the day !

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Continuing from last part

*skips to three days later *

Its THE DAY !!!!!!

" yeah it is ,don't yell in mind linking , like this you will tear my ear drums down " vish snapped .

" yeah, but I m excited " I pouted . Right now I m here sitting in mahir's room at his pack house . We came there last night for the ceremony and vish is on her way with yuvi . Yeah ! they both moved in together the very next day , in vish's apartment .

That day when me and mahir came back from shopping , we found them sucking life out of each other's mouth ,.

Such a progress !

vish was blushing like a teen age girl , I just smirked .

"come in " I told no one in particular when I heard the knock . Mahir's mother walked in, sarah .

" are you all set " she asked in her always sweet voice , she has become like my own mother .

" yes luna , All set " I replied with a soft smile .

" well , after tonight you will be the luna dear " she caressed my cheeks . and I just adore the motherhood in her actions towards me .

" really bela I m so happy for both of my sons and daughters , finally My family is complete, both of my sons are so lucky to get you and vish " she was still caressing my head .

" And we are so lucky to get a mother in you " I hugged her then .

" aw , I m getting emotional now " she said to resist me from crying .

I laughed .

" yuvi called me , they are near , so shall we " she asked me .

" yess mum " I answered .

We made it outside the room ,then to stairs leading us down .

Soon we were standing at the door of ball room .

" first ,mahir's alpha coronation ceremony will take place , followed by your mate acceptance and luna coronation simultaneously , by mahir himself , because he will be the alpha that time " mum explained things to me , before opening the door .

I nodded and we both stepped inside .

My eyes started finding those hazel eyes which belongs to my mate . I looked around the whole room and found him standing with his dad in the right corner .

He was looking hopelessly handsome .

"he look hot , I m feeling like jumping over him right now " jade growled in excited.

" I agree " I agreed with her , my condition was same as hers .

dont judge !

His eyes met mine , the moment he did , he grasped .

His mouth gaped and he breathed 'hot ' , which made me aroused right there ,if there will be any movie, name "50 shades of blushing" then it will be my biography. Cause this man , make me feel things ,Pleasurable one .

My breath hitched , when I found him approaching me . And in few second he was standing right in front of me , checking me whole out .

" well , I have some work , so I m leaving you two on your own " mum told us before leaving me with him , We were together after 12 hours , because he was busy with the preparation And he even changed his clothes in different room , because our room was occupied with omegas helping me in getting ready .

" you look beyond description" he whispered leaning towards my ears .

" you look good too " I complimented him biting my lower lip to control my laugh .

" only good " he raised his left eyebrow while smirking .

I nod , still biting lip .

he came more close to me , not caring about the other people in the room . I stumbled back but he caught my waist .

" still on the words you said, I m looking just good ? " he whispered and my breath hitched at his husky sound .

" um" I was about to say something when he was called by his father . We backed off immediately, being embaressed I started looking here and there .

" mahir come its time ,you too bela , after all he is your mate " His father told us casually not making the moment embarassing for me , thank god .

I nodded with a smile .

We walked to the center of the room , I looked at the door for vish , there she was , walking through the door with yuvi , She immediately walked to me and I welcomed her with a hug , she greeted mum too , mum showed her motherly love to her too , yuvi was adoring all this , while was smiling looking at me while standing next to his dad .

" I m so happy princess " she whispered in my ear , she was excited to another level .

Soon mahir was annouced as the ALPHA of the sparkler moon pack with all the required rituals , We all bowed to him after the annoucement. Everyone seemed happy .

" Now I would like to introduce MY mate and your's luna " mahir said while forwarding his hand towards me , I took his hand and Stand there facing him directly .

He took a deep breath while looking into my eyes , did too .

" Will you bela accept me , Mahir seghal , as your mate " He asked , there was a spark in his eyes , spark of "finally comminted to me " .

" gladly " I accepted with a deep smile on my face , his eyes never left mine

" will you be a protective , loving and responsible luna of this pack " he asked his second question which defines that now I m his legal mate in sight of moon godess ,gonna be his luna after this 'I do's'.

" most definitely I will " I answered , and proud was clear in his eyes .

We did rest of rituals with all our heart .

TADA !!! I m his now in every sense . .

after us , yuvi and vish did the same rituals and they were annouced as legal mates too .

The ball was going good , I was at seventh sky , My life never seemed that much beautiful . My love and my bestfriend both are near me , my mate loves me more than anything, I m the luna of one of the most powerful pack. His parents seems to love me . what else I want now .

" his mark , babe " jade uttered with excitement .

horny AF .

" DON'T be that much horny " I whispered only to make her hear this .

" whatever , where's he ,go and find him " she ignored my scolding completely .

I looked around the room again , vish and yuvi were dancing slowly on the dance floor , mum and dad were talking some people , but mahir was nowhere .

I was trying to find mahir when I notice someone pulling me closer to him , then to dance floor . IT was mahir , I can smell so .

once we were on dance floor , I looked up and noticed his eyes focused on me already

I started blushing and looked down .

His hands hold me from my waist and mine travelled around his neck .

we started dancing along the flow of music .

" how you feeling, Luna " he asked whispering in my ear .

" overwhelming " I breathed out .

he leaned on and kissed my forehead softly , this made me blush harder . Then he pulled me closer to him , our faces were inches apart and he was staring at me intently .

I closed my eyes in surprise when I noticed my favorite song come on .

I looked over at mahir and we started swaying to the music .

I'll be by edwin .

He leaned over again and whispered next to my ears by singing " tell me that we belong together ...........I 'll be your crying shoulder , I 'll be love's suicide ,I'll be better when I m older . I'll be the greatest fan of your life "

I felt my body going weak with his seductive voice , I would have fallen , if it wasn't his arms around me .

He sang the whole song and I was feeling a whole freaking zoo inside my tummy .

The song ended , I was breathing heavily due to our proximity . And it was escatic .

We left the dance floor with yuvi and vish , who witnessed are heated dance there , because vish was throwing a whole truck of tease over mindlink , it was really hard to maintain a normal face .

Suka !

We all had our dinner along with mum and dad , we are a complete family . All happy and prosperous.

after that we all left for our respective room .

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