***Shorts #6: Fixin' it with Soos

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#1: Cuckoo Clock (Takes place after "Bros Before Dinos")

Soos had the most original idea ever: what if he is the host of his own show where he does what he does best? And what is he good at? Fixing! So he went ahead and used Y/n's room as his set for the show. Y/n didn't mind– as long as he doesn't wreck anything and that he only does it once. It might sound like a harsh consideration and she trusts Soos, but her room is her safe haven. It's the only place where she could get peace.

So Soos excitedly set up on her bed so that it faced him. His cool keyboard was placed behind him to provide him with any sound effects. Y/n left him to his devices and went down to the basement for a moment.

"Hey, dudes! Welcome to 'Fixin' It With Soos', the only home "Fix It" show that I edited myself on my own computer." Soos could already imagine the effects that he's adding to the video once he reaches home. "Today I have this broken cuckoo clock." He picked up the clock. "As you can see, it's tore up from the floor up. Stan knocked it down the other day by accident."

Knocked down meaning Stan repeatedly beat it up with a bat, screaming at it to stop.

"I'm gonna fix it up, and when I'm done, Stan will rate my handiwork on the "Awesome-o-meter"." He took out a chart with a cartoony thermometer and words plastered on it.

A few minutes of duct tape and wood glue later, Soos somehow put it back together, but it didn't look functional. Not moments later, it already fell apart. "Almost there! Although, something off... Ah-ha! It needs decorations!"

Mabel walked into the scene, drinking a box of orange juice. "Oooh! Make it leopard print!"

The two proceeded to add more enhancements to the cuckoo clock, which now had an attached beach house with more miniature birds as friends. He even named them respectively.

Another montage of cuckoo clock repairing later, Y/n had finally come up to the surface– doing so as discreetly as possible before getting herself a classic Pitt cola. She entered through the living room's door and there she saw Soos, Mabel, and Stan with a draped object on a pedestal in the middle of them.

"Y/n! Perfect timing." Soos smiled. "It's the grand unveiling of Mr Pines' brand new Cuckoo Clock!"

"You've joined forces with Mabel. This is an unsettling development," Stan grumbled as Y/n took a sip from her cola.

Soos uncovered the cuckoo clock. "Voila!" and it is revealed to make music, light up the place and more decorations Soos and Mabel wanted, for example the slide and the boomboxes. Y/n's eyes widened and her gaze shifted to Stan who crossed his arms. "So, Stan, What do you think?"

"Why is it permanently set to 1:50?"

"Its hands are in the air, like it just doesn't care! So, one to ten, what do you give it?" Soos carried the cuckoo clock in his arms closer to Stan.

The old man scratched his head. "Well, it doesn't make that horrible Cuckoo sound anymore, so... I don't know, ten out of ten, whatever."

Soos was very happy and surprised, and dropped the Cuckoo Clock, destroying it.


#2: Golf Cart (Takes place after "Bros Before Dinos")

"Y/n, just one last episode I swear!" Soos begged on his knees.

"Okay, okay!" Y/n quickly replied, pulling him to his feet. "Just don't do that again." She sighed, placing a hand on her forehead. "Alright. You can film one more, but you know you can always do it in your room, right?"

"I know, but I don't want Abuelita watching me. Here is a safe space," he expressed with his arms wide. "But I think two episodes are enough considering my computer couldn't take any more rendering."

"I understand, Soos," she nodded. "Okay, go ahead."

Dipper and Wendy were outside of her room when she walked out. Wordlessly, she let the two inside of her room before walking out and closing the door. She couldn't wait to just lie down and sleep peacefully.

"Okay! You guys are here. Are you guys ready to be a part of this amazing show?"

"Of course, man. We'll support you," Wendy assured.

After setting up the camera, Soos stood from behind a table with a soldering iron. "Hey dudes! And welcome back to "Fixin' it with Soos," Soos said, while Dipper and Wendy were standing behind him, "the show where I always forget that I'm leaning on the soldering iron,"

Of course he would forget.

A few minutes later, Soos came back with a bandaged hand. "What needs fixing today?" He asked the two people.

"Well, me and Dipper were just doing normal work stuff with the golf cart..." Wendy began, telling the events of earlier. "So now the cart's busted for some reason. You think you can fix it so we can finish our stunt?"

"You have called upon my fix-it powers. I accept this call, Wendy," Soos said with a serious tone.

Meanwhile, the two were left confused. "Huh? What call?" Wendy questioned.

"The Call... of POWER!"

"What's happening right now?"

Soos whispered, I'll show you guys later. Oh no! A bat! Laser eyes, go! Boom."

Dipper blinked. "Still in the dark over here."

The 3 went outside to inspect the wrecked golf cart. Soos and Dipper changed into jumpsuits while Wendy took the couch outside to read a magazine. "It's time to fix the golf cart. At the end of the show, Dipper and Wendy will rank my handyman-ship from 1 to 10." His voice then dropped into a whisper next to Dipper. "Vote 10!"

"Happy to do it, dude." Dipper smiled. "Hey, do you think a girl would think I look cool in this jumpsuit?" He laughed nervously. "I mean..." He kept laughing.

In a defeated voice, Soos laid a hand on the younger boy's shoulder. "Some things, even Soos can't fix."

Not wasting any time, Soos and Dipper began fixing the cart. They opened the hood and Soos fiddled with the interior parts of the vehicle until he found the problem and fixed it with a wrench. "Huh, looks like a problem with the fuel injector. Dipper, try the engine now."

Dipper walked to the cart and started the engine successfully. "Hey! You did it, man. It works!"

"My fix-it power has been unleashed!"

"Why do you keep saying stuff like that?"

Another montage had passed of Soos adding embellishments and other augmentations to the cart. Y/n walked out of the Shack. It seemed like every time she knew that Soos would do an episode of his show, she would only arrive at the part where Soos is doing the unveiling of his final product.

"Y/n! Perfect timing!" Soos said it again once he noticed her. "I was just about to show Dipper and Wendy the new golf cart!"

Dipper's eyes widened when he saw her. Dang it, I changed my clothes too soon. His mind revolved around that one thought.

"Alright, let's see it," Y/n said, casually sipping on– you guessed it, Pitt Cola.

"Behold!" He revealed the redesigned cart, filled with memorabilia and painted designs. Everything was different and Y/n didn't know what to say, but this new golf cart just screamed danger. "So let's make this jump!"

"Jump?" Y/n tilted her head.

The three went ahead and climbed aboard the golf cart, Soos as the driver and that's when Y/n noticed a giant ramp placed in the middle of the clearing. Y/n merely watched from where she stood as Soos began driving the golf cart at maximum speed, but it didn't seem fast enough to cover the leap.

"I don't think we have enough speed to make it," Dipper said wearily.

"Hit the nitrous boosters!" Soos replied confidently.

"Aren't those illegal?" questioned Wendy.

Soos only cackled. "You bet your life they are, baby!" He pressed the middle of the steering wheel (which was a literal boat wheel) and the boosters came to life, immediately adding speed.

The cart went through the ramp at a greatest speed as Wendy and Dipper screamed happily. "We're clearing it! We're clearing it!" Dipper yelled.

"So, what score do I get, from one to ten?"

The other two chanted. "Ten out of ten! Ten out of ten!"

"Thanks, guys!"

The trio didn't realize that– they hadn't landed yet. The golf cart was still in mid-air, but maybe the roof that they were heading straight towards might be a stark reminder that they might just–


"Oh my god, are you guys okay?!" Y/n screamed hysterically when the golf cart straight-up collided with the Shack's wooden roof tiles. They were able to get off before the disaster but that didn't mean it didn't hurt when they rolled on the ground not-so gracefully.

She went ahead and checked if they were somewhat fine. Wendy had scratches, Dipper had a bruise on his elbows, while Y/n was sure that one of Soos' legs was broken.

She was also sure that Dipper was having a concussion from the way he was shamelessly clinging onto her.

But none of that mattered when Stan went outside and called for the Shack's handyman. "Soos! I think the roof is broken! Can you fix it for me?"

Soos flipped a thumb up. "I make my own economy."


🗝: reverse


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