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"Literally everything about this is illegal," Harper whispered to me as we crept along the ridge, watching the hooded figures who were rapidly retreating behind it.

To explain this scene, however, I should back up a bit. The meeting with Finn went well. He explained to us that you needed proof to go to the government, like pictures or an object; something that would carry weight in court.

So Harper and I had foolishly agreed (with our parent's consent....well I guess we actually persuaded them to let us go along) to go back to the highly dangerous facility and scout for Finn while he retrieved a piece of evidence.

More agents from AAA accompanied us, 'rookies' as Finn called them, through most were not young to say the least. The hooded figures mentioned previously were three of those agents going ahead of us, and there were more behind us to ensure we would not be kidnapped a second time.

The waiting was nerve-wracking. Although we all knew Finn was good, everyone still couldn't help worrying. Harper was strangely the most calm of us all.

"He's a mind reader," she said simply. "He knows how to handle himself in their."

Earlier they'd had a serious talk for a long while; about what no one knew but themselves. However, I suspect that it had something to do with abilities and handling the stress they bring, and also about Harper coming to train AAA.

With the support of Finn, Harper had been attending AAA for a few days at that time, and was enjoying it immensely. They wouldn't let me go along which I didn't enjoy at all, saying that it was better if not many people knew about it. But I couldn't help feeling upset although I trusted Finn.

A crackle came through one of the Agent's watches. Her name tag read Kelly in small black caps.

"Nearly out," Finn's voice sounded strangely strained. "It should be about two minutes. Stand by."

So we did. For two minutes, then ten, then fifteen, then twenty, and not a stir or a signal from Finn. By this time we had all seen enough of the scenery and decided we had to take action.

"Sheffield and Harrison move in," Kelly ordered, her lips tight with worry. "Enter lightly, scan quietly."

The men saluted and ran off, using anything they could find as cover to move quickly and effectively across the terrain towards the looming concrete facility. Harper and I closely watched them scale the wall and get onto the roof, then disappear from view when they ducked down.

I looked down awkwardly. "Its gonna be okay, Harps."

"I hope so," she offered a small smile. "I really hope so."

Another crackle sounded on Agent Kelly's watch, causing us to whip out heads around in anticipation. "We've found him, but he's been compromised."

There was hardly a pause before Harper suddenly leaned up and whispered onto my ear. "I'm going in."

"Harper no!" I yelled, lunging after her, but it was too late. She was already sprinting across the open area, not caring for her safety at all as she vaulted over holes and dodged trees.

There was nothing to do but go after her. I ran in her path, quite a long ways behind considering how stunned I had been, and every few moments she would use a small gravitational beam to boost her.

My breath was nearly gone long before I rescued the building where Harper was waiting, hopping back and forth impatiently. To my surprise, she did not tease me about being fit, and said nothing about how slow I was. She only nodded and began to levitate up onto the roof.

"Wait!" I hissed suddenly, causing her to drop several inches with the fright. "I can't get up there, and we shouldn't split apart. Let's see if we can get into the room we broke out before."

Harper nodded again, agreeing with the sense of the plan and dropped to the ground, running after me to the window. Surprisingly, the bars had not been replaced yet, although we could see the new ones sitting idly against the sickeningly familiar white walls.

I hesitated a bit as I stood looking at it, the dread of the place coming back to me in agonizing waves. My hand found Harper's and I squeezed it mercilessly.

"Breathe." Her voice was tight and eyes very lackluster, apparently she too was remembering. "Breathe, Blu. We'll be alright, but we have to do this for Finn."

"For Finn," I nodded mutely and followed her advice, breathing heavily for a moment. "I'm ready."

"Okay, you first," said Harper, gesturing to the jagged opening.

I lifted myself over the edge, sucking in my stomach to avoid scraping myself on the bar remnants, but my shirt still caught a bit when I dropped to the floor. It sounded deafening to me even though in reality it was only a dull thud.

Harper came next, floating through in a perfect try straight line and alighting on the ground so soundlessly I wouldn't have known she was there if I hadn't seen her.

The door was unlocked, for now that we were gone there was no reason to keep it locked. We slipped from the room as quietly as we could, but apparently we didn't even need too, for such a racket was going on in the hallway that even if we'd have spoken we might not have been heard.

We could see that Finn was bound and gagged tightly by peeping slightly around the corner. But even then he was resisting so strongly that you could almost make out what he was yelling under the gag, and see the cords straining under his strength.

The guards were kicking and shoving him towards another cell, and they were gaining ground inch by inch as Finn's slowly took step by step. Harper nodded at me and suddenly stepped into the hallway and generated a small force field. She blasted it suddenly at the guards before they had any time to react, and they were thrown heavily to the end of the hallway, gasping in pain.

The two that had managed to avoid the blast whipped out their weapons, but while I distracted them Harper was getting ready for them as well and lifted them up with a mighty shove. Soon they were moaning in pain as well, and I was stripping away Finn's bounds.

"Let's go!" He said and bolted as if he had been the one rescuing us. I rolled my eyes but sprinted as well and scrambled out of the window. I fell to the ground unscathed and jumped up to continue, but suddenly a scream from Harper caught my attention.

She was hanging halfway out of the window, kicking and trying to generate a beam while trying to twist around. I knew she wouldn't be able get a clean shot, so I jumped up to the sill again and punched the man square in the face.

Take that.

Harper jumped down into my arms in relief and I set her down gently before we both took off running again.

"Do you have the proof?" I yelled to Finn over the howling wind.

"Yes!" He called back, keeping his gaze ahead.

We have to make it. I heard an engine rev behind us and ran even faster, which I thought to be impossible. I guess adrenaline can reveal your hidden strengths.

We finally reached the agents and they began firing at the vehicles pursuing us. Wait...firing?! I stared in shock as bullets streamed out of the guns. After a moment the vehicles turned away and headed back to the building, apparently giving up.

"They're tranquilizers," Finn explained after seeing the look on my face. "We're not here to murder anyone."

"Blu," Harper breathed, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to my mother running towards me with a worried and angry look, while my father walked sternly behind her.

"Why did you do that!" my mother grabbed Harper into a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

Harper was surprised, but then clung to my mother and I felt tears in my eyes as I realized she'd never had one. Her mother had died when she was born.

"We had to save him mom, he went in because of us. And besides, now we have the proof," I replied calmly, trying to make light if the situation.

"Blu Adams, I don't know what we would have done if we'd lost you!" She scolded. "And you Harper, are one of the most beautiful and talented people I know. The world needs you."

"Thank you Mrs. Adams," Harper was crying, but smiled through her tears and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry we worried you."

"You make us proud already without risking your life," my father pulled me into a hug and then hugged Harper as well."

"Ahem," Finn cleared his throat to get our attention. "I have the proof and I'll take it to the authorities. They may need you in court as witnesses but for now just sit tight and wait. Things are going to look up soon."

"Thank you for helping us," my father shook Finn's hand and my mother hugged him, then we parted ways and began walking to our cars.

I looked up into the sky, the gray of it echoing my mood. Although we may have won, the evil that that man had already spread made me angry.

We had to stop him.

Two more chapters WHAT?! This is my favorite book that I've ever written guys 😭.

this was a bit of a filler chapter but I can't wait for chapter 10!

Also I've proofread this chapter (for once in my life 😂) so there shouldn't be any major issues.

Love you guys!

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