Second hand embarrassment!

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Continuing from last part.....

Bela's pov....

Next morning

I and vish reached office with each other as usual

But she was looking fresh and I was hell sleepy due to that dammed report which I completed by   the whole night .

But thinking about the cute smile of my boss when I will hand him the report ,all my work will be paid off .

Soon vish bid bye to me to her department and I made my way to elevator .

I was feeling some sort of butterflies in my damn stomach at the thought of spending my most of the day explaining about the report .

" get some chill babe " jade said to me in elevator .

" I m pretty chill " I mocked at her .

" don't forget I can read your thoughts " She stated making me irritated

" okay okay ! , but I can't help myself getting attracted towards him " I defend .

" I know his aura screams ATTRACTIVE , but he ain't our mate " She sort of scolded me .

" alas! I wish he was " I uttered .

" shut up and focus on work " she mocked

" yeah yeah , that's why I m going to his cabin " I fired back .

After dropping my things in my cabin I made way to his cabin with the file in his hands .

I knocked and after hearing his  "come in " . I took a deep breadth and entered the cabin.

" oh ! , good morning bela ! " he greeted me with his sweet smile .

" good morning sir , I mean mahir " I greeted back .

" so , I guess you are done with the report " he asked

" yeah , Here it is " I answered forwarding the file towards him .

He took the report from my hands .

" that's great , I must say that you are really hardworking " he compliement .

I Blushed .

" shall we begin with the explaination"I asked , shrugging the blush , thinking what jade said
" he ain't our mate " I shouldn't forget this .

" yeah sure " he said getting up from his chair and moving towards couch .

are we gonna sit sideby !


Whole butterfly community  alert!

" come over here bela " he called me , while he has already gotten comfortable over the couch .

" y-yes " I shuttered .

being this close to him will be tough for me

" yeah " jade commented over my thoughts .

my legs moved towards his direction and I sat on the couch beside him but with some space  between us .

With a deep breath , I opened the file and started explaining the report which I have prepared.


After 3 hours .

I finally close the file after explaining each and everything thing which was in the report or he asked for .

" well , I m quite impressed with your work bela " He complimented

" Thank you mahir " I passed him a smile

" now as a financial advisor you have to work on the problems and issue , then present me the report about solution " he said

" yes mahir , I will try to prepare the report  about the same, soon . " I answered being profressional

" you can take one week for it , you have already prepared a report over night " he chuckled

" that's what I get paid for " I chuckled too .

" still , you have a week , thats final " he stated smiling

" okay " I answered .

then there was a slience , none of us spoke

" well , its lunch time , my friend must be waiting for me in cateen " I said finally breaking the silence .

" okay then , you can go , I will call you if I get any query about this report , till then I will go through this one more time " He said poitning at report on the table .

" okay then " I got up and passed a smile before walking out of his cabin .

from there I directly jumped into the elevator. I was alone in it .

"Have some patience bish ! , I m on my way " I mindlinked vish , who was calling me like crazy since last 15 minutes to come to cateen for lunch ,while I was with mahir .

Soon I was at cateen floor .

She was sitting on our usual table with a lunch pack for me as well .

" here " she passed my lunch towards when I sat down on chair .

" So how was the meeting with' boss for me and mahir for you' " she teased and I rolled my eyes .

" it was good " I answered uninterestingly .

" I was just joking princesss , don't be upset and eat it up . " she said pointing towards my lunch which was half-unpacked .

" okay " I smiles , becuase I knew that she was joking and I was doing the same with her by acting sad ,so she will stop teasing .
* imma smart ass *

Soon we started eating our food while talking about some insane topics

this is so us .


After the lunch , Now I m in my cabin, going through some previous report for the reference of the new that I need to prepare .

Jade went to her afternoon nap..

*Miss sleepy head *

I was typing something over my laptop ..

Suddenly  mahir walked  into my cabin with two mugs of coffee in his hands ,a small smile on his face .

I immediately got up from my chair in relfex .

" hey , hey keep sitting , " he said seeing me standing up .

but I got up and come right in front of him . I offered him to take seat on couch by gesturing towards couch , because making him sit of chair might not be a good idea .

" after you " he said being gentleman .

we both sat on couch , then he passed me one of the mug in his hand.

" hot chocolate ?" U asked

" yeah I thought of having one , plus I was alone in my cabin , having nothing to do , so I thought to come here , hope You don't mind " He said being shy all of a sudden .

" no , no its fine , you can come here anytime " I said being nice

" plus I love hot chocolate so much " I chuckled and his shy smile turned into a bright smile making my heart flutter.

" so cheers !" he said picking up his mug in my direction with the same smiles

" cheer!" I smiled brightly .

" so tell me about how you got in here , I mean at this young age , well honestly I was expecting some old man or women as financial advisor who will just yawn while working " He said laughing a bit , I did too .

" well , at first I was selected as a junior financial advisor , but then I got promoted due to my work " I answered truthfully .

" well ,I can see why you got promoted , You are really a hardworking girl " He praised me

" stop praising me or I will cry by being overwhelmed " I said dramatically and burst out in laughter followed by him .

After taking a sip , I was placing my mug on the table , but it got slip ,resulting in spilling some of the coffee on mahir's trouser below his knees .


Now this is what we call Second hand embarrassment !!!!!...

Oh mah gawddddd!!!!!!.

So this was the next part ..

Hope you all have enjoyed it ..

Have a great day..

Love you all....

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