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III. Imperative sentences:  

1.Form:   The Imperative form is the same as the ''bare infinitive'':    

-Affirmative form (base form of the verb): Wait!    

-Negative short form (Don't + base form): Don't wait!    

-Emphatic form (Do + base form): Do wait a moment!  

- Double imperatives joined by “and”:       Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes    


-We use the Imperative for direct orders and suggestions and also for a variety of other purposes:         

1. Direct commands, requests, suggestions: Shut the door (please).      

  2. Warnings: Look out! There's a bus.      

   3. Directions: Turning on the left and then turn right.

      4. Instructions: Use an oven and bake for 10 minutes.      

5. Prohibitions (in e.g. public notices): Do not feed the animals.      

6. Advice (especially after always and never): Always answer when you're spoken to.      

  7. Offers: Help yourself. Have a biscuit.  

Note:   1.Uses of the Imperative with “do”:  

- We use do (always stressed) before the Imperative when we want to emphasize what we are saying:  

For example:   Do have another cup of coffee.  

2.The Imperative with question tags:    

Tags like will you ?/ won't you ?/ can you?/ can't you ?/ could you? and would you? can often be used after an imperative for a variety of purposes:  

  - To express annoyance/impatience, we can use will/won't/can't you? (rising tone):      Stop watching TV, will/won't/can't you?      

- To make a request or to sound less abrupt:   Post this letter for me can you?/could you?  

- To offer polite encouragement or to make friendly offers and suggestions (will you? and won't you?):    Come in, will you/won't you?  

- To obtain the co-operation with others:    Don't tell anyone I told you, will you?    


An exclamatory ends with an exclamation mark.

a. Form:   With How and What:

- How+ Adjective/Adverb + (Pro) noun + V ! How nice is she!  

- What + Noun Phrase + (Pro) noun + V ! What a lovely house they have!  

- An exclamation can also be just a phrase with how or what.               How beautiful!          What a nice gift!  

Other ways of expressing exclamations:  

- With a negative question form, the voice rises then falls.   

Aren’t you lucky! (=How lucky you are!)  

- Any phrase or short sentence can be an exclamation.  

b. Usage:  emphasize feelings about someone or something    

Oh, no!  Boring!Oh my God!    b. Usage:  emphasize feelings about someone or something    

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