Chapter Twenty-Five

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Next chapter is the Epilouge O:

If you have questions about me, this series, or any of my other books, go to my #3 art book and post it to the 500 followers page, or PM. It may be in a video.

If you have fanart for this series including Destiny Calls you want to submit, send it to me. It may also be featured in QnA video.

Enjoy the second to last chapter O: I need to work on the GO chapter now lol. Epilouge will have to wait till after I finish that.

Grasping Fate

Chapter 25

"The only opinion that matters in our quest for greatness is our own."

"It has been decided after many hours of discussion you are free to wander under supervision."

"Oh thank Notch!" Jerome was on his feet in seconds and ready to rush out that tent. Ian himself opened his mouth to speak but was beat to it by Seto.

"When can we see our friends?"

"Only those previously authorized have permission, until further notice none of you have the proper validation--"

"That's bullshit!" Ian yelled, "I have to see Adam!"

"The prince is under custody until his injuries heal and from there it will be decided what should properly be done."

"You son of a bi--"

"Hey there!" Mitch shoved past the guard and slowly urged him away, "I'll take care of the rest of this, you go enjoy a nice break or something...Oh I'm actually probably not at the liberty to give you those, but I can handle this."

"Mitch, where is--"

"Ah ah, calm down, for now just take a break of the outside air and calm down." Mitch led Ian out of the tent, Jerome wasted no time shoving past everyone else.

"Oh sweet freedom! I've never wanted to jump in a river or an ocean more in my life!"

"We were in there for literally less than a day!" Mitch glared a pointing finger, "It really wasn't that bad!"

Seto took a few steps out of the tent, he looked around. Besides it becoming evening and the sun was setting, he thought to himself, nothing has changed, yet everything felt different. He was just contradicting himself, and he hated it.

This entire time he's been nothing but contradictions. He wanted to show people magic was good, but at the same time hated it. He tried his best to help people, but always hurt more. When he sat his mind to controlling magic, he always screwed up more.

He couldn't do anything right, and he was messing with everyone's lives because of it.

"Seto!" Tyler came running over to Seto with a big grin, "Thank Notch,where you going?"

"I was gonna go find Alesa," that was a lie, and Seto was terrible at lying, but the darkened setting made it hard for anyone to read his face.

"I think everyone is going to head to bed in a few hours, how about tomorrow?"

"Oh sure, that's fine, I guess since it is so late anyways I'll just head to bed."

"You hungry?"

"No, it's fine Tyler, night." Seto turned back around into the tent he was held in. He knew he probably had time to go and talk to Alesa, but he lied; he didn't need to talk to Alesa. Seto sighed and sat on his bed, he could still hear Jerome and Mitch arguing outside. Eventually someone would shut them up since people will eventually want to sleep.

He wondered what he should do. What did the future hold for him and his friends. Seto wished he could choose what he could see, why could he never do anything to make things better...Did he make the right choice?

Seto sat on the edge of his bedside and wondered what he should do from here. If he could have the chance to be away from people so that they would no longer be harmed by him then he could take the time to focus on getting better at magic.

Maybe become strong enough to control his magic, his father was good enough to keep it concealed, so eventually so could he.

But there was no where in the world where people would not be able to find him...

"Oh Seto, didn't know you were still in here," Jerome came walking in.

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking."

"Cool, you heading to bed?"

Seto got up, "Give me a second," Seto stepped out of the tent, Jerome simply shrugged and paid no mind to it. He laid down in his bed, and try as he might couldn't fall asleep, maybe napping earlier wasn't the best idea...


Give or take, it might've been a few hours or so later, Jerome finally did fall asleep during that time.

After that, when it became morning, Jerome was rudely woken up

"Jerome," Mitch shook him awake.

"What! Jezz!"

"Quit your whining, where's Seto?"

"What do you mean where's Seto? Jerome sat up, "He's over there in his..." Seto's bed was empty, and by the smell, Seto's scent was stale. Jerome leapt out of his bed, "What the nether? He said he would be back, I just assumed he went to take a piss or something?"

"Do you have to so vulgar, just say bathroom," Mitch's face curled in disgust.

"Hush up princess, we have bigger fish to fry than discussing the vulgarity of the word piss."

Mitch opened his mouth to say something then sighed, "You know what, nevermind, you're right Seto isn't here, something is up...wake up Ian?"

"Nah, leave him be, he's stressed and worrying. No need to add more shit to his plate."

Mitch nodded in agreement, and he and Jerome hurried out the tent.

Jerome tried to sniff the air, but it was mingled with too many scents, there was only a faint whiff, "Mitch this way,"

"Wha? How would you--" Jerome tapped his nose and that shut Mitch up. They were heading to the northwest part of the camp, closer towards the forest region.

"Stop! You aren't allowed to leave Jerome!" Jerome looked behind him, a rebel came to him.

"This is an emergency, our friend is missing, his scent lead this way. If I can't leave then send someone to find him!"

"Missing, who?"

"Seto," he hissed.

"Seto is gone?" Tyler walked over, he was shocked, "where?"

"If I knew do you think we'd be looking for him?"

"We can't spare anyone, you'll just have to sit and wait for him to come back."

"And what if he doe--" Mitch placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Jerome may not be able to leave, but you can't keep me here, I'll look for Seto," Mitch turned on his heel and headed towards his horse kept in a makeshift stable in the southern part of the camp. Jerome followed him and so did Tyler and the rebel.

"I'll go too!" Tyler volunteered, "Seto's my friend, I don't care what anyone else says, I will find him, with or without their help!"

"Fine, we need to go now, we don't know how long he's been gone."



Seto had indeed left, why? Because he felt he needed to, he had no direction, he simply walked. He let the fates lead him, and honestly it didn't matter where in the realm he went, so long as he was far, far away from the people he cared about.

He bet his friends all thought he was crazy, 'why on Ethereal would Seto just run off' that's what they would ask themselves... It's because if he stayed, then more things would come because of him. But staying away was his only choice, that's what he needed to do, if he stayed away they would be happier.

Who was he kidding... He knew exactly what he was doing signified about him, he was selfish. He was acting on selfish morals because he was too scared to admit that he was useless, that he couldn't help his friends without causing more harm than good. He was nothing more than unecessary weight, everyone would be better without him...

He looked up, less than two days with little break, he found himself at a familiar place. He hadn't even realized he'd walked this far... Guess he had an idea of what the fates wanted of him, where he needed to go.

So be it...


"Damn, it's been nearly two days!" Tyler growled.

"This isn't good, Tyler take my horse. I have to make my way back to the castle, hurry! Find him before he does something stupid."

"You can fucking count on it, I am not letting Seto go off on his own again!" Mitch nodded to Tyler, he waved as Tyler mounted his horse and hurried off in the one direction they hadn't looked.

He would find Seto. He was determined to give Seto a happy life, he deserved that much. As his best friend, he would do anything for Seto if he was in need, he just wished Seto would talk to him instead of always running off!


Seto, where are you!


Seto looked up into a starless sky, the light of the moon shined on his face. His eyes were unaffected by it's calming and peaceful glow. Though he was calm, he was not at peace, no in the slightest.

There were few trees here, he was near the edge of the border, the unseeable but existing line that separated Duhita from Emedo.

Cracked stone, moss, swirling purple. It was mesmerizing, haunting.

He hated sitting on the sidelines, he needed to do something. He hesitated before stepping closer to the portal, he was struck by this sudden twinge of fear. It vanished almost as soon as it came. His hand rested on the rugged, obsidian surface, it was cold to touch.

He almost stepped through, almost.

"Stop! Seto, don't you dare take another step!" Seto looked behind him. Tyler leaped off his horse and abandoned it at the edge of the ruins. He ran standing in front of Seto, still several steps away, "Don't you fucking dare dammit! What do you think you're doing! Everyone's worried sick, why did you run off!"

Seto stayed silent, he looked back at the portal and cast a forlorn glance back at Tyler, "I don't belong there with everyone."

"Bullshit! You're our friend, my friend! You would really just leave without telling anyone? We can help, that is what friends are for!"

Yes, he thought to himself. He would leave, because it would benefit everyone.

Seto felt his stomach growl, he had no food and only stopped to sleep while he ambled around.

"I don't know..." Seto said despite knowing the answer.

"Seto..." Tyler's voice softened, he took a step forward and Seto spun around. He hugged Tyler and cried. He was scared, he felt guilty. He could never stop thinking about all his failures, and everytime he tried, they came back to bite him anyways.

Seto's body convulsed into body wracking sobs and Tyler was too shocked for words, he quietly patted Seto comfortingly on the back.

"I'm sorry!" He sobbed.

"Don't be, it's not your fault," Tyler assured him.



"Thank you...Will you make a promise with me?"

"Of course."

Seto smiled, it was small, he felt reassured by Tyler's words, "One day, when everything is all over, you should go say hello to Shelby... You deserve that."

Tyler's eyes widened, he took a step back from Seto who let him go, "H-How do you kno--You aren't, Seto h-how!"

Seto smiled sadly, he rubbed away the tears and the stains. He let out a shaky laugh, "Please don't look for me." Seto took a step back closer to the portal. A cloud passed over the moon, casting a shadow over the Duhitan land.

Seto's purple eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, only for a moment. "Seto, wait!" Tyler reached out and took a step forward. Seto scrunched his eyes closed, and held out his arms to Tyler, he strained and breathed heavily. Tyler was pushed back by a small force and he lost his balance and fell back.

"Seto!" Tyler yelled, he watched Seto look back at him one more time. He smiled, his hands glowed a faint purple.

Seto's mouth moved, but he heard no words. All he saw was Seto has he turned to the portal, a single block covered in purple magic. And as soon as Seto turned and leapt through, the block covered in magic shot out from the portal, breaking the link to the nether world.

Tyler could form no words.

He failed.


Calm your horses lol. Seto is not gonna die, but that is all I can say. You probs won't see Seto in the epilouge, he'll be back in he last book, I have a few title ideas in my head, but idk yet. Haven't finished plans lol.

Again, QnA submissions must be pm or commented on my #3 art book chapter 500 followers.

Fanart can be submitted anywhere, just link it to me or tag me.

Theories? What will happen to Seto now? How will this connect to DC? What happens in the last book? Other things?

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