Chapter 17

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Hello! I hope your day is going well. Thank you for reading this. It really does mean a lot to me. Well let's get started on ending the world.

Stanford POV

We rush through the forest, "Come one! We must keep up!" The fairies are very fast flyers and we were losing them. "Bill!" I heard a voice screamed. It was sounded like a young boy. "That was Gideon," Stanley gasp. Stanley was made to run this fast and far so quickly. "Hurry!" I ordered. We lost the view of the fairies but we were following the cried of the boy Gideon.

"Bill! Help! You promise! Hhhhhheeeelllllppppp!" Then silence. We kept on running toward the last place we heard Gideon screaming.  "Look!" Jack pointed out. We all look and we could see a fairy man with a bow and arrow. One arrow was release. Then the fairy man reaches for another arrow. With a quick reflex I grab a large rock and I threw it at the fairy man. The rock hit him in the head and he fell to the ground releasing the arrow up to the sky.

"Hey!" the other fairy man snaps. Then he pulled out a lasso and whips it toward me but he got Stanley instead. It rap around Stanley's shoulders and he was force down to the ground. "Stanley!" Then another cry broke through the air, "Help! Someone please help!"

"Dipper?" I muttered. It did sounded like did Bill in Dipper's body. But this time the voice sounded different then before. It was fear and despite. Bill wouldn't be like that. But he could be acting like that because the arrow might have hit Dipper's body and Bill is calling out to get help for his host. But what if it was really dipper. "Help! Someone please Help!" Dipper cried out again. this time it acted like he was crying. I'm not gong to risk this. "Julie! Go!" I ordered.

Julie looked at me for one second then she ran toward the voice.  I needed Julie to go, so she will be safe and I'm needed here.

Julie POV

I ran through the forest. This was too much stress. I just want to go home with Jack.  Things were just crazy with the demon in Dipper and the killings of Dipper or Bill....someone.

I ran through and I made it to a meadow. "Dipper!" I called out. I could see Dipper by Mabel. I couldn't really see much but I know it was them. I started to head toward them. Then I watch as Dipper falls to the ground, "Dipper!" I called out then I got closer and I gasp as I got closer. I could see Mabel laying on the ground with an arrow to the stomach...and there was...was blood.

Then I saw Dipper moving, "Dipper?" I ask as I got close to him. "Dipper?" "Ah now you are trying to be a's very weak." Dipper snorts. This wasn't Dipper. I quickly backed away. I don't know what he will do. "Who are you?"

He got up, "Name's Bill Cipher but you already knew that." "Not really." I admite. all I knew that a demon named Bill took Dipper's body. Bill laugh, "Oh why don't you be a good spoiled little girl and leave. You don't need to be here and you don't want to either."

"Who says?" I challenge. "I do. I know what you are like Julie. I know lost of things. I know that you never wanted kids but one night just lead to it. Your plan for your life was just to fall in love, travel around the world, and just party and swim in money.  Then the twins came to the picture and ruin it for you and your husband. You try to get ride of them as much as you can but they are sticking like glue and you and your husband where too lazy to fill out the paper work to have them adopted. You don't care that Shooting Star in laying dead on the are just freaking out right now because there is blood. The site of blood reminds you the murder of your mother. A tragic day it was....not really to me though. So Julie I do know what you want." Bill sneer.

I was surprise that he knew that much and they were all true.  "How did you know that?" Bill laugh, "I'm a demon you fool." "Could you make my dreams come to life." I ask. Bill gave a dark smile of pride, "Of course I can. What's you looking at? A deal?"


"Julie!" I turn my head and saw three men running toward me. Bill snickered, "Too late to run away. Tesra Mecha Lomma Santlain." Then a tree root came out of nowhere and just grab and carry me high in the air a bit away from the circle. "Help!" I hate being up high. Then I saw tree roots grab Stanford, Stanley, and Jack and we were all pulled together to the front of the circle and Bill came in front of us, "Welcome! You have the front row seats for the connection of two worlds and the return of my powers!"

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