That won't hurt me

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“Mom?” I called and she looked up at me weakly. Her hands were tied up to the ceiling and her mouth was covered, she was sweating and out of breath and she looked so weak.

If granddad hadn't killed her, she would've died anyways because there was shortage of oxygen in this place. I wonder how long she's even been here.

I walked towards her and she winced when I removed the tape over her mouth then I hugged her as tears poured from my eyes.

“L-Luna.” She stuttered. “Y--ou h-ha-have to go, or he'll k-kill y-you,” she said weakly as tears ran down her face.

“Mom, granddad was possessed but he's okay now, we bro--”

“We?” She asked cutting me off.

“Bec and I,” I answered.

“How about Jenny?” She asked “she's dangerous” she added.

“We know,” I said “we brought an exorcist so that's what they're doing now” I added.

“Let's get you out of here” I said as I tried to loosen the rope, but I couldn't, it was really thick and tight so I tried looking around for anything I could use to cut it.

“L-Luna?” My mom called and I turned to her. Her eyes were fixed somewhere so I followed her line of sight and saw granddad coming towards us with a saw.

“G-granddad?” I called as I shivered, he was getting closer and my mom's whimpers increased.

I couldn't do anything, run, scream...nothing. My brain couldn't process anything and I swear, nothing mattered anymore to me right now. If my mom dies, I wasn't going to struggle to live again, I wouldn't care what happens to me.

“Are you okay?” I asked him and he turned to me, very few centimeters away from my mom, I felt so helpless.

“Yeah of course, why not?” He answered as he raised the saw.

“What are you doing?!” I screamed, the tears running down and my knees became weak.

“Cutting the rope,” he answered looking at me confusingly with his hands still in the air.

My mom's head fell as she heaved a relief sigh and I finally slumped.

When he had cut the rope successfully, my mom's wrists were so red and bruised, she rubbed them a little and winced then she looked up at the guilty face of her father.

“I am so s-sorry.” He cried and my mom hugged him, holding him tightly as he shook, crying his eyes out.

Few seconds later, we heard a loud thud and I raised my head up as we all looked at each other with the same expression.


We walked as fast as we could back into the house and I gasped at the sight in the living room. Matthew was bleeding from his nose, Rebecca was on the floor wincing in pain and Jenny was choking Chris.

“Bec” I said and rushed to her.

“She's too strong,” Bec said coughing and winced in pain and I pitied her, then an idea came to mind.

“What if you try talking to her?” I asked and she stared at me like I was dumb and she was going to beat me up any second from now ,I would have laughed if we weren't in this situation right now.

“I mean if you could try talking to your mom, not Lisa.” I corrected and she let out a silent “oh” and looked like she was thinking it through.

“Mom?” Bec called as she stood up from the floor.

No reaction

"Mom I know you can hear me, so listen to me!” Bec shouted and Jenny's hand dropped from Chris' neck and he fell to the floor, choking then she turned around in Bec's direction.

“She can't hear you.” She spoke in a sinister tone.

“Yes she can!” Bec shouted back confidently, I was kind of shocked though “mom, this isn't you and we all know it” she added softly.

“You don't know anything!” She growled.

“Yes I do! I know you're the same loving and kindhearted woman I've always known you as and I've always loved, I know that whatever happens, you're still my mom and Eva's mom and my father's wife and I love you so much more for that,” Bec said, tears slipping from her eyes “and I miss you so much” she added and Jenny's face softened a little.

It's working!

"I know you didn't kill Eva," Bec said looking her straight in her eyes.

“I didn't?” Jenny asked softly, sadness obvious in her eyes.

She was suffering too

"No, that bitch Lisa did,l” Bec said glaring.

“Lisa's my best friend.”

“No she isn't, she's using you because if she really is your best friend she wouldn't kill anyone you love because it'll hurt you,” Bec said “she's controlling your mind mom, she's psych so mom I need you to fight it because I know you can” Bec added.

“She killed Luna's best friend too,” Jenny said.

My first and last best friends; Eva and Lily.

“That's why you need to leave her mom,” Bec said taking a step forward.

“Don't listen to them!” A voice from within her said with a growl.

“They're telling the truth!” Jenny shouted and held her head, wincing in pain and growls came from within her.

“Mom the drug your therapist recommended, take them now, it helps!” Bec shouted and Jenny reached for the back pocket of her jean trousers and brought out a very small transparent plastic wrap with pills in them and just as she was about to open the wrap, it fell from her hands and moved fast across the room, under the couch.

“I've told you to stop taking those, it weakens me.” A voice said “I don't know what I'm doing wasting my time with you anyways” she added and Jenny slumped to the ground and we saw Lisa's shadow as she stood above Jenny.

The exorcist began saying things I couldn't understand - Latin I think- as he pointed the cross in Lisa's direction and we saw her shadow on the wall as she moved towards him and he said his words faster.

I took discreet steps towards Jenny on the floor and I tried to get her to wake up. After a couple of shakes, rushed words out of the mouth of the exorcist and hopeful prayers in my mind, Jenny finally opened her eyes and she stared at me.

“Luna I am so sorry.” She pleaded.

“Aunt Jenny it's okay.” I assured her, “all this will be over soon, the exorcist is taking care of Lisa” I added and her eyes widened as if she just realized something.

“I don't think he can,” she said sitting up.


“I'm the only person that can get rid of her, she hasn't found another body to control and she hasn't gotten rid of me yet so I know exactly what to do,” she said standing up.

Her eyes fell to a knife that was on the floor close to the television stand, she looked at me before dashing for it and quickly picking it up.

“Lisa!” She shouted and took the knife to her chest where her heart is.


"What are you doing dumbass?” Lisa asked.

“I love you so very much Rebecca, you too sis and dad,” she said crying “you too Luna” she added.

"Thank you all so very much for all the memories and the help.” She continued.

“Mom what are you doing?!”

“That won't hurt me,” Lisa said.

“I know,” Aunt Jenny said “I just want to tell you to leave my family the fuck alone!” She shouted with a glare.

“Good luck finding a better best friend bitch!” She said and drew the knife backwards then Lisa immediately dashed towards her but it was too late, Jenny had stabbed herself and fallen to the floor and Lisa vanished.

The place was silent, nobody could process what had just happened, we were all still in a bit of shock.

I slumped to the floor, breathing heavily while Rebecca ran to her mom on the floor and held her head up, crying with so much pain. My mom went to her and helped her up, engulfing her in a very comforting hug as she cried. Granddad cried silently too, he still had the guilt etched on his face, I hope he gets over it.

That night, I had the most normal, peaceful and dreamless sleep I've ever had in years!


They cried too much in this chapter, it makes me cringe lol... Anyways thanks for the support guys🤧❤ I really appreciate it
Stay safe y'all 🤞

Courage is the first of the human qualities because it is a quality which guarantees all the others
- E. C

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