one // welcome to provincetown

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Troy couldn't get the thought of Roxanne breaking with him out of his head he angrily gripped his hands onto the steeling wheel driving to Provincetown remising about that dreaded night back home at his apartment

A few nights ago

"I'm sorry Troy but it's over" Roxanne begun attempting to bolt out of Tory's apartment out of the front door while her face was plastered with guilt and sadness

Troy goes to stop her and says with tears in his eyes "But Roxanne I don't understand" Roxanne glared down at the floor with tears welling upon her eyes

"I can't be with you anymore Troy" she announced somber "i cheated on you Troy by sleeping with someone one else"

A dead deer appeared in the road startling Troy out of his trace causing him to nearly crash on the freeway, but luckily he dodged it before the car or himself got into any damaged "oh shit" Troy grasped "that was a close one"

Troy's drive continued to Provincetown without a hitch he listen to the radio and sang along to a few songs he knew on the whole drive and plus it helped get his mind off Roxanne

instead he started thinking of memories back he was a child like times when his parents would take him and his sister Ruthie on family day trips and holidays to Provincetown as a family tradition every year

And sometimes their cousin Libby would come along too when her parents were working out of town, Ruthie liked it so much that she decided to live out by the sea there once she became of age she packed up her suitcase and left Washington D.C the place she called home

This would be the first time Troy would be visiting his sister in 2 years since Christmas their bound as siblings was strong, he and Ruthie call each other everyday or any other when they wasn't busy working and with life as a whole

Troy spotted the sign that said  "welcome to Provincetown" he smiled awaiting an exciting time already basking within himself he glared around at the many buildings surrounding Provincetown

parking up his car outside the house now owned by Ruthie which was once their holiday home back when their were children, Troy double locks the car and wanders up the path to knock at the front door it's opens and Troy is shocked not to see his sister standing before him but another female

with a porcelain face, white pale skin, light brown eyes and dark brown hair wearing goth/vampire inspired makeup and clothes stood in front of him he in life he was speechless by the endearing sight of the girl who wore nothing but a friendly smile plastered across her face "hi" she greeted him "you must be Troy, I'm Lark Ruthie's roommate it's nice to finally meet you"

"Likewise" Troy answered wholeheartedly offering his hand for Lark to shake it and she does

a/n : I hope you've enjoyed this first half of the story I was so upset about Lark not having a backstory and the face she only in three scenes in the whole of AHS : red tide, there's a rumour floating around that there were gonna be scenes with her in the muse working as a witness but it never happened which is sad so I wanted to write lark a proper and well deserved backstory, remember to comment & like this story I'm fine with any feedback about the characters, the story and etc.

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