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First and foremost, thank you so much for reading this book.

Next, I would like to write about how this book came into existence, because something compels me to make this known.

It all started with a small idea in the early sweltering June of 2016. An idea of someone able to live an ideal life, when in reality, I couldn't. That was the hardest time in my life and there was nothing I could have done then, to change how I felt at that time. I had felt really helpless. Coincidentally, I had a lot of free time in my hands. It helped that sleep visited me less frequently then. I started writing to escape the rut of the monotony of everyday life. But the more reasearch I made, the more I learnt. Learnt about mental illness and disorders. Ones that no one could have any control over. About abuse, about violence, about death. What started out as an escape turned into a journey of accumulating knowledge.

The world is so huge, and people have so many problems, and here I felt like a sob over a silly thing. And yet, each everyone of us matter. We exist for a solid reason. Some discover it, others are taught about it. Some may discover it too late. But it's the truth. I know this sounds too philosophical, but if this helps even one person to persevere and move forward in life, I consider it to be a success because we cannot expect some higher power to help us. We have each other to lean on, and I think the friendship with another kindred soul is one of the best things to ever exist.

Okay, philosophical rant over.

I hope you guys liked the book, and please do comment what you think about it, whether positive or constructive criticism. 

Thank you

Loads Of M&Ms!


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