12:00 pm and Harleen smiled. "Time to go." Harleen went in the locker room to change clothes and puts on her lab coat with a badge that says 'Staff Arkham Asylum, Dr. Harleen Quinzel; Psychiatrist Resident.'

Harleen got into her KIA Navy Blue Journey car and started the engine. The music was playing on the radio called Lady Gaga- Edge Of Glory. Harleen was humming to the music while getting her lip gloss and putting on her black rim reading glasses. When she was done, she puts the lip gloss away in her handbag and arrived at the gate. She showed her badge to the guard and he gestured her by saying "Proceed." Harleen says "Thank you, sir." She drove on towards the parking lot and saw that her spot was taken. Harleen groaned as she puts her head on the steering wheel and says "Are you kidding me right now? Great." She parked her car inside the parking garage and got inside the elevator going down.

Inside Arkham Asylum

There were regular inmates yelling that they want to get out and Dr. Joan Leland saw Harleen walk in and Harleen waved. "Hey, Dr. Leland. Had a great lunch break?" Dr. Leland says "Yes, I did. Dr. Quinzel. How was your cheerleading sessions?" Harleen huffed and says "I'm just glad that the day's almost over." Dr. Leland looked over patient papers on her clipboard and Harleen was checking her fingernails to see if they were in good shape. "So, any new patients you want me to cure Dr. Leland?" Dr. Leland looked at Harleen with only her brown eyes and Harleen raised her eyebrows and says "Well? Are there any more new patients? Because I'm ready for something challenging." Dr. Leland cleared her throat and looked up at Harleen and says "You want something challenging, you asked for it. Here is your new patient." She gave Harleen the clipboard and she examined the name. "The Joker?" Harleen made a face and sort of chuckled a bit. "Wow. That's a strange name for a patient. Does he have a real name?" Dr. Leland says "No. Actually, he called himself that because he says that he has a very funny personality." Harleen rolled her eyes and says "Joker, huh. Okay. I'll see what I can do." Dr. Leland says "Well, good luck, Dr. Harleen because you're gonna need it." Dr. Leland opened a huge metal door and Harleen was a little nervous. Harleen says "I-Is he there?" Dr. Leland says "Yes, he his and he's waiting. Be careful what you say in there, Dr. Quinzel. He's a controlling one and he'll have you under his spell. Don't let him take you over." Harleen took deep breaths and straightened her glasses. Harleen says "Don't worry. I'll be fine." Dr. Leland says "I know you will." Harleen smiled confident and kept her head high as she walked inside the room. The door then closed behind her and she was a little startled. She looked around the room and it was dark except one small light at a desk that showed a pale man, with small detailed tattoos on his face and his colorful lime green hair. The man had a deep voice and says "Well, well, well, well, well....what do I see before my eyes? A delicate rose petal in my garden?" Harleen just looked at the man with a little sweat on her forehead. "I-I'm here to help you get rid of mental illness." The man says "Ah...great. I would love to have a little treatment...with you, of course." The man showed his shiny silver grill while laughing. Harleen felt awkward and was scared to walk over at the desk, so she stood still. The man says "You seem really nervous. Come, come, come, come...." His eyes were closing when he said that repeatedly. It made Harleen shiver down her back. The man says in a calm and soothing voice. "Come, come on. Sit down. I promise that I won't bite." Harleen walked carefully towards the desk and slowly sat down in the chair and sets the clipboard on the table. Harleen says "So, they call you the Joker, right?" Joker closed his eyes and says "Ah, so you do know me." Harleen was confused and says "E-Excuse me?" Joker says "My name. You know my name." Harleen says "I just only read from the clipboard. Um...tell me. Why do you want to be cured by me?" Joker says "Because I believe that you can turn my world upside down, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Nice name you have there. Rearrange it a little and you get Harlequin. Neat, isn't it?" The Joker laughs and Harleen just chuckles a bit and says "Yeah...that neat." The Joker stared at her eyes deeply and says "You have amazing delicate oceans in your eyes." Harleen questioned to the Joker. "W-What...What do you mean by oceans? The color of my eyes?" Joker says "Yes, they're so blue." Harleen just gently smiled and thought. 'Oh, when the hell do I leave this room? Time go faster.' Joker says "Tell me, Doctor. Do you like candy?" Harleen chuckled and says "Yes, I love candy." Joker says "Oh, really? What kind?" Harleen says "Lollipops." Joker says "Of course, a beautiful doctor like you would love lollipops. Do you have a gun or a machine perhaps?" Harleen was mind blown when he switched subjects so quickly. "I'm sorry. What?" Joker says "Machine gun. Do you have a machine gun?" Harleen raised her eyebrows and says "A-A machine gun? I'm sorry, but I don't carry those in my pockets." Joker says "What a shame and here I thought we had something going on you and I." Harleen was speechless and the timer went off as the door opened. Dr. Leland says "Dr. Harleen. It's time to leave." Harleen got up and left the desk as Joker says "So long, doctor. I had a wonderful time chatting with you and I can't wait until you come back!" Harleen got out of the room all hypnotized by Joker's tempting questions and compliments. Dr. Leland snapped her fingers at Harleen and says "Dr. Harleen? Are you alright?" Harleen got out of her trance. "Oh, I'm fine. It's 6:00pm. I better head on home." Dr. Leland says "Indeed. You look really tired. Take the rest of the day off." Harleen smiled and says "Thank you, Dr. Leland and see you tomorrow." She leaves and Dr. Leland looked at her as she seemed worried about Harleen like the man Joker somehow took over her mind.

In a business building close to East End, a young woman with black heels walked towards the entrance and a receptionist says "Good evening, Miss Kyle." The woman had nice shoulder length black hair and a gentle red lipstick smile also with green eyes. Selina says "Good evening to you, Debbie. Had a wonderful trip to Rome?" Debbie says "Sure did. How's the money coming along?" Selina sucked her teeth and says "I'm trying to get it together here, you know? But being a secretary can be so hard. You have to be precise and everything." Debbie says "Don't I know it. Good luck today." Selina says "Thanks. I'm sure gonna need it." She went into the elevator and she pressed the 50th floor to get to the conference room and saw a young handsome man. She was staring at him, but didn't want to bother him. So, she just went to the conference room and sat down at the long table to meet the mayor of Gotham. She waited patiently and the Mayor came into the room along with other politicians including the young man. Selina smiled and one of the politicians says "What the hell is she doing here in our conference room, sir? Isn't she like your new secretary on the job?" The Mayor says "Miss Kyle!" Selina straightened up and says "Yes, sir." The Mayor looked at her and says "Go, do your job and grab me a cup of coffee. You're never allowed inside this conference room unless I tell you. Understand?" Selina nodded and says "I understand, sir." She leaves the room and went downstairs to the lunch break room to grab a little plastic cup until the same young man that she saw like two minutes ago appeared next to the coffee machines. Selina got startled and the plastic cup fell from her hand, then she puts her hand on her chest. The man says "Are you okay?" Selina exhaled and says "Yes, but you did scare me. Nearly gave me a heart attack." The man says "Well, I apologize. So, you're the new secretary everybody's been talking about. I'm Max." He held out his hand and Selina smiled and shook his hand firmly. She says "My name's Selina. Selina Kyle." Max says "Nice to meet you." Selina says "The pleasure is all mine." Max chuckled and Selina laughed. Max fixed the coffee and says "Here you are. You don't want to keep the Mayor begging for his coffee, right?" Selina grabbed the cup says "That's right. Thanks." Max smiled and says "You're welcome, Selina." Selina quickly went back to the conference room and Max saw her leave as Selina waved at him at the elevator. Max waved back, of course, but once the doors closed. Max had a serious face and gently smirked. Selina arrived at the conference room and listened in to the commotion that was in the room. The Mayor says "We need to make this world a better place without all of these criminals roaming the streets of Gotham!" One politician says "But what about the Batman? He always come to save the day." Mayor says "What are you, a Batman fan? This city will have to be wiped clean we don't have to worry about calling these "vigilantes" to come. Right here are my plans of how this is going to work." He pointed to the files that says 'Top Secret.' Selina repeated the word 'Batman' in silence and then she walked into the conference room. The Mayor says "Finally, I've been waiting twenty minutes for my coffee. Why the hell do I even pay you for?" Selina says "I'm trying to get a better house." Mayor says "Ah, so you're one of those nasty slobs. Living in those horrible hot conditioned apartments." Selina says "I'm sorry?" Mayor says "Look, just get the hell out of here and go home. I need a break from you." Selina was devastated and walked out of the room and went down the elevator. Debbie saw Selina stormed out and says "Bye, Selina. I hope you'll have a wonderful...." Selina just let the door close and went into her black Toyota Tacoma car. Debbie felt really concerned for Selina, but she continued to finish her work. At the East End of Gotham, Selina got inside her apartment and a black cat meowed while rubbing against her leg. Selina says "Hello, Shela. You thirsty, girl?" Shela meowed as Selina went to fridge and poured a bowl of milk for her. She sets it on the floor and Shela starts to drink it. Selina says "And you called me a nasty slob, huh, Mayor? Well, we'll see once I take what's yours." She had a determined face while looking at the sun going down.

At the Gotham Greenhouse, a herbalist named Pamela Isley had a group of children visiting the greenhouse. Pamela says "This is a..." A girl raised her hand and Pamela says "Yes, you there. What is this flower called?" The girl says "A sunflower." Pamela says "That's excatly right." The girl says "It's the most amazing flower you could ever lay your eyes on and it grows faster than most flowers. My mom has a batch of sunflowers in her garden and they also need a lot of sunlight." Pamela says "Very good." A handsome man biologist looked at Pamela as she was teaching. Pamela showed a bunch of colorful vials on a lab table and says "This is what I use to get these plants into good shape and form. Chemicals to make them sprout." One of the kids says "Can we touch it?" Pamela shook her head. "No, no. These chemicals are severely dangerous and must not be touched by lovely children such as yourselves." The teacher came by to get the students and says "How were they?" Pamela says "They were really kind and very cooperative." The teacher smiled and says "That's good. We better get moving now. Come along, students." The students followed the teacher and Pamela smiled with her long chestnut hair in a messy bun. The handsome biologist went next to Pamela and says "Having a great day with school students, Ms. Pamela?" Pamela went to go check the daisy flowers and says "Yes, they're very nice and I love children." The male biologist looked at Pamela's slightly covered cleavage and then says "Would you consider having kids one day?" Pamela was disturbed by that and says "Okay. I'm going to have to stop you right there and plus, I don't even know who you are." The male biologist chuckled and says "Wow. You're right. Sorry about that. I'm Johnny. Johnny Watts." Pamela says "Well, then. Mr. Johnny Watts. I happen to be the greatest biochemist in this greenhouse and I have some plants to look after. Then after that, I go to the desk to make more sprout juice for the wonderful plants. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got work to do." Pamela walked towards her plants to examine their good shape and Johnny muttered under his breath. "Oh, I'll sure your plants will grow alright after I sell them to flower shops and then I'll make the best money. Probably need to do it tonight. That's perfect." Johnny then cleared his throat and says "Miss Pamela. I better get on my lunch break. Will you be alright on your own?" Pamela says "Yes, I will be alright. You don't need to worry about me. Goodbye now." Pamela was checking the plants' condition thinking about does it need water or not and Johnny left the greenhouse, upset. In his mind, his thought says 'Guess what, Miss Pamela? You're not going to be alright tonight because I will take away what's precious. You and your entire biochemistry to dust particles floating around in that head. Just you wait. The night is approaching.'

(End of Chapter 1: How It All Started)

You may think that this is a dream, but trust me, people. Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is truly what I'm writing and it's brand new. This chapter may be slow at first, but things will start to escalate soon. Which story do you think is awesome so far? Harleen, Selina or Pamela or even all of them. Give me your opinion. Now a very special shoutout to MIRACULOUSNESS for making this incredible cover for me! I love everything about this cover! It really does bring attention and I thank you for it. If anybody wants to see how she did it, you can check out her profile page and see for yourself! She's amazing and it's worth it if you want a cover. That is all I got to say! Thanks, everyone for reading this chapter and I'll see you on the flip side. Peace! Next chapter coming soon! #GCSRawks! 🐱😜💐

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