The Fall of Gravity, Part 1

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HonestMongoose: "Alrighty, guys. We've had lots of fun, but let's pause a moment. You see, in chapter 17, Stan & Stan Live, Dipper was still in Bill's evil grips as Bill made some evil plans. But then, in chapter 18, Sorrow and Misery, Dipper was back and made no comments about what had happened. No one even found it odd that Dipper had returned. So I owe you an explanation.

You see, Bill's plans unfolded perfectly, but he knew Dipper had defeated him before and might do it again. So he sent some of his eye-bats to fire the memory gun at Dipper and all the rest of the Pines, along with Wendy, Soos, and anyone who knew about Dipper being Bill's slave. Then he returned Dipper to the Shack, and everyone assumed he'd never left. Pretty smart, right?

Yes, well, that's enough from me. Back to the T or D world."


Dipper: "So, any dares today?"

HonestMongoose: "Nah."

Mabel: "Aw, why not? Can we please have some dares?"

HonestMongoose: "Nah."

Dipper: "Why not?"

HonestMongoose: "Wait for it..."

*Suddenly, there's a flash of white, and Bill appears in the Shack.*

Bill: "Hahahaha! Hello, Pine Tree, Shooting Star, IQ... Stan. Did ya miss me?"

Ford: *Leaps out of chair* "Not at all, Cipher! What are you doing here?"

Bill: "Oh, I jut stopped by to chat, maybe have a cup of tea. Why do you think, IQ? To ruin your miserable lives!"

Dipper: "Okay, dude, look. We've beat you a million times. Why do you think you can win this time?"

Bill: "Good point, Pine Tree. And I've realized that I really can't beat you." *All the Pines cheer.*

Bill: "So I brought someone else to do it for me!"

*The Pines stop cheering as the Shack begins to shake. Then there's a huge noise as something massive stops right in front of the mystery shack. Stan approaches the window bravely, and moves the curtain to see...*

Stan: "Gideon?" *Gideon's giant robot stands outside.*

Gideon-Bot: "Stanford Pines! Why, you look terrible! Ha ha! I knew today would be a good day for-"

Stan: "Actually, it's Stanley. Stanley Pines."

Gideon-Bot: "Wha... okay, never mind. The point is, you're going down, and all your family! Oh, except for you, Mabel. I've got a spot for you in my dungeon."

Mabel: "Never!" *Uses the grappling hook to swing away, and Gideon sighs.*

Dipper: "Wow. One failed villain knows he can't win, so he brings in another failed villain."

Stan: "HA! It's funny because they're DUMB!"

Gideon-Bot: "I'm not a failed villain! I'm Gideon Gleeful, and you WILL fear me!"

Bill: "Look, kid. You're adorable and have squishy cheeks. No one is going fear you."

Gideon: (Indigenously) "Says the triangle with a bow tie!"

Bill: "Okay, okay, let's focus here! We've got a reality to break, a world to destroy!"

Dipper: "You'll never succeed! We'll beat you again, Bill!"

Bill: "Oh no, kid. I'm done playing around. And when I'm done playing around, do you know what it takes to beat me? It takes days of Weirdmegeddon, a full-blown rescue mission inside a dream bubble, a magical mystery shack robot, a zodiac, and an identity swap! That doesn't work twice, kid! I'm UNBEATABLE!"

Ford: "You always have a plan, Bill. What is it this time?"

Bill: "Today, I think I'll be giving you a tour of your DOOM! You see, to stop my Mini-Ciphers, you had to give me Pine Tree, remember?" *Everyone remembers.*

Dipper: "Oh yeah, and then he used the memory gun! But... wait, no! I know what his plan is!"

Bill: "That's right, Pine Tree! All I needed was Gideon's resources, your journal, and my impossible level of understanding to create something bigger and better than Weirdmegeddon!"

Ford: "I've researched the theory of Weirdmegeddon, but it's never happened. Why do you keep talking like it has?"

Bill: (Waves hand dismissively) "Alternate universe stuff, IQ. I unleashed Weirdmegeddon - or, my alternate self did - in the Creator's land. But today..."

*Bill turns huge and punches a hole in the Mystery Shack's roof. Then Gideon-Bot reaches into its mass of robotic hair and pulls it out... the key to Bill's plan.*

Bill: "Bon voyage, Pines! Have a nice trip! Today, you're coming to MY world!" *Gideon holds up a completed portal.*

Ford: "Wha-? Impossible!"

Stan: "It can't actually work!"

Bill: "Oh, it works alright! See you on MY side of the portal, Pines! Hahahaha!"

*Bill takes the portal from Gideon and lifts it telepathically over the Mystery Shack. Then he hurls it down, straight onto Dipper, Stan, and Ford. They're swallowed by the portal and disappear, all three screaming. Bill laughs maniacally and vaniahes, while Gideon-Bot stomps away, probably to find Mabel.*

HonestMongoose: "Alright, Wattpad. This is your fight now. Dare using your resources on either side of the portal. Again, Bill protects himself against large dares, like, "I dare Bill to go away and the Pines to go home". Work with what you've got. I'll keep Bill away from my mind as long as I can, but dare quickly... no one in this place is safe anymore..."

Ibq'p mixv lk jv pfab lc qeb mloqxi klt!

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