Chapter One

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Today is my birthday! Also:

Sorry if there are errors, I have no time to edit, to much going on today.


Grasping Fate

Chapter 1

"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest "

Trip. Stumble. Fall.

Seto rolled down the dry grass just outside the capital of Neim. He and Tyler have been traveling almost a week since they left Eflido. After stealing horse from the Port of Norton, located closely to the border of Eflido, both he and Tyler arrived in the capital just two days later. Though their entrance was less than great.

They arrived in the capital just after daybreak, when people began to wake up, moving with surprising amount of energy as they began their early morning chores.

As a kingdom with the largest agricultural system Seto could imagine how busy their lives must be, constantly farming, growing, harvesting, and preparing for cold winters. He also imagine that being occupied by part of the realm's largest military force makes it all but impossible to do anything other than what was expected of them.

When he and Tyler arrived, neither of them expected soldiers to immediately move to stop them. Their horse, carrying the both of them, reared to a stop in front of the swarm.

"Hello sirs, is their a problem?" Tyler calmly said, Seto kept his face buried in Tyler's back, he didn't want them to see his face.

"You are disturbing the morning peace, where is your pass?" A gruff looking soldier called out.

"Pass? We don't have one, I'm sorry, we are in a rush--"

"No pass means no exit, where is your pass?" The rules here are very strict, Seto thought.

When Tyler didn't answer Seto heard the sound of unsheathed swords, "Hey! Answer us!" Seto felt Tyler tense before signaling for their horse to get the nether out of there. The horse turned to the east and galloped that way. Citizens and soldiers alike all moved out of their way.

Seto took a short glance at the soldiers behind them before he felt himself suddenly go flying off the horse. He gasped and foolishly moved to keep his hood on over keeping hold of Tyler. The two of them were thrown off their horse as the horse was startled by soldiers into doing so.

Seto could feel his staff on his back, but what good would it do him now. He quickly glanced around as he tumbled through the air before reaching out both hands to a sign post dangling off a building. He just barely grabbed on, his feet slammed into the wall and he almost let go. He could see soldiers coming in from many different sides, Tyler was shakily getting up from where he was not fortunate to slow his fall.

"Run!" Tyler said to Seto before making a beeline west of him. Seto nodded even though he knew Tyler would not see. He let go of the sign. He fell but the landing wasn't rough, it made him wince, but he was fine. Before any soldiers could grab him Seto ran.

He was terrible at running, but he knew he could do it if he tried really hard and ignored the burning in his throat.

And that was how he ended here, laying exhaustedly on the grass outside the capital. Seto was sure he'd lost the soldiers, but now he has no horse, and no money. All of that was on the horse. Everything that they didn't carry on themselves was on the horse.

"Are you alright!" Seto opened his tired eyes in fright and sat up without thinking. He yelped and heard another yelp as their heads collided. Seto bit his tongue and through the tears opened his eyes to see a young woman with hair the color of fire.

"Ow. Ow. Ow..." She mumbled, but she looked at Seto and laughed light-heartedly, "Whoops, that's is my fault for being so close, sorry."

"N-no, it's fine..." Seto glanced warily at the girl and scooched away, but she didn't seem bothered by it.

"You looked really tired, were you running? Running from something?"

Seto didn't know her, so he remained cautious and said nothing.

"Haha! Sorry that might've been a bit forward since we barely know each other, I'm Alesa. I live here, I'm not supposed to be outside, but I snuck away for a bit. I never get to go outside without soldiers surrounding me all the time."

Seto perked up. Soldiers? Who was she? But he continued to say nothing, it was better to stay out of this kingdom's affairs and make it as quickly to Vragan as possible.

"Oh!" Seto jumped at her sudden outburst, why was he so jumpy... He glanced towards Alesa as she rummaged through her pockets and then pulled out...a potato?

"You looked hungry so here," she held out the potato to Seto, he looked at it. When he didn't move to grab it she moved closer. He wanted to move away, but if he kept doing that it might be suspicious or rude. She had such a kind and genuine smile, hesitantly he grabbed the potato and took a bite.

He wasn't expecting anything from it since it was just a potato. It was plain, obviously enough, but it helped soothe his hunger. Only a few bites in Seto stopped to say, "Thank you," he smiled only slightly.

"I got you to smile!" She cheered before quieting down and getting serious, "But I'm still curious, why were you running?"

"I...I shouldn't answer that."

"You can trust me, I wouldn't turn you in or anything if that is what you're thinking."

Seto shook his head, "No, it's more like, I should say nothing to avoid putting other people in danger."

"Danger from what?"

"Getting involved with me..."

Alesa stayed silent for a bit. The two of them sat on the grass as a steady breeze passed them and ruffled their hair and clothes.

"You know, today I had the feeling I had to come outside, that if I didn't I'd lose the only chance I'd get to save this kingdom."

Seto looked up at Alesa in curiosity.

"I never leave home anymore, and when I do, I can never be within a city. Otherwise the soldiers will find me."

"I have a feeling that you aren't really running from whatever happened in the capital. I feel like the fears radiating off of you are for other reasons."

Seto stiffened, "W-what makes you say that?"

"Just a gut feeling."


A silence enveloped them, before Seto said, "You're right, I'm running from more than having no pass through the country. I can't leave without my friend, but I have no idea where he is now... He's probably in town looking for me, but--"

"If you need help fleeing the kingdom, I can definitely help! I know a place we can nab a carriage!" Alesa jumped up, "Come on!" She yanked Seto up and he yelped in surprise, "I'm gonna need that cloak so no one recognizes me, ok?"

"W-wait--" Alesa had already reached to unclasp the golden pin and pulled the cloak off of him. The long black cape he had attached to it when Adam gave him his cloak just before leaving for Duhita came off with it. Seto was left eyes wide without his cloak his face was shown. His curly mop of hair gently ruffled by the wind, his magenta colored eyes and the magenta colored marks on his face.

Actually he found out on his travels with Tyler that those marks actually stretched down his neck across his chest and back in intricate patterns. He wasn't sure what they all meant, but they were there.

Alesa looked at Seto and Seto tried to turn away from her. He stopped when he saw her smile. A kind smile, one that let Seto know immediately that what he looked like didn't matter to him, heck even who he was probably didn't matter to her.

"Come on, if we hurry we can get to our destination and find your friend!" She grabbed his hand and ran, dragging Seto along after her.

As they ran, Seto thought to himself, he said that Alesa reminded him a lot like someone he knows. Very much like a certain lovable prince of a kingdom.


Seto stood in the shadows of the tall stone walls, his back against the giant structure. He was shaking in his boots.

When Alesa said that she knew where to get a carriage, she failed to mention the carriage was in the royal castle. Seto knew that she knew of a small hole at the base of one of the walls hidden by tall grass, he was standing by that area as he waited for Alesa to return.

Seto felt the bubbling sensation of fear in his stomach. With each passing moment he was sure she would never return. Maybe she was selling him out and any moment soldiers would be coming to kill or arrest him and think he was trying to sneak in the castle. Or maybe she had been caught and he was just standing here like an idiot. Either way Seto started to feel like he would have a better chance running--

"Out of the way! Alesa coming through!!" Seto heard the loud shout of Alesa's voice followed by the sound of hooves on road. He saw Alesa riding in the carriage leading the horses to him. One door of the carriage was swinging open and closed, "Come on Seto! Hop in hurry, I can't slow down or they'll catch us!"

As Alesa drew near, Seto stood unsure of what to do, he watched her and immediately snapped out of it when he saw the soldiers incoming from behind on horseback. He had no time to think, if he missed the jump he was a goner. Seto started running away from the carriage so he could time his jump as the carriage gained on him.

His heart was pounding deep in his chest and sweat was dripping down his face. He couldn't miss, he couldn't.




Seto took a flying leap forward before clasping his hands on the carriage door and swing--no tumbling inside.

He let out a loud 'oof' as the wind was knocked out of him. When he sat himself up and peered out the back window he almost screamed as the face of a horse was nearly upon them.

"Hurry Alesa! Some of them are gaining on us!"

"I know! I'm trying, you just focus on looking for your friend and let me do the driving!"

Seto forgot about Tyler. In the heat of the moment he was focused on the gaining soldiers and less on his missing friend.

He knew it was best to ignore the glaring faces behind them and look towards the town. Actually, it was pretty easy to spot Tyler, amidst the running people was a crowd of soldiers with Tyler smack dab in the middle.

"Alesa, over there by that large swarm of guards!" Seto shouted to her over the thundering noises of hooves. The noise was vibrating through his whole body and eventually the soldiers surrounding Tyler had stopped to see the incoming carriage and the stampede behind them.

"Tyler! Grab my hand!"

In a panic, the soldiers scatter leaving only Tyler behind. In one fluid motion Tyler sheathes his sword, swings a bag that was lying on the ground up and around his back, then reaches out as Seto and the carriage passes.

Seto's hands grasp Tylers and he immediately yanks Tyler in with all his might. The two of them tumble in and the door swings shut.

Seto's journey is one the move again! So much is going to happen, like legit. Falling to Rise had like 3-5 key events for example Seto's parent's death, or Ty turning into a monster. But Grasping Fate has wayyyyyyyyy more, like 3 times as much crap going on!

So expect a long book with a lot of stuff going on


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