Chapter 14

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Hello! I hope your day is going well to you all. Lets get started with the story...Mahwah!

Dipper POV

I woke up after passing out from the horror of fear. I found myself laying in bed....from mine house. I was in a my room, there was toys everywhere. It was dark but I could see. I was very confuse but maybe the whole summer trip was a dream but how could it? I have so much toys on the ground. Then I notice something that answered everything. On my bed was Mr. Teddy. I know this was a dream. I lost Mr. Teddy when I was like 8 and never saw him again. This was a dream but it is so realistic.

Then the room was flooded by light as a bolt of lighting lash in the sky and a huge crash of thunder shook the house. Then it started to rain hard down on my window. "Dippy?" I turn my head and could see little Mabel standing in the doorway. What kind of dream is this?

"Mabel?" I ask. I just wanted to hug her because for all I know is the last time I heard her was her screaming. "Dippy can I sleep with you?" Little Mabel ask. "Uh...Sure." I reply. I scooted over and Little Mabel jump on my bed and snuggles up with me.

I'm trying to think what is going on and what kind of dream this was. Was it a dream or something else. To me this seems a bit familiar...I have live this before. Well Mabel just called me Dippy so we are both quite young at the moment, before 8 because Mr. Teddy is here, and the name Dippy. She stopped calling that when she started getting older. I'm guess she is about 5 or 6 at the moment. I was still trying to think what is going on. Is this a dream, a memory, or a trick from Bill?

Then the sound of Little Mabel snoring stopped my thinking. I forgot how cute her snore was. Now, at age 12, she didn't snore because at age 8 she gotten surgery to help her breath at night so she doesn't snore. I smiled as I look at Little Mabel, "Oh Mabel, what would I do without you?"

Then a creaking noise came to my ears. "Hello?" I called out. Nobody was there. Then the door bell rang. I carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake up Little Mabel and I headed to the stairs. The top of the stairs I had a view of the front door. Then I watch as...Grandma Turner? Well I watch as Grandma Turner went up to the door. Grandma Turner open the door, "Hello?" then a shot rang out and Grandma Turner fell to the ground.

Then my ears started to ring and screams scream into my ears and pounding in my head. I threw my hands up to my ears and I fell to the wall and slide down the wall. I remember was a memory.

"Dippy! Dippy!" "Get under the bed!" "Dippy!" "Mabel just do it!" "Dippy help me!" "Mabel!" "Dippy I'm scared." "Mom? Mom!" BANG! BANG! "Hello?" CRASH! THUMP! "Dippy?" "Mommy! Daddy!" "Get down!" BANG! "Call 911, mother in law is down!" "Julie!" "Jack! Jack please help! There is so much blood!" "Stop!" THUNK! "Ahhhhhhhhh! "Stay away!" BANG! BANG! BANG! "Mom! Mom don't leave me. MOM! Mom?" "Dippy! Dippy! DIPPY!" "I'm scared...please help."

So much cold.

The voices, screams, gun sounds, fighting sound was bounding in my head as everything was coming back to me. "Please stop!" I pleaded. the voice just gotten louder. Tears filled my eyes and quickly fell. They could have freeze on my face. It was so cold. "Stop!" I pleaded again, "Please....just stop...please." I started to shake. Then suddenly the voices where over powered by this high pitch ring and my head started to pound ever harder, like someone was using a hammer against my skull. "Dipper!" It was Mabel...older Mabel...and her voice sounded there was an echo to it. Then Mabel screamed. Then a bright flash of light blinded me.

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