Back once again

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Dipper was sitting in the window seat when he saw the flashing red and blue lights from just outside the shack. It was a cop car, alright. But, what disturbed him more were the people who hopped out of the vehicle. It was none other than Agent Powers and Agent Trigger.

"The Pines family is really stubborn." Trigger said to Powers, taking off his sunglasses and tucking them in his tux pocket. "I'll give 'em that."

Dipper was so startled, he stumbled to get out of the window seat so he wasn't seen. He hesitated for a second, wondering what to do. He had the mind eraser, which he could only use to shoot one person at a time. There was no way that he was going to be able to wipe the whole group of FBI's minds. Then he thought about letting the agents find Stan and the others in the basement anyway. What did he care if his 'uncle' was caught with the portal restarting? Then he would get taken away again and never have to see that dumb old man ever again.

But what if Mabel was, in fact, right about Stan? What if he was who he says he is? Dipper shook the thought out of his head. He was pretty sure the man in the basement was a fraud. If he really cared about his family, he wouldn't be putting them into this mess. That would mean everything he said was a lie. It was all just a set-up, an act to get what he wanted in the end. Now he was taking advantage of gullible kids to help him with his plan. So Dipper stayed in the attic, letting the FBI come in. Stan was soon to be punished for his crime.

Stan listened closely back in the safety of the basement. Heavy footsteps was heard from the gift shop. Then, that's when he heard, "Agent Trigger, the vending machine seems to be open. We'll get our top guys to check it out."

"Oh no! The agents! They've come back!" Stan muttered.

"What agents?" Marco asked.

"The FBI agents!" Mabel informed Star and Marco. "If they find out about the portal, we'll be taken away again!"

Star giggled at Mabel's statement. She could totally handle this. It was no biggie when you had a magical wand with every spell that you could imagine. It was times like this that the blonde was glad that she read her magic spell book cover-to-cover. "Leave that to me, Mabel!" Star sang in a high note.

Star skipped on by, going up the elevator to the gift shop. Although she didn't go all the way, Star stayed on the stairs in the entrance to the vending machine door. "We don't have time for dilly-dallying. Get down there, already!"

Star picked up her wand and thought of the quickest spell she could think of. "Amnesia forgeticus, memoric antucious!"

With a wave of her wand, the agents weren't able to get the door open just yet. In seconds, the agent's minds went completely blank, unable to remember where they were or why. One of the FBI agents even bumped into the vending machine's door, causing it to click closed. Star stayed and listened to the men's conversation. "What happened?" One of them asked.

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