So They Began To Keep A Journal!

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HonestMongoose: "Oh, kids... We have a dare!"

Dipper: "He sounds happy."

Mabel: "This can only mean one thing!"

Dipper: "This is going to be horrible!"

Mabel: "This is going to be fun!"

HonestMongoose: "Actually, Mabel's right, Dipper. You'll love this."

Dipper: "Yeah, sure I will..."

HonestMongoose: "Okay, here it is!
gamerboss32 dares: Now I dare Dipper and Mabel to write Journal 4!"


Mabel: "Okay, Dippity Dog! Let's do this!"

*epic music plays while Dipper and Mabel:
Have an accident with explosive chemicals!
Take a SNACK BREAK!!!*

Dipper: "There. It's finished."

*holy light shines down on Journal 4*

Mabel: "Now with 14% more glitter!"

Dipper: "Ha ha! Look at this stuff. There's the Gobblewonker, even if it was just Mcguckit, there's that stuff that made Waddles smart,-"

Mabel: ( rips that page out )

Dipper: "Okay, not that page, but still! It's amazing! It's pure genius! It's-"

Grunkle Ford: "It's the end of the world!"

Mabel: "Yeah! Wait, what?"

Grunkle Ford: "I don't know how it happened! Suddenly, there was just a large sea-monster in the water, and a large baby with laser eyes, and there used to be an extraordinarily smart pig, but that disappeared."

Dipper: "Wait, what? Th-that's the stuff in our journal! It came to life somehow!"

Grunkle Ford: "Wait- did you use at paper from my lab to write your journal?"

Dipper: "Um... maybe." ( blushes )

Grunkle Ford: "Well, in that case, I must scold you for using things from my lab without permission, and tell you that there is an upside to this. You see, all you have to do is-" ( Ford suddenly gets pulled into the air by Pa and Ma ghost from Dusk 2 Dawn. )

Pa Ghost: "Oh, Ma. Isn't this romantic? Terrorising the good citizens, making-"

Dipper: "Wait! M-my uncle's not a teenager!"

Ma Ghost: "Oh, it's the sheep boy!" ( Dipper blushes ) "Well, you see, hon, we're over the teenager thing. Now we hate anything living!" ( tosses Ford at a large screen, and he goes into it )

Dipper: "No! I-I'll save you, great-uncle Ford!" ( runs to the screen, where Ford is trying to avoid Rumble )

Ford: "No, Dipper. I'm not your focus right now. You must reverse the Journal 4- oof!" ( gets hit by Rumble )

Rumble: "You killed my father again!" ( Dipper runs back to Mabel and Journal 4 )

Dipper: "How do we stop it?"

Mabel: "I don't know- oh, wait! Remember how we took out Smart-Waddles?"

Dipper: "We ripped his page from the journal! Come on, let's start-"

Pterodactyl: "Screech!" ( takes journal and flies away )

Dipper: "F-Ford! We can't-" ( turns back to the screen where Ford is trapped to see Rumble and Giffiny staring at each other dreamily )

Ford: "Look, Dipper, I don't know why there's a girl with pink hair and some fighting guy, but I don't think they're good guys. You need to recover that journal and stop them!"

Soos: "Hey dudes, I totally just heard a pterodactyl, and-" ( notices Giffiny ) "Uh, gotta go, dudes!" ( runs away )

HonestMongoose: "It looks like Dipper and Mabel could use a little help with all these Dipper clones, pixelated foes, and ghosts. A dare or two might be handy..."

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