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[again, these are MY interpretation of daisy. it doesn't this is the ultimate version of daisy that was in the book. every daisy is their own, as daisy lives in all of us. that said, enjoy reading!]


The day Bill Cipher was banished from the valley using a mix of ancient sorcery and sheer determination, Modoc, the shaman, left a dire warning on a cave wall. It detailed the steps needed to prevent anyone from repeating the mistake of summoning the demon again and foretold the one who would ultimately witness Bill's defeat.

On that very day, the native people gathered in prayer, calling upon the Great Spirit for a force strong enough to vanquish the triangular menace for good. What they received, however, was not what they expected—a baby.

A baby? How could this be the force they'd prayed for to defeat Bill Cipher?

This human infant, swaddled in a pale blanket and found crying in the forest, appeared fragile and ordinary. But unbeknownst to them, the child and the powerful force they sought were one and the same. The Great Spirit, it seemed, had a peculiar sense of humor. To become the one destined to destroy Bill, the child would first need to grow up among humans, learning their ways, experiencing their cultures, and discovering how to think, feel, and love. Only through these experiences would she become strong enough to fulfill her purpose.

But was it truly love if she was merely a tool for their motives? Could it be called love if she was forced to stay in Gravity Falls when the native people eventually abandoned her after discovering her invulnerability? Left behind and alone, she tried to convince herself that she wasn't truly alone, especially after discovering the creatures that lived in the forest. She gave herself the name Y/n, and the talking inhabitants soon adopted it too. They recognized her, but none of them truly knew her—how could they when she had no permanent home, no human connections?

Years passed with no bonds, no purpose, and nothing to fill her days except sleep. And so she slept, rolling around in a meadow, letting her clothes get dirty without a care in the world.

Welcome back.

She was in the forest, going about her usual routine of wandering aimlessly, when something caught her eye—a silhouette moving in the distance, trekking through the trees. Her curiosity was piqued, and she crept closer, trying to get a better look.

"You're new."

The figure jumped, startled by the sound of her voice. He turned to face her, alarm and surprise in his eyes, while she was simply thrilled. A human.

Her life took a sudden turn when he granted her permission to join him on his adventures. The human introduced himself as Ford, and on that day, she met her first true friend.

As they journeyed together, Y/n and Ford began to uncover surprising similarities between them. Both were outcasts in their own ways—Ford, with his unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a mind full of mysteries, and Y/n, with her forgotten past and strange abilities.

They bonded over quiet moments, sharing stories by the fire as they camped out in the wilderness. Ford would talk about his early experiments, his fascination with the unknown, and his distant memories of family. Y/n, in turn, shared fragments of her own history, the bits she could piece together, though often she would simply listen. Sometimes, silence said enough.

Then came the day when Bill Cipher entered the picture.

Ford, ever the seeker of knowledge, had become obsessed with unraveling the mysteries of the universe, and that's when the triangular demon found him. Bill saw potential in Ford—a brilliant mind with the drive to unlock secrets that even he, a being of immense power, couldn't access alone. Ford, at first unaware of Bill's true nature, welcomed the entity into his studies, believing he had found a "muse" to aid him in his quest for understanding the greater mysteries of the universe.

But Ford kept this encounter with Bill Cipher a secret, even from Y/n, his loyal assistant and now trusted friend. It started small: Bill would appear in Ford's dreams, offering hints and cryptic guidance. The more Ford delved into his research, the more often Bill manifested—not just in his dreams but occasionally slipping into control of Ford's own body, manipulating him like a puppet.

Ford told himself it was harmless. Bill promised him unparalleled knowledge, whispered of worlds and dimensions beyond imagination, and Ford—blinded by the hunger for discovery—allowed it. He was careful, though. Ford knew Y/n would sense something was wrong, and so he kept her in the dark, separating his encounters with Bill from their adventures together.

As the days passed, Ford grew increasingly distant, preoccupied with the whispers of the demon. Y/n noticed the changes in her friend. His sleepless nights, the way his eyes seemed to glaze over when he was deep in thought. She questioned him, gently at first, but Ford dismissed her concerns, assuring her it was just the pressure of his research. But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Bill Cipher's disdain for Y/n was palpable. Having studied the warnings left by Modoc the Wise, Bill knew exactly what he was dealing with—a powerful force meant to thwart his plans. The warnings had painted Y/n as a significant threat, a force of nature that could potentially disrupt his schemes. 

To Bill, the idea that such an entity took the form of a child was almost laughable.

He scorned her presence, dismissing her as nothing more than an inconvenience. To him, Y/n's innocence was a mockery of the true power he sought to harness. Why should he be concerned about a mere child when he could have Ford—the brilliant mind he considered his true prize?

Bill's plan was simple: to draw Ford ever closer, to isolate him from Y/n and their growing bond. He played on Ford's ambition and thirst for knowledge, offering him everything he could ever desire. The more Ford delved into the mysteries Bill revealed, the more he became entangled in the demon's web, increasingly distant from Y/n.

Bill knew that by keeping Ford under his influence, he could sever the connection between the scientist and the girl. He convinced himself that Ford didn't need Y/n, that their partnership was a distraction from the greatness Bill promised. He would whisper dark promises of power and enlightenment, ensuring that Ford's desire for these things overshadowed his loyalty to his friend.

In Bill's twisted logic, the only thing Ford truly needed was him, his muse, the key to unlocking all his desires.

Bill nearly had Ford under his control—almost had him completely ensnared in his malevolent grasp—

Until the day of the portal test.

Y/n was pulled into the portal, discovering the horrifying truth about Bill's plans. The shocking revelation took a severe toll on her, causing her to vomit blood and utter the cryptic words of Modoc the Wise before slipping into a deep, unresponsive sleep. Her incapacitation lasted for months, leaving Ford vulnerable and disheartened. Without his reliable assistant by his side, Ford was an easy target for Bill's manipulations. The dream demon exploited Ford's isolation, slowly chipping away at his sanity and sense of reality.

In that fleeting moment of vulnerability, Y/n's mind was also invaded by the dream demon. Bill tampered with her memories and abilities, managing to suppress her healing power and erase her recollection of their first encounter.

*** END

Notice how Ford and Y/n were both caught in the middle of a cosmic chess game, each used as tools by forces far beyond their control. Y/n was sent by the Great Spirit to stand against Bill Cipher. She was meant to be a weapon against him, a tool to thwart his evil plans, though she didn't realize it at first.

On the flip side, Ford found himself manipulated by Bill Cipher. Bill saw Ford's brilliance as a means to his own ends, using promises of power and forbidden knowledge to draw Ford into his schemes. To Bill, Ford was just another piece to be moved around in his grand design.

So, while Y/n was a tool forged to fight Bill, Ford became a pawn in Bill's game. Both were used by these powerful forces, each struggling with their roles in a larger plan they could barely understand or control.

BUT ANYWAY! Everything is good now, and they all lived happily!!!

Pictures of Daisy in the show. Feel free to guess which chapter it took place. (SORRY SOME OF THESE AREN'T COLORED I DIDN'T HAVE TIME)


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