Psychopathic serial killer

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When I met my friends, I told them that I was leaving the following morning. They all were a bit shocked, sad and mournful, even though they knew that their friend had to leave sometime and it was for her own good. Suddenly, even I felt like crying, over the weeks, they had become my best friends, even better than the ones I had in the city. My weeks here would have been miserable if it wasn't for them. I promised that this would not be the last time we'd be seeing each other and we would keep in touch and talk often.

"Does your grandad know you're leaving the following morning? " Zoe asked

"Yes, why? " I replied

"What if he does something to you this night? " Sophia asked "you know, since you'll soon leave" she added

"I better be careful " I replied.

The only thought I had in my head to prevent me from being scared was 'he can't harm you, you're his granddaughter '. It really helped tho'
Note the sarcasm

* * * *

"Zoe we need to leave soon, " her mum called from downstairs. They were going out for a movie.

"Yes mum, I'll be there in ten minutes " she shouted

As I looked around Zoe's room, I saw a newspaper lying under her pillow and I stood up to read it. After I read it, I couldn't believe my eyes. I kept on reading it again and again until I was sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me

"Zoe, what's this? " I asked while they all looked guiltily at each other

"Ummmm, that's the daily newspaper " she said avoiding my eyes.

"Yeah? Well, why is it under your pillow? " I asked angrily

"We didn't think you would want to kn..... " Cynthia was saying when I cut her off.

"You didn't think of what I would want to know, and what I don't. This paper creates the doubt in my mind, that my grandad, who I thought to be a lovely and kind person, is a PSYCHOPATHIC SERIAL KILLER!!! " I shouted, my eyes full of tears.

The paper said:

New family that recently moved in has gone crazy and we believe that the Blood Man has done it again. The family is currently being moved where the other victims are

Two nights ago, I heard some movement downstairs, like someone going outside, then screams and shrieks. Then my grandad coming into my room, his mouth full of blood and his eyes glowing. This was too much to be a coincidence. I might be his next victim because I live in his house! I could do a sleepover but then he could just come here and get my friends and I. So I decided to keep my friends out of this, partly because they were my friends and most of all because they have gotten really close to me. So I just said that I needed to go and all I got in return were cries, embraces and worried looks from them.

"I love you," Zoe said crying uncontrollably

"Love you too," I replied walking out and closing the door behind me.

"I hope she'll be okay, " I heard them say. I got so scared of grandad more.

When I got home, grandad said that I needed to pack up for the next morning. I went upstairs to pack and put everything in my suitcase and went downstairs to put it in my car. I said goodnight to grandad and went to bed.

"Come on, " I said to myself, "just one more night. " . The thought of my friends made me cry more, then slowly, like a turtle, I slept off.

The next morning, I sat on a stool in the kitchen, sipped on my coffee as I watched the clock go 'tick-tock, tick-tock '. After I finished it, I cleared the dishes and made my way to the door with grandad right behind me. I said goodbye, hugged him and went in the car.

While I was reversing my car from the driveway, only one thing was in my head.

leave my friends alone, leave my friends alone

I kept on praying in my head that grandad wouldn't do anything that would harm my friends.


Several weeks later, I continued keeping in touch with my best friends and I was really happy that grandad didn't harm them. They meant so much to me and I missed them a lot.

I was standing in the mall near my house when my eye caught a paper on the counter. The reason my eye caught the newspaper was because the word BLOOD was written in red bold letters.

I swiftly picked up the paper, paid the guy at the counter, and started reading the paper. It said"3 girls were attacked by BLOOD MAN yesterday. " I read the paragraph again, then got my phone out and texted Zoe,

"Are you okay? " I pressed send.

A minute later, I got a reply... Too bad it sounded nothing like zoe

"No, I got them. "

Was that grandad? How did he have Zoe's phone?

"Is that you granddad?"

"Smart girl, knows everything eh?, "he sent

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY FRIENDS? " I typed fiercely on my phone.

"What I did to the rest....... " he replied

"Why are you doing all this? "

"You have no clue what reason there is behind this, if I don't do it, I'll die..... I won't be able to meet you or your mom. " he texted.

"You selfish man, it doesn't matter if you die now or not, because you're already dead to me " I texted and hit send.

Then I went to my contacts list and blocked his number, just like I blocked him out of my life. The thought of my friends made me cry so hard I couldn't stop. I thought of how they made my holiday and all the time I spent with them, they even became my best friends. Grandad was......

Once I gathered my self together, I swore on my life that I would avenge my friends' lives, and I wouldn't let grandad rest in peace, EVER!!

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