Chapter 1: Four Years Latter

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If you haven't read. I'm going through and editing it. Same story and what not...just less spelling and grammar mistakes and a better layout. I always wanted to go back and edit it so here we go.

Mabel POV

I passed through the sigh that reads Gravity Falls. Memories flash before my eyes. I was here four years ago with my twin brother Dipper. It hasn't change much...but really it has. I then drove through the town and headed up to Grunkle Ford's house. Grunkle Ford let Grunkle Stan live there though but we all agree that it was still going to be called his house. Even though his house was still part of the Mystery Shack. At least they are getting along. That makes me happy. They were brothers...twin brothers...and twins stick together. I know how that is....or at least what is used to be.

Four years...four years ago Dipper and I were 12 years old twins and we were both here for the summer. At first it was with Grunkle Stan. Then Dipper found a journal. It lead us to the supernatural world and we would have fun adventures together as Mystery Twins. It got crazy when we found out that Stan had a twin brother and he was the author of the journals. It was a crazy summer with all the adventures going around and it got even more interesting when Dipper got a little girlfriend.

Pacifica Northwest.

It makes me laugh how the girl, who we both hated, to turn out to be his girlfriend and one of my closest friends. I'm not sure when that happened but it did.

I had a great time with my family and friend. I even got news on Mermando that he didn't have to marry that one girl to end the war and we got back on to dating. Dipper can't be the only one to gain someone for the summer.

Everything was just perfect.

Then suddenly one day...I woke up...and Dipper wasn't there.

He went missing...nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere for him and I couldn't find him, neither did the cops, and neither did anyone else. The cops made the theory that he went into the forest, got lost and ended up dead either by freezing to death, starving, thirst, fell off a cliff, or got kill by a creature.

Dipper's body was never found.

I tried to convince my parents that we must go back to Gravity Falls to find Dipper. I knew he wasn't dead...they didn't believe me and just took me away from Gravity Falls forever.

Or what they thought they did.

Now that I'm 16 and able to drive I left home and came here. I'm here to find Dipper and there is nothing that will help me search for him. I know Dipper is out there somewhere.

I drove up the mystery Shack. It was still the Mystery Hack...I mean Shack. The S was still off.  That brings back memories. I got out of my car and headed into the Mystery Shack.

"Mabel?" I saw Wendy at the cash register, "Oh my gosh! It's you!"

Then she came around the counter. She was now a young woman...19 years old she is. She had long red hair and green eyes. Still the same old Wendy. She came and gave me a hug, "My have you grown." I smiled, "Thanks. The same for you."

Wendy put her hands on her hips, "Wow, you were like this tall." Then using her hand she jester of how tall I used to be, "Then woosh you are way up here." Then she raise her hand up my height now...maybe even taller.

I chuckle, "Oh Wendy you haven't changed at all...I'm surprise that you are still here."

Wendy gave a small laugh, "Oh not for long. Today is my last day. I'm heading off to college."

"Wow! That is great! I'm proud of you Wendy. What are you going into?"

"I was thinking about nursing."


"So what brings you back here Mabel?"


Then the mood completely change. "I'm not trying to be mean here...but you know that Dipper is dead." Wendy said in a soft tone.

I looked down, "Wendy...I know that Dipper Is alive and he is somewhere. He just didn't walk up and leave and just got lost in the forest to die. I don't care what they say. I know that Dipper is alive. I can feel it. It's a twin thing. Wendy you got to believe don't have to understand me but I just want you to believe me."

"Mabel I know it was hard for you to lose Dipper. But you got to let it go. I miss him too but Mabel if you keep going out there in search of someone who isn't there then you are just going to waste your life. I'm going to college...I'm starting my life. You are young and you need to find your life. Get back with Mermando or some other guy, find love! Hang out with your friends. Be a kid while you still are, Mabel. Dipper moved on and you need to move on also."

"Wendy, I don't care what you say. I know Dipper is out there. I'm here to help him. I'm not asking you to help. In fact I'm here to do it by myself because I know that nobody will believe me. They all believe that Dipper is dead but I know that he isn't. I'll never give up. Plus if I do find his body, I'll still hunt down to see what killed him. Dipper wouldn't just get lost in the forest and die. He knows that forest like the back of his hand."

Wendy sigh, "Mabel, I know how you can I'm not going to be a part of this. I don't have time, but don't come calling for me. I don't want to be a part of this. I got my life to focuses on. I've grown up Mabel. You should to."

Then Wendy walked away.

I was upset that Wendy was being like this...this was how she was when I left. I'm not sure what happened to her. I didn't need her. Then a familiar figure came around the corner. "Waddles!" I cried out and I ran toward him and hug him. Waddles was a bit older but still adorable. Waddles oink joyfully. Then 10 little piglets came around the corner. "Oh my gosh! Waddles you didn't tell me that you are a father!"

Then a chuckle came. I turn around and found Grunkle Stan. "Grunkle Stan!" I smiled. Then I got up and gave him a hug. He gotten older but is that same old Grunkle Stan. "Yep he met this nice girl and got married and had kids. The mother is around somewhere." Grunkle Stan chuckle. "My have you grown. No braces I see and you cut you hair."

I smiled, "It's good to see you Grunkle Stan."

Then Grunkle Ford came around the corner, "Mabel!" Then I gave him a hug. It was a nice family reunion. "Mabel?" a voice called out and I saw Soos coming around the corner. He changed a lot. He became a whole lot skinnier and had more hair on his head. "Soos!" I smiled then I gave him a hug, "It's good to see you Mabel." Then once Soos release me I notice that Soos had a wedding ring. "Oh my gosh you didn't tell me that you got married!" I gasp.

Soos looked down at his hand and smiled. "Yeah... to Melody. I'm also a father."

I was just shock. "No way!"

"Yep, the little dude will come around the end of this year."

"I'm happy for you Soos."

"Well, I'm going to unpack. I will love to chat later but I really just want to unpack at least, so I don't have to do it later." I smiled and they smiled back and agreed. I went out to my car and grab my bags and then head up the stairs. I enter my old room. It hasn't change. There was the two beds, Mine and Dipper's, and there was the table in the middle. Everything was the same. It was empty...That is how I left it four years ago. I then put my bags on my old bed. Then I sat on my bed and looked onto Dipper's old bed, "Don't worry Dipper...I'll find you."

(Have been edited)

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