Chapter 16: Still Searching

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Hey! Thank you for the 200+ views! You are all amazing! I really do appreciate you reading this. Also thank you for the votes and comments. This is in Mabel POV again. So let's get on with the story shall we.

We were in the activity room. Right now, this peace creature, was talking to people about their feelings. There was some people who were really into it but some wasn't. It was a station and it was the only station where Pacifica, Gideon, Chim, Saria, Gother, Dan, and I could talk. Well Dan didn't talk but still.

I was worried about Dipper. Something wasn't right with him. He would tell me things...most of the time. This time he's been keeping this secret that I wanted to know for four years. What happened to Dipper for four years and why did Bill took him.

Then Gideon elbowed me and I saw Dipper coming back. I waved him down. Dipper came and sat by us. "Dipper."

"Mabel don't say anything." Dipper reply back. I felt a little offended with that. "Dipper I just want to talk...can't we talk?"

Dipper sigh, "What is it?"

 "How are you?"

 Dipper shrug, "Fine. You."


Then Pacifica steped in, "Dipper I was just wandering...well when we get a chance like...whenever...I was hopping that you could show me a few creatures from that jurnal. You told me that you will teach me some spells and how to look for a unicorn and fairies. Can you we do that?" Dipper gave a small smile, "of course we can." Then I watch Dipper's face drop but he made sure that nobody would see it but I saw it like a red flag.

I nudge Dipper, "Hey, I save that hat of your." Then I started to mess with his hair, "Maybe a hair cut also." Dipper gave a small laugh and shove my hands away and fix his hair. "I do miss the hat hair." Me and Pacifica laugh. "Well I'm glad you cut you hair Gideon. Your hair was bigger then your head and that isn't a good thing. We might just start calling you a yetty." Dipper joked. "Ha ha, very funny." Gideon grumble. "You are lucky I'm just here because I promis Mabel."

Dipper laugh at that. Then Dipper looked at the electric clock. I couldn't understand it but I'm guessing Dipper understood it. Dipper gave a small sigh, "Can you guys do me a favor?"

"Of course!" Chim said. "Look in three minuets I want you to leave...all of you. leave this room and if you can leave this prison, leave the prison and don't come back. Don't come looking for me again. Can you do that?" Dipper ordered in a rush tone. Something was really going on.


"Got it?" Dipper snap. "Please just do it...just leave now." I saw his face and he was despertly pleaeding. "Just leave this prison or just go to your rooms and don't come out. Just do it will you?"

We were all silent. "Dip what's going on? Is something bad going to happen?" Chim asks. "Something very bad is going to happen." Dipper reply, "Now leave!"

"Dipper tell us? we can stop what this bad thing." Pacifica said.

"No you can't. Believe me you can't." Dipper reply, then he look at the clock again he face was growing more pale each second. "You must leave NOW!" Dipper garb me and Pacifica by the arms and raise us to our feet and gave us a small shove, "Now!"

"Dipper!" I beg, "Please tell me what is going on? What is this bad thing?" Some tears came down my face. Dipper seemed really tense then all of a sudden he seemed really relax. He straighten his poster and look straight ahead. Then he just walked toward the door. "Dip!" Chim cried out then Chim reach out and grab Dipper by the arm. Then with one quick slash Dipper wipe out a knife, which he hidden in his pants, and cut Chim's head off. Green blood spattered everywhere.

I gasp out in shock. Did Dipper just do that? Chim's body drop to the ground. Then everyone's went crazy. "He got another knife!" Some cried out. Some of the prisoners started to run out while some guards are trying to get in.

Saria grab my arm, "We must leave now."

"I'm not leaving Dipper!" I cried out. Tears were streaming down my face. I watch as three gaurds came charging at Dipper. Dipper slit one guards throat, then slam one guard to the ground and pin him down by his foot and grab the last guard and slam him on top of the dead guard and stab the knife to his chest. I swear I saw a face of joy...pure joy.  It scared me.

Is this Dipper? Could it be Bill possessing him like what he did four years ago. I looked at his eyes. There were no long pules...infact there was no pulpils at all! They where competly white and had a hit of glowing in them.

"What is going on!" Pacifica cried out. "Just leave now!" Gideon hiss. Then Gideon grab Pacifica's hand and lead her out. Saria grab me and we both followed Gideon and Gother and Dan followed us.

It was hard to leave the room. There was guards trying to get in to stop Dipper while others, like us, were trying to get out. As we where trying to squeeze there I heard a gasp and blood splattered on my and I saw that the fork had hit one of the guards forehead. I screamed out. "Come one!" Saria said as she pull me more. "We got to get out of here." Then finally we got out of the room. I head tears in my eyes and they were falling quickly.

We went around the cornor, away from were everyone else was running. We stop for a moment. I fell to the ground just crying. Pacifica came up to me and hug me.

"Alright what is going on?" Gideon asks. "Well now we know what Bill has been doing with Dipper now. I thought it could never be done." Saria reply.


"It's an old spell, a trance I guess you can say. It only works on human. It allows that demons to take competly control of the human. It not really like mind control. Mind control the host have to give out the orders. With this trance, the host doesn't have to do much. Just give out the order and they will do it. If you practice with them for a while, then they are competly doing this on their own."

"Your saying Dipper is a murder?" I cried out, "That he is killing those creatures for fun? I saw joy in his face." It hurt me to say it. I thought him just killing that one creature was self-defense. I cried even harder.  Chim and the others didn't do anything.

Then the intercome came on, "Attension Everyone! Please return to your cells right now! there is a prison loose in section 9. Do no enter in there or go near there. Please return to your cells. Guards go and stop this prisoner because he get too out of hand." The message just repeated over and over.

"Shhh!" Gother said. "Quickly we must leave!" Saria ordered. "Shhshh!" Gother protested. "Alright everyone back to the wall and don't move of say anything." Saria ordered. we all back to the wall. Then just around the conor Dipper came.

Dipper was only lightly panting and just a bit sweeting. He was holding a bloody knife of red, blue, green, and purple blood. There was blood all over his hands, arms, clothes, and face. He looked like a mad man. Dipper walked passed us and he disappeared around the other corner. We heard a cry of pain from a different creature, and then silence.

"Come on, we got to leave." Saria ordered. "We just can't leave him." Pacifica said. "We got to and we will. If we get in his way then he will kill us. He's on a mission and what ever get in his way he will kill. I think it is best that we listen to Dipper's warning and leave this place."

I thought about the events that happened unto this point. for the past four years, I've been hoping that I will find Dipper again. Then now I gone out to a whole different universe to search for him. I'm still searching.

Hey! Guess what so I will be able to update more since now my dad showed me a trick. So I write my stories on a different computer(My laptop) and my laptop doesn't have internet so I can't go on Wattpad. So I used to have to retype everything. Well now I got my folder for my stories on my other computer, (The one with the internet) and so now I could just copy and paste. Yay! So more updates!


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