Fakemon, GO!

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I'm gonna spam you guys with some Fakemon sketches I did a month ago and never put up. Behold the 3 (2 1/2 really, Mossmot wasn't finished) starters! Which would you choose?

Mossmot- Nearly extinct, it lives on the freezing tundras of the north. They travel in packs, huddling together to keep warm- their mossy coats aren't fully grown yet. It looks sad due to the harsh life it lives. (Grass)
Coburn- A flame pattern covers its body in gradient tones. When it gets mad (Which is often- quite the cranky and moody Fakemon), smoke spirals out of its nostrils, and it breathes fire when enraged. Its hood, which look like wings, will eventually split and become feathery, enabling flight. (Fire)
Piscout- A dark blue fish with lighter bubble-shaped markings, Piscout are highly vigilant. They take turns keeping watch over their schools. A little earring on its tail indicates status within said school. This Fakemon is extraordinarily loyal to a good trainer who takes care of it. (Water/Ice)

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