Chapter 5: Rare Prisoner

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This is in someone else's view. Her name is LaFevers. Just in case you might get confuse. Alright on ward!

I was in my office and a knock came, "LaFevers?" Then a male came through the door and I turn around, "Ah Dunner. It's good of you to come." Dunner was looking greener then usual and seems to be slimier then usaul. "Are you felling alright Dunner?" I ask, "Cause if you are sick then i can't show you the prison. It's the rules. We want the prisoners to be as healthy as possible in case they need to be havest and so we don't have to fill out paper work."

Dunner Chuckle, "Oh don't worry about me LaFevers. I got this new healer and now i'm actually a lot younger! For me i'm 400 years old and now I look and feel like i'm in my 200's again! I pad this healer well." I smiled, "Well i'm glad that you are better. So reaady for the prison tour?"

Then we walked outside of my office and started to head outside, "Welcome to Harvest Prison. This is where we hold all kids of creatures form any universe, world, dimension, or whatever you got them. Once they come of age, they can be harvest for what ever the demon what to havest. Beatury, power, ming, stregnth, or anything you can think of. Then once they are harvest they could either stay here for service or for whatever the demon wants."

"So what is the age?" Dunner ask.

"It depends on the creature. We try to harvest them when they hit the young adult age." I reply.

I have to answer every question. Dunner was here to get an inside look of the prison to see if it will be the right place for his creatures. He wants to make sure his prizes will be safe.

"So you told me this isn't just a harvest plant...I could keep whoever i want in here as storage?" Dunner ask. I nod, "Yes. You can put them here until you deal with them later or you harvest them or you just keep them here forever just a place for them to stay. It's all up to you what you want to do with them." Then i continue,  "Now don't worry on losing property...once the creature comes we brand them on their backs of the client's symbol. The symbol will never be remove and can't be remove. No healer could remove them. So nobdoy could take your proptery. There is this compitacated spell that will make them yours. It's hard to explain but you will never have to worry about someone trying to steal them. Only death could do that."

"I like the sound of that."

"They have safe rooms. Four roomates and we try to put them with the same kind, strenght, and other. Also they will be put with their same gender. Male with Male and Female with Female...never in the same room. We also limit their personal items. If they want something, then they have to work extra hard to get something. We don't allow weapons in this prison...only the TLGR (True Loyal Guards of the Royal) have weponds. These guards are put through extreme tests to make sure that they will serve them right and of course brain wash them. So there isn't any break outs. The whole system is on a computer, infact in another world, so nobody could hack into the system. You can't open the doors, change the schedule, nothing."

"I'm starting to like this place now." Dunner smiled and i smiled.

Then we made it outside. We were out on the catwalk above the courtyard. All of the prisoners were outside. "What are the uniforms?" Dunner ask.  "They are scrubs." I reply. There were blue scrubs with white tennis shoes and socks.

"They have outside time to talk and play. We got to keep them mentally and physically healthly." I explain.

Then there was a fuse. There was some shouting and rustling, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

We look over and we could see a group of prisoners surrounding two prisoners. One was large while the other one was smaller. The larger one grabs the smaller one and threw him across the table and the smaller one fell on the other side.

"Who is that? He is the property of King Tut. I could tell by the branding on his back." Dunner ask. I then pulled out my labeling device and pointed at the bigger prisoner. It scan him. "Prisoner 1817, name is Turk Zalma, a Red Lester and is the property of King Tut. age is 250. He's been here for 20 years and is in sotrage." Dunner gasp, "Wow a pretty big Red Lester and he is quite young."

Then Turk started to come up to the other prisoner, who was struggling to get to his knees. Then some guards came up and separated them. "Who is the other one? I don't recongnise what creature he his and he has his shirt on so i can't see his branding.

I scan the other prisoner, "Prisoner 618, name is Dipper Pines, a human and is the property of Bill Cipher, age 16. He's been here for four years and is for stoarge."

"A human? I haven't seen one of those for a VERY long time. How did Bill Cipher get a human?" Dunner cried out.

"I have no idea how Bill such a rare prisoner."

"Does he get into fights with the others like this?"

"They more pick on him. He's different and they think he is just plain strange. He's a human, a rare creature, and he always wants to be alone. He works hard though, and for his prize was just paper and a pencil. He draws in the corner everyday and in his cell. That is all he does. He is a quite one."

"Why would Bill Cipher want him? He isn't specail at all!"

I shrug, "I'm not sure what Bill Cipher needs from him. It's not my business."

I then look over at prisoner 618. He was drag up to his feet but he just shook the guards away once he was up to his feet. Then he just walks away and wipes blood from his nose and lip. Why did Bill Cipher want him? Humans are quite rare and they are nice to keep near but they aren't really paowerful, or are they? I never had a human in my prison before and i didn't learn much about humans at school. How specail is this male and what is his story....that always hit me.

Hey! So if there is some bad spelling and grammer issue it is because for some strange reason my spell check isn't working. So sorry about that.

So I know that the few first chapters aren't really that exciting...well because i'm just introducing my chariters...just wait....the excitement is comming up. Mawhaha!

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