Episode 2: Infiltrate Area 99

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(A/N: So, what name did you guys give F/N the Armadillo and what color  did you make him? Let me know in the comments!)

We see Sonic and F/N fall into the pool from the last episode, causing a big splash and Waking up Chris. Then we see him save the two by pulling them out of the water.

Boy: Are you two all right?

Sonic: Yeah, thank you!

F/N: We would've drowned if it weren't for you.

Boy: You two can talk?

F/N: Yeah.

Sonic: Naturally, why not?

Chris: Wow, you two are really talking. I'm Chris! And you two are? What's your guys' names?!

Sonic: I'm Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog!

F/N: And I'm F/N. F/N the Armadillo. Nice to meet you!


We're at the mansion during the day as we see Chris talk to his mother on the phone.

Chris's Mom: I'm sorry. Filming has been delayed because of constant rainy weather. So I don't think I can return home till next week. But as a token of my apology, I'll send you a present soon by air.

Chris: Okay.

Chris's Mom: I got you your favorite, cotton candy, too.

Chris: Thank you! You know what mom? Actually there's something I have to apologize to you about.

Chris's Mom: What is it?

Chris: It's about that promise with you... About not going outside after midnight and staying away from the adult pool. (Shows a butler bringing over some food and placed it on the table.)

Chris's Mom: Did you swim at that time of night?

Chris: No, It's not that. (Looks up to see Sonic and F/N on the roof) I helped two drowning cats.

Chris's Mom: I see. It's all right. I'm not angry at you. You're so kind Chris. Goodbye. (Kisses the phone)

Chris kisses the phone back and hangs up as Sonic and F/N jump down in front of him.

Sonic: Where those cats supposed to be us?

F/N: Yeah, he's a hedgehog and I'm an armadillo.

Chris: Yeah. Are you angry at me? You see she wouldn't understand if I said I saved a hedgehog and an armadillo.

F/N: Waddaya mean?

Chris: Because hedgehogs and armadillos are much smaller. (Shows how big for hedgehogs and armadillos) Maybe this big or this big at most?

Sonic/F/N: Huh?

Chris: You two are special. You're larger than most and besides, you can talk too. Where and when did you two learn to speak?

F/N: That's a good question...

Sonic: Yeah, I wonder... I don't remember something so long ago.

F/N: Me either.

Chris: Really?

The phone in Chris's hand started to ring. He answered it.

Chris: Oh... Hello. Oh, dad...

Chris's Dad: Hi, Chris. Mom told me two cats entered our pool last night? I'm sorry, Chris! That security's not good enough if two cats  can get in so easily.

Chris: Don't be. No problem. I'm just fine. I shooed them away in no time. They hurried off when I glared at them.

Chris's Dad: I see.

Chris: Besides Grandpa, Ella and Mr. Tanaka are all with me at home. But more importantly, you're busy. Aren't you?

Chris's Dad: Yeah very.

Chris: I'm really fine, okay?

Chris's Dad: Oh okay. I'm hanging up then. I love you Chris.

Chris: Me too, Dad. Bye.

Chris hangs up the phone to see an agitated yet hungry look on both Sonic and F/N. Chris started to remember something.

Chris: Oh by the way, what about breakfast? What do you two eat?

F/N: Well, what do hedgehogs and armadillos eat around here?

Chris: (Grabs a bowl with food on it and hands it to the two) I checked it out on the internet and this is what I found.

Sonic and F/N grabbed a piece from the plate and took a bite. They get a disgusted look on their faces.

Sonic: Yuck! What is this?!

Chris: Cat food.

Sonic: No way! Give me a break!

F/N: (spits his out) That's a cruel thing to do to hedgehogs and armadillos.

Chris: Well there seems to food for hedgehogs and armadillos too, but it says that cat food will do fine. You could also eat dried crickets or meal worms-

F/N: (Smacks the bowl out of Chris's hand) Yuck! No thanks!

Sonic and F/N leap on to a nearby tree.

Chris: Where are you guys going?!

Sonic: We unfortunately happen to be gourmet.

F/N: Yeah, I'm not a big fan of eating bugs.

Chris: No, you two shouldn't go outside!

Sonic: See you!

F/N: (give a finger salute) Catch ya later!

The two jump away, leaving Chris alone.

Chris: Wait! Wait, Sonic, F/N!

(Time Skip, brought you by Sonic and F/N racing each other)

We see Sonic and F/N on the TV screen as a helicopter was chasing after them.

News lady: Thier so fast that it is difficult to understand just by looking at the footage. But we have some eyewitness reports.

Policeman: They were about this big, one was blue and the other was (F/C). They look to be a hedgehog and an armadillo.

Male driver: They went by me at tremendous speed.

Taxi driver: No exaggeration. I'm sure they were going at mach speed.

Scientist holding a monkey: As to the question of whether these are UMAs - Unidentified Mutant Animals, the answer is no. Even the cheetah, who is said to be the fastest animal around, cannot outrun a car. There could never be an animal who can run that fast. It would be more reasonable to consider them more to be machines than animals.

We see Sonic, F/N, and Chris on the couch as Sonic and F/N were eating real food while watching the TV. Then we see an old man walk in the room.

Chris: How is it.

Sonic: It's okay, I guess.

F/N: Better than the other stuff that's for sure.

Old man: Did you hear about it, Chris?! Two mysterious machines that beat the S Team appeared.

The old man noticed Sonic and F/N on the couch, he looks at the TV then back at the two. Chris covers the both of them with pillows.

F/N: Hey, what's the big idea, Chris?! (Sonic and F/N pushed the pillows off) Get those off!

Old man: [Hm?] Blue and (F/C)... One looks like a hedgehog and the other looks like an armadillo... (Grabs the two) Was it them?

Chris: No, well, no...

The old man grabbed a screwdriver and tried to unscrew F/N's back while holding onto Sonic.

Old man: I wonder how they're made?

F/N: Hey what are you doing? (Leaps out of his arms with Sonic) Stop!

Old man: Don't run away!

Chris: Grandpa... They're... Sonic and F/N aren't machines.

The old man who is now known as Chris's grandfather looks at the two as he drops his screwdriver as he gasps. Then we hear voice from the TV.

???: Please stay away. I'm scared.

???: Chao!

F/N: Wait a minute, I know those voices!

The two turn towards the TV to see the rabbit girl and her chao.

Rabbit girl: Please stay away.

Sonic/F/N: Cream and Cheese!

Chris: You two know them.

Sonic: So we're not the only ones who came to this weird world.

F/N: Come on, Sonic! We've got no time to lose!

Sonic: Right!

The two ran out the door and bolted out to go get Cream and Cheese. We see Chris go out the door to yell at them.

Chris: Do you guys know where to go?!

The two stopped themselves and ran in front of Chris. Sonic shrugged as F/N rubbed the back of his head having no idea where they are.

Time skip brought you by F/N and Sonic relaxing on the rooftop.

We're now in the garage as we see Chris's grandfather on the phone while Sonic, F/N, and Chris where next to him.

Grandpa: Yeah, you're a great help. Thanks. Let's get together for a meal one day soon. (Hangs up) They seem to have been transported from the police to Area 99.

Chris: Area 99?

We get a glimpse of Area 99 then we go back to reality.

Chris:  That's a military research facility!

Sonic: Military?

Chris: (looks at Sonic and F/N) Yeah, the national defense force. They have war tank, fighter planes and weapons of war.

F/N: Sounds like someone else we know.

Grandpa: They've been brought to military facilities to be checked out, I see. Maybe they think you guys are some sort of aliens or biological weapons that had been developed in another country. What is in fact the truth? Huh?

Sonic: We have no idea.

F/N: Yeah, and now that we know where they are, (walks off with Sonic) all Sonic and I gotta do is run in, grab them, and run out. Easy as pie.

Chris: But if you two go in like that, they'll catch you guys too.

F/N: Oh please, it's gonna take a lot catch us.

The garage door shuts in front of them. Causing the two to get irritated.

Sonic: (looks at Chris) Just what do you think you're doing?!

F/N: (looks at Chris) Yeah, you better open that door or else I'm punching a hole in it!

Chris: I didn't do it!

Grandpa: I did!

Sonic/F/N: Huh?

Grandpa: This is quite interesting. I'm getting pretty excited.

Chris: Not you too, Grandpa.

Grandpa: You come along too. You're always saying that you don't want to be a bore like your Dad, right?

Chris: [agh] that's supposed to be a secret. Don't tell dad I said that.

Grandpa: I know.

Time skip brought you by F/N doing one arm push-ups.

We see everyone in a car drive along a road to Area 99.

Sonic: We can't be wasting our time riding something like this.

F/N: This would've been done a lot faster if Sonic and I did it ourselves.

Grandpa: Now now.

Chris: (holds two things that looks like scouters) These are it, right?

Grandpa: Right.

Chris: (Hands them to Sonic and F/N) Put them on.

Sonic/F/N: What are they?

Grandpa: An infrared scope. I'm sure that Area 99 is full of infrared sensor traps. But, if you two wear those, you two can detect the traps.

The two put on the detectors and jumped out of the cars after taking off they're seatbelts.

Sonic: Thank you. We're going ahead.

F/N: Catch ya on the flip side!

The two speed up as Chris and his grandpa watched in amazement.

Grandpa: They're way faster than what I thought. Okay, then!

Then Chris's grandpa stared to floor it as fast as the car could take them.  Meanwhile I'm Area 99 we see a scientist walk towards a lab. We see him get his eye scanned.

Scanner: ID number F219563, match verified.

The door opens as the scientist walks in. He goes into a lab where we see Cream and Cheese in a pod.

Cream: Please let us out of here! (A camera gets in front of them.) What is this place? What do you plan to do with us?

We see some scientist at a computer as we see a thermal rating from Cream and Cheese as we see Cream start to get scared. Meanwhile we see Sonic and F/N running as Chris talks to them through thier headsets.

Chris: Do you read me, guys?

Sonic: Yeah!

F/N: Loud and clear!

The two start to speed up as we see Chris and his grandfather way behind them.

Chris: When you two get inside, go through the air vent. That should be a blind spot for security, says grandpa.

Sonic/F/N: Alright!

Chris: (looks at his grandpa) But do you know where they're being held captive?

Grandpa: (takes head set. And puts it on) Of course I know. (To Sonic and F/N) If you two go in suspicious looking directions, I'm sure it'll take you guys to your destination.

Chris: Oh no. Talk about irresponsible.

Sonic: Oh well, we'll work it out somehow.

F/N: Yeah, well just wing it!

The two speed up and hoped over the military's base as the cameras detected them.

Computer: Intruders. Verifying...

The cameras tried looking for the two, but they were too fast for them. They find a vent and jumped through it. We see them slide down the vent.

Sonic: We're inside the air vent.

Chris: Roger.

The two stop sliding as they made thier stop. The look to see lasers in the vents.

F/N: Some blind spot this is.

Chris: What did you say?

F/N: Oh nothing.

The two look through an open vent cover to see cameras everywhere.

Sonic: (looks at F/N) We can handle that movement hands down.

The two gave each other a fist bump and open the vents. The two waited until they got an opening. They jump down and quickly moved where the cameras can't see them. They stopped at a corner we're there were no cameras.

F/N: [Heh] Piece of cake.

The two continued doing the same thing to find Cream and Cheese.

Time skip brought you by F/N arm wrestling a Mobian in a bar and won without breaking a sweat.

Meanwhile in the security room we see security on the look out for any intruders. But we see our two heroes running pass the cameras. Back with Chris and his grandfather we see them park away from Area 99.

Chris: I wonder if they're okay.

Meanwhile we see Cream and Cheese being scanned by the scientists.

Cream: T-this is scary.

Cheese: Chao.

Back with Sonic and F/N, we see them across from the laboratory where they were holding Cream and Cheese.

F/N: How are we gonna get in there?

The two start to think of a way to get in until the power went out.

Computer: Abnormality detected in the electrical system. Abnormality detected in the electrical system.

In the electrical room we see little machines that looks like paper airplanes in the wires.

Scientist 1: What's up?!

Scientist 2: I can't see a thing!

Then they heard a shatter coming from behind them.

Scientist 3: What the hell?!

Scientist 4: What was that sound?!

We see that the pod was destroyed and that Cream and Cheese were with Sonic and F/N.

Cream: Sonic, F/N-

F/N: Shh!

Then Cheese started making noises and hugged the two.

Sonic: Cheese cut it out-

Scientist 4: Who's there?!

F/N quickly grabs Cream and Cheese As he and Sonic run for it. Meanwhile we see the electricity room as power support sees how the electricity went down.

Power guy: A paper airplane? Absurd! Who did this? Nevermind that! (To the others) get the electricity back working on the double!

Others: Right!

Back with the other four, we see Sonic and F/N running as Cream and Cheese where in F/N's arms.

Cream: Did you guys do this too?

F/N: Not really. It just randomly happened.

Cream: You two probably have the power to summon good luck.

Sonic: You think so?

After he said that, the power turns back on and the security cameras points at them.

Cream: Could it be? I'm sorry, because I said something I shouldn't have.

F/N: It's not your fault.

Then lasers start coming out of the cameras.

Sonic: Shit! F/N! Let's go!

F/N: Right!

The two started running as the lasers started firing at them. Meanwhile outside of Area 99 we hear the alarm going off.

Chris: Sonic. F/N. What's the matter?! Are you two alright?!

F/N: No problems here.

F/N quickly put Cream and Cheese down.

F/N: Start running!

Cream: Okay!

Then Sonic and F/N jump in the air and punch two of the cameras. F/N hoped on one of them.

F/N: I'll catch up.

Sonic nods and jumps down and grabs Cream's arm and starts running while F/N made the camera blast the other cameras. Once they where all destroyed, F/N pulled the camera off and crushed it in his hands.

The area starts getting blocked as Sonic ran under it with Cream and Cheese before it closed all the way.

Cream: What about F/N?!

Before Sonic could answer, F/N punch the door a couple of times until he made a big hole in it and caught up to them. Then they stopped to see they were surrounded by the cameras pointing at them. Before they could do anything the paper airplanes start coming in and hit every camera in the room, causing them to malfunction.

Cream: What's going on?

F/N: Our chance to get out of here, that's what.

F/N says as he picks up Cream and Cheese and starts running off with Sonic. Then the power went off in the security room and everywhere else thanks to the airplanes.

Security 1: The laser surveillance cameras are out of control!

We see the cameras are firing out of control, destroying the inside of Area 99. Meanwhile we see Sonic and F/N running up some stairs with Cream and Cheese.

Cream: You two honestly aren't doing all this?

Sonic: We told you no!

The laser cut off some of the stairs. So Sonic and F/N decided to hop all the way to the top where it was safe. F/N put Cream and Cheese down.

F/N: We should be good for now. You were scared. Weren't you, lady?

Cream: No. Thank you, Sonic and F/N.

Sonic: Ah, it was nothing really.

F/N: Wait, Sonic do you hear that?

Sonic: (looks up) Yeah, that sounds is-

The two take off their headphones and put their ears to the wall. When we hear a plane.


F/N: Sounds like a plane.

The two look at each other and smirks.

Then we see Tails flying the Tornado as F/N punched a hole in the wall. He grabs Cream and Cheese and jumps on to the wing of the plane with Sonic as they fly off.

F/N: Tails!

Tails: Hi!

Cream: I see. So it was you, Tails.

Tails: (winks) Hang on tight, so you don't fall off!

We see Tails flying away from Area 99 as Chris and his grandfather follow them.

Time skip brought you by Cream hugging F/N.

(Song ends here)

We see everyone in a garage at the Mansion as Sonic and F/N introduce Chris and his grandfather to Tails, Cream and Cheese.

Chris: I'm Chris. I Just got to be friends with Sonic and F/N last night.

Tails: I'm Tails! I always been friends with Sonic. Right, Sonic?

Sonic: Correct.

Chris: Wait, what about F/N.

Tails blushes and rubs the back of his head while F/N rubs his nose while chuckling.

Chris: Wait... You two are-

F/N: Yep.

(Tails is 18 in this story fyi)

Cream: I'm Cream and this is my friend, Cheese. (Bows with Cheese) Nice to meet you.

Chris: (Bows) Yeah, Same here. It seems we'll become good friends. (Points at his grandfather) He's my grandfather.

Grandfather: Fantastic! (shows him looking at the paper airplane) I've never scene such micron sized radio controlled planes before.

Tails: Something like this is no big deal.

Chris: But... (Looks at Sonic and F/N) You two where too reckless! You guys are dealing with the military, you know! War could've broke out.

Sonic: It'll work out somehow.

Chris: That's not the point.

The two shrug in response.

Grandfather: No, Well, this is really fantastic where did you learn all this scientific technology?

Tails: Where? All I can say is that I learned it in the world that we came from.

Grandfather: So where is that world.

Tails: Our world is called Mobius. But we were thrown into this world through time and space.

Grandfather: Hmm. Very interesting! Very very interesting!

Chris: My God!

Tails: Uh, guys. If you two, Cream, Cheese, and I were all affected by that accident, could it also be that all the others be here too?

F/N: Now that I think about it. The others that were there was Knuckles, Amy and...

Then a glimpse of Dr. Eggman was shown.


Meanwhile on an island we see a part of Eggman's base was there. Then we see Dr. Eggman in his laboratory.

Eggman: Oh. So we were thrown into this world by Chaos Control, eh? Oh well. I'll establish the foundation for the Eggman Empire in this world. Then I'll expand my territory to other worlds! [HAAAHAHAHAHAHA!]


[A/N: Aaaand done! What do you guys think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments. And be sure to hit that vote button so others can see this book and I'll see you guys on the next episode!]

Next episode: Dr. Eggman's Ambition.

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