Chapter 14: Secrets

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Alright back to Mabel! :)

It was morning and we got out to eat in the cafeteria. I learn that prisoners are allowed to go into the activity rooms all day but outside about about 3-4 hours long. There are 15 hours of daylight and 10 hours of darkness. So we get up at the break of down. Breakfast is one hour long, then we hit the bathing, (Luckily the girls and boys are separate) for an hour, then activity time for three house, then chores for two hours, then lunch for an hour, then outside to 3 or 4 hours, then activity till dipper, then more chores then it is to our rooms for the rest of the night. It was simple really.

I meet up with Gideon for breakfast. Gideon was sitting by this weird ant creature and pray mantises. They all look extremely tired. Me and Pacifica sat by them, "Are you alright?" I ask, "It looks like you didn't get any sleep." Gideon scoff, "Of course we didn't get any sleep! With you dumb brother keeping us awake all night with his screams. I thought his screams would put me to sleep. I thought it was a peace full song but NOOOO" "Gideon calm down." The ant thing reply. Then he face us, "Sorry. My name is Chim and this is Dan. Dipper is in our room and we all had a rough night."

"Why? What did they do to him?" I ask eagerly. "They just gave him the Tim Tom. I don't want o explain it." Gideon mumble. "It is just a bug that goes into your mind and mess with it. It creates allusions that just messes you up." Chim explains. "You really do look like the drawings that Dip has. He drew you well."

"What?" I ask. "Don't worry about it." Gideon grumbles, "Dipper just draws pictures of keep the voices down. I've already got an headache I don't need it bigger." I was surprise about this. It draws pictures of me? I didn't think that he was a drawer. "Where is Dipper now?" I ask. "He's coming." Chim replies. Then Chim sighs, "I really hate to tell you this Dip's sister but he is the property of Bill Cipher. It is a dreadful thing."

"I know." I grim. "How do you know?" Chim asks. Then Saria set her plate down at the table, "By me of course." Then Gother came to the table.

"These are our roommates, Saria and Gother." Pacifica introduce.

"Mabel." I heard Gideon whisper to me. I look at him and he raise is chin and I look where he pointed. Then I saw Dipper coming over the table. He didn't look too goo. Like he didn't sleep at all last night and his hair was all greasy like he's been sweating a lot. "I'm warning you, the Tim Tom is still in his system. It's wear down a LOT from last night but he is still a little shaky."

Dipper came and set his food at the table. I think he didn't see me. "Dipper?" I ask softly. Then Dipper looks up. At first I saw pure fear in his eyes but then once he looked at me all of his fear just went away. "M-Mabel?" He questioned. I smiled and nod. I'm not sure exactly was going on with him right now, like he might think I'm just an allusion or something. Dipper came up to me and pull me up to my feet and gave a tight hug. My heart leaped out and was filled with joy as I hug him back tightly.

Tears filled my eyes and down my cheeks. "Oh Dipper...I missed you so much." I muttered. Then Dipper pulled away and look at me closely, "Are you really here?" I nod, "Yes Dipper. I'm really here." Dipper gave a gentle smile. "Look how beautifully you look." I smiled, "And no braces!" He gaps and I gave a small chuckle. Then Dipper brushes my cheek, "You look beautiful. You turn out like how I imagine. Bright brown eyes sparkle like the moon, soft and gently face." I smiled when Dipper finish.

Then Dipper saw Pacifica, "Pacifica?" Pacifica smiled as she stood up with some tears in her eyes and nod. "Oh Pacifica!" Dipper said then he hug her. "Look how you've grown and so beautifully." Dipper said. Pacifica and Dipper pulled away, "Look at yourself."

Then I saw Dipper just suddenly just stiffen and then he started to look around. "What the." Then he saw Gideon and backed away sharply, "What are you doing here!" Then he looked around at all of us, "Wait...Wh-what are you all doing here!" He seem more alert now, "You can't be here!"

"Welcome back Dipper." Gideon replies.

Dipper now seemed even more confused. "Dipper don't you remember anything from yesterday?" I ask. Dipper thought for a moment then he bit his lower lip and nod his head a bit slowly, "Everything us fuzzy....but yes." Then he glared at Gideon, "Did you brought them here?" "No." Gideon snap out. "What about you? How come you are here? We know about Bill." Dipper's eyes widen and his face went a little pale. Then he faces me, "You brought you here." I was about to reply but Gideon stop me, "Dipper the point is what are you doing here. Why did Bill bring you here?" "Gideon stop!" Pacifica snap.

"No we need the answers. You are here because of Bill Cipher and I want to know why and what you got yourself into." Gideon was being firm with this and I'm guessing is no sleep isn't helping either. "There was nothing....nothing to worry about it. Don't. Who brought you here? You three don't belong here...well maybe Gideon but you two aren't suppose to be here." Dipper said.

"Hey!" Gideon snap.

"Dipper you don't belong here." I reply. "Dipper, look at me. Straight into the eyes." Dipper looks at me straight in the eyes. "Dipper what is going on here? Dipper I want to know. What happened four years ago Dipper. Dipper it's been four year...four. Everyone at home thinks you are dead. Nobody believed me that you were alive. I want to know why Bill brought you here. I dissever to know, Dipper, I want to know why you were gone from my life for four years."

I could see it in his eyes. There was something going on but he wasn't gong to say but I could tell that he desperately wanted to. Something was holding him back, "Mabel...I...I can't...You won't understand."

"Oh yeah? Try me."

Dipper grinds his teeth then he thought for a moment, "Well tell me who brought you here and I will tell you."

"Fair enough. A demon named Chalka. He is helping us...."

"Wait Chalka?" Dipper interrupted.

Gideon sat up, "Wait you know him?" Dipper started to panic, "Ah...Ah...Um...Kind of. I know of him but not personally." Gideon slams his hand on the table, "How Dipper!" Dipper jumped a bit when Gideon slammed his hand on the table, "It-it doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. he said he knows you...he saw you."

"What else did he tell you!" Dipper demanded. He seemed so scared at the moment. I didn't know why. There was something going on. Why isn't he telling us. I want to know what Bill have been doing to Dipper for the past four years? "That he just saw you in the prison. Why? Is there something that he could have seen? Something isn't suppose to be seen." Gideon ask. "N-No." Dipper stuttered, "W-what is with these questions?"

"I don't know...what is with no answer?" Pacifica reply. "Dipper I know...we all now that you are hiding something. We can take it. We can help if there is anything going on."

"I-I can't."

"You can't what?"

Then Dipper slams his fist on the table, "I just can't!" Then he sighs, "Look you shouldn't have came here or trusted Chalka. Look if..." Then two guards came up. "Dipper Pines you are being check out." "Right now?" Dipper questioned. The guards grab him by the arms. "Dipper!" I cried out as the guards pushed me away. "Don't worry." Dipper said calmly. Then the guards lead him out. This time they were a little more gentle then before.

"Wh-what does it mean to be checked out?" Pacifica ask.

"Well demons can check out their property. Like a book from a library. He will be back." Chim reply, "Right now he is going to Bill Cipher." 

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