Chapter 41: Aura

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Calem had decided to leave, rather than observe what Ash was going to learn from Gurkinn. He had stated that observing another trainer's training would be an unfair advantage to him. He had left fairly quickly and then Gurkinn wanted to get straight to business and called for everyone to follow him to the Lucario statue.

As Gurkinn lead Ash, Dawn and Korrina out from the battlefield and towards the centre of the tower where the Lucario statue was, Dawn walked beside Ash. "What was that with Pidgeot?" She asked. When she had seen Pidgeot preparing to counter Fearow's attack, she had noticed Ash's eyes had seemed to roll to the back of his head, showing just the whites. It was terrifying to see, but then she had noticed Pidgeot become much calmer. She definitely got the feeling that it was connected.

Ash closed his eyes. It was as if he was wishing her away. "Nothing." He said. "It was nothing. Pidgeot's strong, ok? Nothing more to it."

Dawn narrowed her eyes. "I'm not blind, I saw your eyes. It was really creepy. What happened? Did you become Pidgeot or something?" She knew it sounded ridiculous, but when she said it she supposed it might actually be a possibility.

"That is actually very close to what happened, young lady." Gurkinn said, stopping in front of the Lucario statue. Everyone stared at him in surprise. "I will explain soon." He opened a door at the front of the statue and lead the group inside.

It was kind of both an office and a bedroom. There was a desk and a bookshelf on one side and on the other was a bed. Gurkinn immediately headed towards the bed and moved it aside, revealing a trap door underneath it.

"What is that?" Korrina asked in shock. Dawn was pretty surprised, as she'd expected that at least Korrina would know what Gurkinn was up to.

Gurkinn held up his hand. "As I said, I will explain soon." He opened up the trap door and Dawn could see there was a ladder which lead down below. Gurkinn tossed out a pokeball and then looked down. "Blaziken, please light the torches." Dawn heard a murmur of agreement from what she assumed was Blaziken and then noticed light coming up from the hole that was the trap door. Gurkinn recalled his Blaziken and then looked at everyone else. "Follow me down."

Once they had all gone down to the bottom of the ladder, Dawn looked around. It was kind of cramped with everyone in what seemed like a little cellar, but then she noticed the door. It was an old fashioned one with a picture of a Lucario on it. She turned to Ash, about to ask him what he thought of this whole thing, but he seemed distracted. He was staring at the door with wide eyes.

Gurkinn approached the door and unlocked it with his key. Before opening it, he turned around and looked at Ash. "Ash, what I am about to show you is extremely important. I know it may seem strange. To be honest, I am unsure what to think myself. Regardless, I know that this is something you must learn, because of what I have sensed in you." He turned to Dawn. "I sense that I can trust you. I hope I am correct?" Dawn nodded and then Gurkinn turned to Korrina. "And Korrina, do not be upset that I have not taught you any of this just yet. It is something that requires time. Ash is just a unique case. Very unique."

Korrina nodded. "I'm more curious than jealous right now, grandfather."

Gurkinn smiled and then opened the door and lead the group in. It was a pretty large place. There were book shelves in one area, beds, a lounging area, a kitchen and even some sort of training area. Around the whole room were pictures of people dressed in various old style outfits, standing alongside Pokemon. At the far end of the room, in the centre, were six other pictures that seemed to be the most important.

Suddenly, Ash started moving forward quickly, surprising everyone. Dawn followed him. "Ash, what's wrong?" She called. He ignored her and kept walking until he was staring closely at the pictures. Dawn walked up behind him and also looked at the pictures. Her eyes widened, noticing something about them. "Sceptile, Infernape, Charizard, Pidgeot, Greninja and Pikachu." She said, listing off six of the seven Pokemon in the pictures. "You're strongest Pokemon, right?"

Ash nodded, but that actually didn't seem to be what he was focusing on. Dawn stepped forward and followed his gaze. He was looking at the central picture. The one with two Pokemon. There was a man with blue and grey clothes and a black cape. His hat was also blue and grey with a yellow insignia on it. He had a staff in his hand with some kind of jewel on the end. He was on the back of a Pidgeot and in front of him was a Lucario, preparing an aura sphere.

"I know that Lucario." Ash said. His voice was quiet.

"That's impossible." Gurkinn said. He and Korrina had come up to join them. "That picture is hundreds of years old. You couldn't have known it." Dawn noticed he didn't sound too convinced of his own words.

"He was trapped in Sir Aaron's staff before a battle. Sir Aaron didn't want him to get hurt. That's when Sir Aaron sacrificed himself to save the Tree of Beginning so that the battle would stop." Dawn could hardly believe it. Was Ash giving them a history lesson?

"How do you know anything of that story?" Gurkinn asked, his eyes wide.

"I won a tournament in Rota at Cameran Palace. When they gave me Sir Aaron's staff, Lucario came out of it." Ash explained. "Pikachu had been taken to the Tree of Beginning, so Lucario helped me go and find him."

Gurkinn's eyes were wide with complete shock, but there was clear interest in his voice. "Why did Lucario emerge from the staff for you, Ash?" He asked.

Ash sighed. "He said my aura was the same as Sir Aaron's." Ash answered.

"But where is Lucario now?" Korrina asked. "Did he stay there?"

Dawn noticed Ash wince at the question. She realized something had likely gone wrong and his next words confirmed that. "The Tree of Beginning started to die when we got there. Lucario and I needed to give our aura to the Mew that was living there, so that it could save it. The same thing that Sir Aaron did."

Gurkinn gasped. "You controlled aura?"

"Like with the Riolu in Sinnoh?" Dawn asked.

"Not quite like that." Ash explained. "With the Riolu I was only sensing it."

"But you actually controlled it in this case?" Gurkinn asked.

Ash nodded. "Not for long, though. Lucario ended up pushing me away and finishing on his own. It completely drained him of energy and..." He couldn't finish, which made Dawn realize what must have happened.

There was a moment of silence from the four of them, as they all let that sink in. Gurkinn then spoke up again. "Ash...what happened to Lucario after he sacrificed himself?" He asked. Dawn suspected he had an idea forming in his mind.

"He...moved on I guess." Ash said, sadness clear in his voice.

"Mm..." Gurkinn studied Ash for a moment. "Ash, could you please look at some of the other pictures around the room and tell me what you see?"

Ash complied and started studying the pictures. At first, he didn't react, but then his eyes widened further and further as he looked at more pictures. Before he was done, Dawn thought his eyes would pop out of his head. He started listing them off. "Butterfree, Bulbasaur, Squirtle," Dawn started to wonder if something was up when he listed some Sinnoh Pokemon, "Buizel, Torterra, Gliscor," and he finished with, "Talonflame, Hawlucha, Goodra and Noivern." He stared at Gurkinn a moment. "These are...all of my Pokemon. Pretty close anyways." He paused with a glance at the Sir Aaron picture. "All except Lucario."

"What?" Dawn and Korrina asked at the same time.

Gurkinn just nodded. "I had wondered."

"What does that mean?" Ash asked.

Gurkinn gestured for everyone to sit down at the couches. When they were all seated, he began. "Ash, you have one of the strongest auras I have ever sensed. It was strong when you were here last, but now it seems to be getting muchstronger. I could even sense it long before you got here."

Dawn noticed Ash avoiding eye contact with anyone. He was uneasy about this whole thing, clearly. He finally spoke up, though. "I don't know why it would be stronger, but...I've definitely felt different lately. At seems I've been noticing certain things I can do more often."

Gurkinn nodded. "You were in Anistar City...near the Sundial." It wasn't a question, but Ash nodded. "I've often wondered about the Sundial..."

"What about it?" Ash asked, looking up. Dawn could sense his excitement. He clearly wanted to know if it had anything to do with what had been happening to him lately.

"About its connection to mega evolution and aura." Gurkinn explained. Everyone looked at him in confusion. "I've long believed that aura and mega evolution are connected. In fact, it's not really just a simple belief, but as close to fact as anyone, even Professor Sycamore, can find." He looked at Korrina. "Think about it. Lucario was the first Pokemon to mega evolve. The aura Pokemon."

Korrina looked excited. "So the bond between trainer and Pokemon needed for mega evolution...has to do with aura?"

"Exactly." Gurkinn said. He turned his attention back to Ash. "You are an extremely talented young trainer, Ash. I can see that in how you battle. Clearly, you train very hard."

Ash smiled. "Well, thanks. I guess I have to, though. I can't win the Kalos League without training hard."

Gurkinn shook his head. "Of course not. And neither can any other trainer. Training hard is crucial. However, Ash, that means very little once you actually get there. Every single trainer needs to train hard if they are to actually win eight badges. Gym leaders are not easy opponents. Perhaps you train a little harder than most trainers, but regardless, it is something required by every trainer on their way to the Kalos League or any other league."

"What does this have to do with aura and mega evolution?" Ash asked.

"I will explain." Gurkinn said patiently and then continued. "There is a limit to how strong Pokemon can get through training. Thus, battle tactics, strategies, type match ups and more become crucial to winning Pokemon battles." He smiled, noticing Ash looking confused as to why Gurkinn was explaining something he clearly already knew. Dawn was starting to get a little impatient as well, but she stayed quiet. "Again, however, tactics get you only so far. The most skilled trainers will eventually meet up in various competitions like the Kalos League and ultimately, they will know every strategy they can use. The trainers that win, are the ones that can find a way to unlock the deepest reserves of power from their Pokemon."

"You don't think I can do that?" Ash asked, sounding a little defiant.

"That's not it at all." Gurkinn said quickly. "I think you may be one of the most capable at this kind of thing. The thing is, Ash, that kind of talent for unlocking the greatest powers of your Pokemon, usually only develops after many years of experience. You are capable of this, despite being so young."

Dawn noticed Ash was unable to hide a bit of a pleased expression, but then he narrowed his eyes in confusion again. "So what about mega evolution? Isn't that a way that trainers unlock their Pokemon's extra power? Isn't it the strongest way?"

"Yes and no." Gurkinn was silent for a moment. "I thought so for a long time. Mega evolution is incredible in the power it is able to bring out in Pokemon. And I know why."

"Why?" Dawn, Ash and Korrina asked at the same time.

Gurkinn smiled at their enthusiasm. "Mega evolution comes from a strong bond between Pokemon and trainer, as you all know. The strong bond...comes from the Pokemon and their trainer's auras being in sync. At least...almost in sync. It has long been thought impossible for auras of trainers and their Pokemon to completely sync up. That is why a keystone and mega stone are needed. They match the auras to bring out the power of the Pokemon. The only Pokemon that has ever managed to not use mega evolution stones is a Greninja and it was only once." He pointed to the picture on the wall. "Well...until now."

Dawn looked at Ash. "And Ash's Greninja is only the second one to do it?"

"Yes." Gurkinn nodded.

"Wait." Ash said. "Olympia said Greninja and I would be able to accomplish new heights. If it's been done before how is it new?"

"Being able to do it more than once is new. Not only that, but you've almost mastered the form he does. I saw your showcase battle with Serena. Absolutely incredible." Gurkinn said. "See, Ash, the Greninja from ninja village, and its trainer, were extremely close, and in a time of great need, they performed this special evolution. They were unable to do it again, but it still changed the way mega evolution was seen by those who have carefully followed it."

"So what does this have to do with Ash, exactly?" Dawn asked. She was starting to get excited. Nothing this interesting had happened since her last days travelling with Ash.

"Well," Gurkinn started, "Ash seems to have the ability to sync his aura with all of his Pokemon. At least, he comes very close. Closer than most who mega evolve can even come." He studied Ash for a moment. "You did this with Pikachu in your battle against Korrina."

Ash smiled at Pikachu, who actually didn't seem too surprised about it. "Did you notice something back then, Pikachu?" Ash asked. Pikachu nodded.

"You also did it a few moments ago. At a much closer level." Gurkinn said.

Dawn wasn't surprised. Ash wasn't as well and nodded. "With Pidgeot." He said.

"Yes." Gurkinn answered. "Is it safe to say that this has only happened with Greninja before?" He asked. Ash nodded. "I could sense your auras were almost completely in sync. It was actually quite strange. With Infernape, you were close. With Sceptile, you were also quite close. However, with Pikachu, I had expected more."

"I don't know why it's so inconsistent." Ash said. "It started to kind of go back and forth the last couple of days."

Gurkinn nodded. "Well...I will get to that." He looked at Pikachu. "Don't worry about what this means with your bond with Pikachu. Clearly you two are as close as possible. It has been thought impossible to mega evolve without fully evolving your Pokemon. Pikachu's aura should not be powerful enough to sync with yours."

"But I thought you said-" Ash started to yell indignantly.

Gurkinn raised his hand, to signal for Ash to relax. "I said should not. I didn't say can not." He looked at Pikachu a moment. "Pikachu, I believe, has a similar aura to that one." He pointed to the picture on the wall. "The Pikachu that helped to trap a Spiritbomb in Sinnoh."

"We did that!" Dawn suddenly yelled. "We trapped that Spiritbomb."

"I'm not surprised." Gurkinn smiled. "See, Ash, I believe your Pokemon all have similar auras to the Pokemon of past aura guardians." He looked at the six central pictures and then back at Ash. "Your six strongest Pokemon, they have the auras of the most powerful Pokemon to ever work with aura guardians." He smiled. "And you, Ash, have an aura that matches all of the greatest aura guardians."

" you think all of my Pokemon can change form like Greninja? Like the mega evolution form or whatever it is?" Ash asked.

"I highly doubt it." Gurkinn said. "It is such a difficult thing to do. Pikachu, if he was a Raichu, would be the only one of your Pokemon that could have a chance of doing it."

"Then what was that with Pidgeot, earlier?" Ash asked.

"Your auras were syncing, but that doesn't mean you will mega evolve. This isn't a big deal, Ash. I believe the power you can bring out is either at the same level as mega evolution, or even higher." Gurkinn explained.

"So...why am I only able to do this recently?" Ash asked. He thought for a moment. "Is it only because of the Sundial?"

"No." Gurkinn answered. "I believe you've been capable of this for a long time. It's just been inconsistent as you haven't been able to master it." He paused and then continued. "Can you think of times when you've felt like you were in sync with your Pokemon?"

Dawn answered for Ash. "His battle with Paul in the Sinnoh League. With Infernape, especially."

Ash nodded. "And I guess with Charizard in the Johto League. With Sceptile against Tobias in the Sinnoh League." He thought for a few seconds. "Pikachu on a lot of occasions. Greninja as well. Pidgeot against that Fearow back in Pallet Town and again, now."

Gurkinn nodded. "So, I believe you know that the Sundial is not the sole reason for your power." Ash nodded. "I do believe, however, that the Sundial made you aware of this power. It is believed to contain mega evolution energy. I believe that this is because of its ability to sense and control aura. It seems that it reacted with your aura and almost forced you to become consciously aware of how powerful it is."

Korrina spoke up. "So...the Sundial made Ash consciously aware of it so that he could control it?" She asked.

Gurkinn nodded. "Exactly. And until a couple of days ago, you felt almost unbeatable, right Ash?"

"Yeah." Ash said. "And now it's really inconsistent."

"Something seems to be interfering with the Sundial." Gurkinn explained. "I suppose since it is in Team Flare's hands..." He didn't finish. "Anyways, perhaps they believed they were losing power from it and did something to interfere with it."

Ash then looked up, appearing to realize something. "But...this doesn't mean I can't still use this power right? I can still use it...that's why Olympia sent me here."

"Yes." Gurkinn answered. "I'm going to help you understand it. That way, when Team Flare makes their move, you will be able to fight back."


Alain was careful to stay out of sight. He knew very well that he was no longer welcome by any of these Team Flare members. If one of them saw him, he'd be in danger. He wasn't, however, going to let fear of being caught, keep him from trying to find out what Lysandre was up to. He had to find out what he had planned. And perhaps Lysandre had forgotten, but Alain was pretty well informed of his secret hideouts throughout Kalos.

Luckily for Alain, the hallways of the hideout were fairly quiet. He had expected they would be. Lysandre had most of his subordinates out throughout Kalos, capturing Pokemon to use for whatever his sick and twisted plan was. This meant there were few guards, and Alain was able to easily slip past them. His only concern was security cameras, but he knew well enough where he could position himself to avoid being seen.

Finally, Alain was outside the office he wanted to be at. Lysandre's office. He held his ear up against the door, waiting to hear if Lysandre was in there, but then, it opened. Alain looked up with wide eyes at the big man with wild orange hair.

"Alain, don't think you can outsmart me. I knew you were coming." Lysandre said with a smirk. He turned and walked into the office. He sat down at his desk and looked at Alain who was still at the door. "Please, come in."

Alain hesitated, but realized it would be pointless to fight. At least now. He stepped into the office. He immediately noticed the Sundial, which was bathed in a glowing orange light from a device shooting some kind of laser at it. He sat down across from Lysandre and glared at him. "I see you've been busy."

"The Sundial is important in controlling Zygarde. We can't afford to have it go running off rampaging." Lysandre explained calmly.

"Really?" Alain asked. "I thought that would be exactly what you wanted."

"You've let your friends propagandize you against me." Lysandre made a sad face.

"Don't try that with me." Alain growled. "I know what you are now. I'm not falling for it."

Lysandre narrowed his eyes and studied Alain a moment. "I suppose you're right." He shrugged. "It doesn't really matter. It's clear who has the power, here. I hope you can see that."

Alain glared at Lysandre. "Go ahead and do what you want to me. Ash and his friends won't let you get away with whatever it is your planning. They stopped you last time and they'll stop you again. You have no idea what you're up against."

Lysandre laughed. "I'm surprised at your ignorance, Alain. You know that Ketchum didn't do anything to stop me last time. I'll admit, things didn't go as planned, but it had nothing to do with him." He narrowed his eyes. "He had his moment against Malva, but if I had control of Zygarde, Kalos would already be mine."

"You want to control Kalos?" Alain asked.

"Oh yes." Lysandre said, as though it were obvious. "At first. After that, I'd expect to control more. With Zygarde, there is really no limit as to what I can do."

"You're insane." Alain muttered. "What are you planning?"

"I can't reveal everything. I can't have you telling all your friends my exact plan." Lysandre smiled.

"What do you mean by that?" Alain asked, shock replacing anger.

Lysandre waited a moment, enjoying Alain's shock. "I plan on letting you go." He said. "I need you to send a message for me. Well...I don't need you. However, sending you with the message is an appealing enough idea. When they see someone like you in such fear, my message will be clear enough."

Those words were definitely chilling. "What's your message?" Alain asked.

"Oh it's quite simple, really." Lysandre said quietly. "Lumiose City is my first target. A bit of an obvious one, I suppose, but necessary I believe. I need to...make a splash so to speak."

"You want to show off Zygarde by destroying the biggest city in Kalos?" Alain asked, eyes wide.

"Not necessarily." Lysandre smirked. "Lumiose City may cooperate with your help. It will be destroyed, of course, if people decided they must fight me. However, I have no wish to destroy those who will allow those with true power to have control."

"What makes you think I wouldn't fight?" Alain was feeling a little fear creep into him.

"Mairin is in Lumiose City." Lysandre asked, his voice deadly quiet. Alain looked surprised which made Lysandre smile. "Yes, she's with the gym leader and his sister. The performer girl is also there. Ketchum is with another girl right now. I believe he's currently in Shalour City. I suppose he's trying to plan some way to fight back."

"How do you know all this?" Alain asked.

"I keep tabs on those who are important to watch." Lysandre explained. "Anyways, will you pass along my message? Fight and lose is one option. Surrender, obey and live is another." He smiled. "Simple choice, really."

Alain was so tempted to call out Charizard and attack, but he knew that Lysandre would have some kind of security measure set up to fight back. "Why would I tell people that? What makes you so powerful? Maybe Zygarde isn't as powerful as you say."

Lysandre smiled again and picked up a remote and aimed it behind Alain. A screen rolled down from the ceiling and then an image appeared, projected from the wall behind Lysandre. It was a video of Lysandre controlling Zygarde with his remote. There was a mountain in front of both of them. Alain's jaw dropped, seeing Zygarde unleash a dragon pulse and vaporize the mountain with one attack. "As you can see," Lysandre said, "it is not wise to fight back."

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