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( ONE )
creatures of the night

Alex smiled as approached Stiles and Scott, realising the two hadn't seen her yet.

"Did I miss anything?" Alex smirked as both Stiles and Scott glanced at her, grins spreading across both their faces at the sight of their best friend.

"No, not at all, actually." Stiles replied, sending Alex a grin as she walked up to him.

"Perfect." Alex smiled as she leaned in, connecting her lips with Stiles's softly, both their eyes fluttering closed.

Stiles hummed in satisfaction against Alex's lips as he continued to kiss the girl, one hand cupping her cheek as he deepened the kiss.

Scott smirked at the pair from his spot sitting on the hood of the Jeep, proud of his two lovestruck best friends.

Alex pulled away soon after, Stiles grinning at her. "I missed you, Lex."

Alex chuckled. "We saw each other yesterday."

"Yeah, I know...but I still missed you." Stiles responded, glancing at the ground briefly.

"Alright, fair enough." Alex replied with a smile.

Alex chuckled as Stiles shrugged. The girl planted another kiss to Stiles's lips before pulling away once again. She sent him a smile as she then walked over to Scott, hoisting herself onto the hood of the Jeep, and next to him, positioning herself so she was lying on her back, the girl resting her head gently on Scott's thighs.

Her legs dangled off the side of the Jeep as she sent Scott a grin from where she was, Scott sending her back a lopsided smile.

"Hey Liam." Alex spoke loudly, making sure Liam heard her from where he was, chained up to a tree.

"Hey Alex!" Liam called back. "Also I missed you too! Can I get a kiss?!"

Stiles sent Liam a glare, while Alex chuckled quietly.

"Watch it." Stiles glared at Liam.

Scott glanced at the full moon.

"You starting to feel it?" Stiles asked, noticing the look.

Scott shook his head. "No, just thinking."

"About what?" Alex asked softly.

"About senior year." Scott replied simply.

"Senior year? Come on, that's nothing, that's gonna be easy." Stiles scoffed, Alex gently lifting her head and twisting her body so she was sitting comfortably next to Scott.

Scott sat up a little. "It's more like something Deaton told me once. You guys ever hear of regression to the mean?"

Alex nodded, Stiles shaking his head. "No, I don't think so."

"It was basically his way of saying that life can't ever be all bad or all good." Scott continued, glancing between his best friends. "You know, eventually things have to come back to the middle. So, think about the last few months, things have been good, right? But not amazing."

"Yeah, but no one's tried to kill us in six months either." Stiles responded, raising his eyebrows.

"Right, but we've pretty much been in the middle for awhile." Scott added. "That means the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are gonna get really good again..."

"Or really bad." Alex sighed.

"Think it's been long enough?" Stiles frowned, referring to Liam being chained to the tree.

"Yes!" Liam replied loudly from his position.

Alex and Scott jumped down from the hood of the Jeep as the two, accompanied by Stiles, glanced at Liam.

"Hey. Trying to have an adult conversation here." Stiles frowned at the young beta.

"Alright, you're two years older than me." Liam started. "And I'm fine, just let me go."

Alex, Stiles, and Scott walked up to the boy, Scott taking the key that unlocked the chains out from his pocket. "It's not that we don't trust you."

"It's that I don't trust you." Stiles added, Alex crossing her arms.

"But after the last full moon..." Scott continued, ignoring Stiles.

"It was one slip up!" Liam exclaimed.

"Slip up?" Alex's eyebrows raised in amusement. "A dozen calls to the Sheriff's Department about a 'monstrous dog-boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked'. That's a slip up?"

Scott frowned at Liam. "Why were you naked?"

Liam sighed. "It was really hot that night, okay? Let me go..."

"You sure you're okay?" Alex asked.

"It won't happen again." Liam glanced at her.

"You're in complete and total control?" Scott questioned with raised eyebrows, Liam's attention being drawn to him.

Liam hesitated before nodding. "Yeah. Complete and total."

Scott nodded, taking the chains off Liam.


Alex was sitting in the back seat of the Jeep with Liam, Scott in the passenger seat, and Stiles driving.

"Is it a party?" Liam asked.

"It is not a party." Stiles responded.

"Then what's at midnight?" Liam asked eagerly.

"Your bedtime." Stiles replied with raised eyebrows, Alex sending him a frown from her position.

"Why aren't the girls going?" Liam questioned, ignoring Stiles's comment and referring to Malia, Lydia, and Kira.

"They're meeting us there." Alex responded with a small smile, Liam nodding.

At least someone was being nice to him.

"Just stop asking questions, alright?" Stiles huffed annoyedly, talking to Liam. "It's a senior thing. You'll know when you're a senior."

"Stiles." Alex frowned, not liking his tone towards Liam.

"What?" Stiles frowned in confusion.

"He just wants to know, you don't have to be dick about it." Alex spoke, defending Liam.

"Thanks, Alex. But it's okay, I get it." Liam cut in, glancing at Alex.

"You guys having trouble with your phones?" Scott frowned, changing the subject.

Before anyone could respond, the Jeep's engine sputtered, the vehicle coming to a stop in the middle of the road.

"What the hell?" Stiles frowned.

"You out of gas?" Liam questioned.

"No, it's electrical." Stiles responded with an annoyed sigh. "It's probably the alternator again."

Him and Scott got out of the vehicle, Alex climbing out too, leaving Liam in the back.


Stiles opened the boot of the Jeep, Scott holding the flashlight, and Alex crossing her arms as she frowned, peering into the back of the Jeep to find duct tape wrapped around almost everything.

"That's a lot of duct tape." Scott raised his eyebrows.

Stiles glanced at him annoyedly.

"Kidding." Scott chuckled at his expression. "We'll fix it."

"I know." Stiles sighed. "It's just the last night of summer, you know, so I wanted to make sure everyone was there tonight."

"We'll make it, Sti." Alex added. "You got any tools?"

"Yeah." Stiles responded, pulling out duct tape, Scott and Alex raising their eyebrows, but nodding anyways.

Suddenly, lightning crashed loudly a few meters away from the group, Liam frowning from inside the Jeep. "Guys..."

As if on cue, lightning struck loudly again, even closer to them now, Liam widening his eyes as he noticed it. "Guys!" He exclaimed panically.

"Yeah, give us a second, please." Stiles spoke loudly in response.

"Liam, stay in the car, okay?" Alex continued.

Suddenly, lightning crashed loudly only a few meters away from the trio, the three jumping in surprise.

"That was close." Scott breathed as the trio glanced at the place the lightning struck.

"Very close." Stiles frowned.

The Jeep's headlights then turned on, the engine starting up again and catching the group's attention.

"That worked." Alex raised her eyebrows.

"Can we go now?" Liam asked from inside the Jeep.


Stiles stopped the Jeep in front of Malia and Lucas, waiting for the two to get in. Lucas had his arm around Malia.

"Sorry we're late." Stiles started, sticking his head out the window.

"Hey, Malia." Alex grinned as she leaned over Stiles to see the werecoyote, Malia smiling back.

"Hey Lucas." Alex smiled at her brother, who smiled back.


Stiles, Alex, Lucas, and Scott all glanced at Malia from their seats intently, Malia frowning as she glanced between them. "What?"

Lucas was sat next to Malia by the window, Malia in the middle, Alex next to her, and Liam next to Alex. They were all squashed in the back.

"Did you find out yet?" Stiles raised his eyebrows.

"Find out what?" Liam asked with a frown.

"They're gonna email me." Malia nodded.

"Is this about summer school?" Liam's frown deepened.

"You told him?" Malia frowned at Stiles, Alex, Lucas, and Scott.

Before anyone could respond, Liam cut in. "Oh, no, all they said was you had to go to summer school cause the principal said your test scores  weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year."

Malia sighed angrily.

"We should've left him tied to the tree." Stiles glanced at Scott and Alex.

Lucas glanced at Malia, Malia sending him an exasperated look. At this, Lucas leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, relaxing the werecoyote.


"My dad's helping out in surgery, he's not gonna be done for hours." Liam started, walking alongside Lucas, Alex, and Scott. "So, I'm either hanging out here, or I could still go with you guys. Plus, why is Lucas even going anyways? You're not even a senior, you graduated, what, a year or two ago?" He glanced at Lucas.

"Malia invited me, so here I am." Lucas responded simply. "Plus, I'm not even gonna actually stay with them, I'm just here for this part."

"As for you, Liam..." Scott sighed, pressing the elevator button. "Show us your hands."

Liam glanced around before revealing his hands to the three, Lucas raising his eyebrows, Alex frowning, and Scott sighing.

Liam had dug his nails into his palms in order to restrain himself, however, he dug them in too roughly, which resulted in his palms having nail marks on them, dried blood staining both his palms and nails. "Okay, so I'm still having trouble."

"No. You're still learning." Scott responded, Liam glancing around the room.

"What do you usually do to stay in control?" Lucas questioned.

Liam held his earphones in his hands. "But it's not working."

"It's working enough." Alex replied with a small smile, Liam glancing at her.

"Listen, Derek told me that you were one of the strongest that he'd ever seen at your age." Scott added.

"Coming from him, that means a lot." Alex huffed a chuckle.

The elevator doors opened with a 'ding'.

"It maybe means that things are gonna be harder for you for awhile..." Scott started as him, Alex, and Lucas walked into the elevator, Liam not following them.

Scott held open the doors as he spoke to Liam. "But it also means something else, doesn't it?"

"That I'm really strong?" Liam frowned.

"Hell yeah." Scott smirked at the beta.

"You're doing great, bud." Alex grinned at the boy.

"I haven't known you long, but dude, you're awesome." Lucas added with a smirk, Liam huffing a chuckle as he glanced between the three, the elevator doors closing in front of him.


The elevator doors opened, revealing Stiles waiting for the trio. The three walked out, Stiles walking alongside them.

"I still can't reach Kira." Scott started.

"Okay, you reminded her about tonight, right?" Stiles asked with raised eyebrows, glancing at Lucas.

"Since you begged me way too many times to, I sent her a few texts." Lucas responded simply.

"Hey- I did not beg." Stiles frowned at Alex's brother.

"Moving on." Alex rolled her eyes.

"She only texted me once this week." Scott spoke, changing the subject, much to Alex's relief.

"Once?" Stiles, Lucas, and Alex asked simultaneously, frowns placed on their faces.

Scott glanced between the three with a frown.

"How'd you guys leave things when she left for New York?" Stiles continued.

"Well, they were good." Scott responded simply. "Yeah, I just said 'don't worry about anything, just go and have fun'."

Alex gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "You didn't..."

"Oh, man..." Lucas blew out a breath, raising his eyebrows.

"You told her to 'go have fun'?" Stiles asked with raised eyebrows.

"Why? What's wrong with that?" Scott frowned in confusion.

"I- nothing. Nothing's wrong with that, I can be interpreted in other ways..." Stiles responded, the four approaching Malia.

"Like what?" Scott's frown deepened.

"Like 'don't worry, we're not exclusive, go have fun with other guys'." Lucas responded, Alex crossing her arms as she nodded.

"No." Scott scoffed. "No way."

"Malia." Lucas spoke, catching his girlfriend's attention. Malia raised her eyebrows at her boyfriend. "If you were going away and I told you 'don't worry, go have fun', what would you think I was talking about?"

"Fun like bowling?" Malia asked with a frown, glancing between the group. "Or sex with other guys?"

Alex, Stiles, and Lucas glanced at Scott with raised eyebrows, proving their point.

"Okay, yeah, now I'm worried." Scott blew out a breath.

Suddenly, an injured man was wheeled past on a gurney past the group, the five frowning.

"Hey, mom, where's all this coming from?" Scott frowned as he asked his mother, who was walking past.

"A jackknifed tractor-trailer on 115, caused a major pile up." Melissa answered as she followed the gurney.

"Okay, okay, there's only one way back into Beacon Hills from the airport." Stiles started with a frown.

"115." Lucas spoke, a frown taking over his features.

"Kira's never gonna make it." Stiles sighed.

"I can get her." Scott responded as he began to walk towards the door. "You guys head to the school. Lydia's probably already there. We'll meet you by midnight."

"How are you gonna get through to her in the middle of a traffic jam?" Alex frowned.

"We'll make it." Scott glanced at her. "Trust me."


"Nothing from Scott or Kira." Malia spoke as her, Lucas, Stiles, and Alex walked towards the school.

"Nothing from Lydia, either." Alex blew out a breath.

Malia tugged on Lucas' arm, the pair splitting up from Alex and Stiles and walking a fair bit away from them.

"I still don't know if I passed." Malia sighed as she glanced at Lucas. "I don't want to do this if I'm not a senior."

"Hey, you'll get in." Lucas' arms snaked around Malia's waist, the boy bringing his girlfriend closer.

Malia sighed, glancing at the ground.

Lucas cupped her face and gently brought it back up to face him. "Hey, I believe in you, Mal, alright? You're going to get in."

Malia's gaze flickered between his eyes, the girl leaning in and kissing him gently, Lucas kissing the girl back.

Alex frowned as she noticed Stiles looking at the rest of the seniors sadly. "Hey, what's up?"

"What?" Stiles turned around and glanced at Alex.

"You've got the smell of anxiety all over you." Alex's frown deepened. "What's wrong?"

Stiles sighed, glancing away.

"Is it about tonight? Why is this thing so important to you anyway?" Alex questioned.

"It's not." Stiles replied, his attention shifting to Alex again. "It's's, uh...I don't know. Maybe it is." He frowned to himself.

Alex frowned, waiting for him to go on.

"I asked my dad the other day about his high school friends." Stiles started. "Guess how many he still talks to? None. Not a single one. These were his best friends, and he just says he lost touch with them. So I just started thinking about things like I always do."

"Obsessively." Alex cut in.

"Yeah. And so I'm thinking, what if...what if you and Scott are my best friends now, but you're not my best friends for life?" Stiles responded, Alex's frown deepening. "How come when we graduate, we're just expected to go our seperate ways? If I've already found the best people in my life, why aren't I not trying to stay with them, you know?"

"I thought that was the plan. You know, the dream." Alex spoke, the frown still on her face.

"The vision." Stiles corrected with his eyebrows raised. "And don't mock the vision."

Alex took a step closer to Stiles, wrapping her arms around Stiles' torso. "I like the vision. A lot. Especially if I'm part of it."

"You'll always be part of it, Lex." Stiles responded with a small smile.

"So that's why you wanted everyone here tonight." Alex frowned, changing the subject. "Because you don't want to lose all your friends after senior year."

Stiles sighed, speaking quietly. "And I hope they don't want to lose me either."

A small smile appeared on Alex's face as she leaned in, connecting their lips softly, Alex cupping one side of his face to deepen the kiss.

Their kiss was broken when they heard Liam groan painfully.

The two frowned as they glanced at Lucas and Malia, only to find Malia holding Liam down to the floor.

"Oh my god." Stiles frowned.

"Scott's in trouble." Liam spoke worriedly.


Liam, Alex, Stiles, Lucas, and Malia arrived at where Scott, Theo Raeken, and Kira were, all of them frowning at the sight.

A huge werewolf with clear, blue claws was holding Scott up by the neck, choking him, as well as digging his claws into his stomach.

Alex growled loudly, Liam snarling, Theo growling, and Malia growling too.

Before the bigger werewolf could take all of Scott's power, Scott grabbed his wrist tightly, taking the bigger werewolf's hand out of his chest and cracking his bones, the bigger werewolf growling in pain.

Scott grabbed the claws that were embedded in his chest and threw them to the floor, Alex smirking as she turned back to her human form.

"I don't know who you are." Scott started. "Or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else, or you can run."

The bigger werewolf glanced around at Scott's friends.

"I'd run." Stiles spoke.

With that, the werewolf stood up slowly, beginning to run away, the werewolf holding his broken arm in pain.

Alex, Liam, Stiles, Malia, and Lucas began to walk up to Scott, Kira walking up to them too.

The group glanced at Theo. He smiled. "You don't remember me, do you?"

When he got no response, he continued. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

Alex then remembered him. Theo Raeken. The boy that always tried to get her attention.

"Theo?" Scott asked with raised eyebrows, also remembering the boy. Theo nodded, his smirk growing.

"You know him?" Malia glanced at Scott.

"They used to." Theo glanced between Stiles, Alex, and Scott, his gaze lingering on Alex for a little longer. "Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. Couple months ago, I heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it. Not just an Alpha. But a True Alpha."

"What do you want?" Scott asked.

"To be back in Beacon Hills." Theo answered. "Back home with my family. Because I want to be apart of your pack."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at Theo, then glanced at Scott, the boy not believing a word Theo was saying.


"We haven't seen this kid in years." Stiles started as he walked alongside Scott and Alex, the three walking into the school, Lucas, Malia, Liam, and Kira following after them. "You don't find that highly suspicious?"

"I'm kinda more concerned about the guy that just tried to kill me." Scott responded.

Malia's phone buzzed, the girl checking it and then glancing between the group. "I'm in! I passed."

Lucas grinned, engulfing the girl into a tight hug. "I knew you would."

After the two pulled away, Alex hugged the girl, Malia giving Kira a side hug as her and Alex pulled away.

"I'm officially a senior." Malia smiled.

"Thank god." Lydia spoke, catching their attention as she walked up to them. "Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here. Are we doing this or not?"

"I should probably go." Lucas started as he hugged Malia. "See you guys tomorrow. Oh, and make sure to have fun." Lucas then began to walk out of the school, leaving the rest of the group.

With that, the group wrapped their arms around each other's shoulders as they began to walk to the library.


Stiles walked over to the shelf in the library that was designated for students to write their initials down.

Stiles was up first, the boy writing his initials, S.S on the shelf. He stepped aside, handing Alex the marker as she walked over to the shelf.

She wrote her initials neatly, A.C, in the space above Stiles' initials.

She then handed the marker to Lydia, the girl smiling at her best friend as she stood next to Stiles, the boy wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

The two watched as the group continued to write their initials on the shelf and stepping back to allow the next person to.

When it got to Malia, the girl hesitated, debating on which initial she wanted to write down. When she decided, the girl smiled, writing her initials. M.T.

Malia handed the marker to Scott as she stepped back.

Scott wrote his initials, but hesitated before he could walk away. Below his initials, he wrote Allison's.

The group glanced at each other sadly.

"She would've been with us." Stiles spoke as Scott stood next to the group, his arm wrapping around Kira.

"Yeah." Scott nodded.

"She still is." Lydia finished.

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