[OS#11] My Obsession

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[A/n] So as I promise, This is my biggest, naughtiest, and sexiest, Gratsu yaoi one shot so here it goes Enjoy~

Warning!!- Lemon, Smut, Masturbation, Toys, Gratsu Make out Pictures some are uncensored

Rated M- for mature contents


Natsu's POV

Its been a while now and its creeping me out!

What is it?

Its Gray! He keeps staring me like I'm some food he want to eat and when I caught him staring at me he'll just smirk at me then look away!

You know what creeps me the most?

It always happen like when I'm walking my way home he'll just walk beside me and when we are about to part ways he'll give my ass a few gropes then he'll run away before i could speak, but I can still smell his scent until I reach my house then it disappear when I open my door

The second one was when we are fighting each other outside....... between the fight he bite me at the my neck and started licking the bleeding skin with that action I tried to push him but he didn't move away and when his finish licking it he'll just smirk at me and walk away

I never confront him about it or tell anybody about it, It just don't make sense why is he doing this

Time skip.....

I was sitting at the guild waiting for the ice freak, Come on! its 6 in the evening and he still wasn't here, he didn't even took a job

'Geez where's that ice freak, Erza would be nice to spar but she's on a mission' I thought as I groaned

'Ah I know!' I thought "Oi! Juvia!" I called

"Did you call Juvia, Natsu-san?" Juvia asked

"Yeah, Have you seen Gray its past 6 and he isn't here, Have you seen him?" I asked

"Hmm.....No the last time Juvia saw Gray-sama was last night, why's that Natsu-san?" She asked

"Ahh!.....I just wanna spar with him and I'm really bored and Erza isn't here. I'll just check him at his apartment bye!" I excuse myself as I went out of the guild to find Gray

"Bye-Bye! Natsu-San! Tell Gray-sama Juvia say Hi!" Juvia waved her hand

Time Skip....

I was currently standing in front of Gray's door so I twisted the knob and it lock so I knocked but after a few minutes of knocking the door is still locked

So I look inside his apartment trough the glass windows but the lights inside was all off

I sighed 'Maybe he's at the guild now' I thought as a droplet of water hits my forehead 'Is it going to rain' I thought as I looked up and frowned

"Ah...its just the air conditioner oh! Gray's window is open?" I asked my self as a great idea pop up in my head as I smirk

I used my ninja skills to climb to the window and make sure no one will see me by wrapping my face with my scarf

"Nin-nin~" I said as I form a hand sign on my hands

I looked around Gray's room finding some funny and embarrassing things I can use against him

As I came a cross a black sliding door and I tried to open it but it was locked so I dip my hand to my pocket looking for something that can open this

"Let's see coins, paper bills, hair pins" I mumbled "I'll use the hair pins" I smirked and started picking the key hole

"Click!" Came the sound of the lock as it unlocked

"Hihihi~ let's see what's inside" I manically laughed as I slide the door open

With Gray....

I'm walking my way from "My" Natsu's house coz I look for something to the guild looking for him as I bumped into some one

"Ah! Gomen" I apologized as I help the person up who me envelop me to a hug

"Juvia is happy! Gray-sama help Juvia up!" She squeeld

"W-wait Juvia get off me!" I tried to pull her away from me

"Ah! Gray-sama Natsu-san is looking for you!" She exclaimed

"Where is he?" I asked

"Oh Natsu-san told Juvia that hell go to your apartment....Oi!...Gray-sama wait for Juv..." I didn't let her finish as I run far away

Back to Natsu...

As I open the door my face dead paned "Oh...A walk-in closet " I said

But a bright light bulb appear above my head as my lips turns upwards

"Maybe I could find something in here" I mumbled as I look around the small room field with Gray's clothes

"Hey this sunglasses look good on me" I said to myself looking at the mirror wearing Gray's sunglasses

I search for more things but I gasped at the content of the I open beside the mirror "What the- why the hell some of my clothes are here!" I cursed

I took out all the contents of the cabinet and its not just my clothes but some of my underwear too and their not even washed and why the hell are my underwear are all sticky!

Eager to find more I opened some of the drawers but the contents are only Gray's things until I came to the last drawer as I slid it open and the sight inside almost give me a heart attack

It was a framed cute photo of me but something was off the glass was stained with white sticky substance and its still fresh

Third Person's POV

"Wha-w....." Natsu couldn't speak for a while

He felt like cheated as salty tears rolled down his cheeks

'Is he lusting over me!?' He thought as he felt someone standing at the walk-in closet's door

"N-Natsu!" the a familiar voice gasped

"How could you Gray!?" Natsu growled as he face his Rival/Best friend

"Why?" Gray asked as he saw what the pink head was holding and the tears rolling down Natsu's cheek

"Y-your lusting over me! But I'm your best friend Gray! your best friend!" Natsu shouted

Gray run to him and tried to comfort him with a hug but Natsu squirmed not wanting to be hug by this filthy creature

"Natsu I'm sorry" he apologized but Natsu is still squirming

"Natsu please listen I'll explain just listen to me" Gray plead as Natsu stopped squirming and glared at Gray

Gray hold both Natsu's hands both of them kneeling at the ground face to face

Gray look straight at Natsu's eyes
"I'm sorry Natsu I just don't want to hurt you" He said as Natsu throw him a questioning look

"Coz every time I see you I need to stop my self from pining you to the nearest object around and fuck you senselessly coz I love you! I fricken love you that seeing y-you-you with other guys makes me jealous specially to that blonde Sabertooth bastard and the thought of loosing you make me insane! I love you too much Natsu too much that you become my obsession! and this stolen things of yours it makes me a little satisfied with my own obsession to you.....Please Natsu I just don't want to hurt you and that's the reason why I am doing this" Gray snapped

Natsu was just there kneeling with his pink locks covering his green orbs. Suddenly he stands up holding Gray wrist gesturing him to stand up and follow him

Natsu bring Gray outside his closet both standing beside Gray's bed

"Do it" Natsu said plainly

"What?" Gray asked

"You said every time you see me you wanted to pin me at the nearest object and fuck me right?" Natsu asked

"Yes, but why? Natsu I don't want to force you doing it so stop" Gray said

Natsu looked at him with his goofiest smile "I know your sincere that you love me and that's what all I need to know Aishiteru Gray" Natsu said as he tiptoed as he gave Gray a kiss on his lips

Gray's eyes winded at Natsu's action as a smile appeared on his lips as he kissed Natsu back and the kiss turns to a more heated kiss

Gray push Natsu on the bed pining him down while both of the ravenette's knees was on ether side of the pink head's waist and both of their clothed member are pressed together

Gray bit Natsu's lower lip asking for entrance which Natsu give

Gray traced Natsu's cavern with his tongue remembering every part inside it

Soon Gray stop kissing Natsu but keep his mouth open and pressed against Natsu's asking him to roam his tongue inside Gray's cavern which Natsu did

Natsu roam his tongue inside Gray's as Gray inwardly smirked as he closed his mouth traping the pink head's tongue inside his mouth not butting it

Gray soon sucked the pink flesh tasting the sweet taste of Natsu

The pink head moan as trails of saliva start streaming out of his mouth while his tongue was being sucked by Gray

The raven soon freed the delicious tongue from his mouth and started licking the pinkette's mouth then entering it again and tracing the the back of the pinkette's perfectly aligned pearl white teeth.

The slick tongue of the raven once again went out of that delicious mouth traveling to the boy's cheeks down to his jaw line and to these smooth skinned neck that the pinkette's possesses

Natsu release a pained moan as Gray bit Natsu's neck hardly drowning blood from it soon Gray sucked the bite mark like some kind vampire as the mating mark stop bleeding Gray give the pinkette's neck a long lick and started to suck the necks smooth skin leaving some noticeable hickeys

Gray french kissed Natsu once more while Natsu's arms are wrapped around his neck deepening the heated kiss

Natsu moan loudly breaking the kiss when Gray rubbed both of their painful clothed erections "G-gray! I need more!" Natsu moaned panting

But Gray didn't obey as he stoped rubbing their clothed dicks

[Watch this to hear (Yuichi Nakamura) Gray and (Tetsuya Kakihara) Natsu's Smex Noises]


Natsu groaned at the lost of friction
as he started to thrust his own hips for more friction but Gray sited up

"Natsu I'll strip you ne~" Gray purred at Natsu's ear then giving it a nibble

Gray arms travel downwards palming Natsu's clothed reaction while unbuckling the belt that holds Natsu's white trouser and waist coat

Gray pulled the waist coat and the trouser down leaving Natsu with only his opened vest and boxer

Gray looked at his work marveling the boys slender taned body with smooth skin smoother than the worlds finest silk and those juicy looking perked up pink nipples that Gray was hungry for

"Let's go with appetizer first before the main course " Gray said as he pinched Natsu's niplple making its pink knob harden as he leaned down and licked it making the other one moan

After some licks Gray started nibbling it with his teeth not to hard as his other hand played with the other nipple

Gray sucked the nipple and release it with a pop sound "Your nipples are tasty Natsu can't wait what your dick taste like oh! and guess your cum taste delicious too I guess its sweet" Gray said seductively making the others flushed face blush harder if possible

"Let's try the main course Ne~" Gray chuckled as he pulled the boys boxer down and throw it away

Gray licked his lips unconsciously while looking at the boys beautiful average size member

"Your dicks look cute Natsu~ can I taste it?" Gray purred looking at Natsu while jerking it off

"Aaaahhhh!" Natsu moaned as he thrust his hips up for more friction

Gray smirked as he licked the shaft of Natsu's dick soon Gray spread the open the slit of Natsu's cock as wide as it could and licking the inside of it with the tip of his tongue

"G-gray! stop! It hurt stop please" Natsu cried

Gray did so and stopped licking the inside of the slit but started licking the head of the cock continuously before he take the whole member in his mouth deep throating Natsu and making the other cried in pleasure!

"G-gray.....M-more....suck....me more Aaahhhh!" Natsu cried as Gray's sucking become rougher and rougher that Natsu couldn't take anymore as he arch his back and throwing his head in different direction

Then "Aaaahh! Ah! Ah! I'm....I'm gonna come....I'm gonna come Graaay!" Natsu moaned

"Not so fast!" Gray said as he hold the base of Natsu's cock as he bind it with his ice cock ring preventing the other to cum

"Gray! Let me come! let me! Its painful! Please!" Natsu begged sweating at their steamy session

"Bare with it for a while Babe" Gray said as he caress the others face removing some sweats on Natsu's face

"Natsu undress me~" Gray whispered sexily at the boys ear making the other blush some more

"I-i c-cant its em-embarrassing" Natsu stuttered

"There's no reason to be shy its only me Natsu, its only me" Gray said as he stared at the others green orbs while cupping the boy's face

Gray stood up beside the bed as he help Natsu to sit up "Come on Natsu undress me" Gray cooed

Natsu gulp as he stared at his topless lover who is asking to undress him.

Natsu's hand are shaking as he slowly unbuckled Gray's belt and slowly unzip the others pants and slip it down

Now its only the boxer is left but Gray just wanted to embarrass Natsu more

Gray hold Natsu's chin tilting it upward making the other to look at him

Gray seductively licked lips as he pulled his hands up licking his fingers seductively

Gray licked his fingers between are like he did with Natsu's cock slit before and coating all of his finger with his saliva making Natsu's cock twitch in excitement

"Pull it down now Natsu before I lose control" Gray maoned

Natsu gulped and he started to pull down the garter of the boxer until he was surprised when Gray's deliciously Huge 10inch cock sprung free to life

Natsu gathered all of his courage and took hold of Gray's mouth watering cock and caressing it delicately

Gray look at the wonderful sight in his lower region

Natsu was rubbing Gray's delicious cock on his cheek with his eyes close "Gray-kun's dick is so warm, I like it" Natsu said

"Kawaii" Gray muttered

Natsu open his eyes slowly and look at Gray's eyes as he licked the tip seductively making Gray groan excitedly

Natsu did what Gray did to him a while ago as a payback Natsu spread the cock slit wide and suck the slit while continuously making Gray moan

"Natsu suck it now... I want to feel this hot mouth of yours around my dick Aahh!" Gray moaned

Natsu smiled as a response and started to stroke Gray's excited member with his right hand while the other fondling Gray's balls

Natsu leaned and kiss the midpoint of the penis and the balls, to make it more erotic he lick the way down at the balls as he suck both of Gray's balls while stroking his dick

"Oh god Natsu! That feels good~" Gray moaned

Natsu smiled as he lick upwards toward the tip and sucking the whole dick slowly

"Mmhmmm.... Ah! Gray! Your dick is growing bigger" Natsu groaned but he continued sucking that delicious cock

Gray moaned as he pushed Natsu towards his dick making the pink head gag on his hugeness while tears slowly rolled down from the pinkettes deeply red cheeks

"Suck some more of my popsicle Natsu you always call me that right~" Gray purred as the other moaned

"Aahh!...Oh here's the cream Aaahhh!" Gray moaned as he release his cream at Natsu's throat

Natsu take out Gray's cock from his mouth as the "cream" slowly oozes from the side of his mouth

"Your so mean to me!" Natsu pouted making the other chuckled

Gray pick Natsu up so he could stand,

Gray look at Natsu's face then lean down and lick the cum at the side of Natsu's mouth before he started to kiss Natsu deeply once more

Gray's hand wrapped around Natsu's waist while Natsu wrapped his hands on Gray's neck.

Slowly those big hands that Gray possesses found it way to Natsu's round globes massaging that oh so delicious ass

"Aaahh! G-Gray" Natsu moaned between the kiss

Gray lick the lobe of Natsu's ear as he say this words "Get ready Natsu, coz I will take you to paradise soon" Gray said seductively earning a moan from the other

Gray laid Natsu on his back as he hovered on top of him giving him a peck on the lips

Gray soon asked Natsu to open his legs. He hold Natsu from the back of his knees as he leaned down to give butterfly kisses and a few licks on Natsu's smooth thighs

Gray leaned some more and suck Natsu's thigh cracks giving it a few hickeys

"Graaay! don't stare its embarrassing!" Natsu blushed as he caught Gray looking at his twitching hole

Gray smiled sincerely at the pink head"don't be embarrassed Natsu remember its just me"

"But..bu-" Natsu was silenced by a finger on his lips and Gray whispering "sshhh"

"Okay now let's prepare you up" Gray said as he reach for a bag under his bed

He unzipped the bag and Natsu's eyes winded at the contents

"G-gray? are you gonna use all that on me?" Natsu said and you can hear that he was scared from his voice

Gray sense that Natsu is scared and stop digging to the bag of sex toys and looked at Natsu's eyes

"No...its our first time doing this and I want it to be passionate and memorable so don't worry Natsu I'll won't use them all on you maybe for now let's use one or two of those ne~" Gray grinned

Natsu smiled at Gray as he nodded

Gray continue digging trough the bag and pull out a bottle of lubricant but before he do that he lean down on Natsu's hole

Gray lick the ring if flesh making the pink head squirm soon he started to thrust his tongue inside the tight hole "G-graaay!!!" Natsu moaned

Gray pulled up from Natsu's rear but he first give Natsu's buttocks a few bite marks

"Its soon tight as expected, let's loosen it up ne" Gray said giving Natsu a toothy grin making the other laugh of the ravenette's cuteness

Gray open the bottle of lube and put some on his fingers and Natsu's entrance

"Natsu this would be a little painful but it'll soon be good" Gray said as the other nodded

Gray slowly thrust his finger in making the other arch his back, thrusting the finger in and out Gray added another finger stretching the tight hole in a scissoring motion, The third finger slowly slid to the hole

A loud moan echoed to the walls of the room when Gray hit some special bundle of nerves inside the pinkette "Aaaaahh! Oh~ god! more Gray I need you! please fuck me fuck me more~ Graaay!" a throaty moan escape from those kissable lips of the pink head making the raven more excited

Can't wait Gray pulled his fingers out of Natsu's hole causing the other to groan

"Don't worry Natsu~ I'll put something good, bigger and longer inside," Gray said seductively with a smirk on his face

The raven slowly slid inside his heated member inside the awaiting hot hole

"K-kyyaaaaaahhhh! It hurts! G-Gray!" Natsu screamed as tears roll down his cheeks

"Its too big! Aaaaahhhh!!!"
"Shit! Its too fuckin' deliciously tight"

Gray stroke Natsu's side with his big hands in a soothing manner "Just relax Natsu~ relax~ It'll feel great and pleasurable soon just bear the pain first~" Gray smiled

"I'll let you adjust first, tell me if your ready" Gray said as he let Natsu adjust with his cock inside him

The pink head slowly push his ass deeper on Gray's dick "Aahh! I'm ready" Natsu moaned

Gray slowly thrust in and out at first making the pink head groan "Gray I want more fuck me more please Gray!" Natsu cried

"Needy are we?" Gray smirked as his pace become more faster and faster

"Aaah! Aahh! Aaah! Aahh! Aah!" Natsu moaned every time Gray slam his dick inside

"Aaaaaaahhh! Gray~! hit that spot again! hit that spot!" Natsu cried

"Looks like I found it~ " Gray cooed as he hit that spot many times

"Ah! Ahh! Aahh! Aaahh! Gray please remove the ring its painful Gray!" Natsu cried as he cummed once more but the cock ring that Gray put was preventing it again

"I said bear with it Natsu~ you disobey me I said bear with it then I have to punish you" Gray said seductively

"But I didn't come! Its just painful!" Natsu reasoned

"Its the same Natsu~" Gray cooed

"But don't worry we'll both enjoy your little punishment" Gray smirked as he pulled something on the bag

"But you said you'll be gentle" Tears rolled down once again making Gray panicked and stop thrusting

"Wah-wait! I'm sorry Natsu! Please don't cry I'll promise you'll enjoy this just please don't cry, I hate to see you cry Natsu stop crying please" Gray apologized

"O-okay....I'm sorry too" Natsu said making Gray smile "Promise you'll enjoy this!" Gray said grinding and Natsu returned with a bright smile

Gray continued to pound Natsu's prostate over and over making the pinkette trash his head coz of to much pleasure

Gray turned on the vibrator that he pulled from the bag "Gray~ what's that?" Natsu asked

"This? Oh its a vibrator it'll make our love making more exciting" Gray giggled

Gray pressed the vibrator to Natsu's hard nipples causing the pinkette to scream "Aaaaaaahhh! G-g-ggghhhaaaa! Aaahh!" Natsu continuously trashed his head coz he can't take the intense pleasur his handsome lover was giving him

Gray fuck Natsu's ass more with hard pounds making the other cry

"Like my cock~?" Gray teased
"Y-yeah! I love it~ so fuck harder! Aaahhh! God!" Natsu cried
"Sure you do love~"

Gray turned off the vibrator as he put some lube on it rubbing it to the hole length of the vibrator

After the vibrator was lubricated Gray plunge it in Natsu's ass with his cock still inside making the other cry

"G-gray! My butt is too full I can't take it!" Natsu cried

"Don't worry you can do it just relax" Gray smiled as he give him a peck on the lips

Gray reach out his hands to the vibrator inside Natsu turning it on making both of the broke the kiss moaning loudly

Gray continue to thrust in and out deliciously while his big hands on Natsu's waist ,while the pinkette dig his nails at Gray's back as drools roll down his chin to his neck

"Aaahhh! I'm gonna cum again!" Natsu moaned
"Aahh! Yeah! Me too! Let's come together my love!"

Gray melted the cock ring around Natsu's dick but before he do that Gray hold Natsu's dick before he could come

While holding the Natsu's dick Gray use his other hands fingers to tease Natsu's slit making the other moan

Soon after a few more thrust Gray release his hold on Natsu's dick the same time as he release his love juice inside Natsu filling the inside with hot sticky cum

Natsu screamed as he release his cum white ribbons flew on Gray's chest and his coz its three times he cummed some even flew on both of their faces

"Aaaahh! My....Cute....Natsu" Gray said panting as he marveled the beautiful creature beneath him

Gray pulled out the vibrator from the pinkette's ass Turing it off and placing it at the nightstand

As he collapsed above Natsu with his head at the crook of Natsu's shoulder

"That was amazing!" Gray said panting with a smile on his face
"Yeah" Natsu replied panting

Gray pulled out and roll at Natsu's side

"Thank you Natsu! Thank you" Gray hug the pinkette who's a little bit shock from Gray's actions

"Why are you thanking me?" Natsu laughed a little

"I'm just happy....*sobs*....Thank you! For loving me back *sobs* I love you Natsu..." Gray cried joyfully

"No,.....Thank you, thank you for loving me, I love you too" Natsu said as he wiped away the tears from Gray's eyes

"So are we together now?" Asked the pinkette as the others laughed
"Definitely My Beloved Natsu" Gray smiled as he hugged Natsu tightly and giving him a kiss on the forehead

Natsu giggled and kissed Gray on his lips "let's sleep I'm tired" Natsu said nuzzling his head against Gray's chest

Gray wrapped his arms around Natsu's smaller frame bringing him more closer to him resting his chin on the pinkette's hair

Time Skip....

It was morning Gray shifted from his sleep as he didn't feel the other's beside him

"So its just a dream" Gray frowned

Then he noticed that the door open slowly but who's behind the door was unexpected

"Oh! Your up! Good morning Gray!" Natsu greeted with a smile on his cute face while wearing Gray's T-shirt and only that

Gray unconsciously smile "Good Morning too Love~" Gray said while wiggling his eyebrows making Natsu laughed

'Yes! Yes! Its not another dream!" Gray cheered mentally

"Oh! Gray here....Breakfast in bed~" Natsu sang as he placed the covered tray in Gray's lap

"Wow!, thanks Natsu" Gray thanked and Natsu giggled

Gray slowly take of the cover 'I felt honored! My Natsu is making me breakfast! So sweet!' Gray fanboyed mentally

But when he fully took off the cover there were nothing but a.......... plate

"Woooow....where's the food?" Gray asked looking at Natsu who just giggle

"Its in front of you" Natsu giggled

"There's nothing Natsu are you kidding me?" Gray asked

"There is" Natsu said

"But where?" Gray asked throwing Natsu a questioning look

"Me" Natsu said sexily as he took off Gray's T shirt letting Gray see his naked sexy body

Gray unconsciously lick his lip while staring at the pink head in front him

"Looks delicious~" Gray licked his upper lips

"Ne~ Natsu, I really want a bath right now.......but.......can I eat my breakfast in the bathroom?" Gray pouted

"Do what you like~" Natsu giggled

"Yaaay!" Gray cheered like a child making Natsu giggle at his boyfriends antics


Gray was sitting in the bathtub with lukewarm water while Natsu at sitting between his legs leaning on his chest while Gray's arm wrapped around the pinkette

"Can I eat you now?~" Gray asked as Natsu hummed as an answer

The ravenette leaned down nipping Natsu's ear then licking its lobe while his hands roam south as he hold the pink heads erection

Gray stroke the pink heads erection eating a moan from the pinkette

Natsu pull away from Gray shocking the ice mage

"Is there something wrong?" Gray asked worriedly

Natsu didn't answer as he leaned at Gray with his hands on Gray's well toned chest "Can I ride your...." Natsu didn't finished what he is saying as he rub his cock together with the ice mage rock hard erection as he wink at his smirking lover

"O-ho~ Kinky are we....Na-tsu~?" Gray asked seductively with hazy eyes while biting his lower lip sexily

Natsu give the same seductive look at Gray as he wrapped his hands at Gray's neck while he leaned down and licked Gray's lip upward making the other reach for the sweet lips


Natsu positioned his entrance at Gray's hard cock as he slowly inserted the hard dick inside him

A moan came out from his soft lips

Natsu didn't wait for himself to adjust at the big dick inside him as he went up and down slowly sliding himself at Gray's delicious cock making both of them moan

Natsu cupped Gray's cheek for a heated and hungry kiss

Gray started to kiss down Natsu's neck giving those sensitive flesh a few red marks to show the others that this wild dragon is tamed, calmed, owned by no other the ice devil slayer himself

Gray moaned as the delicious feeling that his dick receiving from his pink head lover

"Oh yeah! Keep pleasuring my cock Natsu keep going! Aaaaaahhh! That's feels good do more!" Gray moaned

Can't wait to feel the heavenly feeling Gray hold Natsu's waist as he fuck Natsu upward countering Natsu's moves as they both moaned loudly

"Aaahhh!" Natsu moaned as he cummed under the tubs lukewarm water

As Natsu cummed the walls of Natsu's ass tightened around Gray's huge cock deliciously causing throaty moan escapes from Gray's lips

"Fuck! I'm gonna cum Aahhhhhhhhh! Fuck!" Gray moaned as he release his hot milk inside Natsu's awaiting hole


"I love you" Natsu said panting as he collapsed on Gray's chest

"I love you too Natsu" Gray said panting while he wrapped his hand around his lovers exhausted body as he give him a kiss on his head


Gray was walking on his way on the guild with carrying Natsu on his back

"Ouch! My lower back hurts!" Natsu whined

"Sorry babe I went too hard" Gray apologized

"Its okay it isn't your fault and I love our love making" Natsu smiled making Gray laugh

"Did you here someone calling my name?" Natsu asked

"No" Gray replied

"Natsuuuu-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!" Shouted a blonde from the end of the street

'Oh God!' Gray thought

"Oi! Gray why are you carrying Natsu-San on your back" Sting asked glaring at Gray

"Its none of your business Blondie" Gray spat out

"Shut the fuck up bastard!" Sting growled

"Are you alright babe?" Gray asked Natsu

But before Natsu could reply Sting swear

"The fuck! Babe? Why are you calling My Natsu-San babe? You bastard" Sting asked angrily

"Coz where together you freak..." Gray said calmly "...and don't call Natsu yours he's mine" Gray glared at him

"Wawa- the fuck! That's not true, Am I right Natsu-San?" Sting asked

"Aaahhhhhhh........how could I say this..hhmmmm....I'm sorry Sting but I'm with Gray and where together" Natsu said with a worried expression on his face

"Bu-But I love you Natsu-san" Sting said

"I'm sorry Sting but I Love Gray" Natsu apologized

"You haven't claimed him yet so I still have a chance" Sting smirked at Gray

"Pity you....I've already do that and just waiting for the mating season to make love again" Gray smirked pulling Natsu's scarf off showing him the snowflake mark on Natsu's neck and a lot of hickeys

"No! that's not true! you still don't have Nastu's mark on you so its still not complete!" Sting laughed

Gray laughed a little "Well then Babe do the honors please" Gray said as Natsu bit his neck marking Gray forever his as a pleasurable moan escape Gray's lips making Sting jealous

"Noooooo!" Sting cried

"Then you don't have a chance anymore now shooooooo!" Gray said as he kicked Sting ten meters away


"Gray! You might hurt him" Natsu said
"Don't worry his okay" Gray smile as he give Natsu a kiss on the lips

"Let's go to the guild!" Gray cheered as they went their way on the guild while Gray carrying Natsu who's ass is still sore from their intercourse.


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