Chapter 52: The Battle of Lumiose City Part 7

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It felt pretty weird for Bonnie as she ran with Gary towards where they had seen Giovanni. From what Ash had told her, he was an old rival that had decided to go the route of being a Pokemon researcher like his grandfather, Professor Oak. Obviously his change in goals hadn't taken away from his battling skills, because his Blastoise was ploughing through Team Rocket pretty easily.

"We're going to need to be really careful." Gary told Bonnie. "Giovanni is extremely strong. He managed to control Mewtwo at one point. I'm guessing his Pokemon can do some serious damage."

"What's our plan, then?" Bonnie asked.

Gary shrugged. "Hopefully we get him while he's distracted by trying to get control of that Sundial."

As they made their way towards the city, it was hard to not get distracted by the mess of the battlefield. At this point it was actually kind of hard to see what was going on with Zygarde, Mewtwo and Ash, because of the dust and smoke all around. Bonnie was able to see, however, that Squishy didn't seem to be anywhere in sight, which obviously made her worried.

Then, of course, as they made their way through, they were stopped by a trio of Team Rocket members. These three being the most familiar of them all. Jessie, James and Meowth. It was strange, but James seemed to have a relieved expression on his face. Bonnie wondered what kind of bad stuff that could be a signal for. They had their Gourgeist, Wobbuffet and Inkay in front of them.

"You you haven't given up after all this time?" Gary asked. "I guess I should give you some credit for never giving up."

It looked like a vein was going to pop out of Jessie's head at those words. "I hate it when the old twerps show up." She screeched. "They always change the routine."

"How is all this routine?" Bonnie asked.

"Shut up mini twerpette!" Jessie yelled. "Gourgeist, dark pulse!"

"Blastoise, hydro cannon!" Gary countered.

Gourgeist quickly moved forward and shot the purple and black energy in Blastoise's direction. Meanwhile, the turtle-like Pokemon lowered his body and carefully aimed the barrels on his shoulders. As the dark pulse got closer, he fired and water exploded out and easily overpowered the dark pulse. It forced the attack back and slammed into Gourgeist, knocking the pumpkin-ghost Pokemon back, where it landed hard on the ground in front of Jessie.

"Bulba-bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur shouted as he shot out his vines and wrapped them around Inkay. He raised it into the air and then held it in place. Squirtle was quick to answer his friend's call. He fired off a quick water gun that drenched the little psychic-squid Pokemon. Bulbsaur let go and Inkay began to drop to the ground. However, just before it landed, it got one more hit. Primeape went rushing forward and slammed his fist into it hard, knocking it into Gourgeist who was about to get up.

"You guys are as weak as ever." Bonnie giggled.

"Why couldn't the boss just give us the Team Rocket Pokemon again?" Jessie muttered. "They completely overpowered that twerpette."

"Hm?" Bonnie looked at James in confusion. The blue-haired Team Rocket members was just blankly staring off at the other battles, apparently uninterested in the current one he was involved in.

"James smarten up!" Jessie yelled. "You've never had a hard time fighting the twerps before. At least not like this."

"I...well...this is different." James said quietly.

Bonnie exchanged a confused glance with Gary. What was this all about? She looked at the Team Rocket trio, completely dumbfounded. It seemed like James was...regretful? Gary wasn't going to waste his time wondering, though. "Blastoise, hydro cannon!"

"Wobbuffet, mirror coat!" Jessie shouted.

Blastoise's massive blast of water shot towards the Team Rocket trio with incredible speed. However, just before it was about to hit, Wobbuffet slid in front, his body covered in a shiny glow. The water struck him hard and seemed to stay a moment, but then shot back and slammed into Blastoise, who staggered back. He looked more irritated than hurt.

"Blastoise, you can beat that!" Gary shouted. "Hydro cannon, one more time!" Gary shouted. Blastoise lowered himself and carefully aimed his cannons. Bonnie could tell he was in full focus. He narrowed his eyes and fired.

"Mirror coat!" Jessie ordered, looking pleased with how it had gone before.

The water from Blastoise surged forward and blasted into Wobbuffet. The mirror coat held the attack for about five seconds, but Blastoise powered through and it seemed to shatter like it was a real mirror. Wobbuffet was blasted back and slammed into the woozy Gourgeist and Inkay. None of them were able to get up after that.

Jessie and Meowth narrowed their eyes and looked nervously at Gary. Even James seemed to look a little concerned at what was happening, no longer distracted by his surroundings. They all took a step back, recalling their Pokemon.

"Time to run off?" Gary taunted. "Or what is it that you say? You're blasting off-" He wasn't able to finish, as Blastoise's body slammed hard into him and launched him back about ten feet. Bonnie's eyes widened and she stared at what it was that had struck them.

"No..." She whispered, seeing the man that had done it, a Persian at his side.

"Very good hyper beam, Persian." Giovanni said, smirking. He then looked at Bonnie. "Well, little girl, I suppose you'll have to do. Ketchum won't want you hurt, I suppose."

"Boss, what about the Sundial?" Jessie asked.

Giovanni pointed to the chase that seemed to be going on. Bonnie could see Alain and Mairin were on Charizard's back and were struggling to get close enough to Lysandre's helicopter. However, he seemed to be shooting beams of orange light back at them. The same thing that had caused Squishy's fellow Zygarde to get under their control. Charizard seemed able to dodge it, but it wasn't allowing him to get close. "Looks like Ketchum's friends will take care of that." He then looked at Bonnie. "I decided we needed a new bargaining chip first."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes and then gave a quick glance to Gary, who was clearly unconscious underneath his Blastoise. She then looked back and glared at Giovanni. "You can't do anything to me." At those words, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Primeape stepped in front of her in a guard position. Dedenne hopped forward and joined them.

Giovanni laughed. "Those three are weak." He waved his hand forward and his Persian took a step forward and opened his jaws. "Hyper beam."

Bonnie covered her eyes, not wanting to watch as the blast approached her and the Pokemon in front of her. She heard them countering with their best strikes, but somehow she knew that Giovanni's Persian was strong enough to beat them. Then, she suddenly felt something wrap around her and lift her up and throw her away. She opened her eyes to see, thinking it was Team Rocket, but she just managed to see Bulbasaur's vines, retreating back to him. Next, the hyper beam powered through the electricity, leaves and water that Dedenne, Bulbasaur and Squirtle had put up. Primeape held it for a moment with his fists, but it still continued. The four Pokemon were blasted back and landed a few feet away from the unconscious Gary and Blastoise.

"Now, no more struggling." Giovanni commanded. "It wouldn't be wise."


Serena watched Alain chasing down Lysandre for a moment. She knew they could be a big help, but she felt like it was a mistake to leave Mewtwo fighting Zygarde alone. "We can't leave." She finally said to Ash. We need to slow down Zygarde first."

"It's too hard to get close." Ash argued. "They're both too strong."

Serena thought for a moment and watched the two legendary Pokemon. Then she turned to Iris, Dawn and Cilan. She might not have met them before, but she trusted them, knowing they had come here just to help Ash. "Can you too attack from below?" They both nodded immediately. "Ok, Ash, get Pidgeot to join them. Then, we can go up while Zygarde's distracted. We'll join with Mewtwo."

"I'll go." Ash said, nodding. "But there's no way I'm bringing you up with me for that."

"Don't be such a kid, Ash." Iris said. "She wants to go with you, just do it." She smirked and then pointed up. "Dragonite, ice beam!" She yelled and then turned to Ash and Serena. "Better get moving."

Serena could tell Ash was irritated, but he did get going with that, as Dragonite's ice beam struck Zygarde in the back and caused the massive Pokemon to roar in anger. "Pidgeot!" Ash yelled. "Help out Iris, Dawn and Cilan!"

Charizard then whipped to the side as Zygarde flew down and attempted to lash out at Dragonite. The orange dragon type was easily able to dodge, though and slid aside perfectly. Infernape and Sceptile then hit Zygarde with a perfect flamethrower and bullet seed combo. Serena actually made a quick note of it. She thought that would be a nice move for a performance in the future. She decided she'd work on getting herself a grass-type once all this was over.

Serena then glanced down and noticed Zygarde was opening his jaws and looking up at Mewtwo, who had just launched a shadow ball at him. "Ash, he's about to attack!" She yelled.

"Greninja, water shuriken!" Ash ordered. Greninja was lightning quick. He leaped off Charizard and threw two watery ninja stars that slammed into Zygarde's head and distracted him enough so that he couldn't launch the attack. Greninja quickly landed back on Charizard's back and they were able to fly up and join Mewtwo.

Change of strategy? Mewtwo asked.

"Yeah." Ash said. "It's kind of hard to help you when we're split up. He's focusing more on you."

I noticed. Mewtwo said dryly, looking a little amused.

"When did you get a sense of humour?" Ash asked, chuckling a little.

Perhaps my life is too peaceful thanks to you.Mewtwo replied.

Their brief conversation was interrupted by a roar from Zygarde. Suddenly, the dragon-like Pokemon shot up and Mewtwo and Charizard had to quickly fly out of the way. Zygarde then locked eyes with Mewtwo, not appearing to care about Ash, Serena, Greninja and Charizard.

Apparently the lack of interest in Ash, irritated him, because Serena noticed him tense up, just before he started shouting at Zygarde. "Hey, missing something aren't you?" He shouted. "Greninja, water shuriken. Pikachu, thunderbolt. Charizard, flamethrower." The attacks all rocketed forward and slammed into Zygarde's back and he roared into the sky and then turned.

"Why'd you do that?" Serena asked, fear in her voice.

A shadow ball then struck Zygarde from the other side he lurched forward and turned his head. Then, after that, an ice beam, bubble beam, bullet seed, flamethrower, leaf storm and gust all shot up from below. They blasted Zygarde upwards and it roared again.

"That's why." Ash said, smiling. "Alright, let's wrap this up! Charizard, fly forward." Charizard was just about to do so, when a roar came from the forest. All those involved in the massive sky battle stopped and looked, including Zygarde. Then, a massive shape emerged from the trees and Squishy shot forward, barely stopping in time to avoid a collision with Zygarde.

Squishy was on their side, Serena knew that, but she still felt nervous with his arrival. A battle with three legendary Pokemon was a recipe for disaster. Not to mention, Greninja seemed to be at a legendary level himself. So, counting him, that made it foursome of high powered Pokemon, capable of serious damage.

No one moved once Squishy arrived though. It was a chance for a brief rest. Each Pokemon and trainer were hesitant to make the first move. Zygarde may have been the only enemy, but hedid seem to be powered up by the Sundial, making the limits of his power unknown.

The quiet dragged on a bit longer. No one even seemed to care about the battles raging below. Whatever happened next, was too important to the outcome of the battle. And it was. However, it didn't involve those in the battle with Zygarde. An explosion near the edge of Lumiose City caused everyone to turn their attention away, even Zygarde.

Serena's eyes widened, seeing Lysandre's helicopter spitting flames and smoke out from the bottom. She thought it was Alain for a moment, but then she saw that he and Mairin were hovering quite a distance away, staring in shock at what was happening.

"Giovanni." Ash said quietly.

"What...?" Serena scanned the ground below and saw the Team Rocket leader, staring up at the flaming helicopter. He had a Persian standing next to him. And it looked like Jessie, James and Meowth were there as well. However, the fourth person there, tied up behind them, made her grit her teeth in anger. "He's got Bonnie."

"This guy doesn't stop." Ash growled.

They continued to watch as Lysandre's helicopter spun wildly in the air. Suddenly, the Sundial that was hooked up to it, began to crash to the ground. Serena thought it would explode on impact, but it was apparently quite sturdy and only landed with a thud near Giovanni. Then, she noticed Lysandre, holding onto one of the doors, actually looking quite panicked. He had the pilot with him. He was yelling and looking at Zygarde and Serena knew he was trying to command it to come and help him. However, it didn't move.

"It won't respond." Ash said. "Giovanni's got the device."

Serena glanced towards the Team Rocket leader and realized it was true. He was kneeling next to the Sundial, which still had the machine that was covering it in an orange light. The remote that Lysandre had been using to control Zygarde was also in his hands.

Ash then sighed. "We can't leave Lysandre like that."

"What?" Serena asked. "He's evil."

"He's going to die. I...I can't let that happen." Ash said quietly.

Serena watched Ash for a moment, seeing his instincts to fight evil and to save people clash with each other. However, she knew which would triumph and she completely understood it. It wasn't right to leave someone like that. "Alright, let's go-"

They didn't need to move though. Suddenly, Alain darted forward with Charizard, heading straight towards the spinning helicopter. Charizard managed to grab the sides of the helicopter opening where Lysandre and the pilot were and slow the spinning. She could see Lysandre staring at Alain in shock, barely able to believe that his old friend turned enemy was actually saving him.

It looked like Alain was shouting something and then Serena saw Lysandre nod. Charizard slightly repositioned himself and then Lysandre and the pilot were able to jump on. Charizard was clearly struggling under the weight of the four people on his back, but he managed to steady himself and get away from the helicopter. He flew forward a bit and then, suddenly, the helicopter exploded. Charizard was launched forward by the explosion and whipped towards the ground.

Serena was sure they were going to crash into the ground, but then, pink wind shot up from the ground and lifted Charizard up, just before crashing into the ground. He still landed hard on the ground, but he was quickly able to get up, clearly alright, and his passengers managed to get off of him, all ok as well.

Then, Serena realized what it was that had saved them. "Sylveon!" She said excitedly. It wasn't just Sylveon that was there, but also Pancham, Clemont, Blaziken Mask and two Nurse Joys with a collection of Pokemon from the Pokemon centre. "They cleared out the Pokemon centre!" She said happily.

"Things aren't done yet." Ash muttered. He was looking in the direction of Giovanni. Serena took one last look at Lysandre, who now seemed to be surrounded by a group of Pokemon, and then looked at Giovanni.

The Team Rocket leader was studying the control device in his hand and then he looked towards their direction. Obviously looking at Zygarde. He clicked something and then apparently ordered an attack, because Zygarde quickly started moving. He lashed out with one clawed fist and grabbed a startled Mewtwo. He shook the psychic Pokemon wildly, thrashing him around wildly.

"That's it!" Ash yelled. "Squishy, use bind, quick!"

"Hold it, Ash Ketchum!" Giovanni's voice boomed out from a a device he was holding up. Serena saw Ash clench his fists but he held up his hand to stop Squishy nonetheless. "As you can see, I've got a friend of yours here, and now you don't have Mewtwo to fight your battles for you."

Serena looked down towards Clemont and saw him staring at where Bonnie was, clearly extremely worried. Blaziken Mask also seemed to be pretty upset by the whole thing. Ash, meanwhile, was shaking in anger in front of her. "He'" Ash growled.

"Zygarde, bring Mewtwo here." Giovanni said. "And the other one, you come as well...or the girl..." He just laughed. "Ketchum, you come as well."

First, Zygarde began moving, Mewtwo not even moving anymore in his claws. He must have been held too tightly that he'd gone unconscious. The massive legendary slowly flew forward and hovered in front of Giovanni. Squishy went next, looking just as furious as Ash. His tail was thrashing wildly back and forth behind him. Finally, he stopped, hovering just behind Zygarde.

"Come on, Ketchum, you next." Giovanni ordered.

"We're going to figure this out." Ash whispered to Serena. "He's not getting you again." Charizard then started flying forward.

As they slowly flew towards Giovanni, Serena noticed the smug looks of the Team Rocket members below them. The battles had all stopped, with everyone seeing that Giovanni seemed to have all the cards. It looked like they'd been mostly beaten, as they seemed to be surrounded by a collection of Wetlands Pokemon, Mewtwo's Pokemon, Ash's Pokemon and the trainers that had already been there. However, that clearly didn't matter with Giovanni looking to now have three legendary Pokemon under his control. Finally, Charizard stopped next to Squishy and they glared at Giovanni.

"What do you want?" Ash asked.

"Everything." Giovanni said simply. He then knelt down next to the Sundial once more and leaned forward, staring intently at the machine that was shooting the orange light on the Sundial. Then, he clicked a button on it and positioned it so it was aiming at Mewtwo. "Now, time to get my Pokemon back."

"Don't you dare!" Ash yelled. He then leaped off Charizard, despite being about twenty feet into the air. However, Greninja quickly followed him and caught him, before gliding to the ground, using the water shuriken on his back as a makeshift set of wings. They landed perfectly and stared down Giovanni. "I'm not letting you do that."

"Ash..." Serena whispered to herself. "What are you doing...?"

Giovanni looked at Ash in shock for a moment. Then, he smirked. "Bring her forward." He said. Serena looked behind the Team Rocket leader and saw Jessie and James, walking forward, holding Bonnie, who had ropes holding her arms behind her. "Are you sure, Ketchum?" Giovanni asked.

"You're underestimating me." Ash growled.

"You are!" Someone shouted from behind them. Serena looked in confusion at where the voice was coming from. "Don't continue this fight, it's pointless." It was Lysandre. He was looking at the device with the orange light with worry in his eyes. He glanced at Alain and then looked at it again, as if signalling it. She saw Alain gasp, apparently realizing something.

"I'm not underestimating anyone." Giovanni said proudly. "I'm aware that all the pieces are in my control." He then aimed the machine again and clicked a button. An orange beam of light shot out of it and engulfed Mewtwo in an orange light. Serena saw his eyes open and then immediately shut, as whatever the orange light was, caused him clear pain.

"Stop it!" Ash yelled.

"Never. He's finally mine again." Giovanni laughed.

Ash then started running forward. Giovanni quickly raised his hand and snapped his fingers towards Jessie and James. Jessie took Bonnie forward, because James had stopped moving. Serena glanced quickly at his face and was surprised to see his eyes narrowed towards Giovanni. She then turned her attention back to where Jessie and Meowth were pushing Bonnie in front of Giovanni and Persian. Ash had again stopped moving.

"Anything else and she gets hit with hyper beam." Giovanni said. He then looked at Mewtwo, who was now hovering limply in the air, an orange glow around him. "Mewtwo, use shadow ball."

Suddenly, Mewtwo's eyes shot open. They were bright red and he was clearly not himself. He turned towards Zygarde, formed a large shadow ball in his hands and fired it forward. It slammed into the massive legendary Pokemon and the latter screeched in pain, before slumping and falling to the ground. Serena couldn't believe it. He'd just attacked the Zygarde he had under his control. She could see Squishy was furious about the whole thing, but was too concerned about Bonnie to make a move.

Giovanni then explained his reasons for the attack. "Perfect. Definitely a great deal of power from the Sundial. That Zygarde was already weakened from you, Ketchum, so it wasn't as useful to me." As he said this, Zygarde started shrinking, glowing in a green light, as he began to change into his original form. "I'll get you next." He said to Squishy. "However, Ketchum, I want you to give me your power." He looked at Bonnie. "If not, you know what happens."

"How am I supposed to do anything?" Ash asked, glancing nervously at Greninja next to him.

Giovanni laughed. "I'll hit you and your Greninja with this device. I'll get whatever power it is that you have and I'll control it so that I can lend it to Mewtwo."

"Inkay, psybeam!" Everyone seemed to gasp as a blast of shiny energy slammed into Giovanni's back and shot him forward. Serena's eyes immediately went to the person that had ordered the attack. It was...James.

Giovanni quickly struggled to his feet. "Idiot!" He shouted, glaring at James. "What do you think you're doing?"

"'re going too far." James said, weakly attempting to have a brave voice.

"James..." Jessie said, surprise in her voice.

"Boss, it was an accident." Meowth said quickly. "He didn't mean to do it."

"Shut up!" Giovanni yelled at them. He took a step forward, completely forgetting about Ash now, although the latter was frozen in shock like everyone else. "How dare you attack me!" He growled at James. "Persian, thunderbolt." It was instantaneous. The electricity was jolting through Inkay in less than a second. The psychic-squid Pokemon hovered in the air a moment and then dropped.

It was then that Serena noticed Ash make his move. He cautiously stepped forward and slowly approached Bonnie. He finally reached her, Giovanni apparently not caring at all. Or rather, not noticing. The two of them quickly walked back, Ash managing to free Bonnie from the ropes around her wrists. She immediately went running to Clemont. Serena was surprised as she embraced Blaziken Mask in a huge hug.

Serena then turned her attention back to Giovanni and James. The blue-haired Team Rocket member was nervously stepping back as Giovanni approached him, Persian growling along beside him. "Persian, thunderbolt."

"Gourgeist, dark pulse!" Jessie suddenly yelled.

"I'm in too! Fury swipes! I'll show you who the top cat is!" Meowth shouted.

The voices caused Persian to hesitate and then glance around in shock. It was unbelievable. Gourgeist's dark pulse struck the large cat-Pokemon in the face and it staggered back. Then, Meowth was on him immediately after, swiping his claws across his evolved counterpart's face. Serena exchanged a confused glance with Ash. Was Team Rocket, well their Team Rocket, actually turning on their leader?

"Fools!" Giovanni yelled, as Meowth leaped back, standing in front of Gourgeist and Wobbuffet, claws at the ready. He turned away from a smiling James and glared at Jessie and Meowth. "You finally do some competent work and then you decide you can turn on me?"

"I don't need a boss." Jessie said, pointing her nose into the air. "I should have realized that a long time ago."

"Yeah, and not even the twerps insult us like you do. I should've been the top cat a long time ago." Meowth shouted.

"Persian, hyper beam!" Giovanni yelled.

"Gourgeist, dark pulse!" Jessie shouted.

It was obvious it wouldn't work. The two blasts collided, but immediately the hyper beam began to shoot forward. It was just about to strike Meowth and Jessie's Pokemon, when a blast of electricity shot forth and deflected the hyper beam skyward. Then, in one of the most bizarre scenes Serena ever saw, Ash was standing next to Jessie, Pikachu and Greninja next to him.

"I've got this." Ash said to Jessie.

"Uh...right." Jessie said nervously. "Um...thanks twerp."

Ash smirked. "Don't mention it." He then narrowed his eyes at Giovanni. "Ready to go?"

As Giovanni glared at Ash and Jessie, Serena noticed James quickly sneaking around so that he could stand next to his...allies. He was holding his unconscious Inkay in his arms. Giovanni didn't seem to care about striking him immediately anymore, though. He smirked and Serena knew he had a plan. "Very well, Ketchum. You and these fools against me." He then tossed out five pokeballs in front of him. A Nidoking, a Nidoqueen, a Rhyperior, a Marowak and a Golem appeared in front of him. He then looked at Mewtwo. "Over here, now!" Mewtwo immediately teleported, standing in front of Giovanni's Pokemon. "It all comes down to this, Ketchum. If you can beat the legendary Mewtwo and my six strongest Pokemon, you've saved the day once again."

Serena gasped as Charizard shot towards the ground. He turned his head to her when he landed and she knew immediately he wanted her to get off. She did so and went to join Bonnie and Clemont, who were standing reasonably close by. Charizard flew over and landed in front of Ash. He was joined by Pidgeot, who had Infernape and Sceptile hop off and stand with him.

"I'm taking Persian!" Meowth suddenly yelled, glaring at Ash. "You can take the others."

"Fine by me." Ash said.

"We'll do this one at a time." Giovanni suggested. "I want to watch you lose your Pokemon one by one.

"Twerp, I'm going first. Do what you do and help me out." Meowth growled. Serena's jaw dropped and she couldn't help but laugh. Meowth was asking Ash his trainer. "This is only temporary." Meowth said and then he looked at Jessie and James. "Don't be getting any ideas."

"Sure thing, Meowth." Ash said. He then laughed and pointed forward. "Alright Meowth, I choose you!" And one of his oldest enemies leaped forward, under Ash's command.

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