Chapter 27(D)

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)

(Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015)(Gravity Falls General Store, Gravity Falls, Oregon)

We got to the grocery store at around 6am. It was pretty much deserted, as it was so early in the morning.

"Alright, Dipping-sauce," Wendy said as she pulled into a parking space towards the front of the lot. "Let's roll."

We got out of the car and walked up towards the door. Gravity Falls is a small town, and the technology isn't that up-to-date, so we had to open the door manually. A bell chimed when we entered.

"Wendy! Is that you?! How are you, mo stór?!"

We both turned towards the sound of the voice. It belonged to a small, elderly, mustached gentleman who had been working the cash register.

"Murphy!" She greeted him. "I'm great! How are you?!"

"Hanging in there," he replied in a thick, husky, Irish accent. "How is your father?"

"He's good. Busy, but good."

"Who's your friend here?" Murphy asked.

Wendy turned around to look at me.

"Oh! This is Dipper."

The old man hobbled out from behind the cash register and peered at me, like he was trying to remember something.

"Would you happen to be Dipper Pines?" He inquired.


He nodded.

"I used to play poker with your uncle, and we still talk from time to time," he explained. "He speaks very highly of you and your sister...uh..."

He rubbed his chin.



"Ah, yes," he remembered. "Mabel."

He paused.

"You look a lot like your uncle."

He snorted and turned to Wendy.

"Tá sé tanaí agus aisteach, áfach," he whispered.

I sighed. The only thing that sucked about being able to speak eight languages was the fact that you always knew when people were talking shit about you.

For those of you who don't speak Irish, he just called me weird and skinny.

"Tá a fhios agam."

And Wendy just agreed with him.

"Mé labhraím Gaeilge," I broke in.

It was silent for a few seconds.

"Well," Wendy finally muttered, "this is awkward."

Murphy chuckled nervously as he slowly limped back behind the counter.

"So," he stammered, desperate to change the subject, "what brings you two here today?"

"We need eggs for my dad," Wendy told him, "and maybe some breakfast for ourselves."

He opened the register and started counting his money.

"You know where everything is."

Wendy began to lead me through the first aisle of food.

"Thanks, Murphy!" She called out to him.

We walked to the back of the store, where the dairy and freezer sections were. Wendy grabbed a dozen eggs out of the large fridge, then turned to face me.

"Have you eaten?"

As if on cue, my stomach growled. I hadn't noticed just how hungry I was until then.

"No," I answered. "I haven't."

"Well, then let's go get something."

I nodded and started looking for the bread aisle. I was kind of in the mood for a cinnamon raisin bagel, maybe with some peanut butter. Or cream cheese.

Once I had located the bagels, I began to head towards them.

"Dude, where are you going?"

I looked back at Wendy.

"I want a bagel," I told her.

Shock washed over her face..

"You can have anything in the world for breakfast, and you decide to have a bagel?!" She sputtered.

I paused.

"What else should I have?"

She gestured to the freezers.

"I was planning on getting ice cream."

I almost choked on my own spit.

"Ice cream?! For breakfast?!"

"You've never done that?" She asked, puzzled.

"No," I confessed. "My mom would never let me."

She sighed.

"And do you listen to everything your mother tells you to do?"

I rolled my eyes.


She turned away from me, opened up the freezer, and tossed me a pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream.

"Live for once, Pines."


"I SAID LIVE," she insisted.

I smiled.

"Okay, fine."

She grabbed a S'mores for herself, and the two of us went back to the counter to pay.

After saying goodbye to Murphy, we got in Wendy's car and drove up to Lookout Point to eat our "breakfast".

"Mmmm," I said when I was almost halfway done with the container. "This is fucking delicious."

"You said it, my friend," Wendy agreed.

She spooned another scoop into her mouth.

"Hey," she began, her mouth full of ice cream, "I'm sorry about earlier."

I shook my head.

"It's fine," I told her. "I've pretty much accepted by now that I'm weird and skinny. I'm no longer ashamed of it."

She laughed.

"Well, good. Because I wouldn't want you any other way."

I nodded.

"I am pretty fantastic," I agreed.

She punched me in the shoulder.

"You're such a little shithead," she joked.

I giggled and licked my spoon.

"But do you really speak English, Spanish, and Irish?!" She questioned.

"Yup. Plus French, German, Italian, and Portuguese," I bragged. "I also dabble in Russian."

"That's insane! How do you find the time to learn eight languages?"

I shrugged.

"I taught myself. I just think they're interesting."

"I wish I could do that," Wendy lamented. "I only know Irish because my grandfather spoke it."

I smiled.

"I could teach you."

She squealed.

"Yes! Start with Russian."

I rubbed my chin.

"Я до сих пор безумно влюблен в тебя. Кроме того, ваши волосы пахнет клубникой."

She gasped.

"What does that mean?!"

I pressed my finger to my lips.

"I'll never tell."

She leaned back in her seat and shook her head.

"What am I going to do with you, Pines?"

I laughed.

It was quiet for a minute or two.

"So how's life?"

I sighed.


"How so?" She inquired.

I quickly glanced over at her. I had known Wendy for almost three years. She was one of my favorite people to be around. But did I trust her?

"I've been having nightmares," I finally admitted. "Every single night."

"We all have nightmares, buddy," she assured me. "You just have to remember that it's not real."

I placed my pint down in the cup holder next to me and sat up in my seat.

"You don't understand," I insisted. "I have the same horrible, agonizing nightmare every single night."

She paused.

"What happens in it?"

"I'm in, like, a warehouse of some kind...and there's this boy, around my age...and these three figures were there...and they were hurting him. Badly."

I swallowed.

"I don't know what it means."

"I'm no dream expert," Wendy said, "but that sounds pretty bad."

I nodded.

"I don't know how to help you, Dipper," she admitted.

I sighed.

"I don't either."

We sat in silence for a few seconds.

"And then Mabel's been hanging out with Pacifica a lot recently," I continued, "and she's been spending all of her time with her and Mermando and..."

I picked up my ice cream and began eating it again.

"...I don't know. I've just been feeling kinda lonely lately."

Wendy placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Well, I'll always be here for you, Dipping-sauce. Whenever you need me."

I smiled.

"Thank you, Wendy. That means a lot."

"And don't blame your sister for being obsessed with boys and shopping and all that crap," she continued. "She's a teenager."

She finished her last bite of ice cream and set the container down in the cup holder.

"But that doesn't mean she's going to forget about you."

I looked up at her.

"You two are literally inseparable. Nothing as stupid as a boyfriend is going to change that."

"You're right," I told her.

She laughed.

"Of course I am."

She grabbed me by the wrist to check my watch.

"It's almost 7 o'clock, Dipping-sauce," she said as she started up the car again. "I've got to drop these eggs off to my dad, then go to work, and you've got a meeting at the lake."

I scraped the bottom of my container to get the last bits of ice cream, then licked the spoon.

"Let's roll."

Hi everyone! Thank you all for the views, votes, and comments! Your support means so much to me! You're all the best readers in the universe!

By the way, could someone please tell me if Ben & Jerry's isn't sold in Oregon? I live in New England, and it's a pretty big thing up here, but I'm not sure if they have it on the West Coast. If they don't, that makes me really sad. They honestly make some of the best ice cream. If you've never had it, I highly recommend it. My favorite flavor is Pumpkin Cheesecake(if it's in season). It's literally heaven. But then again, so are all of their other flavors.

Sorry, I'm getting off topic. If you have any idea whether or not it's sold in Oregon, let me know!

Thanks guys!


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