Granny's Party [One-Shot]

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Hope you enjoy my one-shot.

Today is my birthday. I woke up at 12:00 PM. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth,wash my face, and brush my hair. Then, I walked down stairs and see my mom. "Hi mom." I said. "Hi Daniel." Said my mom, Dairy. "Today is your birthday." "I know." I said. Then, I saw a present in the table. "Is that for me?" I asked. "Yup." She said. I opened the box. It was a picture of me and my friends, having a blast at the pool party. That was 8 years ago. "Wow. That was 8 years ago, mom." I said. "But, why did you have this picture for me?" "Because i'm inviting your friends to the pool party for your birthday. Just like 8 years ago." She said. I was excited. "I can't wait mom!" I said. "But...." said mom. "But what?" I asked. I heard a sound from the door. DING-DONG! my mom walked to the door and opened it. It was my grandmas, Martha. "While I'll be away for a day, you'll take care of your grandma." Said my mom. My grandma waved at me. My happiness faded away.

"Huh? What? My grandma? MY GRANDMA?!" I thought. "Oh god. I have to take care of my grandma tonight. But I have a party today also!" An hour later, after my mom left. I sat on the chair with my hands on my face. "What's wrong dear?" Asked Martha. "No." I said. "I have a party tonight with my friends. I can't do two things in one." "What if you can?" Asked Martha. My eyes are wide open. "Huh?" I was puzzled. "Can you say that again, Martha?" I asked mArtha. "I said, 'what if you can?' That's what I said." She said. I'm shocked. "Two things in one? TWO THINGS IN ONE?!" I thought. "But... t-that's crazy!" I said. "How?!" "Find out and see, sweetie." She said. I sighed. "Ok." I said. I'm sweating. 2 hours later, I faced time one of my friends, Wade. "Hi Wade." I said. "Hi Daniel." Said Wade.

"I got a problem." I said. "What is it?" He asked. "Well.... my mom told me to take care of my grandma," I told him. "And grandma asked me if she wants to come." "Wait..... your grandma?" Said Wade. "Well, she asked you if she come?" "Yes." I said. "Ok." Said Wade. "Wait.... he said ok?" I thought. "WHY DID HE SAY OK?! IS THIS A CARTOON OR SOMETHING?!" "Um..... ok." I said. My voice is trembling. "Cool!" He said. "I'll see you later." "Ok, bye." I said. "Bye." He said. The call is over. I looked at my grandma. "Y-you heard what he said, r-right?" I said. "Yup." She said. I gave a trembling sigh. "Ok." I said. "Your invited to my birthday party now." "Ok, sweetie." She said. 4 or 6 hours later, it's night time. My friends, Wade, Micheal, Dean, and my girlfriend, Katie. They all looked at my grandma. She waved at hem. "Hi." She said. "Hi." Said my friends. I gulped. Then, I felt a hand touching my shoulder. It's my girlfriend, Katie. "It's gonna be ok." She said. "Cause I've heard that your taking care of your grandma, right?" "Y-yeah!" I said. "I-I am taking good care of my grandma." Katie chuckled. "See you later." She said, and then walked away. I looked at my grandma. "Don't. Do. Something. Stupid." I said. "Ok, sweetie." Said Martha.

She walked into the party. Then, I realized that she's in the crowd. "Martha?" I said. I went into the crowd. "Martha!" I said. "MARTHA!"

"She's definitely inside the crowd." I thought. I kinda pushed people. "Where's Martha?" I thought. Then I heard one of my friends, Dean, say my grandma's name. And I'm hearing the song, "Holiday by Lil Nas X," playing. Cause there's a DJ. There, I saw my grandma dancing.

"Why is granny dancing?!?!?!" I thought. "I have to get her out of this!" Then I heard the crowd cheering her name. Well, not her actual Name, but the name, "granny." "Go Granny! Go Granny! Go! Go!" Cheered the crowd. Wait.... they're cheering for her?" I thought. "That's impossible.... wait.... is this is real?" I rubbed my eyes. "OH MY GOD THIS IS REAL!!!!!!" I thought. Then, weird things happened. My grandma did the floss.

then she did the worm.

Then she did a ballerina dance.

Then she did ride the pony.

And Then, she breakdanced.

I couldn't believe my eyes of what I saw. "Wow. I didn't know your grandma can dance." Said a familiar voice. I looked at my left side. It's my girlfriend, Katie. "OH CRAP!" I said. "Sorry. You scared me." "That's ok." She chuckled. She smiled. I can't believe that she's smiling at me while my grandma is breakdancing in the crowd. Then, me and Kate slowly coming to kiss eachother. Until I heard a fast, repetitive whooping sound. Everyone looks up and saw a helicopter, landing in front of my house. "Huh?" I thought. There, I saw 8 agents with 1 man walking out of the helicopter.

"Why is there a helicopter?" I thought. I pointed to that man. "Who that?" I asked. "That's my dad." She said. My heart sunk. "T-that's your d-dad?!" I said to her. "Yup." She replied. "But that's impossible!" I thought. "I visited her house 2 days ago, and her dad doesn't look like the one from her family portrait." "Hi dad." She said. "Hey sweetheart." He said. "Oh." He looked at me. "So this is your boyfriend, right?" He asked her. She nodded. "Um.... what's y-your name?" I asked. "My name is William." Said William. "William Barter. #1 Spy since 1995." I gulped. "Since 1995?" I said. "R-really? That was 25 y-years ago, right?" "Yes. That was 25 years ago." He replied. "And I have a family secret to tell you." Everyone gasped. "M-my family s-secret?" I said. My voice is trembling. "Yes. This secret has been kept by your family for 8 years since you were diagnosed with cancer." Said William. "The truth is....... you are a chimera." My heart sunk. "A c-chimera?" I said. "M-me? A chim-mera?" He nodded. "N-no...... NO!!!!!!!" I yelled. "THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I fell to my knees. "T-this has to be a d-dream." I whimpered. "Is it?" "Welp, let's find out." Said William. WHAM!

He punched me in the face. I fell to the floor. I coughed. I turned and looked at William, the one sawhorses looked back at me, with a grin. "T-this is real.... w-why?" I whimpered. "WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!" "Well..... I'll tell you a story." Said William. "8 years ago, 6 weeks before your birthday, you were diagnosed with cancer. So your parents went to look for the cure. Then, they found a chimera. They asked the chimera if there's the cure. The chimera said that his blood will be the cure. So, your parents killed the chimera. That chimera was 99 years old. 3 days later, they came back to your hospital room with a cure. But there's a side effect, that blood makes you a chimera. And after 3 hours, your healthy again. And now here we are, in your birthday party, me meeting a chimera."

"what..... they used that blood.... to save m-me?" I whimpered. "Yes." Said William. I clenched my hand into a fist. "NO!" I yelled. My voice changed. I tried to punch William. But He caught it. With only one finger. One. Finger. "Ah." He said, smiling. "I see that you want to hit me." "You...... YOU..... YOU!!!!" I growled. "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My fist turned into a tiger fist. "Your strength is growing." He said. "Impressive." He kicked me to the wall. I hit it so hard that I went through it. Everyone is panicking. "Oh my god!" Said Micheal. "What's happening?!" Micheal tripped and fell into the pool. "Daniel? DANIEL!" Yelled Wade. Wade's looking for me. Wade found me, lying on the floor. "Oh my god, Daniel!" Said Wade. "Are you ok?" I coughed. "N-no." I whimpered. I got back up slowly. Then I fell. "Don't worry," said Wade. "I'll help you get back up." He got me back up. "T-thanks W-Wade." I said. "Your welcome." Said Wade. Then, all of a sudden, a fist came out of nowhere. WHAM! it sends Wade flying through the wall of my living room. "WADE!!!!!!!" I yelled. Then, I felt a pain in my neck. I slammed into the floor. "GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. My tears is flowing down my cheeks. I looked at William. "Checkmate, Daniel." Said William. "Shut.... UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Then, I jumped. But I felt weird. I looked at my hands. "I-I'm a velociraptor?!" I thought. "Yes.... YES!.... YEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!" Said William. "YOU ARE NOW A MONSTER! A MONSTER I TELL YOU! A MON-" "shut up." Said Martha. Martha slammed William with a frying pot. It knocked William to the table where the drinks are.

"Oh no!" Said William. "It's Martha!" Martha stands there with a superhero pose. My head turned sideways in confusion. "Why is my grandma posing like she's a superhero?" I thought. "Whatever." I jumped at William. Then, William punched me so hard, that I flew into the sky. Everyone watched. And then, I heard sirens. Firefighters, polices, citizens, and tv reporters are in my neighborhood. "This just in!" Said one of the tv reporters. "There's a fight going on at this neighborhood. But it looks, or feels, like it came from an anime or a manga." Then, I felt a punch. I fell straight down to the pool. I made a big splash. Then, I became a sea monster. But not a big, giant size, a human sized sea monster. I jumped up and punched William to the pool. Then, William swam up and grabbed my leg and pulled me down. "Get off me!" I said. I kicked William in the face. Then, I turned into a dragon. "WHY!!" I yelled, ferociously. My voice changed from my normal voice into the ancient voice. "Because your family thought you could go out of control!" Said William. "Me? Out of control?" I said. "I...!" I realized that I actually got in control while I was mad. "I-I actually got in control." I said. William smiled. "Nice." Said William. William jumped up. And punched me. I turned back into human.

"DANIEL!!!!!!" Yelled Dean. I coughed. "I- I feel hazy." I thought. I looked at Dean. "Daniel!" Said Dean. "You ok?" "K-kinda." I replied. I looked at William. William smiled. William is going in for a punch. "DAD STOP!!!!" Yelled Katie. Katie holds my almost crumbled body. "K-Katie?" I said. My voice is trembling. "You have to stop it, dad." Said Katie. "Or else what, sweetheart?" Asked William. "Your hurting everyone around here." Said Katie. "DON'T YOU SEE!!!" William turned around. He realized that he made a big mess. "Oops." Said William. Everyone is watching. Some that are recording it live. "This is crazy man!" Said one of the people in my party. "Welp, my party was a mess." I chuckled. She chuckled. "I know." She replied. William looked back at me and his daughter. "Welp...... good bye, darling." Said William. Then, he left. "Wow.... that was crazy." I said. "I know." She replied. And then, we kissed.

2 months later, a month after I told them about our family secret, I was relaxed in my grandma's house. I looked at my grandma. "Well Martha," I said. "Was that the best day of your life?" Yes sweetie," she replied. "It was amazing." I chuckled. "Yeah." I said. "But hey, that day was very young and never too old." We both laughed. A day later, I came to school and saw Katie. "Hey." I said. "Hey." She replied. We both blushed. Then, she hugged me. "I'm glad that your ok." She said. "I know." I replied. And that's how the story goes.
The end

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