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( NINE )
lies of omission

"It's almost like this thing doesn't wanna be found." Stiles scoffed as his gaze flickered between the trees.

"I swear, finding the Nemeton was so much easier before..." Alex frowned as she crossed her arms, her eyes scanning the area.

Lucas's eyebrows furrowed as he glanced around.

"Maybe it knows we're late to class." Lydia spoke up, Alex and Stiles glancing at her in annoyance. "Because we've been here twice."

"Remind me why were searching for a supernatural tree stump again?" Lucas asked with a frown as he glanced between Alex, Lydia, and Stiles.

"We're trying to find the bodies that were stolen." Lydia briefly explained, her gaze on Lucas. "The Chimeras."

Stiles groaned in annoyance as he recognised a tree they had come across before, two white crosses on it written in chalk, the tree being a landmark for the group. "Crap."

"Can we talk to Parrish, now?" Lydia asked as she glanced at Stiles.

"Hang on." Alex started, the girl catching the group's attention. She glanced at Lydia as she continued. "If the Nemeton's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?"

"Me?" Lydia frowned.

"Yeah, I mean, aren't you a banshee?" Lucas glanced at her.

"Yeah, that's what you do. You're the banshee, you find the bodies." Stiles added, gesturing to Lydia.

"Well, the banshee's having an off day, so how about we talk to Parrish?" Lydia released an exasperated breath.

"We can't." Stiles sighed.

"Why not?" Lydia raised her eyebrows.

Stiles sighed again as he began to explain. "Because one of the of of them could be..."

Lydia frowned. "Could be what?"

"One of them could be a clue." Stiles responded as he glanced between the group.

"I'm leaving now, guys." Lydia breathed as she glanced between Alex and Stiles. "I'm going to talk to Parrish, and tell him that he's the one taking the bodies. You coming, Lucas?" The girl glanced at Lucas, who nodded.

Stiles sighed as Lydia and Lucas began to walk away.

"It's always better when they know." Lydia added.

"Well, then he should know he owes me a Jeep." Stiles called after Lydia and Lucas as him and Alex began to walk towards the direction of Beacon Hills High, Stiles gently placing a hand on Alex's lower back as the two walked.


"I don't think he'd blame us for defending ourselves." Theo spoke quietly. "He won't blame you, at least..."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Theo, the boy not noticing Alex approaching them.

"Hey." Alex started, catching both Stiles and Theo's attention.

"Hey, Alex." Theo sent her a smile.

"Hey." Stiles spoke quietly, his arm going around Alex's shoulders as Alex stood next to him.

"What were you guys talking about?" Alex glanced between Stiles and Theo.

"Nothing important." Theo responded, controlling his heartbeat so Alex wouldn't be able to tell he was lying.

"Uh, okay." Alex's eyebrows furrowed, as the girl knew they weren't telling her what was going on.

Since Donovan went missing, Stiles became vague and dismissive when it came to discussions about Chimeras and the bodies.

Alex, being naturally suspicious, had a few ideas of why.

She didn't want to think about it, but one of the possibilities that ran through her mind was that Stiles killed Donovan. Obviously by accident or self defence, as Stiles is definitely not a naturally violent person.

Since the group currently aren't as communicative as they usually are, Alex decided that she wouldn't tell any of her friends about her suspicions, as she didn't want to risk fully breaking the already fragile group dynamic up.

She knows her ideas are outlandish, especially because she, herself, never thought she'd suspect Stiles of killing anyone.

Alex knew she had to keep her ideas to herself, at least, for this mystery.



hi !

I apologise for this chapter being so short, I didn't really know where to fit alex and lucas into this episode.

regardless, I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter !

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