1000 cụm từ, mẫu câu tiếng anh thông dụng

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1. I'm + (Object)
2. I'm in/at/on
3. I'm good at
4. I'm + (verb)
5. I'm getting
6. I'm trying + (verb)
7. I'm gonna + (verb)
8. I have + (noun)
9. I have + (past participle)
10. I used to + (verb)
11. I have to + (verb)
12. I wanna + (verb)
13. I gotta + (verb)
14. I would like to + (verb)
15. I plan to + (verb)
16. I've decided to + (verb)
17. I was about to + (verb)
18. I didn't mean to + (verb)
19. I don't have time to + (verb)
20. I promise not to + (verb)
21. I'd rather + (verb)
22. I feel like + (verb-ing)
23. I can't help + (verb-ing)
24. I was busy + (verb-ing)
25. I'm not used to + (verb-ing)
26. I want you to + (verb)
27. I'm here to + (verb)
28. I have something + (verb)
29. I'm looking foward to + (verb-ing)

1. I'm calling to + (verb)
2. I'm working on + (noun)
3. I'm sorry to + (verb)
4. I'm thinking of + (verb-ing)
5. I'll help you + (verb)
6. I'm dying to + (verb)
7. It's my turn to + (verb)
8. It's hard for me to + (verb)
9. I'm having a hard time + (verb-ing)
10. I think I should + (verb)
11. I've heard that + (subject + verb)
12. It occurred to me that (subject + verb)
13. Let me + (verb)
14. Thank you for
15. Can I + (verb)
16. Can I get + (noun)
17. I'm not sure if (subject + verb)
18. Do you mind if I + (verb)
19. I don't know what to + (verb)
20. I should have + (past participle)
21. I wish I could + (verb)
22. You should + (verb)
23. You're supposed to + (verb)
24. You seem + (adjective)
25. You'd better + (verb)
26. Are you into + (noun)
27. Are you trying to + (verb)
28. Please + (verb)
29. Don't + (verb)
30. Do you like

1. How often do you
2. Do you want me to + (verb)
3. What do you think about (verb-ing)
4. Why don't we + (verb)
5. It's too bad that
6. You could have + (past participle)
7. If I were you, I would + (verb)
8. It's gonna be + (adjective)
9. It looks like + (noun)
10. That's why + (subject + verb)
11. It's time to + (verb)
12. The point is that + (subject + verb)
13. How was + (noun)
14. How about + (verb-ing)
15. What if + (subject + verb)
16. How much does it cost to + (verb)
17. How come + (subject + verb)
18. What are the chances of + (verb-ing)
19. There is something wrong with + (noun)
20. Let's not + (verb)
21. Let's say that + (subject + verb)
22. There's no need to + (verb)
23. It takes + (time) + to + (verb)
24. Please make sure that + (subject + verb)
25. Here's to + (noun)
26. It's no use + (verb-ing)
27. There's no way + (subject + verb)
28. It's very kind of you to + (verb)
29. There's nothing + (subject) + can + (verb)
30. Rumor has it that + (subject + verb)


1. S + V + too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something: (quá....để cho ai làm gì...)
e.g. This structure is too easy for you to remember.
e.g. He ran too fast for me to follow.

2. S + V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V: (quá... đến nỗi mà...)
e.g. This box is so heavy that I cannot take it.
e.g. He speaks so soft that we can’t hear anything.

3. It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S + V: (quá... đến nỗi mà...)
e.g. It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it.
e.g. It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all.

4. S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something : (Đủ... cho ai đó làm gì...)
e.g. She is old enough to get married.
e.g. They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English.

5. Have/ get + something + done (past participle): (nhờ ai hoặc thuê ai làm gì...)
e.g. I had my hair cut yesterday.
e.g. I’d like to have my shoes repaired.

6. It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It’s +time +for someone +to do something : (đã đến lúc ai đó phải làm gì...)
e.g. It is time you had a shower.
e.g. It’s time for me to ask all of you for this question.

7. It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something: (làm gì... mất bao nhiêu thời gian...) 
e.g. It takes me 5 minutes to get to school.
e.g. It took him 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday.

8. To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing: (ngăn cản ai/ cái gì... làm gì..)
e.g. He prevented us from parking our car here.

9. S + find+ it+ adj to do something: (thấy ... để làm gì...)
e.g. I find it very difficult to learn about English.
e.g. They found it easy to overcome that problem.

10. To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing. (Thích cái gì/ làm gì hơn cái gì/ làm gì)
e.g. I prefer dog to cat.
e.g. I prefer reading books to watching TV.

11. Would rather ('d rather) + V (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive: (thích làm gì hơn làm gì) 
e.g. She would play games than read books.
e.g. I’d rather learn English than learn Biology.

12. To be/get Used to + V-ing: (quen làm gì) 
e.g. I am used to eating with chopsticks.

13. Used to + V (infinitive): (Thường làm gì trong quá khứ và bây giờ không làm nữa)
e.g. I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young.
e.g. She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day.

14. To be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing: ngạc nhiên về....
e.g. I was amazed at his big beautiful villa.

15. To be angry at + N/V-ing: tức giận về
e.g. Her mother was very angry at her bad marks.

16. to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing: giỏi về.../ kém về..
.e.g. I am good at swimming.
e.g. He is very bad at English.

17. by chance = by accident (adv): tình cờ
e.g. I met her in Paris by chance last week.

18. to be/get tired of + N/V-ing: mệt mỏi về...
e.g. My mother was tired of doing too much housework everyday.

19. can’t stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing: Không chịu nỗi/không nhịn được làm gì...
e.g. She can't stand laughing at her little dog.

20. to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing : thích làm gì đó...
e.g. My younger sister is fond of playing with her dolls.

21. to be interested in + N/V-ing: quan tâm đến...
e.g. Mrs Brown is interested in going shopping on Sundays.

22. to waste + time/ money + V-ing: tốn tiền hoặc thời gian làm gì
e.g. He always wastes time playing computer games each day.
e.g. Sometimes, I waste a lot of money buying clothes.

23. To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing: dành bao nhiêu thời gian làm gì..
e.g. I spend 2 hours reading books a day.
e.g. Mr Jim spent a lot of money traveling around the world last year.

24. To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something: dành thời gian vào việc gì...
e.g. My mother often spends 2 hours on housework everyday.
e.g. She spent all of her money on clothes.

25. to give up + V-ing/ N: từ bỏ làm gì/ cái gì...
e.g. You should give up smoking as soon as possible.

26. would like/ want/wish + to do something: thích làm gì...
e.g. I would like to go to the cinema with you tonight.

27. have + (something) to + Verb: có cái gì đó để làm
e.g. I have many things to do this week.

28. It + be + something/ someone + that/ who: chính...mà...
e.g. It is Tom who got the best marks in my class.
e.g. It is the villa that he had to spend a lot of money last year.

29. Had better + V(infinitive): nên làm gì....
e.g. You had better go to see the doctor.

30. hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing
e.g. I always practise speaking English everyday.

31. It is + tính từ + ( for smb ) + to do smt
eg. It is difficult for old people to learn English.( Người có tuổi học tiếng Anh thì khó )

32. To be interested in + N / V_ing ( Thích cái gì / làm cái gì )
eg. We are interested in reading books on history.( Chúng tôi thích đọc sách về lịch sử )

33. To be bored with ( Chán làm cái gì )
eg. We are bored with doing the same things everyday.( Chúng tôi chán ngày nào cũng làm những công việc lặp đi lặp lại )

34. It’s the first time smb have ( has ) + PII smt ( Đây là lần đầu tiên ai làm cái gì )
eg. It’s the first time we have visited this place.( Đây là lần đầu tiên chúng tôi tới thăm nơi này )

35. enough + danh từ ( đủ cái gì ) + ( to do smt )
eg. I don’t have enough time to study.( Tôi không có đủ thời gian để học )

36. Tính từ + enough (đủ làm sao ) + ( to do smt )
eg. I’m not rich enough to buy a car.( Tôi không đủ giàu để mua ôtô )

37. too + tính từ + to do smt ( Quá làm sao để làm cái gì )
eg. I’m to young to get married.( Tôi còn quá trẻ để kết hôn )

38. To want smb to do smt = To want to have smt + PII( Muốn ai làm gì ) ( Muốn có cái gì được làm )
eg. She wants someone to make her a dress.( Cô ấy muốn ai đó may cho cô ấy một chiếc váy )= She wants to have a dress made.( Cô ấy muốn có một chiếc váy được may )

39. It’s time smb did smt ( Đã đến lúc ai phải làm gì )
eg. It’s time we went home.( Đã đến lúc tôi phải về nhà )

40. It’s not necessary for smb to do smt = Smb don’t need to do smt( Ai không cần thiết phải làm gì ) doesn’t have to do smt
eg. It is not necessary for you to do this exercise.( Bạn không cần phải làm bài tập này )

41. To look forward to V_ing ( Mong chờ, mong đợi làm gì )
eg. We are looking forward to going on holiday.( Chúng tôi đang mong được đi nghỉ )

42. To provide smb from V_ing ( Cung cấp cho ai cái gì )
eg. Can you provide us with some books in history?( Bạn có thể cung cấp cho chúng tôi một số sách về lịch sử không?)

43. To prevent smb from V_ing (Cản trở ai làm gì )=To stop
eg. The rain stopped us from going for a walk.( Cơn mưa đã ngăn cản chúng tôi đi dạo )

44. To fail to do smt (Không làm được cái gì / Thất bại trong việc làm cái gì)
eg. We failed to do this exercise.(Chúng tôi không thể làm bài tập này )

45. To be succeed in V_ing (Thành công trong việc làm cái gì)
eg. We were succeed in passing the exam.(Chúng tôi đã thi đỗ )

46. To borrow smt from smb (Mượn cái gì của ai)
eg. She borrowed this book from the liblary.( Cô ấy đã mượn cuốn sách này ở thư viện )

47. To lend smb smt (Cho ai mượn cái gì)
eg. Can you lend me some money?( Bạn có thể cho tôi vay ít tiền không? )

48. To make smb do smt (Bắt ai làm gì)
eg. The teacher made us do a lot of homework.( Giáo viên bắt chúng tôi làm rất nhiều bài tập ở nhà )

49. CN + be + so + tính từ + that + S + động từ.( Đến mức mà )
CN + động từ + so + trạng từ 
vd1. The exercise is so difficult that noone can do it.( Bài tập khó đến mức không ai làm được )
vd2. He spoke so quickly that I couldn’t understand him.( Anh ta nói nhanh đến mức mà tôi không thể hiểu được anh ta )

50. CN + be + such + ( tính từ ) + danh từ + that + CN + động từ. (quá .. đến nỗi..)
eg. It is such a difficult exercise that noone can do it.( Đó là một bài tập quá khó đến nỗi không ai có thể làm được )

51. It is ( very ) kind of smb to do smt ( Ai thật tốt bụng / tử tế khi làm gì) 
eg. It is very kind of you to help me.( Bạn thật tốt vì đã giúp tôi )

52. To find it + tính từ + to do smt
eg. We find it difficult to learn English. ( Chúng tôi thấy học tiếng Anh khó )

53. To make sure of smt ( Bảo đảm điều gì )that + CN + động từ
eg. 1. I have to make sure of that information.( Tôi phải bảo đảm chắc chắn về thông tin đó )
2. You have to make sure that you’ll pass the exam.( Bạn phải bảo đảm là bạn sẽ thi đỗ )

54. It takes ( smb ) + thời gian + to do smt ( Mất ( của ai ) bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì)
eg. It took me an hour to do this exercise.( Tôi mất một tiếng để làm bài này )

55. To spend + time / money + on smt ( Dành thời gian / tiền bạc vào cái gìdoing smt làm gì )
eg. We spend a lot of time on TV.watching TV.( Chúng tôi dành nhiều thời gian xem TV )

56. To have no idea of smt = don’t know about smt ( Không biết về cái gì )
eg. I have no idea of this word = I don’t know this word.( TÔI không biết từ này )

57. To advise smb to do smt ( Khuyên ai làm gìnot to do smt không làm gì )
eg. Our teacher advises us to study hard.( Cô giáo khuyên chúng tôi học chăm chỉ )

58. To plan to do smt ( Dự định / có kế hoạch làm gì )intend
eg. We planed to go for a picnic.intended( Chúng tôi dự định đi dã ngoại )

59. To invite smb to do smt ( Mời ai làm gì )
eg. They invited me to go to the cinema.( Họ mời tôi đi xem phim )

60. To offer smb smt ( Mời / đề nghị ai cái gì )
eg. He offered me a job in his company.( Anh ta mời tôi làm việc cho công ty anh ta )

61. To rely on smb ( tin cậy, dựa dẫm vào ai )
eg. You can rely on him.( Bạn có thể tin anh ấy )

62. To keep promise ( Gĩư lời hứa )
eg. He always keeps promises.

63. To be able to do smt = To be capable of + V_ing ( Có khả năng làm gì )
eg. I’m able to speak English = I am capable of speaking English.( Tôi có thể nói tiếng Anh )

64. To be good at ( + V_ing ) smt ( Giỏi ( làm ) cái gì )
eg. I’m good at ( playing ) tennis.( Tôi chơi quần vợt giỏi )

65. To prefer smt to smt ( Thích cái gì hơn cái gì )doing smt to doing smt làm gì hơn làm gì)
eg. We prefer spending money than earning money.( Chúng tôi thích tiêu tiền hơn kiếm tiền )

66. To apologize for doing smt ( Xin lỗi ai vì đã làm gì )
eg. I want to apologize for being rude to you. ( Tôi muốn xin lỗi vì đã bất lịch sự với bạn )

67. Had ( ‘d ) better do smt ( Nên làm gì )not do smt ( Không nên làm gì )
eg. 1. You’d better learn hard.( Bạn nên học chăm chỉ )
2. You’d better not go out.( Bạn không nên đi ra ngoài )

68. Would ( ‘d ) rather do smt Thà làm gìnot do smt đừng làm gì
eg. I’d rather stay at home.I’d rather not say at home.

69. Would ( ‘d ) rather smb did smt ( Muốn ai làm gì )
eg. I’d rather you ( he / she ) stayed at home today.( Tôi muốn bạn / anh ấy / cô ấy ở nhà tối nay )

70. To suggest smb ( should ) do smt ( Gợi ý ai làm gì )
eg. I suggested she ( should ) buy this house.

71. To suggest doing smt ( Gợi ý làm gì )
eg. I suggested going for a walk.

72. Try to do ( Cố làm gì )
eg. We tried to learn hard.( Chúng tôi đã cố học chăm chỉ )

73. Try doing smt ( Thử làm gì )
eg. We tried cooking this food.( Chúng tôi đã thử nấu món ăn này )

74. To need to do smt ( Cần làm gì )
eg. You need to work harder.( Bạn cần làm việc tích cực hơn )

75. To need doing ( Cần được làm )
eg. This car needs repairing.( Chiếc ôtô này cần được sửa )

76. To remember doing ( Nhớ đã làm gì )
eg. I remember seeing this film.( Tôi nhớ là đã xem bộ phim này )

77. To remember to do ( Nhớ làm gì ) 
eg. Remember to do your homework.( Hãy nhớ làm bài tập về nhà )

78. To have smt + PII ( Có cái gì được làm )
eg. I’m going to have my house repainted.( Tôi sẽ sơn lại nhà người khác sơn, không phải mình sơn lấy )= To have smb do smt ( Thuê ai làm gì )
eg. I’m going to have the garage repair my car.= I’m going to have my car repaired.

79. To be busy doing smt ( Bận rộn làm gì )
eg. We are busy preparing for our exam.( Chúng tôi đang bận rộn chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi )

80. To mind doing smt ( Phiền làm gì )
eg. Do / Would you mind closing the door for me?( Bạn có thể đóng cửa giúp tôi không? )

81. To be used to doing smt ( Quen với việc làm gì )
eg. We are used to getting up early.( Chúng tôi đã quen dậy sớm )

82. To stop to do smt ( Dừng lại để làm gì )
eg. We stopped to buy some petrol.( Chúng tôi đã dừng lại để mua xăng )

83. To stop doing smt ( Thôi không làm gì nữa )
eg. We stopped going out late.( Chúng tôi thôi không đi chơi khuya nữa )

84. Let smb do smt ( Để ai làm gì )
eg. Let him come in.( Để anh ta vào )

1/ Not only ..... but also (không những ... mà còn....)
S + verb + not only + noun/adj/adv + but also + noun/adj/adv
Hoặc: S + not only verb + but also + verb
She can play not only the guitar but also the violin.
She not only plays the piano but also composes music.
They are not good at mathematics but also at science.

2/ As well as (vừa ... vừa ...)
S + verb + noun/adj/adv + as well as + noun/adj/adv
Hoặc: S + verb + as well as + verb
He writes correctly as well as neatly.
He plays the piano as well as composes music.

3/ Both ..... and... (vừa ... vừa)
She is both talented and beautiful.
Paul both plays the piano and composes music.

4/ To have sb do sth = to get sb to do sth = khiến ai, bảo ai làm gì
I’ll have Mary cut my hair.
I’ll get Mary to cut my hair.

5/ To have/to get sth done = làm một việc gì bằng cách thuê người khác
I have my hair cut. (Tôi đi cắt tóc - chứ không phải tôi tự cắt)
I have my car washed. (Tôi mang xe đi rửa ngoài dịch vụ - không phải tự rửa)

6/ Affirmative statement (be) + and + S + verb + too ( cũng vậy, cũng thế )
Affirmative statement (be) + and + so + verb + S
I am happy, and you are too.
I am happy, and so are you.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.

7/ Affirmative statement + and + S + do/does/did + too
Affirmative statement + and + so + do/does/did + S
Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too.
Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister.

8/ Negative statement + and + S + negative auxiliary (or be) + either
Negative statement + and + neither + positive auxiliary (or be) + S
I didn't see Mary this morning, and John didn't either
I didn't see Mary this morning, and neither did John.
She won’t be going to the conference, and her friends won’t either.
She won’t be going to the conference, and neither will her friends.

9/ Enough: đủ….để có thể làm gì
S + verb + adv + enough + (for somebody) + to + verb…
S + to be + adj + enough + (for somebody) + to + verb….
Coffee is hot enough for me to drink
This exercise is easy enough for us to do.
This motorbike drives fast enough to Ha Noi.

10/ S + verb + enough + noun (for somebody) + to verb…
S + verb + enough + for something
I have enough money to buy a car.
They grow enough rice to live.
It’s enough time for us to do the exercise.
Have you got enough vegetable for dinner?
Do you have enough sugar for the cake?

11/ Too…: quá để có thể làm gì.
S + verb + too + adv + (for somebody) + to + verb ….
S + tobe + too + adj + (for somebody) + to + verb…
The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
He is too young to love.
He spoke too quickly for us to understand.
The bus drives too fast for us to keep pace with.

12/ So/such….that….: đến nỗi mà
S + tobe + so + adj + that + a clause
S + verb + so + adv + that + a clause
The exercise is so difficult that I can’t do it.
The food is so hot that we can’t eat it.
He spoke so quickly that I can’t hear him.
The bus drives so fast that they can’t catch it.

13/ S/it + tobe + such + (a/an)+ adj + noun + that + a clause
S/it + verb + such + (a/an) + adj + noun + that + a clause
It is such a difficult exercise that we can’t do it.
We bought such a modern car that we couldn’t dream.

14/ To be Adj + for : Thật là ... cho...
It + tobe + adj + for somebody + to verb…
It’s necessary for us to protect environment.
It’s difficult for him to pass the exam.

15/ To be Adj + of : Thật là ... vì
It’s + adj + of + object + to + verb….
It’s kind of him to help me = He is kind to help me. (anh ta thật tốt bụng vì đã giúp đỡ tôi)
It’s cowardly of him to run away= he is cowardly to run away. (anh ta thật hèn nhát vì đã bỏ chạy)

16/It takes/took + object + khoảng thời gian + to verb…. = somebody spend/spent + khoảng thời gian + V-ing…: mất bao lâu để ai đó làm việc gì.
It takes me 15 minutes to go to school by bike. = I spend 15 minutes going to school by bike.
It took him a year to study English = He spent a year studying English.

17/ It’s + khoảng thời gian + since + clause (simple past): được bao lâu từ khi……
It’s a week since I saw John
It’s a year since they visited me.
It’s ages since it rained here.

18/ It’s the first time + clause (present perfect): đây là lần đầu tiên…. = ……..before
It’s the first time I’ve ever visited this town. = I’ve never visited this town before.
It’s the first time he has ever sent me a letter. = He has never sent me a letter before.

19/ It is/was not until + time + that + clause: mãi cho đến khi…
It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher. (mãi đến năm 1990,cô ấy mới trở thành giáo viên)
It was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry. (mãi đến năm 1915 điện ảnh mới thực sự trở thành một ngành công nghiệp)

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