grammar 0

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Grammar file 1

1.     what is the substantives adjective and how is it used in the English language ? Give examples for illustration .

The substantives of adj is the kind of conversion adj when substantives loses all or part of the characteristic of the N . there're 2 types of substantives adj

-         Holly(fully) SA acquired all the characteristic of the N : they have plural & the possessive & are associated with the definite & indefinite article . Here , belong ti ( to )the following groups of words :

a.     words denoting classes of person native=> a native => 2 natives => the native's

a criminal  , a progressive , a conservative

b. word denoting nationality  a Russian ...   EX: no " an English , a French"

c. word denoting periodical : a daily , a weekly , a monthly

- Partially SA take only the indefinite article , but they do not have any other characteristic of the N (they are neither inflected for plural nor they can be used in thee possessive case)  Ex: the miserable , the young , the good ....

2.     what is the difference between the transitive verb and the intransitive verb . Give three examples of verbs which can be used both as transitive and intransitive

Vt are verbs that are connected with their object words directly . In other words , vt are those verbs which take a direct object and can be used in the passive Ex: bring , take , and carry    . he takes me home in his car .

Vi are verbs that don't take a direct object and can't be used in passive  Ex: go , live  , die , and sleep

3 examples : hear , speak , write , eat , study , learn , and sing

We are learning .  we are learning English . I'm speaking  . I'm speaking to her . she's singing . she's singing a beautiful song.

3.     what is the difference between the phrase and the clause in the English language ? Give examples for illustration

Phrase is a combination of word which doesn't consist of its own subject and predicate (= finite verb) and is used as a single word .

Ex: she is now living under great pressure  . Chatting with her is not to my liking

Clause is a part of sentence which consists of its own subject and predicate , however , its meaning is incomplete . Ex:  whatever she says nobody believer her .   whether being friends or lovers doesn't mean anything to me

4.     what is an allomorph in the English language ? give examples for illustration

An allomorph is any variants which is difference in pronunciation or spelling

Ex: "s" to form plural may have such variants as "es" or "z/s/iz"  "ed" to form past tense has such variants as " t/d/id"

5.     what is the difference between the gerund and the "to" infinitive when they follow the verb " to forget" in the English sentence ? Give examples for illustration

When the verb ' to forget' in uses , there are two possible structures:

-'to forger to do st' is used  to express future action to happen after the moment of speech . Ex: I forgot to take her phone number , so I could not to contact with her .

- 'to forget doing st' is used to express action to happen after the moment of speech

Ex: I forgot meeting him at my friend's birthday party

6.     what is the interpersonal meaning of the functional grammar in the English language ? Give examples to prove your points.

The interpersonal meaning is the meaning add form of action : the speaker  or writer does something to the listener for reader by means of language . the interpersonal meaning is regulated by language user's concern.

Ex: the "man" , "guy" , "gentleman", "bird" , "chap" , "fellow" .. can all be used to refer to a man depending on the relationship the speaker has with that person or the degree of the respect the speaker wants to show to that man

7.     what is the difference between the compound word and the derived word in English ? Give examples to prove your points

C words are words formed by adding 2 or more roots or free morpheme together

Football , schoolboy , ceiling - fan

D words are words formed by adding affixes ( either prefixes or suffixes or both ) to the root Impoliteness ...

8.     what is the uses of articles with the names of season in a year ? Give examples for illustration

Generally speaking , the names of seasons in a year are used & with zero article in general sense . when the names of seasons are definite by context , they are used with definite article

But indefinite article is used before the names of the season to denote the particular time when st happened . Ex: flower often blossom in spring . the spring of 1975 will forever do down in our National history . I remember he was born in a spring

9.     what is the typical feature of the descriptive grammar in the English language ? give examples for illustration

DG is concerned describing the language objectively as it actually is . It describes all language elements & grants name for them , without making any adjustment . It tells what the language users know unconsciously and also enables to use and understand the language

According to this grammar , nothing is imposed , which is why it accepts such sentences as: Ex: I won't tell about this no more - They don't understand nothing - He here

10.            what is the typical feature of the Functional grammar in the English language ? give examples for illustration

Functional Grammar focuses on the purpose and uses of language i.e. it focuses on functions rather than on structure or forms. It derives from examination of spoken and written language and the context of its use. It investigate how language is used in its effects. Its aims include revealing many of choices that language users have in interaction and showing meaning is made.

Ex: you did it already

change the last sentence a little bit

its aims revealing many choices that language users have in interaction and meaning it's made.

11.            what is the difference between a preposition and adverb particle in the English language ? Give examples for illustration

Preposition usually stands before noun to form a prepositional phrase .

Ex: he works at the factory - they go down the road

But adverbial particle usually stands after the verb and changes the lexical meaning of the verb . Adverb particle has no object .  Ex: what did you turn up at my party last night ? - he turned down my proposal

12.            what are the uses of the bare infinitive in English ? Give two examples of each uses

Bare infinitive are the base form of the verb ( used without 'to') Bare infinitives are used with different syntactic function. - As part of predicate after the modal verb of auxiliary verb in the negative and interrogative structure . Ex: did you arrive on time in the meeting ? - As complement , especially object complement in several structures Ex: do not make me do what I don't like to . - As the main verb in the present subjunctive mood sentences . Ex: God safe the queen - As the main verb in the imperative sentences . Ex: Love me or leave me alone

13.            what is an intermediate constituent analysis . State the basic steps in such an analysis . Give an example to show the steps

IC analysis is one of the most widely used techniques for displaying sentence's structure . It is based on the argument that different element of language don't belong to the same layers . they belong to different layers and create different meaning

This approach works through the different levels of structure within a sentence in a number of steps as each level , a construction is divided into it's major constituent and the process continues until no further division can be made Ex: The police arrested the thief

-         The basic steps to analyze this sentence are as follow:

a.     identifying 2 major constituents : ' the police' and ' arrested the thief'

b.     dividing the next biggest constituent into 2

c.      continuing to divide constituents into 2 until we can go no further . The police=the + police .  The thief = the + thief => the/// police/arrested//the//thief

What is constituent ? A constituent is any linguistic unit taking part in the construction of a larger unit Ex: the teachers are good

14.            what is the difference between the complement and the attribute in the English language ? Give examples for illustration

Complement is a part of sentence which gives further additional meaning to complete the subject or object of a sentence . complement is usually introduced by the link verb or the be-like verb

Ex: this kind of flower is both beautiful and fragrant   ( see , hear , observe , watch , feel , consider , call ..) => lay Ex: complement object  .   I saw her playing piano in her room

Attribute is a part of a sentence which gives further information and adds further meaning to the noun or NP . Ex: that film I watch last week is interesting

15.            what does the term " subject - verb agreement" refer to ? write three sentence and analyze the subject verb agreement in them

Subject-verb agreement is the grammatical concord between the subject and the verb the predicate must agree with the subject in person and number Ex: - Radio and television have changed social habit => normally , when the subject consists of two or more nouns , it has the force of a plural and takes plural verb . - Bread and butter is a wholesome food => when two or more nouns represent a compound name of noe thing , then the compound is thought of as singular and takes a singular verb . - 20 kilometers is not a great distance in these days of repid travel => when a plural number applied to distances , weights , heights or amounts of money and represents a single figure or quantity , it is treated as singular and takes a singular verb .- there is a teacher and 25 students in that room now -there are 25 students and one teacher in that room now => when the subject is the former " there" the predicate agrees with the real subject . In case of homogeneous subject , it agrees with the one standing first.

16.            what is a verb ? what types can verbs be divided into ? Give examples of each type

The verb is a part of speech usually denoting action , process , experiences , or statement of being .

-         The main types of verb include :

+ Main verb and auxiliary verb

Ex: I can't stand with him anymore Aux V main V

+ Finite and non-finite ( tensed and non- tensed) Ex: I hate talking with her .  Finite  non-finite

+ Transitive and intransitive   Ex: my grand pa died at the age of 80

He often buys me flowers on my birthday.

+ Notional

Ex: these flowers smell very sweet .  His word sounds hollow

+ Phrasal verb   Ex: don't put off what you can do to day  till tomorrow

17.            what are modal auxiliaries ? Give examples of different uses of modal auxiliaries

Modal auxiliary are verbs that can be used as both aux ( to form negative and interrogative sentence ) and modals to denote some modality of an action : ability , determination , necessity , likelihood , certainly ...

be, have and do can be auxiliaries und full verbs .Modals are: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, would and need

(need can be a full verb, too).

Ex: We can play football.- we could play football- we may play football ....

18.            what is the difference between free morphemes and bound morphemes ? give at least three examples of each type to support your points

-         Free morphemes are those that can stand alone carrying full semantic weight ( tables , teachers , ....)

-         Bound morphemes are those that can't stand alone in the language . they're always added to 1 or more morphemes to form a new word or to modify the meaning or grammatical function of the free morpheme ( underdeveloped , unwanted ,....)

19.            what is the difference between the derivational morphemes and the inflectional morphemes in the English language ? Give examples for illustration

-         The derivational morpheme is a kind of bound morpheme which is added to a word to make a new word , a new meaning , or a new part of speech . A traditional term of derivational morpheme is affix ( prefix , suffix). Ex: meaningless , beautiful , underworld ..

-         The inflectional morpheme is also one kind of bound morpheme which is added to a word in order to express grammatical construct in the sentence such as singular / plural or past tense / present tense ... Ex: bigger , biggest... hardly , harder ....

-         what is the difference between the two adjectives : Gold - Golden in English ? Give examples for illustration


beside being a noun that refers to the metal gold, it is an adjective as well that refers to the bright shiny yellow color :

"She wears a gold shirt" *Here 'gold' is an adjective*.

"Golden" is only an adjective and no noun.

It is almost synonyms with gold ,when it refers to something being bright yellow in color :

"an endless golden beach"

It refers also to something made of Gold:

" She wears a golden chain. "

**However it has a different meaning ,where "gold" can't be interchanged with it, when referring to something that is favorable ,wonderful and advantageous :

" This job is a golden opportunity for you, you should take it. "

So "golden" will always indicate that something is booming , wonderful or successful as in :

"golden age" is a period of time marked by high achievement specially in art and literature .

** There is another remarkable difference between "gold" and "golden", when both are adjectives:

- 'Gold' means made of gold or having the color gold exactly ,while 'golden' could also mean having the appearance of 'gold' as in :

"golden beach" , the color of the sand is similar to the color of gold.

You are not likely to hear ' gold beach' .

Where a 'gold chain' refers to it being made of gold or having the exact color of gold .

20.            what is the use of the past subjunctive mood in the English language ? give examples for illustration

The past subjunctive mood is used to express an unreal past , a wish that never comes true . It indicates uncertainty , improbability , regret , and its structure is similar to that of past unreal condition .

The past subjunctive mood has lost its past meaning & therefore its form are also used to denote an unreal action referring to present or future

21.            what is the difference between lexical and grammatical morphemes ? Give examples to support your points .

-         Lexical morphemes express lexical meaning referring to things , objects , events , actions , states or property . Ex: teacher , table , book , chair

-         Grammatical morphemes express common meaning referring to grammatical relationship within & between sentences Ex: works , worked , working ..  "er" grammatical meaning derivational meaning

22.            what situations are conditional sentences uses to talk about ? Give at least three examples of each situation

Basically , conditional sentences used to talk about:

1.     situations which sometime , exist or existed . -if she saw me in the street , she would wave me

2.     situations which you know don't exist . - if there were snow in HN , the landscape would be more beautiful

3.     situations when you don't know whether they exist or not . - if there are intelligent being on other planets , they will visit us one day - if the sun perishes , life on earth will be extinct

4.     situations which may exist in the future . - if a subway system is build in HN , traffic jam will be reduced .-if an asteroid collides with the earth , billions or People will be killed

23.            what is the difference between the endocentric phrase and the exocentric phrase ? Give examples of each

-         Endocentric phrases are those expanded from a central elements or head , having the same grammatical function as the head . they have 3 main part structures : pre modifier - head - post modifier Ex: many international / delegates / at the conference

Pre   modifier    head   post modifier

All the grammar / books / on the table

Pre modifier head  post modifier

- In contrast , exocentric phrases are those that can't be seen as an expansion of a central element . their functions are varied .  Ex: on the world , in the sky ...

24.            what makes must different from have to when they are used to express obligation ? write sentences to clarify your points .

In statement about obligation with 'must' , the obligation normally comes from the speaker . Ex: You must do it for me now- you must come to see my parents soon

To talk about an obligation that comes from outside ( for instance : a regulation or an order from sb else ) or imposed by circumstance , we usually prefer ' have to' Ex: as the manager was out , I had to wait . - Why should I have to do everything ?

25.            what is the basic difference between prescriptive grammar and descriptive grammar ? Give examples support your point

PG lays down normative rules about how the language is supposed to be used

Ex: never end a sentence with a preposition

It is wrong to split a 'to infinitive' with an adv

It is ungrammatical to use double negative to express a negative idea

In contrast , DG aims to describe the grammar of the language exactly as it is . It tries to provide language users with constitutive rules .

Ex: the noun can act as a subject or object in a S

The adv often stands after the V and before the adj it modifies

26.            what does the term verb form refer to ? make a list of verb forms in English . Give one example for each

Verb forms refer to different forms of verbs used in a sentence . They include finite and non-finite form . Finites are verb forms with a tense (tensed verb) . They usually have a subject and a tense   Ex: she does her housework carefully

Who did it ?

Non - finites are verb forms without a tense ( non-tensed  verb) . They include infinitive , present participle , participle , participle and gerund .

Ex: The non-finite of the verb "do" are " to do, doing , done , to have done , having done ..."

27.            what is a  complex sentence ? what is the ground for classifying complex sentences ? give examples

A complex sentence is one in English in which includes, at minimum, one dependent clause and one independent clause. The dependent clause, which is also known as a subordinate clause, is connected by either a relative pronoun or a subordinate conjunction. The complex sentence can be contrasted with a simple sentence, which has no dependent clause. Other types of sentences include the compound sentence, which need to have at least two independent clauses, and the complex-compound sentence, which need to have at least two independent clauses, and at least one dependent clause.

Ex: I like to write letters. and She sure likes to tango

Complex sentences are often formed by putting these words at the beginning of the dependent clause: as, as if, before, after, because, though, though, even though, while, when, whenever, if, during, as soon as, as long as, since, until, unless, where, and wherever. These words are called subordinating conjunctions.

Some examples:

After I came home, I made dinner.

(dependent clause: "After I came home")

(indpendent clause: I made dinner

For  example: You  earn  money  while  you  work. "While"  is  the  subordinating  conjunction  in  this example.  "You  earn  money"  is  the  independent clause  and  "while  you  work"  is  the  dependent clause.

28.            what is a phrase ? write sentences in which the phrase plays different syntactical functions

A phrase is a syntactic structure that consists of more than one word but lacks the subject-predicate organization of a clause

Allowance may be made on a theory-specific basis for single-word, minimal instances of phrases.


A noun as a minimal instance of a noun phrase.

29.            what does the term of agreement refer to ? Give examples of agreement.

In languages, agreement or concord is a form of cross-reference between different parts of a sentence or phrase. Agreement happens when a word changes form depending on the other words to which it relates.

For example, one does not say I is in English, because is cannot be used when the subject is I. The word is is said not to agree with the word I. This is why the grammatical form is I am, even though the verb still has the same function and basic meaning

30.            what is the difference between the global sense and the narrow sense for the term "grammar"?

The global (general) sense of the term grammar , popularized by American linguist Noam Chomsky includes ( subsumes) all aspects of sentences patterning including phonology & semantics

The narrow (specific) sense is more traditional here ; grammar is presented as just one branch of language structure , distinct from phonology & semantics

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