Chapter Fifteen

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Aaaaa. Sorry for the wait, I'm really tired. This isn't a very good chapter and I didn't edit it because I'm exhausted. I need to do homework, and my grandmother just arrived from Japan.

Still, I hope you enjoy!

Grasping Fate

Chapter 15 

"Your silence will not protect you"

"Huhs! You ares backs alreadys! Where's Max!"

Ross looked away quietly so Red spoke up for him, "We couldn't find him, but we will, We already have the means," his smile seemed hopeful.

"Ohs...but you were hardlys gone, nots evens 3 minutes." Barney said.

"3 minutes? We were definitely there much longer," Mitch muttered. Seto started thinking, possibly time worked differently in the nether. Time traveled faster there then here in their world, "Nonetheless we should be on our way. If you want to learn anything about what might've happened then we have someone who may be able to help as Seto said."


"We'll explain on the way Barney, for now we should just follow them," Red said.

"Good, I must make a quick visit to the village to deliver a small report, and Seto you had Tyler and some girl with you. I'd say follow us there, but with two morvics that isn't a good idea, so it would be best for you to wait in the woods."

"Ok, but who are you--we know your name is Mitch, but you don't look...normal."

Seto glanced over at Mitch as he contemplated the answer. He hoisted himself onto his horse and reached out a hand for Seto. Seto grasped Mitch's hand and was pulled up on the horse, "Just tell them, they'll find out eventually."

He nodded and sighed, "I am the current king of Duhita."

"W-What!" Red yelled, Barney was too shocked for words, even Ross could hardly keep his eyes to the ground.

"Mother of Notch, why is that so odd... This is Duhita you know." Mitch muttered, "Head out in that direction and we'll meet you there." Mitch pointed.

Red recovered from shock and nodded.


Seto was alone. Or he imagined he was. He figured he was dreaming.

He stood in a foggy and dark world where tendrils of shadow wrapped around his body like smoke before dissipating. He looked left and right but saw nothing. He looked up and then down, but the result was the same.

Seto was alone. Yet he felt he wasn't.

A hand, like a ghost, rested on his shoulder. He jumped a little before turning. No one was there. He turned around and no one was there. To him he felt someone was here but no one at the same time. Like someone tried to reach out to him.

He started to shake.

He caught a glimpse of a skull. Something peering at him.

Seto woke up. He sat up with an unsettling feeling but did his best to brush it off. Mitch was leading him, Tyler, Alesa, and the other 3 people to the new camp. They'd already met up and it has been two days of nonstop travel through the woods to avoid morvics and humans alike. Mitch had told Seto the night before that they will arrive soon enough, and he was excited.

He wanted to share with everyone what he was able to do while on his own.

As odd as it seemed to him, he felt like he should--but he still wasn't sure what exactly to tell them.

"Good morning!" Red chirped, Seto looked at him and smiled.

"Hello, good morning!" Seto stood up and started packing away his sleeping mat. He was careful not to disturb the others.

"I guess we're going to arrive soon, huh?" Red said.

"Mhm," Seto nodded and smiled, he noticed a nervous expression and said, "Don't worry. Everyone is nice, and I'm sure Wag will have something that will help your friend. Seto was remained of the vision he saw. The death he witnessed. He was against saying anything, but he was worried. If it was the future, then when did or would it happen.

"Do you think we're bad people if we lied to him?"


"He had no memory when he came to us, but we knew who he was. Yet we said nothing even though he wanted so badly to know. Maybe we were all afraid that he would hate us."

"No," Seto said. Red looked at him in shock, "I don't think you're bad people, you all did what you thought was right, right?"

Red nodded, "But if we told him, maybe he would still be here."

"You can't go back and change the past, but you can change the future." Tyler and Mitch were beginning to stir. Tyler yawned and noticed Seto and Red talking.

"Goo~d morning," He said drowsily.

"We should get moving again, we'll be there by noon if we leave now." Mitch said. Seto nodded and gave Red a reassuring smile before shaking Alesa to wake up. Red woke up his friends and with a quick breakfast they all continued to head to where the camp was.


A boat, smaller than the Emedian ships the rebels had used to sail to Duhita, was making its way to the Duhitian shores. Familiar faces were eager to dock on the nearing land.


"Through here," Mitch lead his horse through the dense forest with everyone else trailing behind him.

"I sure hope this isn't a trap..." Ross muttered.

"Mitch wouldn't do that," Seto reassured them then paused to say, "I think?"

Just then they exited the forest and Seto is amazed to see the place already looking great. It seemed temporary tents were still set up but a few smaller buildings were already coming along. Since they were on the outskirts, no one seemed to notice them yet, so they continued to follow Mitch.

Seto saw two ships. The Emedian ship everyone left on and another much smaller boat. He wandered if it was some sort of supply ship.

"Holy Notch this place looks spiffy!"

"Tyler, did you just say spiffy? Alesa asked.



Seto laughed. He looked around for Adam, or Jerome, and he saw Jordan instead. A group of people near the smaller boat were conversing on the shore with Jordan. He squinted to see who they were as some of them did not look familiar.

"Mitch, who are they?" Seto pointed.

Mitch followed his finger and shrugged, "I'm not sure either. We weren't expecting any ships, only thing I know of is that Jason recently returned after purchasing supplies in Keuta. Actually I'm surprised you guys never saw him on your way back."

Seto laughed nervously, "Well we didn't really return by normal means..."

"Hmm? What do---"

"Duuude! Is that! No fucking way! It is them!" One of the people talking with Jordan suddenly ran in their direction. He wore a dark cloak that made it hard to see his features. His running caused the hood on his to fall off. Patches of green rotting skin shocked Seto.

"Ah--! It's you!" Red shouted.

"Whoas! Nos way!"

The guy stopped in front of Red, Barney, and Ross," What a coincidence, who would have thought we'd meet again!"


Red was cut off, "Ah, wait. I know what you are going to say, and before you do. We are not sorry we stole your horses, but if you must know you really helped us out. We would never have made it in time to Neim to find out the camp had been moved."

"Tom! Don't run off!" another male huffed as they stopped right next to the guy named Tom, "And what reason do--Oh! Hello again. We're really sorry about the whole horse thing--"

"No we aren't, I just told them we aren't," Tom whined.

The other guy glared before saying to Red and his friends, "It's hard to do business when your friends are cursed. I hope you forgive us."

"It's fine, I guess."

"What's going on?" Tyler whispered to Alesa and Seto. Alesa shrugged.

"Oh wow, it really is you guys, looks like you all made it in one piece. That's good." A female joined the odd fray, with a Jordan trailing far behind in confusion.

"Not all of us..." Ross muttered quietly. The girl with fox ears on her head looked at him oddly.

"Hey where's that other guy? The guy with the freaky magic stuff?" Tom asked.

Neither Red, Ross, or Barney spoke up. They stayed silent and looked away.

"Oh Notch, is he--" Sonja began.

"He's not dead! Don't you dare say it! He's just missing, that's all!" Ross yelled before turning away in frustration.

"I--" Sonja was interrupted.

"Mother of Notch! Tom, Tucker, Sonja! Give me a heads up before you run off without reason!" Jordan finally joined them and sighed in relief, "We were still talking about the results of your scouting mission."

"Oh, right, It was hard to uncover anything in Emedo. The king keeps everything well hidden, we only know that whatever it is, it's big. Possibly even..."

"...War." Sonja finished Tucker's sentence.

"War! Holy shit what!" Tyler exclaimed, "What the fuck happened for things to get that nasty!"

And now, they finally arrived at the point where Tyler, Seto, and Alesa were noticed.


"Captain Moron!" Tyler joked.

"Quit it with that awful name," Jordan looked to see Seto and Alesa, "I'm so glad you arrived safe and sound. We were worried when Wag told me and your friends that you had left, Seto."

"Sorry, I just had to," Seto said.

"No, I understand-- Oh! You're just in time too, someone has come looking for you."

"See me?" Seto asked.

"Your highness, it's good you've returned."

"Just call me Mitch, I keep telling you that. I keep telling everyone that," Mitch sighed, "I won't be staying long. I have to return and take care of more business, Seto, tell Adam to stop sending Jerome to the castle before he get's himself killed."

"O-Ok." Seto stuttered, Mitch nodded then waved and headed back into the forest.

Alesa cleared her throat. The small budding conversations between everyone stopped. By now the small group was gaining some attention, Seto spotted Jerome making his way over, not yet noticing Seto's return. Adam had Jason's little brother on his back and they were running over laughing the entire way.

The conversations stopped after Alesa cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt."

"Oh, no, don't worry. It was rude of me to ignore you, a friend of Seto's?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, this is--"

"Alesa," Alesa curtsied, "And I am the first princess of Neim, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Just then Adam arrived and made eye-contact with Alesa who's eyes widened a bit. She looked like something was on her mind but dismissed it quickly.

"Whoa, Venir! Let's keep running around huh!" Adam laughed nervously and ran off before saying hello.

Jordan was at a loss of words, Seto was shocked, Tyler stunned into silence and the rest were just as dumbfounded. It all made sense now, the reason Alesa was able to so easily sneak into the castle in Neim was because she was able to sneak out. She knew the place because she was the princess!

"Oh, I'm sorry if that is shocking, but I uh, needed to keep it secret for awhile. I know a little bit about your organization Mr. Jordan, and I wanted to thank you on behalf of the kingdom... I'm sure you know the current situation, my family can do nothing as Emedo controls all the strings of my country and take able-bodied men off to be their soldiers."

Jordan nodded, "Yes, we do provide shelter and home to plenty of former Neim citizens looking to flee their kingdom. Whether they want to help us with our ultimate goal or not."

Alesa grinned and happiness, her voice sounded light and happy, "Then please allow me to offer up my assistance. I may hold no power, or be able to fight, but I can help the sick and wounded. I'll do anything if it means I can eventually free my kingdom from Emedo!"

"I-I uh, we'd greatly appreciate your help your highness."

"Oh thank the Aether, this is great! I won't have to be forced into marriage either! I'll never marry an Azure" She hissed.

"M-marriage? Seto muttered. He wondered if that marriage was supposed to be with Adam... The idea shocked him, and the way she looked at Adam, almost frightened him. But it seemed she didn't recognize him.

"R-right, well, now that everyone is acquainted. There is actually a lot to be done, and so long as everyone helps out, you all can stay, of course. And Seto, someone is still waiting for you."

"O-Ok," Seto nodded, "Where?"

"By the shore," Jordan pointed.

Seto nodded and waved to Tyler and Alesa, "I'll be back soon guys!" And he ran off towards the shore while Jordan started to help the others out.

D: This is a shit chapter. Next update is a GAME OVER update just to let you know.

For new followers, during the school year I have an every other week schedule, at least one chapter a week.

And I normally try to update Saturday or Sunday in my time.

So for example, I updated GF on 8/28 and next week it'll be GAME OVER either on 9/3 or 9/4. And the pattern repeats.

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