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Harper and I gazed up at the tree and the well made treehouse among its green leaves. My father made it for is when we were about eight years old, and we'd enjoyed playing in it nearly every day since then, until about this past year.

We ascended the rope ladder, - or rather I did - Harper floated to the top, laughing at my efforts. I refused a gravitational boost, however. She had improved so much with her training that once inside she switched the gravity to be upside down. Let me say, it was quite a peculiar experience, but we both quite enjoyed it.

We had decided to spend the night up there with Jax for Harper's 18th birthday. Mine was in a few days.

Harper brought up a string of lights and pictures from when we were young. We poured over the photos, laughing and talked a great deal after midnight. That was the night that I finally knew Harper felt safe. And strangely, so did I. Jax finally turned over and was still; but Harper and I lay awake.

"I'm glad we're neighbors," she whispered suddenly. "If we weren't I wouldn't have known you and I probably wouldn't have gotten out of there and-"

"Harper," I interrupted. "We're more than just neighbors. You don't have to think about "what would have happened", because it won't. We're here now, and we're together."

"You're right," she turned over, a smile on her face.

I sighed contentedly and looked up at the stars. They were my compass - Harper and I had studied the stars as well - reminded me that I would always find my way back home.

And guess what? I did.

• ⑊ •

Sunlight filtered through the green leaves, slowly bringing me out of a deep slumber.

"Let's go!" Jax was ready awake, rolling his sleeping bag up quickly.

I laughed and began packing up as Harper groaned in mock anger."Fine. I'm up, I'm up..."

We took Jax to meet Finn and director Schemanske, which went very well. The director was happy to meet him and show him around, while Finn talked to him for awhile. Harper and I discussed further plans for the project with Mr. Schemanske as well, and we were quite satisfied with how things were progressing

"So how was school in London?" Harper asked eagerly as we pulled away from AAA. We were driving Jax to his house.

"Fine," Jax shrugged, avoiding our gazes. His tone was tight and his voice was a bit wavery.

Harper and I had both managed to avoid asking him many things about school or his father the night before knowing how sensitive he was about it, but now we were both itching to find out what he was so upset about.

"Not fine," she continued gently. "Or you wouldn't be upset."

"I'm not upset!" He growled, glaring at us, but when all he saw was our concerned expressions, he sighed. "I'm just...upset."

I smiled a bit. "Jax, you're our oldest friend. You can tell us what's going on."

"I know," his gaze dropped from mine again, and he began pulling out tufts of grass. "I just don't want to have to involve you in this. It's nothing really."

"Its not nothing really," Harper frowned at him, raising an eyebrow.

Jax's eyes looked up and he paused, searching for the right words to say. "As you know, my father has always been sort of...controlling. He made me do all sorts of things that I didn't even want to do. Although I love her dearly, my mother is meek and always goes along with him, so I don't have anyone to back me up."

"Until now," Harper smiled at him. "We can help you, Jax."

"To be honest I was really hoping you'd say that," Jax managed to smile back at her and then continued. "I just need someone to be on my side...someone to help me convince him I don't need to do whatever he wants. Although he tries his best to control everything about me, I made it so that the degrees I earned will be compatible with other jobs, like what I want to do. He wants me to become a shrewd businessman, but I really don't feel that is what would fulfill me."

Of course, Harper and I agreed to help him, and we stood up to his father the next day. Jax was nervous, but got through with it. His father was furious of course, and sent him out of the house. He spent a worried night at my house, but by the next morning his father had relented and was grudgingly acceptable of his "wayward son".

Harper and I were glad to have helped a friend. It was the kind of things we enjoyed doing together the most; all the impactful and would changing moments that made us feel free.

We had made the treehouse into a kind of monument of our friendship with Jax and our relationship with each other. We had laminated the pictures and fixed the roof so that it was waterproof for the lights. It was quite a cozy hangout and all of us enjoyed spending time together in it.

Our parent's had not been surprised at all about our relationship; they merely laughed and muttered about how they "already saw that coming". I couldn't understand why, since I had never imagined it in reality until now.

The morning of my birthday dawned, and Harper was over as soon as I was awake. My mother told me she had been calling to ask when I was awake.

"At least she was considerate," I laughed back.

Harper blushed and punched my arm lightly; or what she called lightly. She sometimes forgot that her strength changed because of her ability and could pack a heavy punch. I grunted and bumped her back.

"Can we go now?" Harper asked, bouncing up and down.

"Sometimes you're as bad as a ten year old," I retorted, ruffling her hair.

"Well sometimes you're as bad as a thirty year old," she shot back, trying to hold back a grin. "Now which one is worse?"

"Okay, okay!" I held my hands up in surrender. "You're right, now let's go."

"Fiiiinally," she grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out to the car. "I'm driving."

I complied and sat in the front seat, trying to contain my excitement and make it out like I wasn't bursting with curiosity. "So, where are we going?" I asked nonchalantly.

Jax laughed from the backseat. "Nice try, Blu."

Harper laughed, seeing through my attempt right away. "I don't have to be a mind reader like Finn to know you're curious, Blu. But I'm still not going to tell you."

"I kind of feel like a third wheel here," Jax complained after a moment.

I sighed in mock frustration and sat back. I could tell this was going to be a long ride. A few hours later we stopped at my favorite burger place for lunch, one I didn't get to visit often.

"Thanks Harps," I said while biting into the juicy meat and thick bun.

Jax chewed noisily, reaching for another great fry covered in seasalt. Harper sighed at his boyish manner, sliding him the ketchup.

"This is not it yet," she rolled her eyes. "It's just a bonus."

We stopped next at my favorite scenic place, taking lots of pictures and then moved on to a beautiful lagoon. Jax had thankfully packed my swimming gear and we headed to the water eagerly.

The swim was amazing. The day was hot and perfect for swimmimg into the refreshing water. As the sun set we sat on a cliff above the clear blue water, admiring the view.

"I'm lucky to have friends like you guys," I put my arm around Harper and grinned. "This was a great birthday."

"Well I'm glad you think so," Harper laughed. "I know it's a bit...adventurous, but I thought you'd like it."

"Its from you guys," I replied, grinning at Jax who was rolling his eyes. "So of course I'd love it."

Our trio gazed at the setting sun, many different thoughts running through our heads. Harper's eyes were fixed on the sun, Jax's the waves, and mine their faces.

It was extremely nice to be able to relax after such a frightening and intense few weeks. Even after we'd won the day there was still school and standing up to Jax's father, so we finally got to he free.

Freedom. It was what Harper had always longed for. Although she had meant it in a different way before, now we all knew what it really meant to us. It meant that we were not imprisoned; both in reality and in our minds. It meant being able to use our gifts (powers in Harper's case) freely and for the food of each other and the world. It meant being near each other and learning something new every day. And most of all, it meant cherishing the hope that we have for the years to come.

We are free. free as birds, and not even gravity can drag us down.

So that's the end of Gravity! I am so thankful for all of you lovely people for reading and commenting on my book! It makes me feel so happy to know that you enjoyed each chapter.

This book will most likely be fully edited after a few months, but for now it will be left as is.

Don't forget to read the headcannons and facts in the next chapter as well if you're curious!

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