|Contest 01|

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Hello, dear readers! Today you have the ever lovely kerozeo and mahana258 as the hosts of this contest. And to celebrate our revival we are going to do a contest we haven't done much of before. Fantasy! More specifically today we're asking you to create covers for a non-Western fairy tale (don't worry we'll have a list in the external link so you don't have to do a ton of research).

What do we mean by nonwestern? Well, you're not going to have a Scottish castle on your cover, or English knights and sorcerers. We are looking for entries that exhibit cultures from around the world uncommon amongst the fantasy books seen often today.

Here are the rules:

Title: the fairytales title or a play on it.

Author: If you can find it if not use Jane Doe.

Please explain your graphics relation to the fairytale in 1 to 2 sentences. Comment links to your entries below.

We have a list of five fairy tales in the external link that you may use. If you have another non-western tale you would like to use, that is also acceptable.


And since this is our revival post we are happy to say there will be an extra prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. A resource pack put together by kerozeo .

Psst, Lucas here, my font folder has 400+ folders and is forever growing!

Deadline: All covers are due by June 22nd and should be turned in via Comments or PM to kerozeo. We will have a 2 days voting period after that and then short after announce winners.

Good luck!

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