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"Aunt Jenny cheated on Uncle Dave" I said and expected her to look shocked but she kept staring blankly at me, ushering me to go on but I was too confused -as to why she wasn't surprised- to keep on talking.

"Why aren't you suprised?" I asked

"I knew" She said in a duh-tone "for fuck's sake Luna, it was obvious my mum got married because of the money so I knew she was cheating. I expected her to anyways but what has that got to do with Eva's death?"

Wow! I wasn't really expecting that

"So when I found out, I kind of felt bad for Uncle Dave and I wasn't myself, I was uneasy having caught Jenny cheating on her husband and he didn't know. It was torture, including the fact that Jenny threatened to do something she'll never regret if I told anyone about it and it added to my uneasiness. I was too young to experience that kind of thing and Eva was my best friend, she saw right through me, knew when I was nervous, sad, scared, sick, happy, angry, and any other emotion in me so she knew something was bothering me" I paused for a while to look at her and she was staring intensely at me, no blinking

"So-- when Ev found out she killed herself?" She asked.

"What? No Bec, Ev would never do that" I said rolling my eyes.

"Well continue" She said

"Eva forced me for two weeks straight to tell her what was bothering me but I didn't, I just couldn't do it. She was my sister, my cousin, my best friend, I couldn't tell her, it would hurt her a lot cause her mum was like a role model to her" I said

"Why'd you stop, continue" Bec said impatiently

"Wanted to know if you were catching up." I said before continuing

"So after we had the family dinner that day five years ago at grandad's lake house, Eva and I were in our room and I kept on zoning out while Eva was talking to me because aunt Jenny kept on cheating even after I caught her and when Eva saw that I wasn't paying enough attention, she kept on pushing me to tell her what was going on."

.....FLASH BACK.....


"Come on Luna, tell me what's wrong" Eva said pulling my wrists as we sat on the floor in our bedroom in grandad's old lake house that we usually used when we were all coming together for special occasions.

As much as I would love to tell her what's going on, I couldn't

"Ev, I can't" I sighed and she looked disappointed and hurt

"Why? I'm your best friend and cousin, we never hide things from each other. Your secrets and problems are mine and mine yours, so spill" She said confidently.

I didn't want her to get hurt but she always had a way with words. But again, what if Eva goes out of control and gets hurt and aunt Jenny ends up harming me? Can I take such a risk?

"Leave it Ev, you'll get hurt" I said

"And how can you tell?" She asked

"I don't want you to get hurt, either physically or emotionally and whatever it is I don't want to tell you, I'm making that decision because I know you'll get hurt which I don't want to happen, so--" I trailed off

"Alright Luna, let's pinky swear, I'll be emotionless" She said bringing her pinky close to me and I sighed, this girl's unbelievable.

"And how can you tell?" I asked and she smiled

"Because, I made a pinky promise with my best friend, I can tell" She replied.

"Alright, don't shout, or do anything stupid, don't attack anyone" I said and she nodded, so I continued

"More than two weeks ago, I saw your mom cheating" I said slowly and looked at her.

She was really emotionless

"That's it?" She finally asked


"So that's what was really bothering you for more than two weeks?" She asked as if she couldn't believe I said that.

Didn't she hear what I said? Her mum CHEATED!

"Uhm, yes--why?" I asked

"I mean I kind of knew my mom was cheating on my dad" She said. Not expecting that

"What?" A voice asked.

Guess that person also wasn't expecting it but that was the problem. My breath hitched as I looked up at the source of the voice. It was--

"Dad?" Eva choked as her eyes bulged out at the unexpected sight of her father

"No Eva, don't dad me right now. What were you two talking about, tell me it isn't my Jenny" He said as his voice broke.

Now there goes my only chance of me surviving in this world.

"Dad listen, calm down" Eva said getting up

"Don't!" He screamed and Eva winced "you mean to tell me you two knew my wife had been cheating and in my house? And I had no freaking idea?!" He shouted

"Dad, I recently found out too including Luna. We couldn't help it, we didn't want to come in between your marriage. So instead of venting out your anger on us, mom's downstairs" Eva said.


"But why? I gave her everything, everything! She asked, I did, I gave, I never cheated neither did I give her a reason to think I was, I really don't understand this" He choked

I felt really bad for him, he was sobbing for a woman that didn't even care.

"Dad, I'm sorry" Ev said with teary eyes

"Honey" The devil incarnate said walking in. "oh sweetheart, what's wrong?" she asked in a sickly sweet voice wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Jenny" Dave said firmly as he brought down her hands from his neck and she was shocked because he never called her that.

"Babe tell me what's wrong, you never call me by my name" She said

"Maybe if you could think of shutting up and letting him speak, you would know what's wrong" Eva said with a blank face.

My little girl's all grown up

"Thanks Ev" Uncle Dave said "now back to you Jenny. Answer me truthfully" he added and paused before asking:

"Do you love me?"

She looked taken aback at first but composed herself before saying. "Yes"

Uncle Dave almost slapped her but refrained his hand before screaming

"Don't lie to me bitch!"

"W--what?" She croaked out

He pushed her to the wall as he continued shouting

"Tell me, did you marry me because I was loaded? Did the marriage vows mean anything to you? What of our kids, don't they mean anything to you?" He paused for a while before continuing "I gave you everything, every fucking thing Jen, so why? Wasn't I good enough?"

"You were " She said

"Stop lying to me!" He shouted and she shut her eyes "if I was, why did you cheat? I loved you and all you could do was cheat?" he added

"I'm sorry" She muttered and moments past. A very thick silence overwhelmed us as we watched Uncle Dave just stare at aunt Jenny before he finally spoke.

"Did you ever love me?" He asked in a low voice

"W--what? H-how can you even ask me t-that?" She stuttered refusing to meet his broken eyes

"Did you ever love me?" His voice increased as he said his words more slowly this time


"God dammit Jenny answer me!" He growled as he punched the wall beside her head and she shut her eyes and Eva flinched beside me

"About what?!" She shouted

"Did you ever love me?!" He shouted

"I don't know" She said and there was a defeaning silence

"Thank you, for finally telling me" He said as he moved from against her and attempted to walk to the door before Jenny clamped her hand on his arm holding him back

"Babe please" She pleaded

"You promised me Jen, you said you'd never do it again. So what's the excuse now?" He responded blankly

"I couldn't help it, I'm so sorry" She said

"Funny that's what you said the last time" He scoffed

"I'm sor--"

"Stop saying that, you're not. You're lying, cause you told me exactly that the last two times you cheated!" He shouted and my eyes went wild.

She's done this before? I registered the shock on Eva's face and knew that she also didn't know her mum was like this.

"So was I some kind of rebound guy?" He asked and she shook her head still looking down guiltily

"Why did you get married to me then? Why didn't you marry him? Why didn't you let him take care of you instead? Answer me Jenny!" He shouted as his face was dangerously close to hers and his eyes held fury

"I'm so--"

"I said stop lying!" He growled as he tried to hold himself back from hitting her "you're not"

Jenny sighed before raising her head up to meet her husband's own and she opened her eyes, an evil glint in them. Dave looked shocked at first before composing himself.

"Yeah, so what? What if I cheated, what's the big deal?" She asked confidently and Dave looked shocked at her reply

"See, I knew you'd been lying all along" He said unbelievably

"He was better in bed anyways" She replied shrugging. Ouch!

Fury blazed Dave's eyes as his hands went to Jenny's throat. Huh? Where are the other adults that stay in this house?

"Let go dave" She threatened but his hands remained there as he gritted his teeth looking at the demon he married.

"Let go!" She growled. I really had a bad feeling about this now, I'm afraid things are going to be bad from now. I'm really scared now.

"Dave--" She warned and I silently prayed someone would come in. I watched as my best friend looked like she'd shit her pants.

"That's it!" She snapped as she brought her hands to her neck and brought Dave's hand down and he watched in shock while I was so scared, I gripped unto Eva's arm tightly. I was afraid of what Jenny was about to do.

Immediately Dave's hands were down by his side, Jenny threw him a punch and I felt the impact as Eva and I winced.

"What the fuck Jenny?" Dave growled, his hands on his nose as it bled

"I warned you" She seethed before slowly turning towards me and a lump formed in my throat as I unable to swallow


That was all she said that made me grip Eva's arm tighter and she smiled, an evil glint in her eyes. I looked up to heaven to see if God was watching, He'd better be. Good bye world.

I turned to Eva -who looked scared- and gave her a silent goodbye. This is the end.

"Luna dear, why don't you come with me?" She asked smiling sickly, it was more like a command "we have unfinished business" a deeper voice that came from her throat said. For a moment there I thought it wasn't her, but it obviously was. Weird lady!

Eva held unto me but I had to withdraw my hands giving her a silent message. We stared into each other's eyes, understanding passing through us and she nodded. I looked at her one more time and she conveyed a message through her eyes

Be safe

I followed Jenny out and she walked to the back of the house outside, facing the lake while I was behind her. O my God, we were alone! I definitely didn't think I'd die this way.

Then she turned back around and her eyes were darker now, her face and voice void of any emotion at all.

"I see you didn't keep your big mouth shut" She said moving forward towards me

"I'm sorry aunt" I said as I moved backwards.

"Funny that's what I'm going to tell your mom when she finds out what I'll do to you" She said letting out a dry throaty chuckle as she lurched forward and grabbed my neck.

"A--aunt J--en--ny pl-ease I-I w--on't do it a--a-ga-in" I managed to choke out as I tried to remove her hands from my neck, it was difficult to breath.

"I know" She said in a deep low voice and took hold of my hand, traced a vein on my wrist and brought a pocket knife close to it to cut it. My breath hitched as I tried to come to terms with the fact that my aunt was about to kill me after something that was entirely her fault, she cheated.

I took a deep breath in, getting ready for the impact and closed my eyes.

"Mom stop!" I heard someone shout and I heaved a sigh of relief before opening my eyes, mentally reminding myself to thank that kind soul.

"You're not going to hurt more people I care about" The person continued, an all too familiar voice.

I was both happy and scared she came, happy that she might be able to stop her mom from hurting me and scared that her mom might also hurt her.

"Sorry Eva but you're no longer my daughter" Jenny said. Ouch!

"What?" Eva asked shocked

"No daughter of mine will stand against any decision I make. You don't like my actions, go to hell" She added and Eva looked shocked at her mom's words

"So you're going to kill her?" She asked

"Yeah" Jenny replied, void of any emotions

"Alright" Eva said walking to us and as I watched her come towards us, I realized we were close to the lake.

"Hand it over mom, I'll do it, never liked Luna anyways" She said and I looked shocked as I stared at my best friend.

What was she doing, what was she saying? And most importantly, what's she up to? I stared at her, trying to at least get a little info about any wild idea running through her mind and I got a silent message from her eyes.

Trust me

"I'll kill her myself" Eva added and her mom smiled, gave her the knife and moved to stand beside me.

Eva looked at me then at the knife and I shut my eyes tightly and then she said what I didn't expect.


And I heard the sound of the cut. I waited for the pain but it didn't come and that's when I heard it.

"You bitch!" Jenny growled and my eyes flung open and saw when Jenny grabbed the knife from Eva and pushed her. I heard a big splash but I was concentrating on the wicked object that was about to make contact with my skin that I didn't think of what made the splash until I heard it

"M-mum h--help m-m-m--e"

Eva was in the lake choking as she was about to drown.

She can't swim

"Who's the loser now?" Jenny laughed looking at her

"What're you doing? Help her!" I screamed as hot tears ran down my face

"M--um, L-un-a I c-can't b-r--eathe" She spluttered water from her mouth as half her face was in the water and she struggled to come up as her hands hit the water

I stood there crying, it pained me that I caused this and I couldn't save my best friend when she needed me the most, she was dying. Eva looked at me painfully and tried to smile, sending a message

I love you


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