Chapter 79: A Champion's Promise

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Ash winced in both pain and embarrassment. He didn't know it was possible for embarrassment to be physically painful, but it was, and he preferred Charizard's Blast Burn to it. At least he'd been expecting that pain. He definitely hadn't been expecting his mother to inflict so much. And with Serena's help.

"I don't need to do this, mom," Ash complained again, as the hairbrush his mother was attacking him with ripped painfully through the knots in his air. "It's just getting medals and a trophy. I'm not doing one of those interviews again."

"No son of mine is going on a stage with the Champion of the Kalos region and the Kalos Queen, looking like he hasn't combed his hair since leaving Pallet Town," Delia growled, again attacking his head with the brush.

Ash didn't say anything to that. He may or may not have been very good with his hair care during his travels. It hadn't really come up, though. He usually had his hat on to cover it, so maybe it wasn't noticeable. It wasn't like his friends had been bugged by it. They hadn't thought of it till now, either. He glanced nervously towards Serena and noticed she was struggling not to laugh. Of course, now she was thinking of it, which he wasn't too happy about.

It was the next day after the final match of the Kalos League. After passing out at the Pokemon Centre, Ash had slept for the entire rest of the day and through the night. He'd woken up in the morning to the sight of Serena, Bonnie, Clemont and his mother all watching him in concern. They'd all informed him that Diantha had delayed the victory ceremony so that he could rest and that it would take place in the afternoon.

Once Ash had acknowledged this, though, his mother had gotten into action very quickly, making him get out of bed immediately and getting to work on making him look "presentable". Ash didn't really need to argue at first. He didn't need to wear a suit or anything, and Delia had just wanted to clean his regular clothes. However, when she'd started on his hair, that's where things started to get quite uncomfortable.

Luckily, though, she was finally finishing up, and Ash had to admit it looked decent enough. He was quick to grab his hat and slip it on, though, because, as he had said many times before, "it didn't feel right to not have it on". Once he was ready, he looked unhappily at his mom. "Is everything fine, now?"

"I guess so," Delia said with a smirk. "Now we should get going. We don't want to be late."

When they left the room, Clemont and Bonnie were waiting outside, as they had left awkwardly when Ash's grooming had begun. Bonnie was looking pretty excited about what was coming up. She was shaking with excitement and was whipping down the path towards the stadium within seconds, leaving everyone behind. Ash, Serena and Delia kept their pace slow, though, in order to allow for the always trailing Clemont to keep up.

"I can't believe this day has finally come," Clemont gasped out. "When I first met you, you were getting thrown out of my gym by Clembot. It's amazing that Bonnie and I were saving a future Kalos League winner that day."

"Yeah," Ash said, thinking back to that day. It had been the day he'd met Greninja, as a Froakie. Maybe if he'd never been thrown out of the gym like that, the two would never have met. It was all meant to be.

"That was the same day as the Garchomp incident, right?" Serena asked.

Ash nodded, although it was with a nervous glance at his mom, who had been pretty upset when she'd heard about Ash having jumped off of the tower, although she'd been unable to come up with an argument against him trying to save Pikachu. "I guess that day wasn't just important for me meeting Greninja," he finally said.

Serena smiled and took his hand in hers. "I thought it was a movie when I saw what was happening on the news. And then when I saw you, I knew I had to start my journey."

Ash stared up at the sky, seeing the arena up ahead in the distance. He couldn't believe how far he'd come since that day. Really, since the day he'd first received Pikachu. He'd gone from someone who didn't know how to catch a Rattata or a Spearow, to someone who had mastered a bond with a Pokemon that hadn't been seen in hundreds of years. It was definitely good progress. And everything was just so much better now that he was with Serena. He just wondered what he could do next. This couldn't be his high point in life. He was still so young. He had so much more to do, but he needed to figure out what.

When they'd arrived at the stadium, Serena was shocked, whether she should have been or not, at how quickly people started to flock around them. Dozens of little kids and even some adults were holding out paper and pens and pictures, all hoping for Ash to sign something. It was madness, and she could tell he was a little overwhelmed. She became quite flustered herself, especially when she saw a group of girls pushing their way through the crowd asking Ash if he was single. She thought she was about to get violent for one of the first times in her life, but luckily at that moment they were saved.

"Excuse me everyone, I apologize, but I'll need to take Ash and his companions with me." Serena could just see the face of Diantha through the crowd, and sighed in relief. The crowd immediately started backing away. Serena quickly pulled Ash along towards the Kalos Champion, and Bonnie, Clemont and Delia followed close behind.

"Thanks, Diantha, that," Ash mumbled, glancing back nervously as the group entered the stadium, as though he thought some people would continue to follow them.

"I thought that you might encounter a situation like that," Diantha answered, leading everyone down a hallway marked 'VIP'. Serena bit her lip to stop from laughing. Diantha had sounded exactly like Clemont when she'd said that."Unfortunately, Ash, you may need to get used to that kind of attention."

"I guess so," Ash said quietly. He then looked at Serena and smiled. "But hey, it was gonna happen no matter what. Once Serena's Kalos Queen, we're gonna have people all around us anyways. She already has lots of fans."

Serena blushed at that. She wasn't a bundle of nerves around Diantha, but she definitely couldn't act as calm as Ash around her. And a declaration that she'd be Kalos Queen to someone that had already accomplished so much in her life, well that seemed a bit much for Ash to do, as much as she appreciated his support.

"Speaking of Kalos Queens," Diantha whispered, looking straight ahead, but not after a quick glance at Serena, "Aria is quite looking forward to seeing you, Serena."

"Oh really?" Serena asked, unable to keep the excitement out of her voice. She and Aria were pretty much friends now, but it was still cool to have the Kalos Queen looking forward to seeing you. "Well, I'm glad I get to see her again. Although, I'd kind of like to be in her place today."

"Yeah," Ash said quietly, looking at the ground. "And to think I could've helped make it so that it was you."

"Don't dwell on what went wrong in the past," Diantha said firmly. "Look at your future and plan for your successes."

They walked the rest of the way in silence, and then came to a hallway, which would lead them outside to the battlefield, which was now going to be a stage. Serena could see the light filtering in at the end of the hall and hear the yelling crowd. She held Ash's hand tightly, not sure if it was for her comfort or his.

"We can go with Ash, right?" Serena suddenly asked, worried they were going to have to go to the stands where the rest of their friends probably were already seated.

"Please!" Bonnie squeaked excitedly. "That would be so cool!"

Diantha laughed and looked at them both with amusement. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "As long as Ash is ok with it."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Ash asked, gently elbowing Serena, showing his excitement.

Diantha nodded and then looked ahead. "Alright, well how about we head out there? We seem to be on time."

Ash gave a thumbs up and when Diantha began walking up ahead, he and Serena followed close behind, while Clemont, Bonnie and Delia were at the back. A few moments later, the group stopped at the end of the hall and looked out to the field ahead. Well, it wasn't actually a field, but a stage. Serena could see President Goodshow, Professor Sycamore and Aria all waiting patiently. There was also a table in front of them, which held a large, golden trophy with a pokeball shape on the top, and what looked like branches coming up from the base. Next to it, Serena could see a collection of medals with red ribbons.

They didn't need to wait there long, though, as the announcer suddenly came on to announce their arrival. "Ladies and gentlemen," he called out, "let us please welcome the Kalos Champion, Diantha!"

As Diantha made her way towards the stage, the crowd roared in excitement. No matter how many times they saw her, the crowd always seemed to react like they'd never see her again. She accepted the applause graciously, smiling and waving to the crowd as she walked. When she reached the stage, she stopped and then she placed her hands at her hips and pulled them up. Serena was stunned to see her somehow holding six pokeballs, three in each hand. She quickly tossed them in the air, and six flashes of light revealed them.

Ash gasped and shouted in excitement. Serena was pretty interested as well. Now standing around Diantha, was a group of six powerful looking Pokemon. There was a Hawlucha and a Goodra, which Serena could tell had Ash particularly excited. Other than that, there was a large, brown T-Rex Pokemon with fur around its neck and head. A Tyrantrum. Next to it, was a light blue, long necked, four-legged Pokemon. An Aurorus. Hovering next to Aurorus, was a Gourgeist, which Serena couldn't help but feel a chill from seeing, considering what Jessie's Gourgeist had done in the past. And finally, closest to Diantha, was her Gardevoir, standing tall and proud, showing itself to be the Pokemon of a Champion.

The reveal of Diantha's six Pokemon had the crowd somehow going crazier. Serena realized it was probably quite rare to see what were probably Diantha's six best Pokemon all at once like this. The only better thing would be to see her battling with them.

After she called out her six Pokemon, Diantha began to make her way up the stage. Before heading up, she signalled for Gardevoir, her Hawlucha and her Goodra to follow her. It was less awkward for Gardevoir and Hawlucha to get up top than for Goodra, but eventually Diantha and the three Pokemon were up. Serena realized that Aria also had her Delphox out, who was greeting Diantha's three Pokemon on stage.

Once Diantha was on stage, Serena knew it was time. She didn't even realize how tightly she was squeezing Ash's hand until feeling it twitch. She gave him an apologetic look, but the two were quickly distracted by the voice of the announcer.

"Now, for the man of the hour, put your hands together for Ash from Pallet Town! He is accompanied by the runner-up of the Masterclass, Serena and Lumiose City gym leader Clemont and his sister Bonnie. Rounding out the group is Ash's mother, Delia. Let's welcome the Kalos League winner and his friends and family!"

Throughout the tournament, Serena had been a bit irritated by some of what the announcer had said, but she couldn't deny that he had the ability to get the crowd going. As she and Ash walked out into view if the crowd, Ash raising up both their hands, happily showing they were a couple, the crowd cheered and yelled. The ground shook from the noise, making Serena wonder how Ash could have focused on his battles with how much could be heard and felt at this level.

When they reached the stage, they stopped and Ash let go of Serena's hand. He glanced at Diantha, who nodded towards her Pokemon, signalling Ash to call his out as well. He quickly started to unclip the pokeballs at his belt and then threw them all up at once. Five flashes of light later, and the team that had clinched the tournament was revealed.






Pikachu even joined in from his spot on Ash's shoulder. "Pika!" he shouted out excitedly.

Serena started to take a step back, thinking she needed to remain below the stage, but Ash quickly took her hand again. "I want you by my side, remember?" he said quietly, but somehow making himself heard. Serena stared at him in stunned silence a moment, but then finally smiled and nodded. Even if Aria got to crown him the winner, Serena would at least stand by his side while it happened.

After a couple of minutes where Ash and his Pokemon greeted Diantha's Pokemon below stage and then slowly gathered on stage, the true ceremony could begin. Ash and Serena stood off to the side, Ash's Pokemon all lined up next to him, minus Pikachu who was on his shoulder. Serena was amazed at how calm they all were. Ash and his Pokemon had nerves of steel apparently. She'd dealt with crowds before, but this was another level.

When everyone was in position and the crowd quieted a bit, President Goodshow held up a microphone. "Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to welcome you to the closing ceremonies of the Kalos League Lumiose Conference." He paused while the crowd applauded and then spoke again once they began to stop. "This was by far one of the best Pokemon Leagues I've seen in awhile. The competitors here really gave it their all and the Pokemon showed true strength, nerve and loyalty." Once again the crowd applauded, obviously in agreement with that, having clearly loved every moment of the tournament. "It is sad that we need to end the tournament, but it is also exciting to declare a new winner!" Goodshow exclaimed. He then looked towards Diantha who held up a microphone next.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Diantha began, "I would first like to thank you for the support you gave to this tournament and its competitors. I know our trainers really appreciated it." Ash nodded in agreement next to Serena and the crowd once again shouted their approval. Then, Diantha continued once again. "This tournament was a unique one. We may have had some of the most talented trainers and powerful Pokemon ever to compete. As Professor Sycamore says, it was marvellous. And, for a trainer to win this tournament, they needed to be truly exceptional and truly trust their Pokemon, while their Pokemon did the same." Serena noticed Ash glance quickly up at Pikachu and then over at his other Pokemon. Everything Diantha said couldn't have been more true. "Well, people of Kalos, it is my great honour to announce the victor of the Kalos League. Please put your hands together for Ash from Pallet Town! And not only that, his Pokemon, which include those here today. A congratulations to Pikachu, Goodra, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Noivern and Greninja!"

The noise was deafening, although Serena enjoyed it. Ash was trying to be calm about it, but Serens could see the excitement and pride in his eyes. He was clearly proud of what he and his Pokemon had accomplished, and for good reason, too. Serena was so happy that this moment had finally arrived for him, and she fully embraced it.

After about a minute of nonstop cheering, the crowd finally settled, and Professor Sycamore held up a microphone. "Ash, you showed what it means to be a Pokemon trainer in this tournament. I think all Pokemon and all trainers can be proud that you have emerged the victor." He paused a moment and turned to Aria. "Now, I believe it is time for you to officially be declared the winner of the Kalos League."

At this moment, Serena felt the disappointment come back. It could have been her. She could have been Kalos Queen. She could have been the one to do this. She watched as Aria stepped forward, microphone held up. She was definitely quite comfortable in front of the crowd, with all her experience as Kalos Queen. "Hello, everyone. I must say, I am very proud to be here for the closing ceremonies of the Kalos League. I am honoured to have the role of giving the victor their trophy." She then paused and turned so that she was facing Ash and Serena. "However, if you don't mind, there is someone else I think should have that role for today."

Serena's eyes widened. What was Aria doing? Was it allowed? She stared around the stadium, almost feeling as though everyone was closing in on her. She was nervous that people would think she was trying to take the Kalos Queen title away. But no, Aria was the one requesting this. Aria wanted Serena to do this. Serena locked eyes with the Kalos Queen, who nodded and gave her an encouraging smile. Serena slowly began to smile herself, and gently moved her hand away from Ash's, beginning to walk forward. She didn't need to look at him to know how excited and happy he was. He wanted this just as much as her. She finally reached where Aria was standing, and looked at her, feeling some nerves come back.

"Serena, did you bring your Pokemon with you?" Aria asked, holding her microphone away and whispering.

"Yeah," Serena squeaked and nodded.

"Do you have any that are close to Ash's Pokemon?" The Kalos Queen asked, looking over at where Diantha's three Pokemon and Aria's own Delphox stood. Serena realized that the idea was for six Pokemon to be there, perhaps one for each of Ash's. She quickly nodded and pulled out two pokeballs, opening them up and releasing both Sylveon and her own Delphox. She quickly pointed for them to go stand with the others, and then looked at Aria. "Alright, are you ready?"

"Definitely," Serena said, feeling more confident.

Aria smiled and then guided Serena over to the table with the trophy and medals. When they stopped in front of it, she held up her microphone. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to award our champions with their prize. Serena, if you would please take one of the medals." Serena quickly leaned forward and reached out to one of the ribbons attached to one of the medals. When she held it up, she saw a symbol of a pokeball on the top of it, and a Hawlucha image on the bottom of it. Aria peered over Serena's shoulder to see the medal and then held up her microphone again. "Champion Diantha's Hawlucha, would you please come up here?" Serena turned and saw Diantha's Hawlucha, much like Ash's would normally do, make a quick pose, and then it leaped forward, landing gracefully at Serena's side. Serena realized she was supposed to give it the medal and knelt down to do so.

"Lucha," Diantha's Hawlucha thanked Serena, taking the medal in a clawed hand.

Serena smiled and then stood up straight and looked at Aria, who looked over to where Ash's Pokemon were standing. "Would Ash's Hawlucha please come forward?" Serena giggled a little as she watched Hawlucha saunter over. He was definitely going to enjoy this moment in the spotlight. As he walked, Aria acknowledged his performances in the league. "Ash's Hawlucha was key to his quick advancement through the tournament. He managed to overpower Astrid's Mega Absol, put a dent in Sawyer's powerful Slaking and then help Ash get through a tough Weavile and a powerful Metagross in the final match against Alain. He is truly deserving of being a Kalos League winner." When Hawlucha finally made it over, he stood in front of Diantha's Hawlucha and bowed. Diantha's Hawlucha held up the medal and then carefully placed it over Ash's Hawlucha's head, as the crowd cheered. When Hawlucha stood up, Serena could see the pride in his eyes.

After Hawlucha, the other Pokemon followed suit. Next, was Noivern, who received his medal from Diantha's Gardevoir, his performance against Remo's Garchomp being identified as his key moment. After Noivern was Talonflame, receiving his medal from Aria's Delphox, his highlight moment being identified as his win over Sawyer's Salamence. Following that, was Ash's Goodra, who received his medal from Diantha's Goodra. Apparently he wasn't the only super-friendly Goodra, because Diantha's Goodra had the same friendly smile and excited eyes as it presented the medal.

Once Goodra received his medal, the crowd went very quiet, realizing that this was likely the most important part of the ceremony, with Ash's two most loyal and powerful Pokemon coming next, and of course him as well. Aria turned to Serena and signalled for her to take the trophy and the three medals. It wasn't hard, as the trophy wasn't too heavy and the medals could be held in one hand. She picked them all up, and then turned around and stepped forward, seeing Sylveon and Delphox coming to stand next to her.

"Ash's Pikachu and Greninja are two of his fiercest fighters and most loyal partners," Aria informed the crowd, "and I believe it is important for them to be acknowledged alongside their trainer." The crowd shouted their approval and Serena looked at Ash, seeing he couldn't agree more as well. "Alright then," Aria said, please come forward Ash, Pikachu and Greninja."

Ash took a deep breath, looked up at Pikachu on his shoulder, and then started to walk forward. Yet another moment he'd often dreamed of. However, this moment was more than he'd ever hoped for before. To have Serena be the one to present him with the trophy was the greatest gift he could imagine. He would never forget this moment. He finally reached the spot in front of her and stood. Pikachu quickly hopped off his shoulder and stood at his side, across from Sylveon, while Greninja was at his other side in front of Delphox.

"Pikachu," Aria announced, "Ash's first Pokemon and key to his advancement in the league. He defeated two of Malva's Pokemon, gave Ash a strong start against Sawyer, put Ash into the finals with an against the odds win over Calem's Chesnaught, and defeated two of Alain's Pokemon while also putting up a good fight against Alain's Mega Charizard. Congratulations, Pikachu!"

"Syl-sylvoen!" Sylveon exclaimed happily, holding up her ribbon-like feelers and placing the medal gently around Pikachu's neck.

"Pika-pikachu!" Pikachu said happily in response.

"And next," Aria announced, "we have Greninja. This fierce fighter showed power we have never seen at a Pokemon League before. Not only was he key to saving Lumiose City, but he was key to the Kalos League victory, winning against Astrid's Pyroar and Meowstic, Sawyer's Mega Sceptile, and finally, in one of the fiercest fights ever at a leauge, defeating Alain's Mega Charizard."

Ash watched and smiled as Delphox held up the medal and carefully placed it over Greninja's head. He noticed it was a particularly large ribbon, in order to get past the fins on his head. The frog-ninja Pokemon, often so serious, looked prouder and happier than ever before.

Finally, it was Ash's turn next. He looked up and saw Serena looking back, eyes shining with excitement. He didn't even hear as Aria announced his name, and spoke of what he'd done at the league. That didn't really matter at the moment. All that mattered was sharing this moment with his Pokemon who had got him hear, his friends and family both in the stands and below the stage, and of course Serena. He lowered his head as she placed the medal around his neck, and then looked up again, while she held up the trophy.

"Here you are, Kalos League champ," she whispered.

Ash took the trophy from his girlfriend and looked at it closely in his hands. He couldn't believe it. He'd watched in disappointment five times before as other trainers held these trophies and he watched in the stands. He knew exactly how some of those who had lost in this tournament were feeling right now as they watched him hold it. But there was one thing he knew, that he hoped all those disappointed trainers watching him now, knew as well. Those defeats in the past, those disappointments, all made him a better trainer. He learned from his losses, had support from his friends, made himself a better trainer to his Pokemon. He hadn't let those losses hold him back, but instead used them to make himself grow stronger.

He looked back up from the trophy and saw Serena smiling in amusement as she watched him hold it. He realized he was holding it extremely carefully, as though it were a baby or a weak Pokemon. Another thing Ash realized in that moment, was that he he was meant to win this league. He was meant to have this moment. He placed the trophy down and stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Serena. "Thank you, Serena," he whispered, "for never giving up on me."

When he stepped back, Serena just smiled and nodded. "Enough stalling, Ash," she said with a laugh. "Go show everyone that trophy."

"Right," Ash said with a laugh. He leaned down and picked up the trophy. It felt so light in his hands, and he didn't know if it actually was that light, or if he was just letting the adrenaline take over. He, Pikachu and Greninja all went to the front of the stage, standing with the rest of the Pokemon. Ash stepped forward, looking up and around at the crowd. He turned once, and glanced at his Pokemon and they all nodded and smiled, before he turned back to the crowd. Ash then did the only thing that felt right. He held the trophy up high above his head, and immediately the crowd roared in approval. Ash, the victor of the Kalos League. It couldn't have felt more right.

As Ash held the trophy up above him, Diantha, Sycamore and Goodshow made their way over to him. He shook each of their hands and posed for various pictures with them, as camera crews made their way in front of the stage. Trevor was actually among them, as was Ash's mother, both of them determined to get the best pictures possible.

After a picture with Sycamore had finished, Diantha came forward for another. As she held the trophy with Ash, she glanced at him and Ash could tell something was on her mind. "Is something wrong?" he asked her.

"Not at all," Diantha assured him. "I just...well..."

"What is it?" Ash asked, feeling a bit nervous. Was Diantha unhappy about something?

"Well, Ash," Diantha said slowly, and she actually started to smile, amusement in her eyes. "I'm just a bit anxious to keep my promise."

Ash's eyes widened and he stared at her a few moments. " mean...?"

"Yes," Diantha said seriously. "Ash, you made a deal with me when we first met and you were quick to remind me of it at the opening ceremonies. I accepted it back then and I still accept it. The only thing I think I may be more excited about it than you."

Ash laughed, assuming she was joking. The Champion couldn't actually be more excited about a battle than he was. However, she looked like she meant it, and she seemed to be waiting for an answer. " really want to battle with me? Even before I battle the Elite Four."

"Well," Diantha said quietly, "it's not exactly the Elite Four right now, as Malva is no longer in it. However, you defeated her anyways, so you don't need to dwell on the idea that you're beneath that level. Regardless, I'd be very interested in just having an unofficial battle, before you challenged the Champion's League. We had a deal that we would battle if you won the Kalos League, and you kept your end."

"Alright," Ash said, smiling. "Yeah, you're on, Diantha!" He glanced back at his Pokemon and saw that both Greninja and Pikachu seemed to be aware of the conversation going on. Both of them looked quite excited. "Just know that I'm gonna win."

"Make sure you bring your best," Diantha warned, "because I won't let up one bit."

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